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Islam has prohibited homosexuality, known as the act of the people of Lot, as it disrupts the institution of marriage, prevents procreation, and leads to significant corruption. It goes against Allah's purpose for humanity, which is to populate and cultivate the earth. The preservation of lineage is one of the five essential objectives of Islamic law. Allah has decreed that men are for women and women are for men, not that one gender should seek relations with the same gender.

Islam also forbids homosexuality due to its impurity and the psychological and physical harms it entails, including numerous medical conditions like AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and others. For this reason, Islam disapproves of any sexual relationship that is not based on a legitimate marriage: “And they who guard their private parts – except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors.” [Surah Al-Mu’minun: 5-7]

Allah has created humans on a pure and sound nature, and any deviation from this is a result of one’s environment, actions, desires, and the whispers of Satan: “Do you approach males among the worlds and leave what your Lord has created for you as mates? But you are a people transgressing.” [Surah Ash-Shu’ara: 165-166] “Do you commit immorality while you are seeing? Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women? Rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly.” [Surah An-Naml: 54-55], the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” [Sunan Abu Dawood]

Deliberate Moral Decay

Throughout history, Jews have been known to undermine religions, spread atheism, and promote immorality. The Quran mentions their envy of Muslims and their betrayal: “Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 109]

Generation after generation, they have worked to misguide others, pulling them away from divine guidance into the abyss of immorality. This strategy ensures their control over societies by stripping people of their pure nature and making them slaves to their desires. This leads to the abandonment of religious values and social traditions, the elimination of marriage, and the destruction of family structures, which are the foundation of society. Such moral decay also devastates communities physically, mentally, and economically.

The advent of globalization highlighted this destructive role, as voices advocating for homosexual rights grew louder, supported by social media platforms. These efforts falsely linked homosexuality to the principles of freedom and human rights, posing a grave danger to youth and even children who frequent these platforms.

Promoting Immorality

Under the directives of the "Global Freemasonry," a secret Zionist organization aiming to ensure Jewish domination of the world, plans are consistently executed to promote vice in all its forms, glorify sexual freedom, and normalize illicit relationships outside of marriage. This includes the advocacy of homosexuality and the rejection of modesty by establishing “nudist clubs.”

Today, a powerful LGBTQ lobby exists in the West, comprising approximately 15% of its population, including politicians, ministers, and celebrities. For instance, the American demographer Gary Gates noted in 2005: “Thirty years ago, if I were gay and living in the Midwest, I would think of moving to San Francisco or New York. Today, one can go to Kansas and find an open and active LGBTQ community.”

Many Western governments have legalized same-sex marriage, with some ceremonies even taking place in churches and being officiated by priests and bishops.

For decades, there has been an attempt to export this moral decay to Muslim societies. Unfortunately, they have achieved significant progress through official channels, employing both incentives and coercion. Some individuals from within Muslim communities align themselves with the global agenda by adopting such ideas to demonstrate loyalty to so-called "international law" and declarations on human rights. Others succumb to external pressures, accepting foreign funding for deviant organizations or participating in international conferences that endorse homosexuality. Additionally, some collaborate with media and entertainment industries that incorporate forbidden sexual relationships into their content.

Who Promotes This Immorality?

Jewish history is rife with evidence of their role in spreading immorality and homosexuality. They are the founders, supporters, and beneficiaries of these corrupt practices—economically, politically, and religiously. The first film defending homosexuality (Germany, 1919) was produced and directed by the Jewish filmmaker Richard Oswald. Similarly, the first Hollywood film depicting lesbianism (1922) was directed by the Jewish Cecil B. DeMille.

During the 1960s and 1970s, the rise of adult film production saw Jewish dominance in the industry, led by figures like Doris Wishman. Jewish Freemasons were also at the forefront of promoting homosexuality, pedophilia, incest, and the erosion of traditional values in education and media. Notable Jewish thinkers like Thomas Jolly, Erich Fromm, Jürgen Habermas, and Max Horkheimer played key roles in advancing these destructive ideas.

