The colonies we mean are not areas of land that fell under foreign occupation, but rather certain souls who have accepted worldly life and despise striving for higher. Cultural invasion has molded them, giving them new material and literary characteristics made by the latest owner.
Subjugation and Submission
If they transferred to another owner, they would be shaped differently. These souls have lost their distinctiveness and live as they were drawn to, understanding nothing of God's religion or the history of their nation.
Cultural Invasion's Impact
Cultural invasion, for the past century, has not wasted its time; it has undoubtedly increased these submissive souls, then funded, armed, and empowered them, leaving them to act on its behalf in destroying everything they despise.
The University Professor's Confession
Among these is a university professor who says about himself: "I neither pray nor fast, but I am a believer." This dissolute professor attributes his dismissal from his job and the cutting of his livelihood to prayer and fasting. According to the University Voice magazine, which published his foolish talk, he said: "I wanted to thank God as we thank anyone who does a service, so I prayed for about a month, but then I was surprised by my dismissal on the twenty-seventh of Ramadan. I immediately decided to stop praying and fasting... And so, it was!
Frivolity and Blasphemy
From this statement, it is clear we are dealing with a frivolous person playing with all values. If he abandoned worship out of laziness, he would hide from society in shame. But to abandon it deliberately makes him a disbeliever in God, and the faithful agree on this. His talk about custom has no weight, as he says: "If people become accustomed to something, it gains the power and status of religion." That is a lie. Many wrong customs were resisted by reformers until they were eradicated, and many societies have become accustomed to atheism and decay. Is that a religion that its deniers are disbelievers?
Publication and Misinterpretation
The University Voice magazine has published the thoughts of this university professor, claiming he has evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. As for the Quran, they cite the verse: "Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills." (An-Nisa: 48). This is a refuted argument, for denying divinity entirely is worse than association and not less. Refusing to submit to God is also not less than associating.
Example of Iblis
Iblis, the leader of the disobedient, knew God existed as he received direct orders from Him. Nevertheless, he refused to obey the command given to him when he was told: "Prostrate." He said: "I am better than that." This is different from what the dissolute professor did. When he was told: "Pray," he said: "Prayer is a bad omen!" He continued in his absurdity, describing virtuous girls as abnormal, imitating a woman spreading doubt in our country.
Intent to Corrupt
If this man had announced his apostasy, he would have revealed his true self and his evil would have been contained. However, he seeks to corrupt Islam under the guise of Islam, aiming to render these texts meaningless and divert the emerging generations from adhering to them.
Misuse of Hadith
As for the Hadith that this professor foolishly repeats, it is: "Indeed, Allah does not look at your appearance but at your hearts." He quotes it out of context, isolating it from what precedes and follows. This Hadith actually aims to combat hypocrites who feign goodness while their hearts are hollow, and it does not mean one can be exposed indecently with the excuse that God only cares about hearts.
Criticism of the Magazine
We blame the magazine that published this conversation without comment. They should either discard it with the trash or publish a wise response from one of the rational individuals. Insulting Islam at the university in this manner is unacceptable.
Allocation of Spaces for Women
It may be that part of this intended insult includes publishing an article denouncing the allocation of spaces for women in public transportation because, as the writer says, we are in the twentieth century. We ask: Was inappropriate contact with women forbidden in the past and now permitted? Virtuous women feel great discomfort from the close contact in crowded vehicles like sardine cans. Should they be told to learn the new progressivism and follow it to the end? This is what the magazine wants, publishing an inappropriate surprise for the students' bus, saying: "Do not think of implementing the experiment, otherwise many people will abandon you. Enough of internal and external barriers."
False Progressivism
"Enough barriers," let's unleash our instincts and join the twentieth century, welcoming the cries of teenagers.
Colonial Advisors
This is what the University Voice published, a recommendation from a girl named Mona Thabit, whose affiliation I do not know, but I am certain she does not know the commandments of heaven.
Retired Advisor's Article
Let's move from small colonies to a large one—a retired advisor wrote in Al-Ahram, a page against divorce and polygamy. I tried to recall any research by this legal expert defending the limits of Islam but found none. He has never cared about excluding Islamic law from the world of law, and now he writes about family laws seeking to Christianize them, but in the name of Islam. This is surprising. Why invoke Islam when trying to eliminate its teachings?
Criticism of Islamic Family Law
All those attacking the "Islamic Family Law" exhibit this annoying phenomenon of attacking Islam in the name of Islam. The advisor who recently published his attack claimed that the verses permitting polygamy actually prohibit it because they assert the impossibility of fairness between women. Since this argument is baseless, its proponents keep repeating it as if it were an established opinion. Who said it, "Abu Zharifa"? "Hayan Ibn Bayan"? "Salah Jahin"? How can legal scholars stoop to such low levels of reasoning? But it is cultural invasion that revealed God's dilemma.
Defense of Islamic Teachings
We discussed this topic in detail, supported by statistics and comparisons, in Imam Muhammad Abduh's hall. We took our time with the opponents until we uncovered their suspicions and showed that they rely on nothing in their criticism of Islamic teachings related to the family.
Poisonous Campaigns
The poisonous and furious campaigns against polygamy and the permissibility of divorce are artificially created storms. There is nothing in our social reality that calls for them. The whole story is that remnants of Islamic presence in the world of law are being removed so that global colonialism can completely eliminate Islam in most aspects of life. It can then focus on destroying it in the world of belief and worship. That is what prompted thousands of students to go to parliament to ensure the future of their religion. A reader pointed out to me that an exemplary writer attacked this march, saying: "Some of our children, not all, have overtrusted the sincerity of the person who stood in Imam Muhammad Abduh's hall and claimed that Islam is in danger, so they followed him blindly, not knowing the deliberate deception in this claim, etc." It pleased me that this woman insulted me. If she had praised me, I would have doubted myself and my religion, because I quoted from her magazine words that make one ashamed—only the honorable people. The woman continued her attack on the students' march, saying that it carries the trait of blind obedience to whims paid for by non-Egyptian money. Glory be to God, the defenders of Islam took money, while the defenders of debauchery and the opening of Egypt to various influences are pure. I did not care about this lowliness but remembered the poet's saying:
Determination and Defense
"Your baseness saved you,
It protected you from being harmed."
We will continue to defend our religion no matter how loud the barking behind us becomes, and these colonized souls must vanish. No matter how long the night, the dawn will come.