Admin Mugtama

Admin Mugtama


Israel's Aggressions

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) recently reported that Israel has taken control of an aid shipment that could have helped one million people. The shipment, which was supposed to be delivered to the port of Ashdod, was seized by Israeli authorities. This is a big problem because UNRWA relies on these supplies to provide assistance to those in need.

Challenges Faced by UNRWA

UNRWA is facing increasing difficulties in carrying out its work due to administrative obstacles imposed by Israel. The agency operates in a hostile environment where decisions made by Israeli authorities are starting to impact its ability to function effectively.

Contractor's Decision

One of the contractors responsible for providing administrative services at the port of Ashdod informed UNRWA that they could no longer work with the agency. This decision was made under orders from Israeli authorities. As a result, a shipment from Turkey containing essential supplies like flour, chickpeas, sugar, and cooking oil is now stuck at the port. These supplies would have been enough to meet the needs of over a million people for a whole month.

No Comment from Turkish Authorities

So far, there has been no response from the Turkish authorities regarding Israel's detention of the aid shipment they sent. It is unclear how this situation will be resolved and when the supplies will reach those who need them.

Israeli Ministry of Finance's Response

The Israeli Ministry of Finance has not provided any comments on the matter. They have stated that the issue is being handled by the government's legal advisor. It remains to be seen what actions will be taken to address this situation.

Efforts to Stop UNRWA's Work

The Constitution and Judiciary Committee in the Knesset, Israel's parliament, has approved a draft law to halt UNRWA's work in occupied Jerusalem. This decision adds to the challenges faced by the agency and raises concerns about the future of their operations in the region.


Accusations and Funding Cuts

UNRWA has also faced accusations from Israel that some of its employees were involved in an attack. As a result, several countries have decided to cut funding for the agency. This is a significant blow to UNRWA's efforts to provide life-saving assistance in the besieged Strip, where people are already struggling to receive sufficient aid.

Source: Agencies


Preparing for War

The Chief of Staff of the German Army, Carsten Breuer, recently stated that Germany needs to be prepared for war within the next 5 years. In an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, Breuer explained that preparing for war is a step-by-step process.

A Potential Threat

Breuer emphasized that time is of the essence because, for the first time since the Cold War, there is a potential war looming from outside forces. He expressed concern about the possibility of a military threat from Russia and estimated that Germany would need 5 to 8 years to prepare for such a scenario.

Putin's Intentions

When asked about the possibility of Russian President Vladimir Putin expanding the war beyond Ukraine, Breuer pointed out that intentions matter. He observed Putin's statements and actions in Ukraine and concluded that there is a real possibility of further aggression.

Military Capabilities

Breuer also highlighted Russia's military capabilities. He mentioned that Russia has shifted towards a war economy, as evidenced by the decision of the Duma. This development increases the likelihood of a potential conflict.

Germany's Response

In response to the Russian-Ukrainian war, Germany has decided to increase its defense spending. The government has established a special fund worth 100 billion euros (equivalent to 100 billion and 78 million dollars) to purchase advanced weapons systems and modernize its armed forces.

Arms Purchase Contracts

As part of this effort, Germany has signed several arms purchase contracts. Notably, they have acquired F-35 fighters, American Chinook transport helicopters, and an Israeli-made Arrow 3 missile defense system.

Source: Anadolu Agency


Concerns about Security

Eritrea, a country in East Africa, has been focusing on the security of its borders with Sudan. The eastern region of Sudan, especially Kassala and the Red Sea states, is strategically important to Eritrea because of the long border and the shared ethnic groups on both sides. Eritrea wants to make sure that any war or conflict does not spread to this region.

Security Concerns and Accusations

Eritrea has been concerned about security issues in eastern Sudan, which borders its western and northern borders. The region, especially Kassala and the Red Sea, is strategically important to Eritrea due to the long border and the ethnic similarities between tribes on both sides. Eritrea has accused Sudan in the past of allowing Ethiopian forces to enter through its borders during a war between the two countries, which had a negative impact on Eritrean forces in the region.

