In the first part of this article, we talked about the roots of the Zionist movements, focusing on the most important ones in the United States. Here, we continue what we started there.
Zionism in Europe
The relationship between the Zionist movement in its various forms, branches, and activities on one hand, and the major Western powers in Europe on the other hand, is an organic and close relationship that has never weakened or severed its ties, from the early days of the Zionist movement until today. It was from the womb of these powers that the main Zionist movement was born; it arose on their lands and grew up in their embrace until it reached maturity. The annual Zionist conference held by the organization each year in various countries around the world has almost exclusively taken place in European countries, starting from the first founding conference where the organization was established in the Swiss city of Basel in 1897, up to the establishment of their criminal entity on the beloved land of Palestine in 1984.
Accordingly, we do not need to say that all global Zionist organizations have a prominent and active presence in these countries, including the Zionist organizations that emerged outside of Europe in later stages, such as those formed in the United States, as well as the illegitimate Zionist entity, which we highlighted as the most important in the previous article.
Russian Zionism.
Although the Western powers in Europe in general are the primary stronghold of Zionism, as mentioned earlier, we will focus on Russian Zionism in some detail for the reasons that will be mentioned next.
To begin with, I remind you that the presence of Jews in Russia is ancient, dating back to the 9th century AD. Jews participated in the dialectical dialogue or debate that took place between representatives of the three monotheistic Abrahamic faiths in the presence of the ruler of Kyiv in the year 986 AD. As a result of this, the Prince of Kyiv converted to Orthodox Christianity and made it the official religion of his country.
The relations between the Jews and their surrounding Russian environment were not always harmonious for several reasons, including the differences in the two religions, the support of the Tatars for the Jews after their invasion of Russia at a later stage, and thus the Russians' fear of the Jews, especially since they congregated in isolated areas of their own, as was their custom in various countries around the world (the ghetto).
The fears of the Russians regarding the infiltration of Jews and their suspicious activities in their country gradually increased, to the extent that Ivan the Terrible decided to expel them from the country. The situation of the Jews and their relationship with the Russians under the Tsarist regime fluctuated up and down until the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, when the Bolsheviks granted the Jews all the political rights available to others, treating them equally with others in various fields.
Given the long history of Jews in Russia and their large numbers on its territory throughout this history, as well as the fact that their presence in Russian lands has witnessed significant and numerous events that had wide repercussions, due to all of this and more, Zionism has had a strong presence in Russia during most periods since the establishment of the Zionist movement up to the present day.
However, "Russian Zionism" occupied a prominent position in the main Zionist organization shortly after its formation. There is no clearer evidence of this than the presence of more than 200 Russian Zionist delegates at the fourth conference of the organization held in London in 1900. All major global Zionist organizations made a strong effort to be present and active on Russian land.
The main Zionist organizations within the illegitimate entity.
Since the establishment of what is called "Israel" was one of the most important goals of global Zionism, and not the only goal, its founding was not an end in itself. Instead, its implantation in the heart of our region was fundamentally aimed at achieving major criminal objectives. This means that this satanic entity is one of the most important branches of the Zionist movement. Zionism has taken its influential institutions as its arms, among the most significant of which are the army of the Zionist entity, its intelligence agency (Mossad), and the General Federation of Labor Unions within the usurped entity (Histadrut).
Third: The goals of Zionist organizations and their role in supporting the usurping entity:
Since the establishment of the first Zionist organization and the subsequent organizations that branched out from it, the declared goal has been to create a homeland for the Jews, then to protect it and provide various forms of support after its establishment, which has indeed happened and is still happening. They then took it upon themselves to care for all Jews around the world.
These are their declared goals, and this is how they presented themselves to the world through their literature.(1) This is also echoed in Western literature.(2) Although the declared goal of forcibly seizing the Palestinian state and displacing its people, while committing the most heinous human crimes against them, is horrific, the leaked information about them, along with their movements and atrocities on the ground globally and particularly in the Arab and Islamic arenas, has definitively revealed other hidden objectives. Most importantly, it also exposes the connection of their diabolical hidden goals to broader networks, chief among them being global Freemasonry.
