Admin Mugtama

Admin Mugtama


 The Israeli genocide war on Gaza has entered its 244th day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit  war crimes in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

40 martyrs in Nuseirat camp

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as it committed a massacre today, Thursday, in a school affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), in which hundreds of displaced people are located, in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, leading to the death and injury of dozens.

The government media office in Gaza reported that the Israeli occupation army killed 40 displaced people last night in bombing several rooms housing dozens of displaced people in an UNRWA school in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, noting that among the martyrs were 14 children and 9 women, in addition to one injury. 74 displaced people, including 23 children and 18 women.

The office added: We monitored the occupation army’s bombing of dozens of safe displaced civilians in the aforementioned school with at least three missiles from combat warplanes, which led to the fall of such a large number of martyrs and wounded, more than half of whom were children and women.

He explained that this center No. (149) is being targeted by the “Israeli” occupation army, and the occupation has repeatedly committed these massacres in a brutal manner despite its knowledge of the presence of tens of thousands in displacement centers.

25000 sick and wounded need to travel

The Ministry of Health in Gaza said: The number of sick and wounded who need to travel for treatment outside the Strip reached 25,000, adding that 4,895 were able to travel when the Rafah crossing was open.

The Ministry of Health added that since the occupation of the Rafah crossing on May 12, no sick or wounded person has been able to leave the Gaza Strip, exposing the lives of thousands to complications and death after the occupation deliberately destroyed most of the hospitals in the Strip and put them out of service.

Prominent resistance operations

 The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. Today, Thursday, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the detonation and elimination of a tunnel eye that had been booby-trapped by a Zionist foot force of 5 soldiers near Tal Zoroub, west of the city of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.

In a landing operation behind the lines, the “Qassam” mujahideen were able to penetrate the fleeting fence and attack the headquarters of the enemy division operating in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

It said: It targeted two D9 bulldozers and three Zionist Merkvah tanks with Al-Yassin 105 shells east of the city of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

The brigades were also able to destroy the enemy forces penetrating east of the Bureij camp in the center of the sector with heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Spain joins South Africa's lawsuit

Spain announced on Thursday that it will join South Africa in its lawsuit against the Israeli occupation before the International Court of Justice.

Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albarez said, in a press conference, according to the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA), that his country had submitted a request to the court to join South Africa’s lawsuit, after studying this approach over the past weeks.

He added: We call again for an end to the bombing and a ceasefire in Gaza.

Spain became the first European country to join the lawsuit.


Kuwait in a week

June 06, 2024

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Kuwait Cabinet pledges allegiance to H. H. Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, Crown Prince

On Sunday, the Council of Ministers held a special meeting chaired by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Al Abdullah, Prime Minister, may God protect him, at Seif Palace.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Council of Ministers pledged allegiance to His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled as Crown Prince, after the Emiri order was issued yesterday recommending His Highness as Crown Prince.

After the issuance of the Emiri order appointing His Highness Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah as Crown Prince, His Highness took the constitutional oath before the Council of Ministers.

Precious Trust

His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah, Prime Minister, delivered a speech in which he expressed, on his own behalf and on behalf of his fellow ministers, his sincere congratulations and blessings to His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, may God protect him, on the occasion of the issuance of the Emiri order appointing His Highness as Crown Prince, expressing his great pride in the trust. The preciousness that His Highness the Amir, Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad, gave to his support and support, His Highness the Crown Prince, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled.

In his speech, His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah, Prime Minister, recalled the blessed journey of His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, full of remarkable achievements and clear national imprints, a symbol of loyalty, giving, sincerity and dedication to the love of the homeland.

His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah affirmed that Kuwait is entering a new era, calling on everyone to be on the same page, united and supportive towards further progress and construction for our dear homeland, wishing success to His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, and that he direct his steps for everything that is good and in the interest of our beloved Kuwait in the future. Under the wise leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad.

More Efforts  

For his part, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled expressed his sincere thanks and great gratitude to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad for the trust placed in him by appointing him as Crown Prince. He also expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah, the Prime Minister, may God protect him, and the ministers for They congratulate him on the occasion of his appointment as Crown Prince, calling on the ministers to exert more effort and generosity to achieve everything that His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad and the honorable Kuwaiti people aspire to.

Two Kuwaitis Receive Document Naming a Star in the Sky as "Palestine"

The StarRegistration website adopted the name “Palestine” of a bright star in the sky at the request of training and media experts Dr. Musa Al-Mazidi, and his brother Dr. Zuhair Al-Mazidi.

The two Kuwaiti experts, Dr. Musa, Dr. Zuhair Al-Mazidi: The “StarRegistration” website, using information available from space agencies, including NASA, at their request, names a bright star in the sky, visible with the naked eye at night in the Kuwaiti sky, as “Palestine” (Palestine).

The two experts added that they received an official document to that effect and a picture of the star’s location in the sky, on May 30, 2024 AD. It was written in the document in English, “The State of Palestine exists to remain forever.”

The two experts pointed out that the Al-Najma website is reserved under the name “Palestine” forever.