Training Camps and Relationships

Eritrea has been establishing training camps for Sudanese fighters on its territory for the past three decades. They have built close relationships with different groups in eastern Sudan, including political, tribal, and societal forces. Eritrea's security services are also active in the region, monitoring opposition factions and Eritrean groups. This shows that Eritrea has good knowledge and intelligence about the region.

Hosting Sudanese Fighters

Although Eritrea has not officially confirmed or denied hosting Sudanese fighters, there are talks and rumors about Eritrea opening camps to train armed Sudanese groups. This is happening because of the ongoing war in Sudan, especially in the eastern part of the country. Eritrea wants to be prepared in case the conflict spreads to its borders.

Proactive Efforts

Eritrea's reception of Sudanese armed forces is part of their effort to build defense points in case of any security chaos caused by the conflict in eastern Sudan. Eritrea is worried that if there is a vacuum in this region, hostile parties might find and support an armed opposition against Eritrea. The long border between the two countries, which has flat areas that are easy to navigate, makes this a concern.

Large Eritrean Community in Eastern Sudan

Eastern Sudan has one of the largest Eritrean communities living abroad. Many Eritreans have sought asylum in UNHCR camps in the region, and there are also Eritreans who have obtained Sudanese nationality. Some of these Eritreans come from tribes historically linked to opposition against the Eritrean government. This makes them a potential source of support for any military action against Eritrea.

Support for the Sudanese Army

Eritrea has maintained a neutral stance towards the war in Sudan, but there are indications of growing support for the Sudanese army. Eritrea's hosting of Sudanese armed groups shows their support for the Sudanese army's war effort. These groups have declared their allegiance to the Sudanese army, and the training camps were opened after a significant event in the war.

Preventing a Siege

The seizure of Al-Jazeera State by the Rapid Support Forces has shifted the geography of the conflict from the capital city, Khartoum, to central and eastern Sudan. Eritrea is concerned about the possibility of these forces reaching the Ethiopian border through Gedaref State. This would give them a supply line through Ethiopia, which could strengthen their position and make it difficult for Eritrea to defend its borders.

If the Rapid Support Forces expand their control in Kassala State and reach the borders of Eritrea, it would put Eritrea in a difficult situation. It would be surrounded by Ethiopia to the southwest, the Rapid Support ally of Ethiopia to the west, and tension with Djibouti to the south. This would limit Eritrea's options and make it vulnerable to conflicts with its neighbors.

Eritrea is also worried about the possibility of Ethiopian forces passing through Sudan to reach western Eritrea. Given the tense relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea, this would further complicate the situation for Eritrea.

Proxy Wars and Negotiations

According to Professor Lionel Cliffe from the British University of Leeds, countries in the Horn of Africa often engage in proxy wars to gain political advantages by supporting armed opposition groups. Eritrea's support for Sudanese armed parties allows it to have a say in the final solutions and settlements during negotiations. By supporting these groups, Eritrea can secure its future interests in Sudan, particularly in the eastern region.

Previous Experience and Allies

Eritrea has had a similar experience in the past when it hosted factions of the Sudanese Eastern Front, which rebelled against the Sudanese government. This led to the signing of the East Peace Agreement in 2006, which benefited Eritrea by creating a safe security environment on its western borders. The Beja General Conference, led by Musa Muhammad Ahmed, and forces affiliated with Omar Muhammad Tahir Omar, have been active in Eritrea. Other groups, such as the United Popular Front for Liberation and Justice and the Eastern Sudan Liberation Forces, have also established training camps in Eritrea.

New Concerns and Armed Movements

Recently, there has been a formation of an armed movement consisting of border tribes historically opposed to the Eritrean regime. This indicates the level of concern among both Eritrea and Sudan regarding security disturbances in eastern Sudan. The commander of the Eastern Sudan Liberation Forces expressed that their movement aims to defend the population of eastern Sudan in case the war extends to the region, to prevent violations against civilians.