American Rabbi Daniel Lapin even acknowledged that many of the most vocal advocates for radical LGBTQ agendas and expanded abortion rights are Jewish.

Jewish Corruption

It is no coincidence that the head of the first global homosexual organization was the Jewish figure Magnus Hirschfeld, who in the 1930s was the first to advocate for enacting laws to protect homosexuals. He saw the promotion of this crime as the best plan to corrupt morals and destroy the values and ideals of societies. Similarly, it is no coincidence that Jews dominate the pornography industry globally, with major figures in this field being Zionists. Among them are those who openly call for dismantling the family institution and altering the traditional structure of marriage. For instance, the Jewish figure Masha Gessen stated, "The institution of marriage will change, and it should change, and once again, I do not believe it should exist." Similarly, the Jewish figure Allen Young said, "In a free society, everyone would be homosexual."

In 1957, the homosexual Jewish figure Frank Kameny was expelled from the U.S. military for the same reason. Astonishingly, he advocated for bestiality and pressured the American Psychological Association to classify homosexuality as a natural sexual activity. Even more surprising is that he was one of the founders of the first organization defending homosexuals in America, the Mattachine Society, which also—coincidentally—promotes destructive ideologies like Marxism and Anarchism. This society has since established branches in most countries worldwide.

Homosexuality as a Tool to Whitewash the Zionist Regime

If we accept that Jews use homosexuality as a cover for their plan to corrupt the world and destroy others, why do they allow this immorality to spread among them, considering that the Zionist entity has become a haven for homosexuals and their primary meeting point in Asia?

This question is answered by the Jewish professor Eyal Gross, a law professor at Tel Aviv University, who says: "LGBT rights have become a public relations tool for Israel." This statement is accurate and is supported by reality. Jews, who have always exploited the religion of Allah, believing in part of the Book while disbelieving in others, and exchanging Allah's revelations for a trivial gain—betraying their prophets for fleeting worldly benefits—are willing to do anything to whitewash the image of their usurping entity. They aim to present the state of "Israel" to the world as a beacon of freedom and a haven for democracy, countering accusations regarding its use of violence against Palestinians as mere fabrications.

From another perspective, the official acceptance of homosexuality and the legalization of its practice is primarily aimed at boosting tourism. This goal was established nearly two decades ago, beginning with an annual event known as the "Pride Parade," held in Tel Aviv, which attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists.

In the view of many, the Zionist state's support for homosexuality is a temporary objective masking a larger goal. Just as they previously supported communism and other ideologies to dismantle systems and spread chaos, they now support homosexuals to achieve the Jewish dream of establishing the myth of "Greater Israel," or what they call the "Kingdom of David and Solomon." Among these homosexuals are groups calling for the construction of their own temples specifically in Jerusalem, as a precursor to even greater demands concerning Al-Aqsa and the holy city. This comes after they have deceived the masses under the guise of homosexuality, a concept that millions worldwide will have embraced and championed.


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When Hitler took control of Germany in 1933, Zionist leaders collaborated with Nazi leaders at the expense of the lives and wealth of millions of Jews. One cannot overlook the racial motivations that drove some Jews who admired Hitler to cooperate with his regime. A magazine published in Palestine called "Brit HaBirionim" (The Alliance of the Strong) openly supported cooperation with the Nazis, featuring articles that praised Hitler and Nazism. Members of the alliance would chant: "Germany for Hitler, Italy for Mussolini, and Palestine for Jabotinsky."

The Israeli academic Israel Shahak (1933–2001), in his book Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years, addressed clear examples of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis at the expense of German, Polish, and other Eastern European Jews. One of the most horrifying examples of this collaboration was the jubilation some Zionist leaders expressed over Hitler's rise to power, as they shared his belief in racial superiority and opposed the assimilation of Jews into the Aryan race. They even congratulated Hitler on defeating their shared enemy: liberal forces.

