Book Review: “The Phenomenon of Conflict Between Individualism and Collectivism in Western Thought”


Dr. Abu Zaid bin Muhammad Makki, in his book The Phenomenon of Conflict Between Individualism and Collectivism in Western Thought, explores the nature of human beings carrying seemingly contradictory traits that are, in fact, complementary when placed in their correct context—such as love and hate, fear and hope. Among the most critical of these traits is the balance between the sense of individuality and the inclination toward socialization. People have divided into those who prioritize either individualism or collectivism, or attempt to reconcile them incorrectly. This imbalance arises from a lack of understanding of human nature, which requires a balance between both aspects—something that Islam achieves with unique harmony.
The author examines this phenomenon by discussing the individualist ideology, the collectivist ideology, the synthetic ideology, and finally, the Islamic perspective, providing a detailed analysis of each and drawing final conclusions.

Chapter One: The Individualist Ideology

First Section: The Essence of Individualism

Individualism is defined as the glorification of the individual and the prioritization of their rights over those of society and its institutions. This ideology asserts that the purpose of society is to serve the individual's interests and allow them to manage their own affairs independently. Proponents argue that humans are naturally individualistic and that society is an external imposition, making it a burden that should be dismantled. As a result, the individual becomes sacred, and society has no right to interfere with their freedom or impose restrictions.
A closely related concept is personalism, which acknowledges individual freedom but advocates for integration into society without losing one’s identity—unlike pure individualism, which promotes complete isolation.
Individualism emerged in the West due to several factors, primarily as a reaction against church tyranny and feudal oppression. The social transformations brought by the Industrial Revolution also played a key role, pushing individuals to seek self-fulfillment. Capitalism further reinforced this ideology with its principle of laissez-faire (let do, let pass), which encouraged the removal of all restrictions on individual enterprise.
These ideas aimed to promote the "humanity of man," meaning his liberation from external authority and making the self the sole source of legislation and knowledge. From this philosophy emerged many modern Western ideologies, such as democracy, secularism, liberalism, and existentialism—all of which seek to empower the individual to fulfill their desires without societal or traditional constraints.

Second Section: Prominent Figures in Individualism

Carl Rogers is one of the key figures in individualist thought, focusing on liberating individuals from societal pressures and enabling them to choose their own values. This ideology extends from the views of Freud and the psychoanalytic school, which argue that society suppresses individuals and hinders their natural development.
Western capitalism is deeply rooted in individualist principles, granting individuals vast freedoms, even to their own detriment or that of others, under the banner of personal liberty. Individualist psychologists adopt this perspective, viewing each person as an entirely independent entity and rejecting any societal intervention to guide or regulate behavior.
Existentialist philosophers, such as Søren Kierkegaard, believed that society erases individual identity. He opposed democracy, arguing that it stifles personal uniqueness. Similarly, Jean-Paul Sartre held that society restricts individual freedom, necessitating constant struggle against its values and norms. Friedrich Nietzsche also rejected collectivism, seeing it as a force that weakens responsibility and hinders creativity. He viewed the masses as the greatest threat to individual liberty.

Third Section: Modern Educational Philosophy in Individualism

Supporters of individualism argue that education should prioritize the individual, helping them break free from societal constraints and imposed values, which they consider artificial and unrepresentative of their true nature. They assert that education’s role is to enable individuals to discover their personal values and express them freely, without social pressures. This approach encourages interactions with others based on innate desires rather than imposed societal norms.

Fourth Section: Criticism of Individualism

Individualism is criticized for its excessive focus on the individual at the expense of the collective, leading to psychological and social imbalances. Humans naturally incline toward both individualism and collectivism, and suppressing one aspect disrupts their lives. The overemphasis on personal autonomy fosters selfishness and societal fragmentation.
Moreover, viewing society as a mere constraint rather than an essential support system ignores its role in providing an integrated environment for growth and interaction. The rejection of social constraints without guidelines leads to the collapse of values and traditions, negatively affecting individuals and society alike.
Individualism also limits human purpose to personal, short-term interests, neglecting higher aspirations. This has contributed to widespread psychological issues, such as loneliness and narcissism, along with rising crime rates, drug abuse, divorce, and suicide, as well as a decline in social responsibility toward the weak and poor.

Chapter Two: The Collectivist Ideology

First Section: The Essence of Collectivism

Collectivism is the opposite of individualism; it seeks to eliminate individual autonomy and subordinate individuals to society and the state. Advocates argue that a person’s humanity is realized through their conformity to the emotions and beliefs of the collective. They believe that individuals cannot exist independently from the group but must dissolve within it for the greater good.
This ideology sanctifies society, often at the expense of personal rights, denying individuals the ability to object or form independent beliefs. Instead, they become mere followers of societal dictates.
Collectivism emerged as a reaction against capitalist individualism. Sayyid Qutb describes it as an attempt to counteract extreme individualism with an equally extreme form of collectivism. The ideology is based on the notion that society transcends individuals across time and space, making social forces the primary shapers of personal identity while disregarding individual autonomy.