Day 128: Rising Casualties and Warnings of Famine

On the 128th day of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the number of martyrs reached over 28,176, with 14 new massacres committed by the occupation forces. There are growing concerns about a catastrophic famine and deaths due to hunger in northern Gaza.

The occupation forces have intensified their attacks on Rafah, despite international and regional warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe if Israel invades the city. The Hamas movement also warned that an Israeli attack on Rafah would undermine the ongoing prisoner exchange negotiations. There are reports of US President Joe Biden distancing himself from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Meanwhile, Israel continues its incursions into the West Bank and has moved a large division of its army to the border with Lebanon. Demonstrations in support of Gaza and demanding an immediate end to the aggression have taken place in Arab and European cities. The US Central Command has announced the destruction of two pilot boats and three anti-ship missiles in Yemen, which were prepared for launching against ships in the Red Sea.

Battles and Losses

Fierce clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation forces have been taking place in the Gaza Strip, particularly in the west of Khan Yunis. The Israeli army has reported that two officers and a soldier were seriously injured in battles in the south of the Gaza Strip. In the past 24 hours, seven soldiers from the occupation army were also injured in Gaza.

According to Israeli army data, a total of 2,855 officers and soldiers have been injured since the beginning of the war, with 432 of them being very seriously injured. The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has shared pictures of a drone they seized that was conducting an intelligence mission in northern Gaza. The Al-Quds Brigades also released images of their members targeting an Israeli force in Khan Yunis, resulting in deaths and injuries.

Killing and Wounding of Israeli Prisoners

The Al-Qassam Brigades announced the killing of two Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip and the serious wounding of eight others due to Israeli bombings in the past 96 hours. The conditions of the prisoners are becoming more dangerous as they are unable to receive appropriate treatment. Israel is held fully responsible for their lives due to the continued bombing and aggression against Gaza.

Massacres and Humanitarian Crisis

In the past 24 hours, there have been 112 martyrs and 173 injured in the Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of victims of the Israeli aggression to 28,176 martyrs and 67,784 injured since October 7th. Al Jazeera obtained photos showing civilians being sniped at by the occupation forces in Gaza City. The occupation forces have also prevented the entry of aid, leading to deaths from hunger and a lack of food supplies. The humanitarian situation in northern Gaza has reached a catastrophic stage, with families receiving only half a meal every 48 hours.

Imminent Invasion of Rafah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed the Israeli army to plan the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of Rafah residents before an expected ground invasion. Rafah has become the last refuge for displaced Palestinians who were forced out of other areas in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu believes that calls to avoid entering Rafah would result in losing the war. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant stated that deepening the military operation in Gaza would bring Israel closer to a "realistic agreement" to exchange prisoners.

Hamas has warned Israel that any military operation in Rafah would sabotage the ongoing negotiations for a prisoner exchange.

Netanyahu and Biden Call

US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a telephone conversation regarding the possible military operation in Rafah and the release of prisoners. There are reports of increasing disagreements between the two sides. Biden expressed concern about the impact of a military operation on the humanitarian situation and emphasized the need for a reliable and implementable plan to ensure the safety of the one million people seeking refuge in Rafah.

According to a senior US administration official, the call between Biden and Netanyahu lasted about 45 minutes. American media sources suggest that Biden and his aides are considering breaking ties with Netanyahu, as they believe he is focused on his political survival rather than other goals.

Hamas Spying

A former Israeli military intelligence officer revealed that there is a big worry that Hamas had been spying on the Israeli army before the war started. They were doing some deep counter-espionage operations.

Israel robs a Bank

Last week, an Israeli force stormed the Bank of Palestine in Gaza City and seized 200 million shekels ($54.3 million).