Dr. Joachim Prinz, a Zionist rabbi who later emigrated to the United States and became vice president of the World Jewish Congress, an economic advisor to the World Zionist Organization, and a close friend of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, published a book in 1934 titled We, the Jews to celebrate Hitler’s German revolution and the defeat of liberalism. In this provocative book, he wrote:
"The significance of the German revolution for the German nation will eventually become clear to those who created it and shaped it, but its significance for us Jews must be determined immediately. Liberalism, which was the only form of political life that facilitated Jewish integration, has lost its future and has sunk."

In his book, Prinz expressed his satisfaction that Nazism had abolished Jewish assimilation by banning intermarriage between Jews and Germans. He rejoiced that Jews were forced to identify themselves with visible markers indicating their Jewishness.

Prinz even advocated for a German law requiring Jews to declare their allegiance to the Jewish nation and race. He argued that a state founded on the principle of racial and national purity could only respect Jews who openly declared such allegiance. Once they made this declaration, they could no longer offer partial loyalty to the state. The state, in turn, could only accept Jews who proclaimed their loyalty to their nation, as it would not tolerate hypocritical or sycophantic Jews. According to Prinz, the state should demand this loyalty from Jews for their own good because only those who respect their own race and blood can respect the national will of other nations.

It is astonishing how Prinz, this philosophical thinker, blended concepts of race, blood purity, nation, people, and Judaism into one concoction, creating a bizarre mix that aligns with the ideological monstrosity of Zionism, which played a significant role in Jewish massacres.

Shahak notes that Dr. Prinz and other Zionists sympathetic to and allied with Nazism did not grasp the full consequences of Nazism. Nor did they realize that Zionism itself is a blend of the classical Jewish hatred for non-Jews and the historical exploitation of Jewish persecution to justify Zionist oppression and extermination of unarmed Palestinians.

Jewish law (Halakha) is very clear: According to Halakha, saving the life of a fellow Jew is an obligation that takes precedence over all other obligations and religious prohibitions, except for the three gravest sins: adultery, including incestuous adultery; murder; and idol worship. If we consider the Zionist leaders who sacrificed millions of Jews as non-Jews, they deserve to be judged and condemned to death by all human standards because they caused the deaths of millions of people.

However, if we consider them Jews, they deserve the harshest forms of execution because they acted deliberately and with premeditation to cause the deaths of millions of their brothers, the members of Allah’s chosen people! These were sent to their deaths through the Holocaust and gas chambers because the interests of some Jews necessitated sacrificing them. They became obstacles to rescuing their co-religionists and were left to the claws of death to achieve a national benefit for Jews living outside danger zones. Where are the rabbis who should have prosecuted these murderous leaders? Or did the Zionists act under the guidance—or even explicit orders—of these very rabbis?

Why was Rudolf Kastner assassinated in 1957 at the entrance of the court in "Israel" before he could testify? Did some Israeli leaders not admit that what Kastner knew posed a danger to the state’s leadership?

In this context, one cannot forget the book What Price Israel by the American Jew of German origin, Alfred Lilienthal, which addresses the victims of Nazism—those persecuted, fleeing, and hiding throughout Europe—hunted by the Gestapo under the threat of death for anyone who harbored them and monetary rewards for those who reported their whereabouts.

The policy of oppression and rewards succeeded, as Jewish families fell one after another, captured by the Nazis and sent to their bloody fate in concentration camps. Lilienthal writes that U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was deeply concerned about the fates of persecuted Jews and refugees in Europe. He believed that free nations worldwide should accept large numbers of them, regardless of their religion, origin, skin color, or political beliefs. Roosevelt hoped to save half a million of the persecuted through such means (pp. 30–31).

Driven by this humanitarian conviction, Roosevelt sent his close friend, Congressman Morris Ernst, to London in the middle of World War II (in 1942, before the full-scale genocide of Jews reached its tragic proportions) to ask the British government if it would be willing to accept 100,000 or 200,000 refugees.

Roosevelt believed that if Britain agreed to accept this number of refugees, Canada, Australia, and some South American countries would follow suit. If these nations opened their doors, the U.S. Congress might awaken to the necessity of continuing the American tradition of accepting refugees. The key to all this lay in London. Would Ernst succeed?

