Some people seem unable to explain the nature of the Jewish Nazi brutality practiced by the invading gangs in occupied Palestine. This brutality is abnormal and strange, lacking what we refer to in Islamic concepts as mercy, nobility, and compassion for the innocent, children, women, the weak, hospitals, schools, universities, mosques, and markets.
The savage Jews crush anyone they find in their wicked path who hinders them from control, dominance, and possessing what is not theirs. Their aggressive war on Gaza, in a campaign they call Operation Iron Sword, was a model of unprecedented brutality in history, except by the Mongols in some incidents.
mythical invitations
The interpretation of the nature of Nazi Jewish brutality is very simple; it lies in the upbringing of the Nazi Jewish invaders on the mythical and legendary calls found in what they call their holy book or Torah, which they wrote with their own hands, and then the unlimited military support with weapons and equipment from the leaders of the barbaric Western Crusader governments!
The Book of Numbers 31 represents one of the most gruesome chapters of brutality, as it raises Jewish murderers from childhood. It incites killing, the taking of women and children as captives, and the burning of cities during the war against Moab. It states: 'And the children of Israel took the women of Midian captive, and their children; and they took all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. And they burned all their cities where they dwelt, and all their forts with fire.' (Numbers 31: 10-11). It commands the killing of captive children and women: 'Now therefore kill every male among the little ones and kill every woman who has known a man by lying with him; but keep alive for yourselves all the young girls who have not known a man by lying with him.' (Numbers 31: 17-18).
In the Book of Joshua, a command of violence is given, as Joshua commanded to burn everything in the city, including man, woman, child, elder, and even the cattle and sheep, except for Rahab the harlot, according to Joshua 6: "And they devoted all in the city to destruction, both man and woman, young and old, oxen, sheep, and donkeys, with the edge of the sword." And they burned the city with fire and everything in it; however, the silver and gold and the vessels of bronze and iron they put into the treasury of the house of the Lord. The first attempt to seize the city failed, and after a second attempt, the children of Israel were victorious, and Joshua 8 ends with the complete burning of the city and the death of all its inhabitants.
Extermination without mercy.
The teachings have led the Nazi killers of Jews in occupied Palestine to carry out genocide mercilessly, unleashing the gates of hell, and killing civilians—children, women, and men—with no respite. They target hospitals, schools, and mosques without regard for any humanitarian aspect. Moreover, they betray and violate agreements that include solutions to some outstanding issues, as happened with the failure to release Palestinian prisoners who were scheduled to be freed in the seventh batch, on the grounds that the resistance provokes the Nazi killers of Jews when handing over Jewish prisoners and their dead!
The forged teachings of the Bible drive Jewish Nazi criminals to assassinations inside and outside of Palestine, and they are not deterred by any moral, legal, or international constraint. They have assassinated leaders of the resistance in Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. Assassinations are the method of cowards because the honorable fight face to face, but the Jewish Bible permits them all kinds of inhumane behavior.
systematic killing
The teachings of their book drive them to systematic killing, especially of innocent civilians, with cold blood and a heart that does not beat with humanity. The terrorist Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Jewish Nazi killers, represents a clear example of Jewish brutality.
In February 2025, activists on social media published a recorded video of a translator who was working in the office of the terrorist Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the enemy. The video reveals the nature of his thinking and his brutal decisions against the Palestinians, and even against others who oppose his brutal Torah ideology. I cannot verify this recorded video, but its content matches the behavior of the Nazi criminal Netanyahu, and it is not much different from his practices on the ground.
The translator exposes them
The translator talks about her dedication and commitment to her work within the Netanyahu office, and she was influenced by the culture of Jewish brutality she was raised in. She made great efforts to prove her loyalty, dedication, and allegiance to the terrorist entity and the ruling gangs.