In this context, we must not forget the unholy alliance between the Zionists and their entity, and the major Western powers, which is based on a collusion against our nation. This is an undeniable truth recognized by many, including Dr. Abdel Wahab El-Messiri, who states in this context: "What remains of the comprehensive basic Zionist framework is a functional state supported by the West, which ensures its survival, and it serves the West and mobilizes the Jews of the world for its cause." He further states in another instance: "Zionism was and continues to be a part of economic, political, and civilizational history, and Western imperialism is the primary mechanism for transforming Zionism from merely an idea into a settlement state. (3)
It is worth noting that in addition to the main Zionist organizations mentioned in this article in its two parts, there are quite a few other Zionist organizations, among the most important of which are, for example and not limited to: the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), B'nai B'rith, Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, the Jewish National Fund, and others, keeping in mind that the majority of these organizations are spread throughout various parts of the world.
Finally, Jews are not the only component of Zionist organizations. There are Zionists from various religions and ideologies around the world, starting with a broad sector of atheists, passing through "Christian Zionism," and ending, with all sorrow and regret, with Arab and Muslim Zionists. This is a matter that cannot be addressed with hasty and superficial treatment, and perhaps we will dedicate an independent discussion to it in the coming days, God willing and with His strength.
Also see: Mattar, Philip: Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, Macmillan Reference USA, 2nd edition 2004, 'Zionism'
It is historically acknowledged that Ramadan is a month of victories; while many people consider Ramadan a time of rest, relaxation, reduced working hours, lessening tasks, postponing heavy work until after Ramadan, and engaging in lighter activities—despite people, especially Muslims, doing so—history has recorded for us the victories of Muslims during Ramadan.
We have seen the Battle of Badr, which marked a turning point in the history of Muslims, on the 17th of Ramadan 2 AH; the Conquest of Mecca (20th of Ramadan 8 AH); the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah (15th of Ramadan 16 AH) led by Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas; the Conquest of Andalusia (92 AH) led by Tariq ibn Ziyad; Battle of Sagrajas which took place in the south of present-day Spain (479 AH); the Battle of Ain Jalut (685 AH) led by Sultan al-Malik al-Muẓaffar Sayf ad-Dīn Quṭuz and the experienced military commander Baybars; and the Battle of Hattin (584 AH) led by the great commander Saladin.
Then came the October 6 War of 1973 (10 Ramadan 1393 AH), during which the Arab Muslim forces were able to achieve victory over the usurping Zionist forces. The Arab armies crossed the Suez Canal and shattered the myth of the "Israeli" invincible army, and, thanks to God, they demolished the "Bar Lev Line"... until the Battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood" came.
The battle of "Flood of Al-Aqsa"
The Arab Muslim nation remained for nearly half a century; they abandoned jihad and followed the tails of cattle, engaging in deceitful transactions. Consequently, Allah decreed humiliation upon them, as is confirmed by what was reported by Abu Dawood, Al-Tabarani, and others in their chains of narration, from Abdullah ibn Umar, that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ( If you sell anything on credit to anyone, on the condition that you will buy it back for a lower price (al-'Einah), take hold of the tails of cattle, become pleased with agriculture and give up Jihad - Allah will make disgrace prevail over you and will not remove it from you till you return to your religion.) (1)
Ramadan is a month of victories: Badr, the Opening of Mecca, Qadisiyyah, Battle of Sagrajas, Ain Jalut, Hattin, and October 6th.
The nation remained for half a century neglecting jihad in the way of Allah, engaging in usury, even outright usury, and it still persists, until a blessed group arose in Jerusalem and its surroundings. Abu Umamah Al-Bahili reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: ( A group of people from my Umma will continue to obey Allah's Command, and those who desert or oppose them shall not be able to do them any harm. They will be dominating the people until Allah's Command is executed, they said: O Messenger of Allah, where are they? He said: "In Bayt al-Maqdis and the vicinity of Bayt al-Maqdis.) (2)
This group washed away this shame, on behalf of the nation, in reviewing its religion. They confronted the fiercest enemy in its history—an enemy that has painted an image of invincible strength for itself, an army that cannot be defeated, and a nuclear arsenal that no one can dare to confront or stand against; not to mention its struggle and the humiliation it faced, as well as the disgrace it brought upon itself in front of the entire world.
On October 7, 2023, the resistance brigades restored the balance of the nation, renewed its connection to its creed and faith, strengthened its bond with the Book of its Lord and the Sunnah of its Prophet, and reawakened its deep awareness of its history and civilization. This also reinforced its self-confidence and corrected many concepts that had been stagnant for half a century, which were often erroneous on multiple levels and in several areas.
