The incident of Al Israa Wal Miraj has always been filled with important lessons that require extensive contemplation to deduce wisdom and understand Allah’s will for His servants through it. While it can be accepted that the event served as a form of solace for the soul of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, it also included great rewards and introduced new concepts to the vocabulary of Muslims. It was not an ordinary event but rather a miraculous one that defied the natural laws and life concepts, thereby adding many notions that Muslims must comprehend and embrace with complete submission and conviction.
Upon reflecting on the events of this blessed divine night, one will find numerous lessons and insights that Muslims must pay close attention to. The significance of this event is highlighted by its mention in the Qur’an, where an entire surah was dedicated to discussing its details. From this standpoint, we aim to pause and reflect on this incident to highlight the lessons, insights, and meanings it imparted to Muslims. Among these lessons are:
1. A Gift Born from Hardship
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, endured numerous significant hardships throughout his life. Among these was Quraysh's persistent obstruction of his call to Allah in Makkah, in Thaqif, and among many other Arab tribes, essentially besieging the call to Allah's religion. After the death of Abu Talib, who had protected the Prophet from Quraysh’s schemes, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, found himself in grave danger. Then came the incident of Al-Isra Wal Miraj to console the Prophet amidst these mounting challenges. During this miraculous event, Allah gathered him with other prophets and messengers in a single meeting, appointing him as their leader and final prophet.
2. Purifying the Ranks Before Building the State
Given the accumulation of hardships in Makkah, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was on the brink of a new phase aimed at protecting Muslims from the persecution inflicted by Quraysh. All indications pointed toward migration as the beginning of a new chapter for the Muslim community. Therefore, before embarking on this journey and initiating the construction of the Islamic state, Allah willed that the foundational elements of this building be sound and free from any impurities, characterized by strength, cohesion, and unity. Hence, this event served as a test to filter out the weak, hesitant, and doubtful believers, affirming the sincere and steadfast ones.
3. Islam as the Religion of Human Nature
The incident where the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was given the choice between drinking milk or wine symbolizes that Islam is the natural religion for all humanity. No other religion aligns harmoniously with human nature because the One who created this innate nature has ordained this religion as its guide and complement. Islam regulates the inclinations of the human self, fulfilling its needs while restraining its excesses.
4. Realizing the Importance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
After the incident of Al-Isra Wal Miraj, the first generation of the Prophet's companions recognized their true responsibility toward the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Consequently, they moved swiftly to liberate it from Roman control during the caliphate of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, restoring peace and security to it for a long period. However, the Crusaders later wreaked havoc in it five centuries after the Prophet's migration. It was only when a leader who followed the path of the companions emerged, namely Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi, that the Muslims reclaimed and liberated it. This same lesson remains relevant, awaiting Muslims who will mimic the efforts of their predecessors in achieving liberation after periods of captivity and suffering.