During one of the meetings, the discussion revolved around the expansion of one of the settlements. This was routine for them, but for the translator, it was terrifying. She knew that the expansion decision entailed the killing of all Palestinian families and the expulsion of them from their homes, whether they were women or children. She says, "I remember Netanyahu's words very well: We must remove all obstacles in front of our men. This land is ours, and there are obstacles that must be removed." Over time, I never imagined that I was participating in murder. I was part of a comprehensive system at the highest levels. I attended meetings where numerous plans were drawn up. One of the most dangerous meetings I attended was one where plans against the Palestinians and Gaza were being devised, attended by some Palestinian advisors who were assisting in formulating the plans. I translated and tried to appear composed while internally I was boiling from what I was hearing. The meeting was a trap for the Palestinians who would come to negotiate, only to be betrayed and killed. One of the advisors said that the site has many civilians, but Natan coldly replied: "Kill them all." The translator said: "I made my decision, returned home, sat in front of the computer, wrote the details of the plan precisely, and sent it to the Palestinian side that escaped the trap. I began to feel comfortable and sent all the details and destructive plans to the Palestinian side without anyone knowing that I was the one doing it. They felt that I was not just a target wanting to help them, but an ally, and I started to engage with them.
It indicates that she witnessed the mentality of Netanyahu, translating his words that are filled with arrogance and bloodshed. He was cold, lacking humanity in his interactions with people. He was bloodthirsty, concerned with international support, believing that the more chaos there is, the more we benefit from international backing. He was indifferent to containing the situation, striving to appear before the world as the greatest leader of "Israel." He felt no regret or remorse; his personal interests were more important than anything else. He rarely spoke of his personal life and saw no one in the world but himself!
Sinful Goals.
And if systematic killing is a brutal Jewish method, then all the wicked and unpleasant traits are associated with it, from the bargaining that Shakespeare could not portray in 'The Merchant of Venice' to the alliance with evildoers everywhere to achieve their immoral goals, the disregard for international law, lying as they breathe, misleading people, violating agreements and treaties, torturing prisoners, a lack of compassion, and the blatant racism through which they believe they are above the whole world! Then consider the statements of their evil leaders as they call for killing, extermination, and uprooting Palestinians from their homes and land (for example, Nissim Vaturi, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, Bezalel Smotrich, Minister of Finance, and Itamar Ben-Gvir, the resigned Minister of National Security).
In modern times, warring armies have been aware of what is known as the rules of engagement, which, as Gatti says, are guidelines on how to conduct a specific military operation that combines military constraints and political considerations. International organizations have established frameworks for combat, particularly with civilians, the treatment of prisoners, international aid agencies, food relief institutions, and assistance for refugees in the areas of education, health, and social conditions!
International Rules of Engagement
International rules of engagement play an important role in controlling military operations, their objectives, and their dimensions as well. They aim to reduce the number of military and civilian casualties.
The Jewish killers do not heed any of the internationally recognized rules of engagement, as we saw in the aggression against Gaza after October 7, 2023. The Jewish killers moved with unprecedented brutality, specifically targeting children and women. As of the writing of these lines, more than forty thousand children and women have been martyred among fifty thousand martyrs, not to mention those buried under the rubble of the brutal Jewish bombardment.
The courageous Palestinian resistance has broken the brutal rules of engagement imposed by the Israelis. The spokesperson for the Palestinian resistance stated that the war on Gaza represented a strategic shift and a historical turning point in the struggle of the Palestinian people at all levels. It also marked a "decisive moment in breaking the rules of engagement with the 'Israeli' enemy and undermined its military and combat doctrine
The discussion about "rules of engagement" has resurfaced following the Nazi Jewish aggression on the Gaza Strip in October 2023, and the International Criminal Court has opened an investigation to report on the possibility of committing "war crimes," "crimes against humanity," and "genocide," which constitute violations of human rights.
Demands have increased for holding the leaders of the Israeli occupation accountable for their crimes in the Gaza Strip, especially after their bombing of the Arab "Baptist" hospital in Gaza, which resulted in the martyrdom of no less than 500 civilians, the majority of whom were women and children. They have failed to adhere to any principles regarding "rules of engagement," leading to inhumane crimes targeting civilians, paramedics, and relief teams that the law requires to be protected.