Naming a bright star in the sky “Palestine” comes as a step in increasing awareness of the Palestinian issue and enhancing international solidarity with the Palestinian people.


This step is considered an initiative to express the Kuwaiti people's love for Palestine and their interest in supporting the Palestinian cause.

To know the location of the “Palestine” star in the Kuwaiti sky, follow these steps:

1- Click

2- Click on the search key at the top left of the page.

3- Enter the star registration number “5E5C2AE40”.

4- Click “return” key at the bottom of the page.

5- Click “show more” at the top center of the page.

The two Kuwaiti experts stated that after following these steps, the star appears in its name along with its location in the vast universe and its distance in light years from Earth (257.22 light years).

 Namaa launches “With You Teachers” program  

 Namaa Charitable Center for Volunteer Work at the Social Reform Society announced the launch of the “With You Teachers” program, which aims to provide free intensive educational support to twelfth grade students in Kuwait, in cooperation with an elite group of male and female volunteer teachers from various parts of the country.

The program aims to review the curriculum with students prior to the exam period. Which contributes to improving their academic level and increasing their chances of success.

In this regard, Director of the Volunteer Center, Abeer Youssef Al-Hagras, said: The “With You Teachers” program is an educational volunteer initiative launched by the Nama Center for Volunteer Work, targeting twelfth grade students who are preparing to take the end-of-year exams, and a group of male and female teachers specializing in various subjects participate in the program. Scholars, who volunteer their time and expertise to help students review course material and understand difficult points and complex concepts.

Al Hajras explained that the project aims to improve the academic performance of twelfth grade students by providing comprehensive and intensive reviews of the curriculum. Which helps students understand the subjects better and prepare well for exams. The program also works to provide psychological support to students by providing a supportive and stimulating educational environment that helps them overcome anxiety and stress associated with the exam period.

Al-Hajras indicated that the program aims to enhance the spirit of volunteerism and community work among male and female teachers, and encourage them to perform their important societal role by participating in initiatives that serve the community and contribute to the development of the educational process. The program also contributes to reducing educational gaps among students by providing equal educational opportunities for all, regardless of their social or economic backgrounds.

Al-Hajras stressed that the importance of the “With You Teachers” program comes from the fact that it provides educational support at a crucial period in students’ academic lives, as the students’ performance in the twelfth-grade exams determines their academic and professional future. The program is also considered an investment in the students’ future, as improving their academic results opens the door to... They have wide doors for admission to the universities and specializations they desire. In addition, the program promotes the concept of community education, which includes all members of society in the educational process, where volunteers and the community cooperate to support students and enhance the educational process.

Al Hajras concluded her statement by saying: The program contributes to building a cooperative and united society, where individuals work together to achieve a common goal that serves the future of coming generations.

It is noteworthy that the “With You Teachers” program is an important step towards achieving high-quality education and an educated and cultured society. This initiative is not just a review program for students, but rather a message of hope, support and motivation for students to continue their educational journey with confidence and success.

Al-Bassam: “Al-Ashaiyat” Aims to Help the Needy inside Kuwait  

Namaa Charitable Society of the Social Reform Society renewed the memorandum of partnership and cooperation with the General Secretariat of Endowments to implement the “Al-Ashaiyat” Bank. The agreement stipulated that Namaa would implement the “Al-Ashaiyat” Bank with funding from the General Secretariat of Endowments in implementation of the conditions for the endowments stipulated by the endowment arguments of the Secretariat.

In this regard, Head of the Financial Resources and Development Sector, Walid Al-Bassam, said: Al-Ashayyat Bank aims to help needy and poor families inside Kuwait face the burdens and responsibilities of life, and alleviate their burdens. By distributing magnetic cards to those families and providing food to those in need.

Al-Bassam added that Nama is studying the eligible cases, according to its documented official documents, which confirm the families’ need for support, stressing that it is implementing the project in a civilized manner that preserves the dignity of the needy and facilitates procedures. By distributing prepaid cards to cases eligible for purchase from central markets, the value of the card is determined according to the need of the case and the number of family members.

Al-Bassam stressed that such projects and others on which Namaa and charitable institutions are based are a safety valve and a source of rescue for deserving groups. It constitutes psychological, financial, and physical protection that contributes to spreading security, reassurance, and stability throughout society. It is permeated by brotherhood and solidarity and contributes to spreading a spirit of reassurance and psychological comfort among the members of society. It contributes significantly to putting a smile on the lips in a society where the call of brotherhood, solidarity and synergy is loudest.

Al-Bassam explained that Namaa Charity had agreed with a commercial market to distribute magnetic cards to these families, indicating that it intended to aid in the form of magnetic cards so that each family would obtain the necessary food supplies it needed.

Al-Bassam stressed that such projects enable Namaa Charity to translate the meanings of compassion and social solidarity and all the humanitarian principles and noble values ​​that are achieved by alleviating the suffering of the needy and providing relief to the afflicted, the distressed and the poor, praising the efforts made by the General Secretariat of Endowments and the benefactors of the people of Kuwait who spare no effort in providing assistance to families. needy people, stressing the importance of compassion and solidarity that the people of Kuwait are known for.