Ernst returned to Roosevelt with the good news that Britain was willing to cooperate with the American request by accepting 150,000 displaced refugees. Roosevelt exclaimed joyfully, "150,000 in Britain, another 150,000 in the United States, and 200,000 elsewhere! This opens the way to saving half a million persecuted people."

About a week after that meeting, Roosevelt met again with Ernst and his wife. He informed them that the plan to rescue half a million Jews had to be halted because Jewish leaders in the United States opposed the plan to save their relatives. Ernst exclaimed, "This is impossible! Why would Jewish leaders oppose a plan to save their relatives?"

Roosevelt replied, "The Zionist movement knows that Palestine, at present and in the near future, is the place where Jews should be sent. They understand that they can collect vast sums of money from wealthy Jewish donors by telling them that Palestine is the only place that can save Jews from certain death. If these donors see that the U.S. and other nations worldwide are welcoming persecuted Jews with open arms, they will stop donating to the Zionist movement entirely."

Ernst was shocked by this logic and initially refused to believe what he heard from his friend Roosevelt, the President of the United States (Linenthal, The Price of Judaism, pp. 27–28).

Through this despicable Zionist conspiracy with senior Nazi leaders such as Heydrich, Eichmann, and Himmler, operations to rescue half a million European Jews were halted, leaving them to be consumed by the gas chambers, crematoria, and mass graves that seemed insatiable. The number of dead exceeded half a million, reaching several million Jews who were sacrificed by Zionism to collect funds for their inhumane leadership.

The Zionist leadership voices that participated in these heinous policies, leading to the extermination of millions of Jews, were even more duplicitous than we might imagine. Many of them went on to become Prime Ministers of "Israel," such as Ben-Gurion, Moshe Sharett, Golda Meir, Levi Eshkol, Yitzhak Shamir, and Rudolf Kastner.

If Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, was willing to sacrifice half of the Jewish children for the Zionist national homeland, then Yitzhak Gruenbaum, head of the Rescue Committee of the Jewish Agency, completely crossed the line. In a speech before the Zionist Executive Committee on February 18, 1943, he stated: “If I were asked whether it is possible to donate some funds from the United Jewish Appeal to save Jews, my answer would be a categorical no… We must resist this tendency to place Zionist activity in second place. One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland.” Chaim Weizmann had expressed a similar utilitarian sentiment in 1937, saying: “The elderly will die—they are dust and will bear their fate.” (Ahmed Al-Messiri, Zionism and Nazism, p. 149).

In this context, one cannot forget the memoirs of Yitzhak Shamir, the former Israeli Prime Minister, where he touches on the same topic but from a different perspective.

Those were the days of the Nazis' collective torture camps for killing, humiliating, looting, and isolating Jews in implementation of their principle of complete annihilation. Because Britain refused to help save the oppressed Jews in Europe during those difficult days, they gained the hatred of many, including myself. Along with most of my friends, I participated in a march to demonstrate our feelings toward Britain, the world, and the Jews who depended on us to bring them to Palestine, their land, no matter the sacrifices. I remember that march in Tel Aviv where we prayed as we walked that the Jews in Europe would endure the torment until the situation changed and the cloud was lifted (Memoirs of Yitzhak Shamir, pp. 34–36).

We have never heard of hypocrisy, deceit, and extreme duplicity more glaring than what the terrorist Shamir wrote. With his voice, he condemns the crimes of Nazism; with his heart, he prays for the Jews of Europe; and through his political actions, he and most Israeli leaders participated in conspiracies that led to the tragic deaths of millions of his relatives. Moreover, his memoirs erase any mention of his collaboration with the Nazis, as if it never happened. There is no reference to his negotiations with Nazi representatives, which are documented and preserved in the Holocaust memorial building in Jerusalem under two memoranda numbered (8/34151E). It is worth noting that British authorities arrested him in January 1941 on charges of collaborating with the Nazis and engaging in terrorism (Garoudi, p. 78; Dr. Al-Messiri, Zionism and Nazism, p. 164).