A group of soldiers, no more than 1,500 Mujahideen, all came out without a single one hesitating when the leadership approached them about the matter. They emerged from underground to the surface and struck the enemy a blow that left it dizzy, and it still has not recovered from the effects of that blow. Moreover, the Zionist world was dealt a fatal blow, so it brought all its cavalry and infantry, its wealth and supplies, its visits, and its material and moral support, and spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the enemy. Yet, the truth of Allah's saying is evident in all of this: (Surely the disbelievers spend their wealth to hinder others from the Path of Allah. They will continue to spend to the point of regret. Then they will be defeated, and the disbelievers will be driven into Hell,) (Al-Anfal:36)
The nation remained for half a century neglecting jihad until a blessed group in Jerusalem rose up and confronted the fiercest enemy in its history.
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sa’di says: “That is: They will expend this wealth, and it will be easy for them due to their adherence to falsehood and their intense hatred for the truth, but it will be a source of regret for them; meaning: remorse and humiliation, and they will be defeated so that their wealth and what they had hoped for will be lost, and they will be punished in the hereafter with the severest punishment. Therefore, he said: (the disbelievers will be driven into Hell) That is: they are gathered to it, to taste its torment, and that is because it is the abode of filth and the wicked.
Ramadan in the Shadow of the Flood
A month has passed since the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle, and Palestine and the nation are still facing this severe ordeal, in which challenges have manifested. The fighters remain steadfast on their frontlines, while the Muslim peoples respond to this blessed jihad to the best of their ability, despite their hands being shackled by the constraints of tyranny and the prevention of support. The nation has mobilized as much as it could, collecting whatever funds it was able to, and showing solidarity to the extent of its capacity amidst the confines of the "Sykes-Picot" borders that have divided the nation and erected barriers and walls to prevent the concept of "one nation" from being a practical embodiment on the ground.
In this year (Ramadan 1446 AH), a ceasefire has begun, and its implementation is underway on the ground. What is our duty in light of what we have experienced and what we see today?
Our duty is to embark on a new flood, of a different kind. If the fighters have initiated an armed surge, representing the nation in the best possible way through their weapons, offering their souls and blood, and enduring their sufferings and hardships, and continue to do so, it is our obligation to initiate another flood, which is the flood of support and assistance. It is the flood of fulfilling the duty of solidarity, help, and backing, embodying what was narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim in their chains of transmission from Abdullah ibn Umar, that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: (A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection ) (4)
If the fighters have carried out an armed flood, then it is our duty to carry out another flood, which is aid and support.
Gaza calls upon Muslims in the east and the west of the earth, and indeed it calls upon all of humanity to fulfill their humanitarian duty towards the shattered Gaza, where the enemy has left no standing structure, but has destroyed it and turned it into ruins. And although it could not break the power of faith, the bond of Islam, and the meanings of honor and struggle that we witnessed on the platforms of prisoner exchanges — a soaring spirit, proud dignity, and resilience against the wounds they endured — it did not diminish the strength of their faith or the steadfastness of their religion.
Gaza today needs support, reconstruction, assistance, and endorsement; because we will witness a renewal of this battle again in the coming days – as seems evident from the enemy's actions, statements, and those assisting them. Therefore, it is our duty to stand by them and support our cause and theirs, and not to abandon or betray them; for this has a significant impact on pushing them forward, strengthening their resolve, and reassuring them that they have brothers who will not leave them and will not abandon them. This reinforces their spirits and strengthens their determination in confronting this enemy. Whoever points to good is like one who does it, and whoever leaves a warrior with good among his family has participated in the campaign. The believers are brothers, and Allah assists the servant as long as he is in assistance of his brother.
The Islamic resistance in Gaza and the West Bank is facing a brutal and fierce war, both local and regional, in addition to the brutality of the Jewish Nazi gangs that are armed with the latest tools of killing and destruction provided by the West, led by the United States, in limitless support, describing these gangs as their forward base in occupied Palestine.
The main reason for the failure of this war, thanks to Allah, is that the resistance is based on a solid Islamic understanding, which believes in jihad and embraces martyrdom, and holds that Palestine is an Islamic endowment that cannot be compromised or given up.