Al-Bassam stated that Namaa Charity seeks to enhance ways of cooperation and partnership in various charitable and humanitarian projects with governmental and private agencies, including the General Secretariat of Endowments, stressing that Namaa has many partnerships with the General Secretariat of Endowments in many endowment banks, including seasonal ones such as Iftar for the fasting person and the sacrifice bank. Evenings and others.

New Partnership Agreement Between “Al-Nouri Charity” and “UNHCR”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charitable Society signed a new partnership agreement to support Syrian refugees in Jordan, as a cash grant worth $500,000 directed to livelihood projects for refugee families, with the aim of enabling 400 families to cover their most urgent needs through... Cash assistance for six months.

Speaking about the signing of the agreement, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charitable Society, Engineer Jamal Abdul Khaleq Al-Nouri, said that this is the fourth partnership between the association and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, from which 400 Syrian refugee families in Jordan are scheduled to benefit for a period of six months by supporting them in achieving the means of life. The precious one,

Al-Nouri explained that the cooperation agreements concluded between the association and the UNHCR during the past three years, the results of which benefited more than 7,200 Syrian refugee families, reiterating the keenness of the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charitable Association to continue the strategic partnership with the UNHCR for better humanitarian work and more field successes in supporting... Displaced people and refugees around the world.

Al-Nouri pointed out that mobile phone wallets have reduced the costs of delivering cash aid, enabling UNHCR to reach more refugees. He explained that mobile phone wallets owned by refugees preserve their dignity and enable them to manage their financial affairs independently and according to their needs and priorities.

Pointing out that the administrative percentage that the Commission deducts from the value of the grant is normal and acceptable for the implementation of the project, and is consistent with the percentage approved by other charitable societies.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Nouri Charity indicated that the Commission is studying the cases deserving of support and assistance, and conducting interviews with them to determine the extent of their need, in addition to its keenness to avoid recurrence of cases.

For her part, Nisreen Al-Rubaian, representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the State of Kuwait, said in a statement: “The new agreement reflects the depth of the partnership with the Al-Nouri Charitable Society and the importance of cooperation with Kuwaiti charitable societies, which constitutes an extension and even a reflection of the encouragement and commitment of the Kuwaiti government to support UNHCR activities and the humanitarian response in “At a time when protracted humanitarian situations are widespread and funding is scarce, in a historic situation facing UNHCR.”

Al-Rubaian thanked the Kuwaiti people for their continued stance and support for refugees, and for their high sense of humanity in supporting various issues related to humanitarian crises.


 The war of extermination waged by Israel against the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 243rd day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit war crimes and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Zionist Aggression East of Bureij and Deir al-Balah

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, where last night, and at dawn on Wednesday, dozens of citizens were martyred and injured in the occupation’s missile and artillery bombardment on various areas of the Gaza Strip.

Medical sources reported that 38 citizens were martyred since last night in raids on the central Gaza Strip.

The occupation forces also committed a new massacre in the Maghazi refugee camp, which led to the death of 8 martyrs, as a result of an air strike at dawn on Wednesday, according to the “Palestinian Information Center.”

The occupation army announced that it had begun an aggression east of Bureij and east of Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, while it continued its incursion into the city of Rafah, south of the Strip.

The army said, in a statement: The “98th Division” began a military campaign in the area east of Bureij and east of Deir al-Balah, in conjunction with the continuation of the activities of the “162nd” and “99th” Divisions in the south and center of the Gaza Strip, according to what was reported by the “Anatolia” Agency.

36 martyrs within 24 hours

During the past 24 hours, the occupation committed 4 massacres in Gaza, including 36 martyrs and 115 injured in hospitals.

Thus, the death toll from the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip rose to 36,586 martyrs and 83,74 wounded.

One million people in Gaza face famine by July

A report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) expects that more than one million people in the Gaza Strip will face famine and death by mid-July.

The organization said, according to Anatolia Agency: “The ongoing conflict in Palestine is expected to exacerbate acute hunger, which is currently at a catastrophic level, with famine and deaths, as well as the displacement of the entire population of the Gaza Strip.”

Prominent resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. Today, Wednesday, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the targeting of a D9 military bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell, east of the city of Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

The "Jerusalem Brigades" announced that its fighters were engaged in fierce clashes with occupation soldiers and vehicles on the frontlines of the advance in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

10 casualties in the occupation army

 The occupation army admitted that 10 soldiers were injured in the battles in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours. Thus, the total number of Israeli casualties rises to 3,730 officers and soldiers since the beginning of the war on the 7th of last October, 1,889 of whom were injured during the ground operation that began on the 27th of the same month, according to Al Jazeera Net.

The occupation army said: 254 officers and soldiers are still undergoing treatment after being injured in the Gaza battles, 31 of whom are seriously injured.

While the number of army deaths reached 644 officers and soldiers since the beginning of the war.

