Towards a Research-Oriented Nation: How Do We Create a Sustainable Scientific Culture? Featured

By Othman Al-Thuwaini January 12, 2025 233



Scientific research is the backbone of the renaissance of any community that aspires to a bright future. It is the engine that drives change, propels the wheel of development, and shapes the present and future of the nation. However, building a strong infrastructure for research activity is not just a dream; it is a project that requires a clear vision, societal determination, and integration among various sectors. A society that places scientific research at the heart of its concerns is one that lays the foundations for a comprehensive renaissance that reshapes its priorities and enriches its knowledge.

Preparation for Research

Psychological, social, and scientific preparation is the first step in this journey. When the seeds of a love for knowledge are planted in children from a young age, generations emerge that breathe science and raise questions in search of truth. The natural curiosity displayed in children when they ask about the world around them is the first key to developing a research-oriented mentality. Hence, the importance of supporting this curiosity with educational curricula that stimulate critical thinking instead of rote memorization and encourage experimentation rather than mere memorization. Additionally, the entire community, from families to public institutions, must bear the responsibility of supporting scientific research as a shared value that brings everyone together.

Daily Research Habit

Scientific research is not merely an academic activity; it is a habit that can become part of the details of our daily lives. Imagine how Muslim scholars, like Ibn Al-Haytham and Al-Khwarizmi, viewed daily phenomena as opportunities for thought and analysis. They learned through observation, asking questions, and conducting simple experiments. Today, we can draw inspiration from these pioneers by encouraging individuals to use simple research tools to analyze their lives and everyday problems. When these habits become part of people's lives, a society that values scientific thinking can emerge and practice it as part of its culture.

Historical Model of Research

Islamic civilization presented the world with a unique model in supporting scientific research. The House of Wisdom in Baghdad was a remarkable example of the integration between thought and action. Muslim scholars, such as Ibn Sina and Ibn Al-Nafis, did not merely settle for writing books; they experimented, researched, and innovated. This research spirit made Islamic civilization a beacon of science and knowledge at a time when other parts of the world were engulfed in the darkness of ignorance. This historical model should inspire us today to rebuild our research systems with the same spirit and determination.

Modern Examples of Research Investment

In the modern era, the experiences of nations have proven that investing in scientific research can change the destiny of an entire nation. Japan, for example, was able to rise from the ashes of World War II thanks to its investment in education and research. Japanese universities have become centers of innovation connecting industry with academia, leading to the development of advanced industries that placed Japan at the forefront of industrial nations. Singapore, despite its small size, has focused on scientific research as a key pillar of its national development. Research centers like the Institute of Science and Technology there have become engines of development and innovation, helping to transform its economy into one of the most competitive in the world.

Linking Scientific Research Across Nations

But how can the nation link the results of scientific research across its various countries? The answer lies in recognizing that scientific research is not merely a local effort with limited impact, but rather a project for an entire nation striving for integration and knowledge communication among its different parts. The Islamic nation possesses enormous assets of geographical and cultural diversity, as well as human and natural resources, which makes it well-prepared to build an integrated research network. However, this requires political will and societal awareness that recognizes that sustainable development and civilizational progress can only be achieved through coordinated and integrated efforts.

Collaborative Research Examples

Imagine, for example, a country like Malaysia, which has distinguished itself in sustainable agriculture research, collaborating with countries in the Middle East that face water scarcity challenges. Such a partnership could yield innovative solutions to irrigation and agricultural problems in harsh environments, contributing to food security. Similarly, Gulf countries, which have advanced expertise in renewable energy, could transfer their technical knowledge to African countries to develop clean and sustainable energy solutions in remote villages. This integration not only enhances productivity but also reinforces the sense of unity and shared destiny.

Historical Lessons in Research Collaboration

Islamic history offers us rich lessons in this context. During the era of Islamic civilization, centers of learning were widespread in Baghdad, Damascus, Córdoba, and Cairo, but they did not operate in isolation from one another. On the contrary, there was constant communication among scholars and research centers; manuscripts were translated and shared, and ideas were discussed among jurists and scholars across various regions. Perhaps the example of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad stands out the most, where Muslim and non-Muslim scholars collaborated in translating and transmitting knowledge from various civilizations, making the Islamic world at that time a center of global knowledge.

Digital Platforms for Research Integration

In modern times, the nation can reclaim this shared scientific heritage by establishing advanced digital platforms that connect universities and research centers across all Islamic countries. Such platforms can facilitate the exchange of data and research, and allow for joint studies on the major challenges facing the nation, such as food security, water management, climate change, and public health. These platforms can serve as a modern "House of Wisdom," enhancing research integration among different countries.

Establishment of Joint Regional Research Institutions

Moreover, the establishment of joint regional research institutions could be an important step towards this goal. For example, member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation could establish an "Islamic Council for Joint Research," which would coordinate research efforts among member states and fund research projects that serve the common goals of the nation. This institution could bring together the best minds in the Islamic world to work on issues impacting the lives of millions.

Funding for Research

Funding is also a key factor in achieving this linkage. An Islamic fund can be established to support scientific research, with contributions from countries, charitable institutions, and individuals from all over the Islamic world. This fund can be used to finance joint research between universities and research centers in various countries, ensuring the continuity of these efforts and expanding their impact.

International Cooperation

We cannot overlook the importance of international cooperation with the rest of the world. Benefiting from global expertise and partnerships with major universities and research institutions can add tremendous value to this network. At the same time, the nation can be an effective contributor to global knowledge by providing new and innovative solutions to the challenges facing humanity as a whole.

 National Integration for Research Revival

The research revival cannot be an individual or sectorial responsibility; it is a national project that requires integration among the state's sectors. Education is the root that nourishes this system, and universities must become research centers that lead change. The government, in turn, must provide funding and legislation that stimulates innovation. The private sector can play a pivotal role by funding applied research and linking it to market needs. Furthermore, international cooperation opens new doors for knowledge and development. Research partnerships with global institutions are not just an opportunity for knowledge exchange but also a bridge for human communication and building a shared future.

 Long-Term Investment in Research

Building infrastructure for research activities is a long-term investment that yields countless returns. It is the way to unleash the latent energies within society and transform them into creativity and innovation. Just as Islamic civilization was a model to be emulated in the past, today we can forge a new model that combines our civilizational heritage with modern tools. If we embark on this journey with sincere will and a clear vision, scientific research will become not only a part of our development plans but also a way of life that shapes our community's identity.  


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