Second Section: Prominent Figures in Collectivism

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a key figure in collectivist thought, formulating the social contract theory, which holds that individuals relinquish their rights to the collective will, becoming part of a unified society.
G.W.F. Hegel viewed individuals as mere cogs in the machinery of society, asserting that the state alone gives life meaning and that individuals must fully submit to it. Similarly, Karl Marx advocated for the suppression of personal identity in favor of the collective, arguing that human development is only possible through society. Marxism sought to merge individualism and collectivism but ultimately denied any personal independence outside class and societal structures.
Émile Durkheim emphasized that society is an entity independent of individuals, imposing its will upon them. He believed that true freedom could only be achieved through collective belonging. This ideology materialized in communism, which expanded state authority at the expense of individual freedoms, imposing strict controls under the pretext of ensuring societal welfare.

Third Section: Modern Educational Philosophy in Collectivism

Collectivists believe that education should begin with society and end with the individual, aiming primarily to transmit cultural values and strengthen communal bonds. Thus, society is prioritized in the educational process, while the individual comes second. Education is expected to cultivate collective loyalty and social cohesion.
The state assumes responsibility for education, overseeing schools and teachers to align with societal needs and objectives. This system emphasizes preparing individuals for the workforce, favoring rote learning and obedience over critical thinking. Consequently, the teacher-student and administrator-teacher relationships are based on command and compliance, resembling a military structure that suppresses personal independence. The ultimate goal is to produce individuals capable of executing tasks without questioning authority.

Fourth Section: Criticism of Collectivism

Collectivism is criticized for neglecting the individual aspect of human nature, leading to personal imbalance and dissatisfaction. Treating individuals as mere tools of society denies their direct relationship with Allah—a fundamental connection, as individuals are held accountable for their actions on Judgment Day, refuting the notion that they exist solely for the collective.
Furthermore, the belief that society is superior to individuals is flawed, as society is not an independent entity but a construct composed of individuals.
This ideology suppresses individual uniqueness, rendering people powerless and incapable of resisting oppression or enacting change. In reality, human beings embody both independence and social belonging simultaneously, and neither aspect can be entirely separated. Even when it seems possible, true human experience always involves both dimensions.

Chapter Three: The Synthetic Doctrine

Section One: The Essence of the Synthetic Doctrine

The synthetic doctrine is based on the idea of combining individualism and collectivism. It acknowledges a disconnection and conflict between the individual and society and seeks a middle ground that is neither entirely individualistic nor purely collectivist. Instead, it adopts a utilitarian approach that maximizes the benefits of the relationship between both sides.

Proponents of this doctrine argue that the flaw in both individualistic and collectivist ideologies lies in their complete separation of the individual from society, leading to contradictions between their respective interests. While they recognize this division, they propose addressing it in a way that ensures mutual benefit for all.

Section Two: Prominent Figures of the Synthetic Doctrine

The synthetic doctrine is embodied in personalist philosophy, which attempts to merge individualism and collectivism. It advocates for the independence of the individual as the creator of values and morals while rejecting any form of societal or authoritarian subjugation. At the same time, it encourages openness to others through collective awareness and shared truths, reflecting a tendency toward collectivism. Democracy is considered the ideal model for this balance, as it allows individual freedom in competition and development while strengthening social ties.

One of the most notable figures of this doctrine is the French philosopher Charles Renouvier, who laid the foundations of personalism in France. Additionally, the Russian thinker Nikolai Berdyaev and the American philosopher John Dewey are key advocates of this approach. Dewey emphasized that society and environment shape individuals' ideas, but he also believed in the individual's ability to change society in pursuit of their interests. His philosophy, rooted in pragmatism, opposes any restriction on personal freedom and supports efforts to restructure society for social progress.

Section Three: Modern Educational Philosophy in the Synthetic Doctrine

John Dewey believed that philosophy could bridge the gap between the individual and society, with education playing a crucial role in achieving this balance by leveraging their interaction. He emphasized that human intelligence—based on observation, analysis, and evaluation—is the primary tool for solving problems and reassessing social habits and traditions, retaining only those that are beneficial.

Dewey also stressed that the mind does not develop through blind obedience or imposed uniform behavior but through dialogue and freedom of thought. This process fosters what he termed "social intelligence," wherein institutions aim to improve both the individual and society. Therefore, he argued that education should be an open experience that allows individuals to learn through problem-solving and interaction with others. This approach cultivates mature individuals who contribute to shaping social institutions that establish values and societal norms.