The fourth European country to recognize Palestine

Yesterday, Tuesday, Slovenia announced its official recognition of the State of Palestine, which brings the number of countries recognizing it to 148 out of 193 countries in the United Nations General Assembly, according to “Anatolia.”

For his part, Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golub said through his social media account: Today’s recognition of Palestine as a sovereign and independent state gives hope to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

This decision follows the decisions of Spain, Ireland and Norway, which officially recognized the Palestinian state in late May.

The war of genocide waged by Israel against besieged Gaza has entered its 242nd day, as the Zionist occupation forces continue to commit genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

14 Martyrs Since Dawn  

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as the Palestinian News Agency reported that three citizens were martyred and others were injured, at dawn on Tuesday, by a missile strike from a warplane that targeted a house in the Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip.

She added that the occupation aircraft targeted a house in Al-Maghazi camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip, which led to the death of 3 citizens and the injury of others.

In Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, 8 Palestinian policemen were martyred, and others were injured, in a Zionist bombing that targeted their car next to a center for sheltering displaced persons, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

71 martyrs in 7 massacres within 24 hours

During the past 24 hours, the occupation committed 7 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 71 martyrs and 182 injuries.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the toll of the aggression had risen to 36,550 martyrs and 82,959 injuries since the seventh of last October.

Hamas calls for the occupation to be included among the criminal entities against children

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) called on the United Nations to include the occupation in the blacklist of criminal entities that target children with murder, torture, displacement, and denial of basic rights to normal life.

 In a statement released on the occasion of the International Day of Innocent Child Victims of Aggression, the movement stated that the annual commemoration of the day by the UN and the global community serves as a reminder of the anguish and suffering endured by Palestinian children. They now have a moral, legal, and humanitarian obligation to stop the Zionist occupation's heinous crimes and ongoing violations against the children of Palestine.

Hamas added that there are more than 200 Palestinian children in the prisons of the fascist occupation, most of whom are school students. The Israeli enemy is practicing the most heinous punitive and hateful policies against them, including more than 20 children from the Gaza Strip, against whom various forms of beating, harsh interrogation, physical and psychological torture, and daily abuse are committed. She pointed out that children in prisons suffer from deliberate medical neglect, and are prevented from visiting their families, health teams, and human rights and humanitarian organizations.

Hamas also called on the international community, states, governments, and institutions concerned with children’s rights, to assume their political and humanitarian responsibilities towards the children of Palestine. These institutions must work to release those detained in the occupation’s prisons, and take action to save and protect them from its brutality and sadism, and stop and criminalize its aggression. And his crimes against our people and their children, and the victory for their legitimate rights to freedom and decent living.

Hamas stressed that the continued silence, inaction, and international inability to criminalize the occupation’s violations and its escalating aggression against children in Palestine, and the failure to take all means to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and hold them accountable  represents a disgrace.  

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades” announced, today, Tuesday, the targeting of a military excavator and two Zionist “Merkvah” tanks with “Al-Yassin 105” shells in the Yabna camp in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

The "Jerusalem Brigades" announced that it had targeted enemy soldiers and vehicles stationed in the vicinity of Tal Zorob, southwest of the city of Rafah, with "107" missiles under direct guidance.

The "brigades" also bombed with heavy-caliber mortar shells a command and control headquarters belonging to the Zionist enemy in the "Abu Oreiban site" in the "Netzarim" axis.

Qatar: Biden's initiative is a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza

Al Jazeera Net quoted Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majid Al Ansari as saying: The principles contained in US President Joe Biden’s speech provide a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and ending the crisis.

Al-Ansari confirmed in a press conference on Tuesday that communications had not stopped with all parties concerned with the crisis in Gaza.

He added: So far, there are no clear positions from the “Israeli” and Palestinian sides regarding President Biden’s proposal, and the international community must put pressure on both parties to accept it.

Al-Ansari also said that a clear position has not been received from the Hamas movement regarding the initiative, but in “Israel” we notice a difference in positions among the ministers, as there are those who support the Biden initiative, and those who oppose it.

Fires Sweeping the Zionist Entity

Large fires broke out in a number of Israeli settlements in the northern occupied Palestinian territories as a result of missile and drone attacks launched from Lebanon.

Reports reported by the BBC Arabic website reported that a number of houses caught fire in the Kiryat Shmona settlement, and firefighting teams deployed throughout the settlement, which was mostly evacuated, to control the fire.

According to the Anadolu Agency, the occupation firefighting crews are continuing attempts to extinguish widespread fires in the north ignited by the fall of missiles and drones launched by Hezbollah from Lebanon, and the drought and heat threaten to spread them.

The agency stated that the fires caused the evacuation of residents from settlements in the north that had previously been evacuated under the weight of the beginning of the confrontations with Hezbollah, on October 8.

Al Jazeera Net reported on the Hebrew Channel 12 that the fires had consumed thousands of dunams in the Upper Galilee, and that the true extent of the damage was still unknown.

According to the Hebrew news website Ynet, 16 people, including 7 reserve soldiers, were slightly injured due to smoke inhalation.

The StarRegistration website adopted the name “Palestine” of a bright star in the sky at the request of training and media experts Dr. Musa Al-Mazidi, and his brother Dr. Zuhair Al-Mazidi.

