More Racist Practices in India Against Muslims


In the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata government has crossed all limits of injustice and discrimination, as we witnessed the destruction of the home of a Muslim accused of mass violence. This action comes after a series of arbitrary measures, as the government destroyed the homes of some Muslims, and forced them to walk in the streets chanting the slogan "The police are our fathers."

These incidents reflect the extent of hatred that some police officers have towards Muslims, as they view them as slaves with no rights. These Muslims had raised their voices in defense of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, but their fate was brutality and humiliation, while the Indian religious leader Ramjiri Maharaj continues to roam freely despite his insults to the Prophet of Islam.

The events also clearly show the height of arrogance and injustice of the Indian government and its affiliated institutions towards the Muslim minority in particular, as the homes of the protesters are first destroyed, then they are forced to dance in the streets and chant insulting slogans to further humiliate them. It is clear from the repetition of these unfair practices towards Muslims that if fair measures are not taken by the Islamic leadership at the country level, the determination of Muslims may dissipate, which leads to their feeling of humiliation and increases the boldness of Hindu extremists.

  It is here noteworthy to mention that clashes erupted when a massive crowd was restricted from entering the police station for complaining Maharaj, who uttered defamatory words against the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him and Islam. Later, massive protests broke out with sprinkles of violence by the vandals as the police were required to intervene and initiated deploying tear gas bombs to disperse the crowd. It is essential to note here that Maharaj has many complaints against him in Maharashtra for incitement and insulting religious sentiments. Still, at the same time, he is out on bail, whereas Muslims face rigid and harsh terms.

This outrageous video is about Madhya Pradesh, where the BJP government has crossed all limits of injustice, and now the Muslim leadership must come out and speak out against these practices with courage and clarity, otherwise Muslims will be pushed into even worse slavery in the coming period, because if these Hindu persecutions continue, the day is not far when these Hindu powers will treat Muslims like servants.

It is the height of arrogance and injustice to first destroy the homes of the protesters and then force them to dance in the streets and chant slogans praising the unjust security forces, who are practicing injustice day and night against the Muslim minority in full view of everyone. In this case, if fair responses are not given by the Islamic leadership at the country level, the resolve of Muslims will dissipate and they will be immersed in a sense of humiliation and degradation, which will further embolden these extremist Indians.

Hence, it is imperative to confront the Madhya Pradesh Police Department and teach them a strong lesson in a constitutional manner. The hatred and discrimination against Muslims must be addressed in accordance with law and justice.

It is no less than the Muslim leaders in India to request the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Chandrashchud to take immediate action against the police brutality and bulldozer barbarism in Madhya Pradesh, as these actions are a blatant challenge to the judicial authorities.