One would never have imagined that the Islamic resistance, with its modest weapons and few members, could withstand the Jewish Nazi gangs for 15 months. Yet, it persevered and inflicted losses on the enemy that had not been seen before. It stormed the headquarters of the criminal 'Gaza Brigade,' capturing a significant number of its gangs, forcing the enemy to sign a truce and exchange prisoners. This exchange became an opportunity to send messages to the savage Crusader world, the Jewish Nazi gangs, and the complicit Arabs. Among these messages was that the resistance is still alive, and that the fighters stand in front of the world's cameras saying: We are here, and that the cowardly who rush to normalization must stop!
In the fifth exchange process that took place in Deir al-Balah, the images of the martyr leaders shone on a banner adorning the delivery platform, saying in clear Arabic: "We are the flood... we are the next day"; this was in response to those who imagined that the resistance had ended, and those salivating for governance over Gaza under the terms of the Jewish Nazi gangs have been thwarted in their aspirations.
In addition, the platform and the banner say to those who wish to live in fantasy and displace the people of Gaza to other places outside of Palestine or buy the region and turn it into a "Riviera": "We are here to stay until victory or martyrdom!
The blessed resistance, when it was formed, did not expect to shake the Nazi killers in this way and to put their noses in the dust, despite the heavy losses and destruction (about 50,000 martyrs, most of whom are women and children, in addition to thousands still under the rubble, and more than 100,000 wounded), has been able to mobilize the streets in occupied "Tel Aviv" against the criminal Jewish Nazi leadership, which represents a headache that has not stopped until now for their captives still in the hands of the resistance!
With the heroic performance of the Islamic Resistance against the enemy, the killers and their accomplices who are sitting idly by while avoiding jihad and confrontation continue to pressure it. They openly and shamelessly demand the removal of "Hamas" from the equation and the handing over of the sector to those who sold Palestine. They claim to have helped the Palestinian people with a lot of money, as if they place themselves alongside their counterparts in leading the cause. (Do you consider giving water to pilgrims and tending the Sacred Mosque to be equal to the deeds of those who believe in God and the Last Day and who strive in God’s path? They are not equal in God’s eyes. God does not guide such benighted people.) (At-Tawbah:19)
When they were called to jihad, they sought permission to leave and sit in the shade, leaving the weak to face the brutal killers with their bare chests (Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day do not ask for exemption from striving with their wealth and their lives. And Allah has perfect knowledge of those who are mindful ˹of Him˺.(44) No one would ask for exemption except those who have no faith in Allah or the Last Day, and whose hearts are in doubt, so they are torn by their doubts. (45) ) (At-Tawbah)
They do not hesitate to seek permission, even though they possess money and weapons, and if they were sincere, they could change the equation in favor of the holy land, the Islamic nation, and the besieged Jerusalem (Whenever a sûrah is revealed stating, “Believe in Allah and struggle along with His Messenger,” the rich among them would ask to be exempt, saying, “Leave us with those who remain behind.) ( At-Tawbah:86)
One of the significant pressures on "Hamas" was the reckless decision issued by the President of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah to cancel the allowances for martyrs and the injured, which poses a burden on "Hamas" and the resistance in general.
One of them said: "Let Hamas step aside; this is not my opinion, but the opinion of the Secretary-General of the Arab League, who said: 'Let Hamas step aside if it serves the Palestinian interest.' This is the correct opinion in light of the escalating crisis in the region, which is a serious crisis.
Yes, the Palestinian interest requires that, and this is the most important and clear thing, indeed the voice of reason. This is also what should be said Arabically, and even more, by the Palestinian Authority itself, the slaves say.
The story does not contain emotion, but a real danger to Gaza, the entire issue, and an unmistakable threat to both Jordan and Egypt, as well as to Arab national security as a whole. What is happening now, and the potential consequences, may bring extremism and terrorism (referring to Islam) back to the region!
Then one of them appears in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson on February 8, 2025, making provocative statements in which he expresses his desire to completely destroy "Hamas" and open a new chapter in the Middle East. He indicates that what happened on October 7 was a "terrorist attack," but at the same time, he criticizes the Jewish reaction, describing it as "disproportionate" due to the fact that it led to the complete erasure of northern Gaza, including hospitals, schools, and universities.
This is the opinion of those who sit idle, spending on construction conferences and trivial events, which is enough to feed the hungry sector and its people. They imagine that removing "Hamas" will bring peace to the world, and that Palestinians will return to their homes from their exile, and that a fragile Palestinian state will be established in the occupied territories of 1967! They should review the statements of the leaders of the Jewish murderers who have openly declared that there will be no state or peace with the Palestinians except through their elimination or extermination, as recently occurred in what they call the "Iron Sword" operation that followed the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation!