The two Kuwaiti experts, Dr. Musa, Dr. Zuhair Al-Mazidi: The “StarRegistration” website, using information available from space agencies, including NASA, at their request, names a bright star in the sky, visible with the naked eye at night in the Kuwaiti sky, as “Palestine” (Palestine).

The two experts added that they received an official document to that effect and a picture of the star’s location in the sky, on May 30, 2024 AD. It was written in the document in English, “The State of Palestine exists to remain forever.”

The two experts pointed out that the Al-Najma website is reserved under the name “Palestine” forever.

Naming a bright star in the sky “Palestine” comes as a step in increasing awareness of the Palestinian issue and enhancing international solidarity with the Palestinian people.


This step is considered an initiative to express the Kuwaiti people's love for Palestine and their interest in supporting the Palestinian cause.

To know the location of the “Palestine” star in the Kuwaiti sky, follow these steps:

1- Click

2- Click on the search key at the top left of the page.

3- Enter the star registration number “5E5C2AE40”.

4- Click “return” key at the bottom of the page.

5- Click “show more” at the top center of the page.

The two Kuwaiti experts stated that after following these steps, the star appears in its name along with its location in the vast universe and its distance in light years from Earth (257.22 light years).

The genocidal war waged by Israel against the women, children, and elderly of the Gaza Strip has entered its 241st day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit ethnic cleansing in Gaza, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

21 Martyrs in Gaza Since Dawn Today

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as the Palestinian News Agency reported the death of 21 citizens, since dawn on Monday, in separate raids by the occupation warplanes and artillery, on the center and south of the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 40 martyrs and 150 injuries during the past 24 hours.

The Ministry confirmed that the toll of the aggression had risen to 36,479 martyrs and 82,777 injuries since the seventh of last October.

3,500 Children are at Risk of Starvation

The government media office in Gaza warned that more than 3,500 children were exposed to death in the Strip due to the Israeli occupation’s policies of starvation, food shortages, lack of nutritional supplements, and prevention of aid.

The office said: More than 3,500 children under the age of five are at risk of gradual death in the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli occupation’s policies of starving children, lack of milk and food, lack of nutritional supplements, depriving them of vaccinations, and preventing the entry of humanitarian aid for the fourth week in a row amid silence. Terrible international.

The government office called on the International Criminal Court, all other international courts, and all free judges in the world, to pursue the “Israeli” and American war criminals who systematically and intentionally target children, and throw them into a historical holocaust that the world has never witnessed before, demanding that these criminals be brought to a fair court as criminals. war and hold them accountable for their crimes.

Prominent Resistance Operations

 The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. Today, Monday, the Al-Qassam Brigades announced the detonation of a minefield in a Zionist force stationed inside the site of the Martyr Muhammad Abu Shamala Brigade, killing and wounding members of the force in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam also targeted a Zionist D9 bulldozer with a Tandom shell in the vicinity of the Collegiate College, south of the Al-Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City.

Al-Qassam also announced that they destroyed masses of enemy forces in Gaza City, with mortar shells.

Thet added that their fighters also detonated a booby-trapped house in a Zionist foot force, leaving them dead and wounded near the “Zalata” junction, east of the Al-Shoka area in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

“Al-Quds Brigades" announced bombing   enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of Tal Zoroub, west of the city of Rafah.

The "brigades" added: In conjunction with the "Al-Amoudi Brigade - Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades", we bombed a position of enemy soldiers and vehicles in the "Netzarim" axis, south of Gaza City, with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.

14 Casualties among the Occupation Forces

The Zionist occupation army announced that 14 soldiers were injured in the battles in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours.

The Zionist army said in a statement: 3,703 officers and soldiers were injured since the beginning of the war, including 1,878 during the ground operation.

They added that 254 officers and soldiers are still undergoing medical treatment after being injured in the Gaza battles, 32 of whom have serious injuries, according to what Al Jazeera Net reported.

  British Labor Leader Pledges to Recognize Palestine

The leader of the British opposition Labor Party, Keir Starmer, expressed his conviction of the necessity of recognizing a Palestinian state.

Starmer called on the occupying state to stop its aggression against the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, indicating that stopping the war in Gaza would be among his party's priorities if it came to power.

The leader of the British Labor Party said, according to Al Jazeera Net: “There must be a political process through which we recognize a Palestinian state, and if we come to power, we will discuss this with our allies.”

He also expressed his intention to conduct a legal review if he came to power to find out whether the occupying state was using the weapons it received from Britain in its attack on the city of Rafah.

The Israeli Genocide War on Gaza has entered its 240th day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Recovering the bodies of 50 martyrs in Jabalia camp

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that civil defense teams in Gaza were able, on Sunday, to recover the bodies of 50 martyrs following the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

The agency added that ambulance and defense teams recovered more than 70 martyrs, including 20 children, last Friday, while the search continued for dozens of missing people among the rubble of homes, shelter centers, schools and hospitals, which were not spared from bombing and destruction.

