The Era of American Dominance
People these days live in a world where America is the greatest power on Earth, a position it uniquely occupies after the collapse of its competitor, the Soviet Union, which fell at the hands of its own people because it lacked the means for survival.
As America became unrivaled, its desire for control and lust for power intensified. It is no surprise, for it has inherited from the Romans the worship of power, just as it has inherited from the Greeks the worship of beauty.
American Influence and Presence
America’s presence is constantly before us through goods, weapons, cinema, decision-making, clothing, fashion, and cars... and the veto as well.
Thus, we can say that the Earth is currently living in the American era, and people on this planet are overcome by a sharp feeling that America is an invincible and unconquerable force. Therefore, what happened in terms of the massive explosions on its soil must be understood in this context.
Reflections on 9/11
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, a profound and violent shockwave affected everyone, impacting Americans more than it did others. I am one of those affected by this shock and found it imperative to convey this message, which consists of a collection of lessons, inquiries, and reflections.
Islamic Perspective on Peace and Tolerance
We Muslims wish well for all the peoples of the Earth, including the American people. Our religion is one of the most tolerant of all faiths, and our civilization is among the most forgiving. We acknowledge—and defend—the rights of others to choose their own cultural, religious, linguistic, and social identities as they see fit, and our history is a testament to that. We respect human dignity simply for being human. Just as we extend a hand of goodwill to the American people, we want goodness for the American state. We have no problem that kindles animosity or incites hatred between us.
The Problem of American Bias
The problem lies in the American project adopted by certain leaders in the United States for various complex and misguided motivations, where they openly align with Israel, mistakenly thinking that this unjust bias serves their country's interests. This alignment is one of the greatest mistakes made by these leaders. If decision-makers in America want to understand the reasons behind the hatred directed towards them, this bias is at the forefront.
America's Interests and Justice
America's interest lies in dealing justly with us because we are a nation that extends across time, space, humanity, creed, and wealth. To eradicate us is an impossibility. We emerged victorious from the Crusaders and the Tatar invasions, despite being weaker than we are now, while the ferocity of those invasions was greater than what we face today.
Divine Laws and the Zionist Occupation
Indeed, God Almighty has laws and principles governing the rise and fall of nations and civilizations, and these laws are just and neutral. The Zionist occupation of Palestine is in direct contradiction to these laws and principles.
Therefore, it is bound to vanish, while we are bound to remain. We can endure a thousand defeats and remain, while the Zionists cannot withstand even one defeat. So, is it in your interest, Americans, to abandon the enduring truth and align yourselves with the fleeting illusion?
Contradictions in American Foundations
Furthermore, your bias contradicts the foundations on which your system is built: freedom, plurality, and respect for the rights of others to determine their own destinies. Is it right for you to enjoy choices while denying the Palestinian people their own choices?
Gratitude and Historical Context
Jews, as a whole, are people who do not show gratitude to anyone, no matter the assistance provided. When the entire Christian world erupted in anger against them for believing they crucified Christ (peace be upon him), we were their safe haven, providing them an opportunity for dignified living. Yet, they acted against us—with your support and that of others—as you know. Do you expect them to show appreciation to you, knowing that their history demonstrates their actions? Refer back to the Torah and the Talmud to understand their intentions towards you and others. Turn to the Holy Quran to know our intentions towards you and others are good. Also, revisit the advice Benjamin Franklin gave to your country’s leaders in 1789 when they convened to outline its future and draft its constitution. He urged them to prevent Jews from entering America, as they come weak or fleeing, only to soon dominate. And here is your country, after two centuries of neglecting and ignoring this advice, paying the price.
Reflection and Historical Opportunity
Smart communities, like individuals, governments, and civilizations, turn trials into opportunities for reflection, transforming adversity into a gift. So, will you take what happened on Black Tuesday as a serious opportunity for review, to discover the truth and retain it, and to recognize falsehood and overcome it?
This is a precious historical opportunity, so do not let it go to waste. It is your right, and the right of all God's creatures on this planet, to seek your security. The greatest reason for achieving security is justice. The messenger of Khosrow came to Medina bearing a message for Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab and found him sleeping on the ground without a guard or doorkeeper. His nature prompted him to utter a remarkable phrase that entered history, addressing the Caliph: "You have ruled justly, so you are safe, and so I sleep."
The Cycle of Hatred and Violence
Now you are in wide-ranging security precautions that cost you a lot in terms of money, time, effort, and nerves. What will you do if the cycle of hatred increases? History teaches us that blood begets blood and that violence leads to more violence.
In ancient times, the Romans used to fight Christians, and at times they punished those who chose the new religion by throwing them into an arena with hungry ferocious lions. History recounts that whenever a lion devoured one of the two members of the audience who had embraced the new faith, it pained the Muslim, and every person with a free conscience and a living heart, when they see the innocents facing murder, destruction, and persecution in America, Palestine, or any other place. Let us share in the sorrow where it is due so that we may be just and dispel the accusation of weighing things with two scales.
The Flaws of Power
One of the flaws of power is that it leads its possessor to arrogance, causing them to forget security, justice, and fairness, and to succumb to the impulse to oppress, the thirst for dominance, and contempt for others. At that point, they lose discernment, and they face the inexorable law of God. They provoke others from outside and decay from within. The true Lord of the universe is Allah, Blessed and Exalted, and human sovereignty is transient and temporary. Will you, Americans, learn this old-new lesson?
The Inevitable Rival
Moreover, your status as the sole power cannot last indefinitely; a rival must appear, as it is a necessity of the divine principle of competition that God Almighty has established: "And if Allah had not repelled some people by means of others, the earth would have been corrupted" (Quran 2:251).
The rival that is forming now could be China, a united Europe, or we Muslims.
Advice to Treat Others Well
Treat others well so that they may treat you well when the wheel of history turns and positions change. We Muslims are a promising and promised nation. Our trajectory—acknowledging all our flaws—is ultimately upward, and with God's permission, we will be the leaders of civilization in a coming cycle, after the collapse of the camp of atheism in the defunct Soviet Union, and after you, Americans, have begun to sink into increasing problems, treating their apparent symptoms rather than their underlying causes. The wise person perceives the flow of history, anticipates the future, and observes the forthcoming power, working to gain it driven by principles, interests, or both together.
Acquire Wisdom
Acquire wisdom and do not let images distract you from the truths, particulars from universals; the universe belongs to God, not to us or to you, and the laws of God are constant and unchanging. The Soviet Union fell at the hands of its own people, and faster than the most optimistic scholars had anticipated.
Source: Al-Mujtama