UNRWA Under Threat

The Israeli Knesset's Constitution and Judiciary Committee approved a draft law to stop the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) in occupied Jerusalem.

Support for Gaza

Many cities in Arab and European countries saw large demonstrations in protest against the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

Escalation in the West Bank

The Israeli occupation army continues to raid cities and towns in the West Bank, arresting several Palestinians, including freed prisoners. Video clips showed the occupation forces detaining and assaulting young men in Hebron. Settlers also attacked Palestinian vehicles and closed the entrance to the village of Bazaria.

Settlement Project

The Israeli government is taking advantage of the focus on the war in Gaza to push a settlement project in East Jerusalem. They plan to build a new neighborhood called "Novi Rahal" with 650 housing units near Palestinian homes in the Umm Tuba suburb.

Lebanon Front

The Israeli Chief of Staff decided to move the 36th Armored Division from Gaza to the border with Lebanon, where the Israeli army is exchanging bombardments with the Lebanese Hezbollah. Hezbollah announced the implementation of 5 operations on Israeli sites.

Yemen Front

The US forces launched raids on two drone boats and three mobile anti-ship cruise missiles in Yemen, claiming it was in self-defense.

Iranian Request

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi called for Israel's expulsion from the United Nations, stating that the war crimes in Palestine are being carried out with the full support of the United States of America.

Source: Al Jazeera

The Latest Updates on the War in Gaza

Clashes Continue Between Palestinian Resistance and Israeli Occupation Forces

On the 124th day of the war in Gaza, fighting continues between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation forces. We are waiting to see the outcome of the truce proposal after Hamas responded to the mediators. The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that 16 massacres have occurred in the past 24 hours, resulting in 123 deaths and 169 injuries. This brings the total number of deaths in Gaza to 27,708 and the number of injuries to 67,147.

Hamas Responds to Proposed Truce Agreement

Hamas has responded to the proposed framework for a truce agreement in Gaza. They agreed to a three-stage plan, with each stage lasting 45 days. The plan includes agreements on the exchange of prisoners and bodies, ending the siege, and starting the reconstruction process. Hamas also demanded that Israeli forces leave the Gaza Strip before the second phase begins.

Netanyahu's Stance on Ceasefire Deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that his government has not made any promises regarding the ceasefire deal proposed by Hamas. He believes that complete victory in Gaza is within reach and that negotiations are still ongoing. Netanyahu is determined to continue the war until Hamas is eliminated and claims that achieving Israeli goals will take months, not years.

Resistance Forces Inflict Losses on the Occupation

There have been violent clashes between the resistance and the Israeli occupation forces in the western neighborhoods of Gaza and Khan Yunis. The Al-Qassam Brigades and Al-Quds Brigades targeted a special Israeli force of 10 soldiers barricaded inside a house in Khan Yunis. They used anti-personnel shells and engaged in a fight, resulting in casualties among the Israeli soldiers.

Israel Plans to Extend Military Service

The Israeli occupation army announced its intention to extend military service in order to increase the number of reserve soldiers. However, some Jewish youth in Israel refuse to perform military service, especially due to the ongoing aggression against Gaza.

Blinken Meets Abbas in the West Bank

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called on Israel to deliver aid to the war-torn sector. After meeting with Israeli officials, Blinken visited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah to discuss the situation.

UN Secretary-General Warns of Serious Repercussions

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned of potential serious regional repercussions if Israel attacks the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. He called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the release of all hostages.

UN Rapporteur Highlights Gaza Famine

The United Nations Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, expressed concern over the famine in Gaza. She stated that Israel has not implemented the International Court of Justice's decision to prevent genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

UN Security Council Meeting

The UN Security Council met to discuss the International Court of Justice's decision and called on Israel to take measures to prevent any possible act of "genocide" in Gaza.

The Algerian Foreign Ministry announced, in a statement earlier last week, that the meeting was being held “with the aim of giving binding force to the ruling of the International Court of Justice regarding the temporary measures imposed on the Israeli occupation.”