4 Massacres in 24 hours

The occupation committed 4 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 60 martyrs and 220 injuries during the past 24 hours, according to the Ministry of Health.

In its daily update, the Ministry confirmed that the toll of the aggression had risen to 36,439 martyrs and 82,627 injuries since the seventh of last October.

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced today, Sunday, the targeting of two “D9” military bulldozers with two “Tandum” shells on Salah al-Din Gate Street in the city. Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam said: It bombed the enemy’s command headquarters in the “Netzarim” axis with a 114 mm short-range “Rajoum” missile system.

It added that it targeted a Zionist “Merkvah” tank with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell in the vicinity of the University College, south of the Al-Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City.

A “D9” military bulldozer was also targeted with an “Al-Yassin 105” shell near the Al-Amal Association in the Yabna camp in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, announced the bombardment with regular “60 caliber” mortar shells of enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the Al-Barahma area, west of the Yabna camp in the city of Rafah.

Harvest of Genocide

 The Government Information Office published an update on the most important statistics of the genocidal war waged by the “Israeli” occupation on the Gaza Strip for today (240).

The media office said that in (240) days of the genocidal war, the occupation committed (3,247) massacres committed by the occupation army, resulting in (46,439) martyrs and missing persons, and (10,000) missing persons.

He stated that (36,439) martyrs arrived at hospitals, including (15,438) martyrs of children, (32) martyrs of famine, (10,231) martyrs of women, (498) martyrs of medical staff, (70) martyrs of civil defense, and (147) martyrs. A martyr of journalists.

According to the information office, (7) mass graves were discovered that the occupation established inside hospitals, from which (520) martyrs were recovered.

The war of genocide waged by Israel against the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its 239th day, amid the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Continuous bombing in northern and southern Gaza

The Israeli occupation continues its aggression against the Gaza Strip, as the Quds Press Agency reported that two Palestinians were killed north of Gaza City in an air strike, while the occupation artillery continued to pound the southern neighborhoods of the city.

The agency said: The occupation aircraft bombed a house on Al-Jalaa Street near the Al-Zaharna Building, north of Gaza City, where two Palestinians were martyred and taken to Al-Ahli Al-Arabi Hospital (Al-Maamdani).

The source stated that one of the two martyrs was Ola Al-Dahdouh, a broadcaster on a local radio station.

He added that heavy artillery continued to bomb civilian homes in the southwestern areas of Gaza City, targeting the neighborhoods of: (Al-Zaytoun, Al-Sabra, and Tal Al-Hawa); This is at a rate of one shell falling every two minutes.

In Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, Zionist warplanes launched a violent belt of fire. The planes also bombed a house in the Bureij Palestinian refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

In Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, the occupation forces continued their military operations there, bombing several homes in the western areas of the city.

5 massacres, 95 martyrs and 350 injuries

The Zionist occupation forces committed 5 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 95 martyrs and 350 injuries to hospitals during the past 24 hours, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.

The Ministry confirmed in its daily update that the toll of the aggression had risen to 36,379 martyrs and 82,407 injuries since the seventh of last October.

A child died of starvation in Gaza

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that the child Abdul Qader Al-Sarhi (13 years old) was martyred in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, as a result of starvation.

Medical sources confirmed today, Saturday, that the death toll from malnutrition and dehydration had risen to 37 martyrs in the Gaza Strip, stressing that the announced toll reflects only what reaches hospitals, and that dozens are dying silently, as a result of famine, without being able to reach hospitals.

Prominent resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades,” the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced today, Saturday, the detonation of a thunder bomb against an engineering force of 6 Zionist soldiers, leaving them dead and wounded near the George Sharqi junction. Rafah.

Al-Qassam bombed with mortar shells a gathering of occupation soldiers and vehicles in the Tal Zoroub area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah.

Al-Quds Brigades

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, also announced the detonation of a Zionist vehicle with a high-explosive “barrel” device in the Al-Taqaddum axis in the vicinity of the Umm Raed area, east of Rafah.

The Al-Quds Brigades said that its mujahideen attacked enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating south of the Yabna camp on the Palestinian-Egyptian border in Rafah with a barrage of 60-caliber mortar shells.

In a complex operation, the Mujahideen of the Brigades were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bombard the occupation soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal al-Hawa axis, southwest of Gaza City.

Biden presents a proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza... and Hamas responds

Yesterday, Friday, US President Joe Biden presented an “Israeli” proposal for a ceasefire and the release of all prisoners, according to “Al Jazeera Net.”

Biden said: The proposal consists of 3 stages, and stipulates a sustainable ceasefire, the release of “Israeli” prisoners, the withdrawal of “Israeli” forces from populated areas in the Gaza Strip, and the entry of aid.

In his speech from the White House, Biden described the proposal as a road map for a complete and complete ceasefire and the withdrawal of “Israeli” forces from all populated areas in Gaza.

He added that the State of Qatar conveyed the “Israeli” proposal to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to study it and respond to it.

For its part, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said that it viewed positively what was included in US President Joe Biden’s speech on Friday, in which he called for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, and an exchange of prisoners.