Section Four: Criticism of the Synthetic Doctrine

The synthetic doctrine faces several criticisms, the most significant being its assumption of a fundamental separation between individualism and collectivism, whereas both play essential roles in human life. Additionally, it is often viewed as contradictory—on the one hand, it advocates for the development of independent and creative individuals, yet on the other, it demands that education train individuals to conform to the requirements of economic institutions. This contradiction has caused confusion among American educators, with some choosing to overlook it, while others have argued for a clear distinction between the goals of individual education and the needs of industrial society.

Moreover, this doctrine is often criticized for serving capitalism, as it practically conditions individuals to accept the existing economic system without awareness of its flaws. Even proponents of personalist philosophy have acknowledged that the reconciliation between individualism and collectivism is not genuine; rather, it results in restricting individual freedom and suppressing creativity. Dr. Al-Kahlani points out that human beings experience a constant struggle between their desire for independence and their need for belonging. This internal conflict forces individuals, when integrating into society, to relinquish aspects of their uniqueness and adopt a persona that aligns with the collective, ultimately leading to a false collective consciousness.

Chapter Four: The Islamic Doctrine

Section One: The Essence of the Islamic Doctrine

The Islamic doctrine holds that the balance between individualism and collectivism is intrinsic to human nature. Humans inherently possess both tendencies without the need to negate or favor one over the other. This understanding is rooted in the Quran and Sunnah, which describe humans as being created from both clay and spirit, endowing them with dualities such as love and hate, fear and hope, as well as a simultaneous inclination toward individualism and collectivism. Islam asserts that an individual is neither an entirely independent entity nor a mere part of a collective mass; rather, they are a unique being intrinsically connected to society, with both tendencies complementing one another to ensure a stable life.

Islam upholds individualism by emphasizing that humans are honored beings endowed with free will and intellect, responsible for their actions. The purpose of existence is to worship Allah and act as His vicegerent on Earth. Meanwhile, collectivism is realized through an awareness of the shared human origin, encouraging individuals to strive for the common good based on justice and kindness. This principle includes calling to Allah, enjoining good and forbidding evil—even if it requires fighting oppression. Thus, Islam presents a balanced model that fulfills both individual and societal needs.

Section Two: Prominent Figures of the Islamic Doctrine

The Islamic doctrine underscores the balance between individualism and collectivism, as explicitly mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. While individuals are accountable for their own actions, they are also commanded to cooperate in righteousness and not to follow others blindly. Islam further encourages obedience to rulers within the limits of Sharia, reflecting the integration of individualism and collectivism in Islamic legislation.

With the emergence of capitalism, which emphasized individualism, and communism, which promoted collectivism, prominent Islamic thinkers emerged to clarify Islam’s position on this matter. Among the most notable are Sayyid Qutb, in his works Islam and the Problems of Civilization and Islam and World Peace, as well as Muhammad Qutb, who explored the issue in depth in books such as Man Between Materialism and Islam and The Islamic Approach to Education. Additionally, scholars of psychology, sociology, and economics with an Islamic perspective have continued to analyze and elaborate on this principle comprehensively.

Section Three: Educational Philosophy in the Islamic Doctrine

The Islamic educational philosophy aims to strike a balance between individualism and collectivism in human development. Islam nurtures individualism by fostering a sense of responsibility, intellectual independence, reliance on Allah, and self-purification. This enables individuals to remain steadfast in adversity, exert greater effort in their work, and cultivate self-confidence. Islam also emphasizes independence from blind conformity and encourages personal acts of worship such as night prayers and secret charity, which help develop a strong and autonomous personality capable of making decisions within the framework of Sharia.

At the same time, Islam places great importance on collective spirit, advocating for cooperation in righteousness, brotherhood in faith, and adherence to congregational practices such as prayer and jihad. It warns against isolation and selfishness. Furthermore, Islam maintains equilibrium between individualism and collectivism through a fair moral and social system that safeguards individual rights without compromising societal welfare, and vice versa. This harmony ensures both personal and communal stability, steering clear of the conflicts that arise from secular philosophies.


Human beings possess both individualistic and collectivist tendencies, despite their apparent contradictions. Different philosophies have adopted three approaches in addressing this duality: individualism, which glorifies the individual and leads to capitalism; collectivism, which idealizes society and results in communism; and the synthetic doctrine, which attempts to merge both but ultimately creates internal conflicts within educational frameworks.

In contrast, Islam presents a balanced perspective derived from the Quran and Sunnah. It harmonizes individualism and collectivism, fostering a sense of inner peace within individuals and social cohesion within communities—without one aspect dominating the other.


Last modified on Saturday, 22 February 2025 18:01