Returning to Roger Garoudi, who informs us on page 65 of his book The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics that Ben-Gurion declared on July 12, 1939, before Zionist leaders: “If I were given the choice between rescuing all our children in Germany by transferring them to England or rescuing half of them by transferring them to ‘Israel,’ I would choose the second option. We must not consider the lives of these children alone but also the history of the ‘Israeli’ people.”

Ben-Gurion indeed acted according to this principle, bearing the guilt along with his fellow Zionists for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jewish children. When Ben-Gurion expressed this opinion, less than a month had passed since the infamous Kristallnacht in Germany, during which Jews were killed, thousands were imprisoned, their properties were looted, and their homes were destroyed. The events of that night served as a grim warning of the dark fate awaiting Jews under Nazi rule.

In these circumstances, Ben-Gurion stated his preference to save half of the Jewish children alive to bring them to Palestine, sacrificing the rest. Where are the teachings of the Talmud that make saving a Jewish life a sacred duty?

It is noteworthy that Ben-Gurion explicitly sought to save Jewish children without concerning himself with women, the elderly, or the disabled—those who were powerless to fend off the dangers threatening them. This is Zionism’s humanity!

We have heard and read much about the inhumanity of the Spanish Inquisition, during which Spanish Christians brutally persecuted Muslims and Jews. However, we have never heard even a hint of followers of one religion deliberately and knowingly condemning millions of their relatives and co-religionists to the Nazi ovens to collect funds—most of which they would confiscate for unaccountable purposes—not for saving Jews. (Sami Assasa, reading of Israel Shahak’s book “Is the Talmudic Judaism a Religion?”, p. 87).

We currently have examples in modern history of some Arab regimes collaborating with the Zionists at the expense of the Palestinian people, such as the sale of the Golan Heights by the Baathist butcher Hafez Al-Assad in 1967, and the support of some Arab regimes for Zionist massacres against our defenseless people in Gaza. For more information, refer to the book The War by American lawyer Bob Woodward to uncover what remains hidden!


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No doubt, the Zionist movement is founded on the dream of controlling the world, supported by its influence over international institutions, organizations, and the corridors of politics in major countries, in addition to its dominance in the global economy and media.

Since the family is the link between the individual and society and the nucleus of any community, the Jews have focused their efforts on destroying the family to weaken and ruin nations. A review of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion reveals their statement: “We shall destroy family life among the Gentiles and corrupt its educational significance.” (1)

Although some question the authenticity of these protocols, reality testifies to the realization of most of their content, which strengthens the argument for their attribution to the masterminds of Zionism.

There are many tools Zionism used to dismantle and destroy families, including:

  1. Corrupting Beliefs

One of the primary tools used by Zionism to destroy the family is corrupting beliefs. This effort has been ongoing for centuries. They are the ones who “produced Paul, who abrogated Christianity and transformed it from a monotheistic religion to a pagan one. They also planted Abdullah ibn Saba in the heart of the Muslim world, who founded esoteric sects within Islamic society, nearly erasing divine beliefs from the hearts of Muslims.” (2)

One of the most prominent tools used by Zionism to undermine the institution of family is corrupting beliefs.

Through theories like Marx’s economic materialism, Freud’s psychological theories, Darwin’s theory of evolution, and others, along with the promotion of secularism worldwide, Jews have corrupted the beliefs of nations and spread atheism.

These misguided and misleading ideas penetrate families directly through the imposition of educational curricula that include such concepts. For example, Darwin’s theory of evolution is presented as a significant scientific achievement, sowing doubt in the hearts of many young people.

Additionally, the film industry plays a role in embedding the idea of respecting all faiths, even those based on the worship of idols, cows, humans, or even Satan. It also promotes the notion that religion is purely a spiritual relationship between an individual and Allah, resulting in generations being raised with the idea of separating religion from daily life. Consequently, this has led to the disregard of the moral principles brought by Islam.


  1. Redefining the Family

A family, as commonly understood, is a social institution consisting of a man and a woman who meet the Sharia conditions for marriage, with each fulfilling their rights and responsibilities. This also includes their legitimate incoming offspring.