In a statement, the movement considered that this American position and the conviction that has been established on the regional and international scene of the necessity of putting an end to the war on Gaza is the result of the legendary steadfastness of our struggling people and their valiant resistance.

Hamas affirmed its readiness to deal positively and constructively with any proposal based on a permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, the return of the displaced to all their places of residence, and the completion of a serious prisoner exchange deal if the occupation declares its explicit commitment to that.

Demonstrations in international cities and capitals

Today, Saturday, many cities and world capitals witnessed massive demonstrations denouncing the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Thousands participated in demonstrations organized in the French capital, Paris, the Austrian capital, Vienna, the German city of Wuppertal, the capital, Berlin, Aarhus, Denmark, the capital, Copenhagen, Manchester and Bournemouth in Britain, the capital, London, and Malmo and Uppsala in Sweden, in support of the Palestinian people, and to demand a ceasefire, and the entry of humanitarian aid. To the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian News Agency (Wafa).


The Israeli war of genocide against Gaza has entered its 238th day, with the occupation forces continuing to commit a genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

Martyrs in Bureij camp

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as the Palestinian Information Center reported that 12 Palestinians were martyred today, Friday, in a raid launched by occupation aircraft on two homes in the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

5 massacres within 24 hours

The occupation forces committed 5 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 60 martyrs and 280 injuries during the past 24 hours, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

The Ministry said in its update today: The toll of the aggression has risen to 36,284 martyrs and 82,057 injuries since the seventh of last October.

More than 98% of Gaza's bakeries stopped working

The government media office in Gaza said: “It has been 24 days since the occupation army occupied the Rafah land crossing, and closed the Kerem Shalom crossing, which led to the occurrence of complex humanitarian crises, and as a result prevented 22,000 wounded and sick people from traveling to receive treatment outside the Gaza Strip.” And preventing the entry of humanitarian aid and food supplies into the Gaza Strip.”

The government office added that there are more than 2 million displaced people in the Gaza Strip who live mainly and solely on aid, especially in light of the loss of a quarter of a million family heads of their jobs due to the “Israeli” aggression. This has left them without cash, which greatly increases the chances of deepening the famine.

The office stated that the occupation prevents the entry of fuel, cooking gas, and medicine as part of its policy of pressure on civilians, children, and women. This is a crime against humanity, which led to more than 98% of the bakeries in the Gaza Strip stopping work due to the lack of cooking gas.

The government media office indicated that more than 700 water wells stopped working in the Gaza Strip due to being targeted by the “Israeli” army and the prevention of the entry of fuel, which enhances the chances of deepening both famine and thirst against civilians, especially against children and women.

Prominent resistance operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza. The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), announced today, Friday, that two Zionist soldiers were sniped and directly wounded in the vicinity of the Sheikh Zayed roundabout in the northern Gaza Strip.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, also announced the targeting of a gathering of soldiers and occupation vehicles penetrating the vicinity of Salah al-Din Gate, south of Rafah, with mortar shells.

Al-Qassam publishes an audio message to an Israeli prisoner

Today, Friday, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), published an audio message from an Israeli prisoner demanding that Netanyahu’s government release the prisoners detained in Gaza.

She said: “Do not put our fate in the hands of Netanyahu and the war council... Save us... The people must decide.”

Withdrawal of the occupation forces from northern Gaza

The occupation forces withdrew on Friday morning from all areas of the northern Gaza Strip after a military operation targeting the Jabalia camp, according to Al Jazeera Net.

Al Jazeera said: The occupation forces withdrew from Tal al-Zaatar, the Beit Lahia project, Beit Hanoun, and all areas of the northern Gaza Strip.

Gaza Civil Defense spokesman Mahmoud Basal confirmed to Al Jazeera that more than a thousand homes were destroyed in the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip, after a military operation that continued in the area for 20 days.

10 Israeli soldiers   killed in Jabalia

Occupation Army Radio announced that 10 soldiers were killed during the operation carried out by the 98th Division in the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip over a period of 20 days. This occurred after the occupation army withdrew on Friday morning from the northern Gaza Strip, according to what Al Jazeera reported.

Haniyeh: The resistance informed the mediators that it would not give up its demands

The head of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas,” Ismail Haniyeh, called for an Arab position and collective action to exploit this strategic opportunity provided by the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle.  He urges to mobilize the Arab situation in confronting the fascist Zionist enemy, embrace and participate with the Palestinian people in their resistance, and confront the policy of normalization.

Haniyeh stressed, during his speech at the Arab National Conference in Beirut, that the battle of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” raised the Palestinian cause to an unprecedented level in the world. He said that the “Al-Aqsa Flood” opened the door to embodying recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people, most importantly their right to their own state on their land and soil, which is what All diplomatic and political efforts that were devoid of power factors failed.

He added: The flood dealt a blow to the entity's strategic value as a policeman for the region, and deprived it of the deterrence advantage that it had prided itself on. And here the Israeli entity is losing global public opinion, as the intellectual terrorism it practices through the so-called anti-Semitic laws has failed to contain the global public support for the rights of the Palestinian people.

