Al Isra Wal Miraj: 7 Empowering Lessons for Today's Youth

By Mohamed Fathi Elnadi February 28, 2024 4442

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) endured the most severe hardships from Quraysh. It was not just a matter of rejecting the new message; it was a war on all fronts.

The war against his preaching manifested in the defamation and false accusations against the Prophet (ﷺ), turning people away from him, and torturing his vulnerable followers, among other things.

Then came the economic war, characterized by the blockade imposed on the Shi'b Abi Talib (Abu Talib Valley), starving Muslims and their supporters, and cutting off trade with them.

The social war emerged in the form of boycotting Muslims and their supporters, preventing any marital relationships among them.

The political war was evident when they did not leave the migrants in Abyssinia in peace. Quraysh, not content with them being away from their homeland, families, and friends, still sent their envoys to Najashi to return the migrants.

The Prophet (ﷺ) did not only face all of this, but the trials intensified with the loss of his beloved wife Khadijah and his uncle Abu Talib. Quraysh and its ignorant hurt the Prophet more than ever before. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Quraysh never harmed me so much as after the death of Abu Talib.” (1)

Thus came the Night Journey, an unprecedented and unique event in human history. During this journey, the veils of time and space disappeared. Time ceased to exist, so a group of prophets gathered in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, led by the Prophet (ﷺ) in prayer. The dimensions of space folded, and the Prophet (ﷺ) crossed the universe, transcending into other realms.

A journey that united the realm of the unseen with the seen, the world of bodies with the world of spirits, the earth with the heavens, and the ancient with the modern.

A journey that can be summarized as the Prophet (ﷺ) witnessing “the greatest signs of his Lord.” (An-Najm: 18).

This journey took place nearly at the heart of the prophetic mission, after a period of hardship and just before the migration and the establishment of the Islamic state. It serves as a bridge, a beacon in the middle of the path, guiding those on the journey towards Allah.

It provides Muslims with inspiration, drawing lessons and reflections that they can utilize in their lives, guiding their behavior towards Allah. It stands on a long path of resistance, offering the youth valuable lessons that can strengthen their hearts and guide them towards Allah.

1- Resisting Grief:

Adversities and trials persist throughout a person's life. However, one should not allow sorrow to stand in the way of their life or keep holding on to the past and its pains. Instead, one should turn away from pain and continue on their path. The Prophet (ﷺ) lost his beloved wife Khadijah, but despite the love and pain, he married our mother believer, Sawdah bint Zam'ah, and continued his mission despite the hardships, obstacles, and opposition.

2- Resisting Despair and Frustration:

All the circumstances surrounding the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions did not lead them to despair. The siege, boycott, rejection, and stubbornness of Quraysh were significant obstacles, but they did not halt the flow of the call to Islam.

A believer, guided by the light of Allah, knows that obstacles are part of the journey. Yet, these obstacles teach patience, trust in Allah, certainty in His promises, steadfastness in the truth, and the understanding that one's work continues until their last breath. The delay in victory and empowerment does not indicate an error in the path but signifies that triumph comes only after pursuit.

3- Resisting Falsehood:

During the persecutions that the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions experienced, it was still vital for them to resist falsehood using all available methods. Falsehood thrives on the division of the people of truth and is prolonged through the weakness of those who uphold the truth.

4- Resisting the Loss of Support:

You may rely on an ally or supporter in your life, but fate might not keep them by your side. Your ultimate allegiance should be to Allah alone, acknowledging that He is your everlasting, true supporter. The loss of support can serve as an opportunity to strengthen your resilience and self-reliance.

5- Resisting Abandonment:

The taste of betrayal is bitter, especially when it comes from those closest to you, whom you anticipate goodness from and expect support from. However, as long as you remain on the path of truth, you’ll succeed, while those who betray will only encounter failure. The reward is immense during betrayals in times of siege, war, and crises. It is mentioned in a Prophet’s narration: “'After you will come days of patience, during which one who does good deeds will have a reward like that of fifty men among you. They asked, 'You mean among them?' He () replied, 'No, among you, because you find helpers for goodness, and they do not find helpers for it.'” (2)

6- Resisting Mockery and Ridicule:

People of truth may face times of hardship when believers of weak faith are affected, inclining towards mockery instead. At such times, the balance scale may shift, with jihad being labeled as terrorism, honesty as naivety, falsehood as cleverness, and so on.

However, those with strong beliefs ignore such talk, remaining unaffected and undeterred. While it may sadden them, they continue to strive on their path.

When the Prophet (ﷺ) went on the Night Journey (Al-Isra') to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the people began to talk about it. Some of them renounced their faith after believing and trusting in him.

They looked for Abu Bakr and said, “Have you heard that your friend imagined he was taken by night to the sacred house?”

Abu Bakr said, “Did he say that?”

They said, “Yes.”

Abu Bakr said, “If he said it, then it is the truth.”

They said, “Do you believe he went by night to the sacred house and returned before morning?”

Abu Bakr said, “Yes. Verily, I believe something even more astonishing than that. I believe he has received revelations from heaven for everything he does.”

7- Resisting Showing Off:

If we project Al Isra Wal Miraj into our reality, we can liken it to the movement of the body and the ascension of the heart and soul.

Movement involves taking necessary actions, while the ascension of the heart occurs through faith and trust in Allah.

This is evident in the Palestinian resistance example. They worked to the best of their ability while having faith and trust in Allah, so tunnels were dug without anyone knowing, in which those who sacrificed their lives remained anonymous.

The mujahideen in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, who inflicted the enemy severe losses, remain unknown to us. They rely on Allah, prepared for this day, and accepted Allah's decree.

When Umar was informed about the death of An-Numan ibn Muqarrin and it was said that certain individuals were also injured or killed, along with some who are unknown, he replied, “But Allah knows them.” A man then said, “There’s also another who ruined himself.” So, a man from Ahmas, known as Malik bin 'Awf, said, “That's my uncle, O Amir; people claim that he threw himself into destruction.” Umar replied, “Those people lied. He is one of those who bought the Hereafter with the worldly life.” (4)

Resisting desires doesn’t appear to others. A person does not go out to people and say, “I strive against myself, my desires, and Shaitan,” but it is merely an inner struggle that only the person and their Lord know of.

We convey these lessons to the youth so they may understand that they are the pillars of the Ummah and the key to rising from these tribulations. They should realize that Al Isra Wal Miraj are not just passing events but an eternal spirit that instills hope and emphasizes Allah's support for His believers until the Day of Judgment.



(1) The Prophetic Biography, by Ibn Hisham (1/416).

(2) Ahkamul Quran, by Ibn Arabi (2/228).

(3) Narrated by Al-Hakim in “Al-Mustadrak” (4407(.

(4) Narrated by Al-Bayhaqi in “As-Sunan al-Kubra” (9/46) from Husayn bin 'Awf.


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Last modified on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 12:14