However, in United Nations literature—an organization influenced by Zionism—the concept of family is presented differently as a human right. It dismisses the traditional concept of family as something exclusive to “backward Islamic societies” and portrays it as an obstacle to modernity.

Based on this, the UN's concept of family includes relationships such as cohabitation without marriage, same-sex unions, or other forms of partnerships. Zionist-driven organizations push Arab and Islamic nations to accept these new definitions of family, often through global conferences on population and development held in Muslim countries. These conferences aim to redefine family structures beyond the boundaries set by divine legislation.

Zionism works to complicate the institution of marriage and promotes delaying the age of marriage for women.

Unfortunately, Muslims have been partially influenced by these destructive ideas, leading to a frightening prevalence of extramarital relationships in our reality.

To achieve this, Zionism has worked through its agents in our countries to complicate the concept of marriage and advocate for delaying the marriage age for women. Through media, they direct people towards a life of unrestricted enjoyment, and through television dramas, they normalize the idea of taking mistresses and lovers. Not to mention promoting contraceptives and justifying abortion, which has led to the widespread of moral decay in society.


  1. Inciting Women to Rebel

Zionism has planted ideas in women’s minds to make them tools for destroying the family. Some of these ideas include:

  • Denying the man’s guardianship in the family or reducing it under the guise of women’s liberation and equality.
  • Encouraging women to compete with men in the workforce under the pretext of proving themselves, resulting in many women neglecting their nurturing roles.
  • Promoting unrestricted freedom, which includes choosing immodest clothing, indulging in adornment and tabarruj, and engaging in prohibited relationships, leading to strained marital relationships and the disobedience of daughters toward their guardians in the name of independence and maturity.

Furthermore, some Arab governments, under Zionist influence, have enacted laws contrary to Islamic teachings that undermine the foundation of the family.

  1. Tampering with Family Laws

Zionism, through its agents, has influenced some Islamic and Arab governments to enact laws that contradict Islamic teachings and undermine the family structure. For example, restricting polygamy under the pretext of protecting women’s and children’s rights, creating unnecessary problems. This restriction has led some men to seek mistresses, destabilizing marital harmony. Media and drama further vilify polygamy, portraying it as a humiliating disaster for women. As a result, some women have come to tolerate their husbands’ infidelity as long as they don’t marry another wife.

Additionally, there are laws in some countries that criminalize disciplining children through physical punishment (which is permissible within Islamic guidelines for discipline), labeling it as violence and abuse. This has led to rebellious attitudes among children and even legal cases against parents.

Some may accuse us of falling into the trap of conspiracy theories or exaggerating Zionism’s role. However, reality reveals far more. The Zionist lobby in America, for instance, steers U.S. policies, especially regarding our region and the Palestinian cause. Numerous Western sources, including the memoirs of Western leaders and officials, highlight the overwhelming influence of Jews, their role in wars, coups, and the dismantling of nations. Hence, concerns about Zionism’s power are far from exaggerated.



  1. Protocols of the Elders of Zion, p. 163.
  2. The Role of Jews in Corrupting Divine Beliefs and Its Consequences, Hassan Muhammad Ibrahim, p. 8.

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Many overlook the pivotal role art plays in shaping the consciousness of nations, perceiving it merely as a form of entertainment and not paying attention to the inputs and influences it carries. This superficial view entirely ignores the fact that art, and cinema in particular, has become one of the most dangerous soft power weapons used by our enemies with cunning and skill to impose their cultural and political agendas and distort our image in front of ourselves and the entire world.

For decades, our enemies have understood that the camera can be stronger than the cannon and that a seemingly fleeting cinematic scene can plant ideas in minds that last for generations. Therefore, they did not hesitate to direct the tools of art to serve their colonial and Zionist interests. The result was that our societies were portrayed to the world in the ugliest forms, while our children lived as captives to false narratives instilled in them through cinema screens.

What we see today of confusion in identity and loss of self-confidence among many of our youth is nothing but the fruit of this cultural and artistic targeting that was used cleverly to make them renounce their identities and chase after an identity planted in them by those Western colonial systems.