Saudi Arabia: No relations with Israel Except Under Conditions

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Kingdom will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel unless the Palestinian state is recognized, the Israeli aggression against Gaza is stopped, and the occupation withdraws from it.

"There will be no diplomatic relations with Israel unless the independent Palestinian state is recognized on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip is stopped, and all members of the occupation forces are withdrawn," the Saudi Foreign Ministry stated in a statement. The Kingdom had communicated its firm position to the US administration. a Gaza-based Israeli living there.

Source: Agencies


A Plan to Demolish 3,000 Historic Mosques

In 1992, the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, India was demolished by Hindus, who then built the Temple of God Ram on its ruins. Now, they have set their sights on 3,000 other historic mosques in India. They claim that these mosques were built on top of Hindu temples and want to demolish them. This is similar to the Jewish claims about the existence of the Jewish Temple under Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Story Begins

The demand for the demolition of these mosques started in 2021 when Hindus filed a lawsuit claiming that the Gyanvapi Mosque in Varanasi was built on the ruins of a Hindu temple. They claimed to have found traces of the Hindu god Shiva and other symbols at the mosque site.

When Muslims gathered in the mosque to prevent its demolition, an Indian court imposed a ban on large gatherings of Muslims to pray there. In 2023, the court allowed a scientific survey to verify if the mosque was built over a Hindu temple.

The Collusion Continues

Asaduddin Owaisi, president of the ‘All India Muslim League’, expressed his fear that the Gyanvapi Mosque would suffer the same fate as the Babri Mosque.

The collusion between the Indian judiciary and Hindus continued when the Varanasi City Court allowed Hindus to worship in the basement of the Gyanvapi Mosque. They were given a week to make it suitable for Hindu worship. This ruling revealed the plan to file lawsuits claiming that historical mosques were originally Hindu temples.

The Battle for Mosques

Since March 2021, Hindus have been inventorying 3,000 mosques that they claim contain Hindu relics or were converted from Hindu temples. They published a list of these mosques on a website called "Kreately" in March 2021.

In May 2022, five Hindu women filed a lawsuit demanding the right to pray inside a mosque in Varanasi. They claimed that symbols related to the Hindu god Shiva were found in the mosque and that a Hindu temple had existed there before. Despite Indian law prohibiting the changing of a house of worship's character, judges allowed Hindus to appeal other mosques.

The Threat Continues

The Supreme Court considered appeals against the law and approved Hindu prayers inside some mosques. The law on the preservation of places of worship became meaningless, according to a court decision in 2022.

Currently, the first battle is taking place in Varanasi to implement the idea of Hindu prayer inside mosques. This is seen as a preparation for later demolishing the mosques and turning them into Hindu temples.

The Concerns

The Imam of the Gyanvapi Mosque expressed concern about how long Muslims would be allowed to attend and pray in a mosque where Hindus have already started praying. He fears that the mosque will be converted into a temple.

Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in 2014, India has witnessed outbreaks of violence between the Hindu majority and the Muslim minority. Modi's attendance at the opening ceremony of a Hindu temple built on the ruins of a mosque has been seen as a political move to boost his party's popularity.

The Future

Many ancient mosques in India face the risk of being seized by Hindus. The extremist Bharatiya Janata Party government supports these actions, which create political polarization and benefit the ruling party.



A Unique Dinosaur

Scientists found a really cool dinosaur with wings. It's true! This special dinosaur lived about 168 million years ago during the Middle Jurassic period on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.

Meet Sioptera ivansae

This winged dinosaur is called Sioptera ivansae. It belongs to a group of flying reptiles called pterosaurs, which were also found in China. The name Sioptera comes from the Scottish Gaelic word Cheo, meaning fog, and the Latin word ptera, meaning wing. The second part of its name, ivansae, is named after a British paleontologist named Professor Susan E. Evans.