If they had read history and understood the events, they would have known that the Jewish Nazi gangs, from the Palmach to the Irgun Zvai Leumi, the Haganah, the Stern Group, and the Jewish volunteers from outside the boundaries of the British Mandate in Palestine, did not exclude one another. In fact, they ended up leading the occupying entity and receiving "Nobel" prizes. They should remember Jabotinsky, Ben-Gurion, Weizmann, Meir, Begin, Peres, and others who killed Arabs, destroyed their homes, displaced them, and became rulers in the occupied homeland!
The current generations of Jewish Nazis do not care about Arabs or Muslims, because these have not resisted them, but rather surrendered to them, and waited for salvation to come from Mama America, which they have turned into a mythical monster that terrifies them in their beds and dreams!
The current generations of Nazi Jews do not care about Arabs or Muslims because these groups have not resisted them but have surrendered to them, waiting for salvation to come from Mama America, which they have made into a mythical monster that frightens them in their beds and dreams!
More than one Nazi Jewish minister, the latest being Eli Cohen, the Minister of Energy, shamelessly declares: 'Whoever wants to establish a Palestinian state should do so on their own land.
Of course, Donald Trump's statements encouraged the Nazi-like Jewish insolence when he made Gaza a piece of real estate he seeks to own and displace its people, not allowing them to return!
We will not talk about the positions of the countries that Trump wanted to seize parts of or impose high tariffs on; they responded in a way that silenced him. However, we look at those who do not hesitate to kill one another and use advanced weapons to triumph over their fellow countrymen, while ignoring the values of Islam in wars!
Why isn't there such courage and a willingness to rise up to fight against the Nazi Jewish enemy who has humiliated Arabs and Muslims, claiming to fulfill the prophecies of his holy book, primarily the prophecy of Isaiah, by slaughtering enemies, ripping open their bellies, destroying their homes, crops, and laying waste to their lands, and enslaving their people? He doesn't conceal this; rather, he announces it before cameras and on screens, while the valiant are ashamed to refer to the Holy Quran or Islam, perceiving it as extremism, radicalism, and terrorism!
Courage should be directed against enemies, not against peoples, or in begging for solutions from wild hyenas. This is a form of absurdity. There are non-violent solutions that Arabs and Muslims sitting on the sidelines can employ, which could lead to tangible positive results, at the very least, preventing the enemy from crossing the boundaries into extermination and systematic killing.
In the introduction to these solutions, the economic solution takes precedence. If the Americans threaten an Arab country by cutting off economic aid, the winner is the Arab country if it can utilize its economy positively. For example, if the economic aid amounts to one dollar for the Arab country, this country can purchase goods from America worth 77 dollars. Imagine if those dollars were redirected to another country, or if local factories were established to produce what it imports from the donor country? The result is well-known, and the donor will withdraw their threats.
We will not talk about oil and gas, or the purchase of weapons that rust in storage, or the disengagement from military and security treaties and others, as politics is based on the exchange of interests.
We are the flood... we are the next day... so take heed, O people of understanding.
The Jews are the axis of normalization and the parties.
The Jews were the core of the coalition of factions and the battle to eradicate the prophetic project during the trench phase and the initial phase of Jewish corruption. They set traps, schemes, and conspiracies to eliminate the prophetic project. Their first project with the factions, Arabs, and Quraysh was the "normalization strategy," utilizing the people of Mecca, who were aware of Quraysh's animosity towards the Muslims. They recognized the existing ignorance within Quraysh and the envious and spiteful Arab nationalism that could be exploited, as well as waiting for any opportunity to eradicate the Muslims, in addition to their military capabilities and their extensive connections with the tribes around them.
A delegation of Jews led by Banu Qurayza headed to Mecca, which included Huyayy ibn Akhtab, Salama ibn Abi al-Haqiq, and Abu Ammar al-Waeli. This was a normalizing conference between the Arab and Jewish institutions, similar to the normalization conferences and summits in Manama, Aqabah, and Al-Naqab between the normalizing Arab regimes and the Zionist entity.
