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The Islamic World Beyond Zionism

By Prof. Dr. Hamdy Shaheen August 25, 2024 525

We are confident in our Lord's promise to grant victory to His religion and His allies: “Indeed, We will support Our messengers and those who believe during the life of this world and on the Day when the witnesses will stand.” (Ghafir: 51) In fact, the signs of victory and the collapse of the Zionist project have begun to take shape after the “Al-Aqsa Flood.” Talks have intensified about the impending fall of the enemy's state from within and outside. Therefore, discussing what will happen after the fall of the Zionist project has become a matter of forecasting the future rather than wishful thinking or wild hopes. Speaking of the day after the liberation of Jerusalem is more relevant than their talks of the day after Hamas ceases to rule Gaza.


On the Political Level:

The Zionist project will not collapse in isolation from the decline of the Western colonial project, which has dominated our region for the past five centuries. The two projects have been intertwined since Zionism first emerged as a malignant seed for which Herzl sought a sponsor. This collaboration continues, as expressed by Netanyahu in his recent speech to the U.S. Congress when he said, “We are not only protecting ourselves; we are fighting for you... Together, we shall defend our common civilization.” This was echoed by U.S. President Joe Biden during his press conference in Tel Aviv after October 7, when he said, “If there were not an Israel, we would have to invent it, and we will continue to support it.”


The decline of the Western colonial project will mark the beginning of our Ummah's liberation and its ability to determine its own destiny, free from Western oppression.

When the signs of danger appeared on the horizon for the Zionist entity after the “Al-Aqsa Flood,” American and European aircraft carriers and fleets rushed to reassure their ally and protect it, threatening its adversaries. The situation reached the point where U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken attended an Israeli cabinet meeting to show solidarity with them, stating that he came as “a Jew, not just as an American official.” Similarly, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin participated in an Israeli war council meeting days after October 7 to help draft plans for the attack on Gaza.

The decline of the Western colonial project signals the beginning of our Ummah's liberation and ability to determine its destiny away from Western coercion. The protection of dictatorial regimes is a shared responsibility between the Zionist and Western projects.

Support for dictatorship in the Arab world is not new for the Zionist entity. Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, once said: “I have always feared that an Arab leader might arise to lead the Arabs towards freedom and unity.” The Zionist journalist and writer Ofer Shelah wrote in the Israeli newspaper “Maariv” on February 1, 2011, in an article titled “Democracy is Not for Arabs”: “Arabs are unworthy of democracy, and what Israel needs is stable, undemocratic regimes. In simple terms, we want Arab dictators who depend on the West.”

Zionist fears of Arab and Islamic liberation and unity are based on a real observation of the longing of our people for freedom and their loyalty to Islam. One of the primary Western motivations for planting Israel in this geopolitical location in the region was to be a deterrent against those aspirations, a guardian of the Western-Zionist project’s dominance in the heart of a region primed for the resurgence of Islamic revival.


With the fall of the Zionist project, Jewish capitalist control and its global tools will collapse.

The Zionist project was also responsible for creating plans to divide and fragment the Arab and Islamic world. These plans achieved significant success by dismantling the Ottoman Caliphate and the Islamic unity, while at the same time implementing the Sykes-Picot plans. Not long after, Bernard Lewis's plan to fragment the region into small states with built-in internal conflicts was embraced.

Thus, the collapse of the Zionist project and the defeat of the Western project will dismantle these schemes, enabling the revival of the Ummah, the restoration of its autonomy, the regaining of its sovereignty, and the realization of its aspirations for unity and integration. Although the path to this goal may be long due to decades of division, moral corruption, and cultural alienation, the decline of some aspects of the Zionist and Western projects will open the door for the rise of the Islamic project.

The Islamic project holds great potential, with nearly two billion Muslims across vast geographical areas rich in economic, scientific, and intellectual resources. It carries great aspirations for unity and a religious conviction that seeks global leadership, presenting a divine message with a noble humanitarian perspective.


On the Economic Level:

The collapse of the Zionist project will lead to the downfall of Jewish capitalist control and its global tools. This will mark the end of the Rothschild dynasty, their control over the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and most of the world's financial institutions, as well as the tyranny of usury and predatory capitalism that has allowed 20% of the world to control its resources while leaving 80% crushed by poverty.

The management of the global economy within a system that enriches the wealthy and impoverishes the poor while fostering dependence on a handful of massive financial institutions and multinational corporations will come to an end. This system monopolizes advanced technology, attracts brilliant minds from around the world, and deprives their home countries of their talents, ensuring the West’s continued dominance. This system produces its line of loyal agents in fields like media, prostitution and sex industries, espionage, and servitude.


The most prominent result of the enemy's defeat is the reclamation of confidence by the Islamic people in their leaders and role models.

Following this, our Arab and Islamic worlds will regain the ability to present the Islamic economic model in trade, finance, and production. This model promotes a compassionate system that encourages work, values justice in the distribution of wealth, and emphasizes the wisdom of profit-making. It forbids monopoly, fraud, extravagant consumption, and the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few tyrants.

Our Ummah’s economic resources, which have been usurped by Zionism and colonialism, will be liberated. Among these key resources are the water resources—Jordan will regain control of its river, Lebanon will recover its sovereignty over the Litani River, Egypt will protect itself from the conspiracies threatening its great Nile, and the Ummah will regain control over its own resources.


On the Psychological Level:

The most significant outcome of the enemy's collapse will be the psychological and spiritual revival of the people. They will regain their confidence in themselves, in their free leaders, and in the inspiring role models produced during the stages of liberation. The Ummah will trust once more in its ability to contribute to global civilization, create an Islamic model as an alternative to the world's ignorance, and fulfill its divine mission: “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.” (Aal-Imran: 110) The Ummah will also regain the freedom to differentiate between the world's powers based on their stance towards it, restoring the concept of loyalty to Allah and disavowal of His enemies.



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