Hollywood and Zionist Agendas

Hollywood is considered the largest film industry in the world, not only in terms of profits that reach hundreds of millions of dollars but also in terms of influence that has reached every corner of the entire world. However, this influence did not come out of nowhere. Hollywood was founded by European Jewish immigrants who exploited cinema as a means to serve their Zionist project by promoting Israeli propaganda since the early 20th century, claiming that their efforts were only to help them integrate into the societies they migrated to.

In one of the boldest stages of cinematic history, Jewish capital used its influence to make American cinema a propaganda machine. One of Hollywood's biggest producers, Barney Balaban, did not only provide artistic and financial support to Israel but used cinema as a political pressure platform to influence White House decisions, turning every movie star into an implicit or explicit supporter of the Zionist project.

A film like “Exodus” released in 1960 represented a dangerous turning point in the Zionist narrative, showing Israel as an ideal state that emerged from the womb of suffering while entirely omitting the Palestinian Nakba. It was as if the forced displacement and village destruction were not real practices constantly perpetuated by Israel against Palestinians. Paul Newman's portrayal of “Ari Ben Canaan” as a symbol of romantic heroic Zionism became an effective tool in shifting American and Western public opinion in favor of Israel.

At the same time, there were dozens of films that portrayed Palestinians and Arabs as terrorists or savages characterized by brutality and irrationality. For instance, the film “World War Z” depicted Palestinians as a global threat to civilization, where a virus threatens the world's life, and of course, Israel, the cradle of civilization and development, rushes to save the world from the virus and zombies! They build their separation wall, and the zombies try to climb and destroy Jerusalem, reflecting Israel's real-world apartheid wall isolating Palestinians from their lands!


Utilizing Stars and Artistic Influence

The Zionist influence did not stop at movies but also exploited major cinema stars to serve these agendas. Ingrid Bergman portrayed Golda Meir in the film “A Woman Called Golda,” depicting her as a symbol of wisdom and leadership, whereas historical reality attests to her atrocious crimes against Palestinians.

Jewish conductor Toby led orchestras accompanying numerous stars who worked to enhance Israel's image in international forums. The support extended to granting artists private planes and luxurious villas to hold promotional parties, as happened in the 1960s when Zionist organizations were provided with promotional supplies depicting Jews as saviors of ignorant Arabs.

The leaked documents from Sony in 2013, after attempts to hack it, revealed the close ties between Hollywood and Zionist institutions. These documents showed how executives worked to present Israel as a peaceful victim facing terrorism, while completely obscuring its crimes against Palestinians. These efforts aimed to improve Israel's global image, especially amid widespread criticism during its aggression on Gaza in 2014.


Silencing Opposing Voices

Hollywood is not a place that tolerates opposition to Israel, which it sponsors and provides with strong financial support. Any voice criticizing the occupation or supporting the Palestinian cause is quickly silenced and suppressed. Marlon Brando, for example, faced severe attacks and threats due to his bold statements against Zionist influence in Hollywood, later being forced to make a public apology. Similarly, actress Penelope Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem, who criticized Israeli aggression on Gaza, were naturally accused of anti-Semitism.

On the other hand, Israel exploited films to reinforce its narratives, producing numerous films that depicted the Holocaust and Jewish suffering from a deeply human perspective, evoking tears, such as “Schindler’s List,” which cemented the image of Jews as eternal victims in need of a “safe homeland.” Meanwhile, the Palestinian tragedy was entirely obliterated, leaving the Western viewer with a single biased narrative that Israel is the only hero and victim in the region.


Time for a Stand!

It is unfortunate that the Arab world still suffers from significant shortcomings in its media apparatus, which only spreads superficial and trivial content, attempting to emulate Hollywood and its ilk, with its shining light. We have become surrounded by works that undermine our identities, threaten our existence, and promote beliefs and ideas that have nothing to do with our identity and religion, both internally and externally. Despite some scattered attempts to confront these massive media machines, they were not enough to bring about real change. Therefore, the Arab and Islamic world must unite its efforts and stand together in utilizing media to serve its Ummah just as our enemies do.