The Exciting Discovery

In 2006, paleontologists found the fossil remains of Sioptera ivansae during a field trip to a village called Elgol on the Isle of Skye. They spent years preparing the sample and scanning the bones, some of which were still stuck in rocks.

What We Learned

Even though the skeleton is not complete, the researchers say it gives us important information about the history and diversity of pterosaurs. The findings, published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, suggest that pterosaurs like Sioptera lived for more than 25 million years and were more diverse than we thought.

A Surprise in the UK

Professor Paul Barrett from the Natural History Museum said that finding Sioptera in the Middle Jurassic period in the UK was a big surprise. Most of its relatives were found in China. This means that this group of flying reptiles appeared earlier than we thought and spread all over the world.

A Special Site

The fossil was found in a place called Elgol, which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The researchers could only collect samples from rocks that had fallen onto the beach. While they were examining these fossils, they noticed a few more bones that turned out to be the new pterosaur.

Why It Matters

Dr. Liz Martin-Silverstone, a paleontologist from the University of Bristol, said that the time period to which Sioptera belongs is really important for understanding pterosaurs. Finding more bones buried in the rocks helps us learn more about how these amazing creatures evolved.

About Pterosaurs

Pterosaurs are flying reptiles that lived alongside dinosaurs from about 225 to 65.5 million years ago. There are over 100 known species of pterosaurs, and they were predators. They are the oldest vertebrates capable of flight. Their wings were made of a thin but strong skin membrane, and they had long jaws and tails.

Source: British press


 Farmer protests s have erupted as a result of various factors including the implementation of strict agricultural policies, unfair trade practices, and competition from large-scale industrial farming. Farmers are fed up with being overregulated and squeezed financially while multinational companies continue to dominate the market.

They are demanding fairer prices for their products, government support for small-scale agriculture, and a more sustainable approach to farming.

The results have been awe-inspiring as these passionate farmers are making their voices heard loud and clear. They are successfully creating awareness about the challenges they face and pushing for much-needed change in agricultural policies.

By fighting relentlessly, they are ensuring that their concerns reach the highest levels of decision-making and hopefully lead to a revitalization of Europe's farming industry. 

Why protest?

  • Economic pressures: The costs of energy, fertilizer, and transportation have been going up because of the war in Ukraine and global inflation. This means that farmers are making less money.
  • Unfair competition: Farmers feel like they're being undercut by cheaper imports from outside the European Union (EU) and by big retailers within the EU.
  • Environmental regulations: Some farmers think that the rules about protecting the environment are too strict and expensive for them to follow.
  • Bureaucracy: Many farmers are frustrated with all the paperwork and administrative hurdles they have to deal with.
  • Discontent with EU agricultural policy: Some farmers believe that the Common Agricultural Policy, which is a set of rules for farming in the EU, favors big farms and doesn't listen to their concerns.

Where are the Protests Happening?

The protests have been happening all over Europe, but there are a few places where they've been especially active:

  • France: Farmers in France are worried about competition, bans on certain pesticides, and too much bureaucracy.
  • Germany: In Germany, farmers are protesting because the government is phasing out tax breaks on diesel fuel.
  • Netherlands: Farmers in the Netherlands are against plans to reduce nitrogen emissions.
  • Poland: Polish farmers are angry about rising costs and unfair competition.
  • Other countries: There have also been protests in Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, and Belgium.

How are Governments Responding?

  • The governments in different countries have been responding to the protests in different ways:
  • Offering concessions: Some governments, like Greece and France, have given financial aid or changed their policies to address specific concerns.
  • Dialogue and negotiation: Many governments are talking to farmers' unions to try and find solutions.
  • Limited action: However, some governments haven't made big changes, which has led to the protests continuing.

What Could Happen Next?

It's hard to say what will happen in the end, but a few things could affect the outcome:

  • Government response: If governments take farmers' concerns seriously and make changes, it could help resolve the issues.
  • Economic and political conditions: The situation could change depending on how the economy and politics develop.
  • Farmer mobilization and public support: If farmers continue to protest and gain support from the public, it could put more pressure on the governments to act.