This delegation incited the Quraysh to attack the Muslims and fight the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and promised them that if they went out to fight, they would support and aid them. One of their cunning tactics was their understanding of the Qurayshi psychology, which craved praise and was fond of leadership and status that the prophetic mission had disrupted. They exaggerated their praise for the Quraysh and flattered them, testifying that they were in the right and on the path of guidance, despite their knowledge of the polytheism and misguidance of the Quraysh. Thus, Allah Almighty revealed the following about them: ( Have you ˹O Prophet˺ not seen those who were given a portion of the Scriptures yet believe in idols and false gods and reassure the disbelievers1 that they are better guided than the believers?) ( An-Nisa:51) That coincided with the desires of the people of Mecca, and they promised to return to fight the Prophet (peace be upon him) after the promise they made at Uhud.
From physical penetration to pathological penetration.
They failed to penetrate the physical clayey land, which is the city, the state, and its trench. Therefore, they sought to think about penetrating the psychological and spiritual land, which is the psyche of the Muslim and believer in the city, in order to weaken their moral spirit in the face of prophethood and the recommendations of the Mujahideen. The gateway for psychological penetration was the "Institution of Hypocrites," but with a process and strategy of full normalization with the Jewish institution; in direction and coordination, to penetrate the psyche and mind of the Islamic community and its army.
The parties have formed alliances, and the masses gathered, overwhelming for anyone to handle. They surrounded the city from every direction in order to confront the deluge of the Adnan (peace be upon him), which is the flood of the call that turned into a mission in a great state and city named Medina, the center of politics, justice, and the administration of the Islamic state. The Jewish institution, along with the institution of Arab Quraish tyranny and the hypocrites, have united in a tripartite alliance to invade the core of this international center and penetrate the hearts of the Islamic community and the hearts of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) who revived in the nation a spirit, thought, and action to purify the land from all defilement and worship Allah in peace and security.
Normalization is a triangular, conspiratorial situation among the three spiteful parties (the deceitful Jews and the Arabs) regarding the project of purification and prophethood, which is tasked with instilling the spirit of the mosque through faith, awareness through thought and knowledge, and action through deeds and work. The responsibility for organizing and bringing together this corrupt triangular coalition lies with the "Institution of the Jews," and the rabbis, the Torah, historians, and experts of distortion, fortifications, and walls. Today, they will employ a dangerous apparatus with the desire to dismantle the city's community and the Islamic community into disarray and chaos, especially after the failure of the triangular normalization effort to overcome the fortified earthly trench that was created alongside prophethood and the idea of Salman the Persian, may God be pleased with him.
But how will the Jewish worker employ the psychology of the Arab hypocrite who normalizes relations to create a device that penetrates the ranks of Muslims and believers to spread fear, propaganda, and lies?
The hypocritical normalizers and the description of the disease.
The Jews were masters of knowledge, thought, and history, and even experts in the psychology of societies and humanity, especially the wicked aspects of it. The Jewish power understood that the hypocrites among them possessed a wicked, devilish trait that allowed them to join the project of uprooting the prophetic methodology, even serving as official agents to dismantle the Islamic community. This trait is referred to as "the trait of illness," and revelation comes to specify the type of trait that emerged particularly in the Battle of the Confederates, with the illness manifesting in various forms. ( The hypocrites and the sick at heart said, ‘God and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusions! ) (Al-Ahzab:12) Let us observe that the Jewish spirit found in the hypocrite a disease that must be escalated in its action and result on earth, and to transform the psychological illness into a project on the ground, spreading throughout the Islamic state, in order to disseminate the contagion of hypocrisy, frustrate the weak, and dismantle the ranks of the strong within the nation.
The disease is an internal malice against Islam and Islamic jihadist power; the disease is envy from within themselves and a hatred that has turned into hypocrisy and a sickness that required a Jewish spirit to embody the psyche of the sick hypocrites. Thus, the Jewish expert doctor met with the Arab hypocritical patient and formed an alliance with him, and this Jewish spirit penetrated the sick Arab psyche and transformed the hypocritical disease into a vengeful earthly action. The result was the existence of official employees in the battle for existence.
It is, then, the battle of souls, a battle between the Jewish spirit that inhabits sick bodies to imprint upon them, and the spirit of the mosque that enters the hearts of the believers, transforming them into men of blessing, light, and liberation.
Retaliatory normalization!