  1. The Emergence of Zionist Cinema and Its Functions, Palestinian Information Center.
  2. Hollywood and Zionist Circles, Al Jazeera Observatory.
  3. Hollywood’s Jewish roots: From celluloid dreams to studio streams, efe.
  4. How does Hollywood help whitewash Israel’s ‘image problem’?, TRT.
  5. Hollywood and Israel, a love story: How the Jewish state met the silver screen, The Times of Israel.
  6. Has Hollywood Fallen Out of Love With Israel?, Foreign Policy.
  7. Hollywood and the Shift in Favor of Palestine, RT Arabic.

Since 1967, the West Bank and Jerusalem have experienced a series of settlement waves that have brought about profound changes to the region's geographic and political landscape. Despite the heavy defeat suffered by Arab states during that period, it did not lead to the mass displacement of Palestinians as occurred during the 1948 Nakba.

After occupying these territories, the Zionist occupation implemented expansionist strategies aimed at reducing the Palestinian population density and consolidating control by constructing new settlements and expanding existing ones.

These waves involve efforts to expand settlement areas by building new settlements and reinforcing control over the land through policies aimed at altering the demographic and geographical reality.

The settlement process has gone through several stages, each reflecting different government policies and strategic objectives, the most notable being:

1. The First Wave (1967-1976):

This began immediately after the occupation, with the occupation government aiming to assert control over Palestinian lands while avoiding the administration of Palestinian residents. This phase was marked by caution in building settlements and a focus on basic infrastructure.

About 34 settlements were established during this period. The occupation also demolished the Palestinian Mughrabi Quarter, which was adjacent to the Buraq Wall (Western Wall), converting it into a Jewish settlement area within the Old City. These steps aimed to consolidate the occupation’s control over the eastern part of the holy city.

2. The Second Wave (1977-1987):

With the rise of the right-wing to power in the Zionist entity in 1977, extremist forces aggressively pursued settlement construction, driven by ideological, security, political, and economic motives. This period saw the establishment of dozens of new settlements, accompanied by calls for the expulsion of Palestinians.

Ninety-eight new settlements were built in the West Bank during this period, most of them initiated by the ruling right-wing Likud party and the extremist religious Zionist movement "Gush Emunim," which was active in settlement activities.

3. The Third Wave (1996-2022):

This wave occurred during the political settlement process initiated in the 1990s, with the Zionist right seeking to obstruct any final agreements for fear of surrendering Palestinian lands and establishing an independent Palestinian state. During this phase, settlement construction accelerated to counter progress in negotiations.

The focus was on the comprehensive Judaization of Area C, which is under the occupation's security and administrative control according to the Oslo Accords and constitutes 60% of the West Bank's area. The aim was to create geographical continuity between remote settlements or between settlement blocs and to expand control over strategic hilltops in the West Bank. This wave resulted in significant geographical and demographic changes that supported the settlement project in the West Bank.

The settlements in this period were referred to by the Zionists as "unauthorized outposts," a misleading term intended to downplay the importance and magnitude of this settlement surge, which could be the largest among the settlement waves in the West Bank.

4. The Fourth Wave (2002):

This wave emerged after the failure of the peace process and the outbreak of the Second Palestinian Intifada in 2000. The Zionist leadership believed it was the right time to impose control over as much of the West Bank as possible. Thus, settlement expansion intensified, and Palestinian lands were fragmented into isolated cantons.

This wave took place under the control of right-wing factions in the occupation government. It began with Ariel Sharon, who led from 2001 to 2006, followed by Ehud Olmert (2006-2009), and then Benjamin Netanyahu (2009-2021). All of these leaders were prominent figures in the hardline Zionist right that actively sought to Judaize the West Bank.

These successive waves illustrate how the occupation sought to alter the geographical and political realities in the West Bank and Jerusalem, significantly impacting Palestinian lives and complicating the Arab-Israeli conflict.


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