Haniyeh directed his message to those talking about the day after the battle, saying that they will be suffocated by the rope of their illusions, and that they will not find among our people anyone who would accept an alternative to resistance. The aspirations of those lurking in the resistance and the Mujahideen will be disappointed, their illusions will vanish, and they will not see the light as long as our people and our nation remain immortal.

Regarding what is said about a new Zionist position on the exchange and ceasefire deal, the movement’s leader confirmed that the resistance once again informed the mediators that the established rules of the resistance factions’ position cannot be waived. Hamas's demands are summarized in stopping the permanent aggression, the comprehensive withdrawal of the occupation army from Gaza, lifting the siege, reconstruction, and an honorable prisoner exchange deal. All of this is on the path to achieving the rights and aspirations of our Palestinian people for freedom, return and independence.

France cancels the participation of occupation companies in a defense exhibition

The French authorities decided to cancel the participation of 74 companies affiliated with the Zionist occupation in the “Eurosatori” international exhibition for land defense and security scheduled for next June 17.

Cog Events, the company organizing the exhibition, told Agence France-Presse: By decision of the government authorities, there will not be any exhibition pavilion for the “Israeli” military industries sector at the Eurosatory 2024 exhibition, as 74 Israeli companies were scheduled to display their equipment during it.

Neither the organizing company nor the Ministry of the Armed Forces, under whose auspices the show is being held, specified the reasons for the decision, but according to Agence France-Presse, it comes a few days after the occupation army bombed the tents of the displaced in Rafah. The aggression against the camps for the displaced left dozens of martyrs and wounded, which sparked anger. Internationally, it prompted the organization of many demonstrations in France against the aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Belgian university suspends cooperation with the occupation  

Quds Press reported that the Belgian University of Antwerp suspended all cooperation agreements with Israeli occupation institutions.

University President Herman Van Goethem said in a statement yesterday, Thursday: The reason for suspending the agreements is the cooperation of the institutions that the university shares with the “Israeli” military authorities.



The Israeli war of genocide against besieged Gaza has entered its 237th day, with the Zionist occupation forces continuing to commit crimes of war and genocide in Gaza, by launching dozens of air strikes, artillery shelling, and bloody massacres against civilians.

12 Martyrs in Rafah  

The occupation continues its aggression against Gaza, as sources reported that 12 Palestinians were martyred because of the occupation’s continuous bombing of the city of Rafah since dawn on Thursday.

The sources indicated that the occupation bombed a group of citizens who tried to retrieve a martyr from the center of Rafah, which led to the death of a number of them and the wounding of others.

5 Massacres in 24 Hours

During the past 24 hours, the occupation committed 5 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, including 53 martyrs and 357 injuries to hospitals.

The toll of the aggression has reached 36,224 martyrs and 81,777 injuries since October 7, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

Prominent Resistance Operations

The Palestinian resistance continues to confront the Zionist forces penetrating into several areas of Gaza, as the “Al-Qassam Brigades” announced, today, Thursday, that it targeted a Zionist foot force consisting of 5 soldiers with an anti-personnel “glove” device, killing and wounding them east of the Al-Tanour neighborhood in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam added that its fighters were also able to target 3 Zionist soldiers with an anti-personnel shell that hit them directly near the Al-Shoka municipality in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and fired a missile salvo at Kibbutz “Nirim.”

The "Jerusalem Brigades" also announced the bombing of enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of Tal Zoroub, west of the city of Rafah.

She said: In cooperation with the Al-Qassam Brigades, we targeted with Tandom and RPG shells two Zionist military vehicles positioned in the vicinity of Al-Shoka School, east of the city of Rafah.

It added that its fighters destroyed, with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells, a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of the Al-Abd Jabr area in the Yabna camp, south of the city of Rafah.

The companies also bombed with a barrage of mortar shells enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of the Al-Qaws site in the Yabna camp, and renewed their bombardment with dozens of heavy mortar shells on enemy soldiers and vehicles in the same place.

Israel Withdraws from the Jabalia  

The Palestinian Information Center reported that the occupation forces retreated outside Jabalia camp, amid intense artillery shelling and intense air traffic.

The center pointed out that as soon as the news of the decline of the occupation mechanisms circulated among the residents, the people began to return to their camp, and their message remained, no matter the extent of the destruction and burning.

Mexicans Burn the Israeli Embassy

Al Jazeera Net reported that Mexican demonstrators set fire to the vicinity of the Zionist occupation embassy in their country to denounce the Zionist massacres in the Gaza Strip and the burning of camps for the displaced in Rafah.

The website published video clips of Mexican demonstrators setting fire to the vicinity of the occupation embassy and security barriers, while violent clashes took place with the police who tried to prevent them, using tear gas.

The Security Council Votes to Stop the Aggression on Rafah

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that the UN Security Council will vote, today, Thursday, on a draft Algerian resolution to stop the ongoing aggression against Rafah.

The resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire respected by all parties, and also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and also demands that the parties comply with their obligations under international law with respect to all persons they detain.

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