Some people believed that normalization was a process of official political or diplomatic normalization between an entity and an Arab state, in order for the occupation to gain recognition of its existence and achieve coexistence and peace as they call it. This concept of normalization was characteristic of the "Camp David" and "Oslo" phases when the Zionist entity merely needed Arab recognition after the wars of the Nakba and the wars in Sinai and the Golan. However, normalization after the so-called "Deal of the Century" is something else; the true initial goal of normalization has appeared, which is to fragment Arab and Islamic peoples, divide them, and weaken them in preparation for a sinister agenda in Palestine that the forces of Zionist extremism seek to achieve.
After "Sword of Al-Quds," the "Deal of the Century" failed, and the strength of the peoples refusing Zionism and normalization emerged. The "Al-Aqsa Flood" came and undermined the slogans of coexistence, peace, and normalization. Zionist extremism revealed its weight to narrow the battle to Gaza and the West Bank without relying on a normalization strategy, which involves support from Arabs and regimes to eliminate resistance and the Palestinian people.
At the same time, in the countries of the Arab and Islamic peoples, Zionism emerged that had normalized relations with rulers and regimes, transitioning from normalization through official economic, military, political, sports, or artistic agreements to vengeful normalization. By this, we mean direct revenge against the people, which we have observed in some Arab countries that have created platforms of frivolity and programs that dilute youth, despite the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Moreover, corruption has escalated through direct announcements, in front of the media and channels, about Zionist worship rituals, amidst Arab cities flooded with Quranic schools, universities, and mosques.
The translated text is: "But the question here is: What is the reason for this shift among the normalizing Zionists in some Arab countries?
The book "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering" is a critical work by American Jewish academic and researcher Norman Finkelstein, published in 2000. It addresses the topic of the "Holocaust" from two main perspectives: the first concerns the interpretation of the narrative surrounding the "Holocaust," and the second focuses on how that narrative is exploited for political and commercial purposes.
The book stirred wide controversy, as it faced criticism from some Jewish and Zionist circles. It was translated into Arabic twice; the first time by Samah Idris in 2000, and the second time by Saud Attia in 2001.
Finkelstein criticizes the excessive and misleading use of the history of the "Holocaust" by certain groups and organizations, particularly those that benefit from perpetuating the image of the Jewish victim.
He believes that some Jewish organizations, such as the "American Jewish Union," have exploited the "Holocaust" as a political pressure tool to achieve their interests, such as strengthening military and financial support for the occupying state.
It also directs sharp criticism at some academics who work to establish the image of the "Holocaust" as a unique event that cannot be questioned, despite the fact that the book calls for recognizing other historical atrocities such as the Armenian genocide.
Finkelstein compares the "Holocaust" to the suffering of other minorities that have faced persecution and extermination in various parts of the world, warning against the selective use of the "Holocaust" to pressure people or distort historical facts.
The media figure Ahmad Mansour says in an interview on the program "Without Boundaries" with the author of the book in 2004: "Although the book does not exceed 160 pages, the number of articles written about it is not in the dozens, but in the hundreds. These articles have been published in most Western newspapers, especially the reputable and famous ones."
Mansour added that the book presents a bold study that reveals the "Holocaust" industry, unveiling the groups behind it and their objectives, as well as the means and methods employed by the Jewish lobby to blackmail countries around the world.
The book, according to Mansour, also discusses how these individuals obtained tens of billions of dollars in compensation for the victims of the "Holocaust," which were subsequently distributed to "Israel" and Jewish groups, in addition to layers of lawyers and other beneficiaries.
The main axes of the book.
The book indicates that the "Holocaust" has become part of a cultural and historical industry that benefits a certain group, and how the Jews have been able to exploit this suffering to achieve political, economic, commercial, and social gains. It sharply criticizes the Zionist and Jewish institutions, some of which profit from this suffering.
The book explains how the "Holocaust" is used by some political powers to achieve special interests, and how it is exploited as a tool for political and economic manipulation, focusing on how Zionist institutions and some governments exploit this historical event to achieve material and moral gains.
The author calls for a critique and review of some academic and media positions related to the "Holocaust," and the exaggeration in presenting its events in order to create a public opinion and a broad narrative around it, which affects the objective understanding of historical events in favor of the Jews.
The text discusses how the occupying state has used the "Holocaust" as a means to enhance its political legitimacy and international support, and how it is exploited to justify "Israel's" policies against the Palestinians, gain international sympathy for them, and strengthen its position in the conflict.