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Before the Battle of Qadisiyyah (15 AH), the commander Rustam sent a message to Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) saying: "Send us a man." So, Sa’d sent Al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba (may Allah be pleased with him). When he arrived at the Persian headquarters, they detained him before finally allowing him in, after exaggerating their attire to diminish the Muslims. Al-Mughira found their leaders wearing crowns and gold-woven garments. Rustam addressed him: "Speak, or shall I speak?" Al-Mughira replied: "You sent for us, so speak."

Rustam praised his people, glorified their status, and went on for a while, saying: “We have always been in control of the land, dominating over our enemies, esteemed among nations. No king has the honor, prestige, and authority we possess. We are victorious over people except for a day or two, or a month or two, due to sins. When Allah takes revenge and is pleased, He restores our honor, gathering us against our enemies for the worst day to come upon them.” Rustam then belittled the Arabs and Muslims, saying: “I do not desire to kill or capture you.”

Al-Mughira's Response

Al-Mughira praised Allah and said: “Allah is the creator and provider of everything. What you mentioned about your people, their dominance over enemies, and their control over the land and great authority in the world, we know and do not deny. Allah granted it to you and placed it within you, but it belongs to Him, not you. As for the poor condition you mentioned about us, and the tight livelihood and differing hearts, we know it and do not deny it. Allah tested us with it, and the world revolves.”

He concluded: “If you need us to protect you, then be our servant, paying the jizya (tax) in submission. Otherwise, the sword if you refuse!”

Rustam became extremely angry, swearing not to let the morning come without killing all the Muslims. He tried to weaken Al-Mughira by sending a man to accompany him back to the Muslim camp, shouting: “The king, being an astrologer, calculated and looked into your matter, saying: ‘Tomorrow your eye will be gouged out.’”

Al-Mughira replied: “You have given me good news and reward. If it were not for the need to fight people like you after today, I would wish the other eye were taken as well.” The Muslims laughed at Al-Mughira’s quick wit and sharp insight. The Persian returned to Rustam, saying: “Obey me, O Persians, for I see Allah’s punishment upon you that you cannot avert.”

Reflecting on Qadisiyyah

This scene from the Battle of Qadisiyyah is brought to us by history, to reflect upon and draw lessons. Therefore, here are some reflections:

  1. Sins Prevail

Every day, we witness violations of honor, theft of wealth, bloodshed, destruction of homes, and desecration of holy places and prayers! Muslims today complain of oppression, injustice, enslavement, tyranny, loss, and humiliation. The reason is the overwhelming stench of sins within the Ummah. The consequence is stated in Allah's words: “And Allah presents an example: A city which was safe and secure, its provision coming to it in abundance from every location, but it denied the favors of Allah. So Allah made it taste the envelopment of hunger and fear for what they had been doing.” (Quran, An-Nahl: 112)

In a similar situation, a man wrote to a pious person complaining about the tyranny of the workers. He responded: “O my brother! Your letter has reached me, mentioning the tyranny of the workers. It is not appropriate for those who engage in sin to deny punishment. I think what you are experiencing is due to the evil of sins. Peace be upon you.”

  1. The World Revolves

Al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba understood long ago that days rotate, never remaining constant for anyone. Tomorrow, the oppressor and the oppressed, the jailer and the prisoner will all pass away. “Every oppressor among the people has his day of retribution.” Ibn Al-Jawzi said: “Know that time does not remain constant, as Allah Almighty said: ‘And those days We alternate among the people.’ (Quran, Al-Imran: 140) Sometimes poverty, sometimes wealth, sometimes honor, and sometimes humiliation. The happy one is he who adheres to one principle in all circumstances, which is piety to Allah Almighty.”

  1. The Sword if You Refuse!

It is evident that those upholding the banner of truth and associating with it are either martyrs who have been treacherously killed, detainees hidden behind four walls for speaking the truth, fighters in the fields awaiting death at any moment, fugitives constantly moving, or strangers among their people awaiting a moment to confront their oppressors. Meanwhile, others are either stubbornly denying the truth or ignorant followers of every misleading voice.

History has taught us that if falsehood has overwhelming power, then truth must have power to support and protect it. Falsehood relentlessly pursues believers, resisting and causing harm and torment. So why should the people of truth hesitate to stand firm against falsehood and its supporters, while hoping from Allah what the oppressors do not hope for and will never hope for?

  1. Good News and Reward

Look at Al-Mughira (may Allah be pleased with him)! See how he embraces the loss of his eye! It is an honor from Allah in His way! It is good news and a promise of reward. He even wishes that Allah would honor him with losing the other eye in His way. This is the spirit that should reside in those striving in His cause.

“Those who have believed, emigrated, and striven in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah. And it is those who are the attainers [of success]. Their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy from Him and approval and of gardens for them wherein is enduring pleasure. [They will be] abiding therein forever. Indeed, Allah has with Him a great reward.” (Quran, At-Tawbah: 20-22)

The love of jihad possessed Al-Mughira, so he sought safety to continue fighting from every angle. He asked Allah for the safety of his other eye to fulfill his role in the struggle between truth and falsehood. Sa'id ibn Al-Musayyib learned and practiced this lesson, once going out to fight with one eye, being told he was ill and had an excuse. He responded: “Allah mobilizes the light and the heavy. If I am unable to fight, I will increase the numbers and protect the supplies.”

Even if he lost both eyes, he would not cease to be among the fighters. Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum (may Allah be pleased with him) was blind and exempted in the verse “other than those with a disability” (Quran, An-Nisa: 95). Yet, he continued to fight, saying: “Hand me the banner; I am blind and cannot flee. Place me between the ranks.” He attended Qadisiyyah with the Muslims’ banner, wearing a full protective armor.

The True Fighter

The sincere fighter accepts no excuses, bends for no hindrance, conquers obstacles, breaks chains, and seeks a breach to fulfill his duty to Allah.