So, that's what's been going on with the farmer protests in Europe. It's a complicated situation, but it's important to understand why people are protesting and what they hope to achieve.


A new American strategy for dealing with the Afghan government formed by the Taliban was announced. This strategy was announced after the US troops left Afghanistan in 2021. It's important to understand what this means for the people of Afghanistan and the relationship between the United States and the Taliban.

 Four Important Areas

The new strategy focuses on four important areas:

  1. Anti-terrorism

It is said that the United States wants to make sure that Afghanistan doesn't become a safe haven for terrorists! 

  1. Economic Assistance

The US also says that they want to help Afghanistan's economy! They want to provide support and resources to help the country grow and develop!

  1. Consular Services

American citizens who are currently in Afghanistan need help and support. The US wants to make sure they have access to consular services, which means assistance with things like passports and visas.

  1. Immigration

There are many Afghans who want to immigrate to the United States. The US wants to help them and make the immigration process easier for them. They also want to protect the rights of Afghan people, especially women and girls.

What Experts Say

Experts have different opinions about this new strategy. Some believe that it will be easier for the United States to help Afghans who want to seek asylum in the US. There are many Afghans who have worked with American forces and want to move to the US, but they face slow procedures. The return of the American consulate to Kabul could improve their situation.

Others think that the US wants to maintain its interests in Afghanistan without using military force. They want a peaceful solution and the full implementation of the Doha Agreement between the US and the Taliban.

Goals and Challenges

The US sees ISIS-Khorasan as a threat to Afghanistan's security and stability. They also believe that China, Russia, and Iran are trying to take advantage of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The US wants to protect its interests and put pressure on the Taliban.

However, there are challenges. Opening a consulate in Kabul without recognizing the Afghan government is a big step. Some experts think that it might not happen until after the US presidential elections. The US also wants to make sure that the security situation in Afghanistan is stable before sending diplomats back.

The new American strategy for Afghanistan is complex and has different veiled and unveiled goals. The US wants to protect its interests, help the Afghan people! and prevent the so-called terrorism. It's important to keep an eye on how this strategy unfolds and what it means for both Afghanistan and the US.


An Unprecedented Challenge

Kuwait is currently facing an exceptional and serious challenge, according to the government's new work program. The country heavily relies on oil as its main source of income, and the fluctuation of oil prices poses a significant threat to its public finances.

The Consequences

This challenge not only jeopardizes the ability to provide a decent life for citizens and meet their basic needs but also puts Kuwait at risk of failing to fulfill its local and international obligations.

Diversifying the Economy

Kuwait, which currently relies on oil revenues to finance 90% of its general budget, recognizes the need to reduce its dependence on oil. The government is actively seeking to diversify its economy and find alternative sources of financing.

Past Efforts and Future Plans

Previous attempts to diversify the economy have not been very successful, unlike some other Gulf countries that have achieved varying degrees of success. However, Kuwait remains determined to find a solution.

The Expected Deficit

Without implementing economic and financial reforms, the state's general budget is projected to face a deficit ranging between 45 and 60 billion dinars ($146.13 to 194.84 billion) over the next five years. Additionally, government financing requirements are expected to double in the next decade, with an estimated public budget deficit of 13 billion dinars ($42.23 billion) in 2033.

The Importance of Oil Prices

According to the government's program, financing the general budget would require high oil prices of $100 per barrel. If the financial and economic conditions continue to deteriorate, it could lead to individuals, companies, and banks struggling, unemployment rates rising significantly, social services collapsing, and social security deteriorating.

Government Initiatives

To address these challenges, the government plans to pass laws related to liquidity tools, business profits tax, and selective tax during the current legislative term. Additionally, a feasibility study for a railway link project with Saudi Arabia will be initiated within the next 100 days.

Source: Reuters

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