

Türkiye, UN, Russia and Ukraine have signed a deal in Istanbul to resume exports of grain through the Black Sea.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov signed separate deals with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, in Dolmabahce Palace on Friday.

The ceremony was witnessed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ahead of signing the historic grain agreement, President Erdogan said: "We will be undertaking a very important step preventing the threat of hunger that affects billions."

"It gives us great pride to be a part of helping solve this food crisis," Erdogan added. 

The deal would not only rescue billions from famine, but would also ease global food inflation, Erdogan said.

He said the implementation of the grain deal will be carried out by a joint coordination centre in Istanbul.

Guterres said: "Today there is a beacon in the Black Sea; a beacon of hope; a beacon of possibility; a beacon of relief in a world that needs it more than anything."

He added that this initiative must be fully implemented and that it has taken immense effort and weeks of work from all sides to achieve this deal. 

Guterres thanked all those who helped make the deal happen.

"To our hosts and President Erdogan and the government of Türkiye, your facilitation and persistence have been essential through every step of the process," he said.

The deal was reached with Russia to allow the flow of grain from Ukraine, where some 20 million tonnes of grain is stuck. 

Easing global food crisis

Ankara and the UN have been working on a plan that would enable Ukraine to export millions of grain stockpiles that have been stuck in Ukraine’s Black Sea ports due to the conflict — a move that could ease a global food crisis that has sent wheat and other grain prices soaring.

Last week, the sides met in Istanbul, reaching a tentative agreement on the plan. The plan foresees joint controls of ships as they leave and arrive at Black Sea ports and a mechanism to ensure the safety of the transfer routes, Turkish officials said.

A coordination centre for the shipping of exports would be established in Istanbul and would include UN, Turkish, Russian and Ukrainian officials.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has urged Tigrayan rebels to immediately release five journalists working for a local broadcaster in war-torn northern Ethiopia.

The five employees of Tigrai TV – a channel linked to Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) – were arrested in May and June this year, the CPJ said on Wednesday.

It cited a former senior manager at the broadcaster, as well as multiple media reports and a source familiar with the matter.

The journalists are accused "of 'collaboration with the enemy' for their alleged work with the Ethiopian federal government and its ruling Prosperity Party, according to those sources," the CPJ said in a statement.

"Convictions for collaboration with any group designated as an 'enemy' can carry up to life imprisonment or the death penalty," the media watchdog said.

"Journalists operating in Tigray should be allowed to live and work freely, without fear that they will be targeted in politically motivated cases," said CPJ's representative for sub-Saharan Africa, Muthoki Mumo.

Held 'for their work'

Two of the CPJ's sources said they believed the five were being held "for their work for Tigrai TV during the time when it was controlled by federal authorities".

The CPJ also urged Ethiopian authorities to end a communications blackout in Tigray, which has been facing dire shortages of food and disruptions to electricity, banking and other essential services.

TPLF, which has been locked in a 20-month conflict with Ethiopia's government, regained control of Tigray in June 2021, overthrowing an interim administration established by federal authorities.

The conflict erupted in November 2020 when the government sent federal troops into Tigray to topple the TPLF, the region's former ruling party, saying it was in response to rebel attacks on army camps.

The TPLF mounted a shock comeback in June last year, retaking Tigray and then expanding into the neighbouring regions of Afar and Amhara.

Fighting intensified in the second half of 2021 before reaching a stalemate./agencies

Armed bandits have killed 17 people including five policemen in separate attacks in northwest Nigeria's Katsina state in the latest wave of violence in the region, police and a local official said.

A group of around 300 bandits on motorcycles attacked a police post near Gatakawa village in Kankara district, killing five policemen, local police spokesperson Gambo Isah said on Thursday.

"We lost five policemen in (a) gunfight with the bandits in an effort to prevent them from raiding Gatakawa village," Isah said.

The attackers also killed three civilians from the village, he added.

Separately, at least nine people died between Tuesday and Wednesday in attacks on four villages in neighbouring Faskari district blamed on the same gang, local official Musa Ado said.

"Four villages were attacked and a total of nine people were killed, with Ruwan Godiya village losing six people," Ado said.

"A person was killed in each of the other three villages where the bandits looted livestock and other supplies," he added.

Volatile north 

Northwest and central Nigeria are a hub of criminal gangs known locally as bandits who raid villages, killing or abducting residents after looting and burning homes.

The criminals, who maintain camps in a vast forest straddling Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna and Niger states, were declared terrorists by Nigeria's government in January.

Bandits have intensified attacks in Katsina state, operating from hideouts in neighbouring Zamfara state which is their stronghold.

Although the gangs are motivated by financial gains with no ideological leaning, Nigerian officials are concerned about possible ties with militants making inroads from the northeast where they are waging a 13-year insurgency.

Source: AFP

 Locally made products, especially foodstuff, have proved much significance on the basis of their vital role during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the ongoing Ukraine war in answering the needs of the local market and curbing inflation. Compared to many other countries, Kuwait has a low inflation rate based on the government’s subsidy policy mainly involving fuel that was the driver of hikes in many imported commodities worldwide.

In this context, the Kuwait Cabinet decided to set up an ad hoc food security committee last May with a view of setting out a congenial mechanism to stave off the fallout of looming global crises and disasters on the country’s food security. Speaking to KUNA on this matter, chairmen of several foodstuff federations reassured that they are able to boost their productive capabilities and ensure most of the local needs, particularly meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

Chairman of the Kuwait Farmers Union Abdullah Al-Damak said the union is committed to promoting food security in the country, pointing out multiple challenges bugging Kuwaiti farmers such as surging production costs which was triggered by weather conditions. He reassured that Kuwaiti farmers are able to produce the majority of farm produce and ensure a large amount of the local market’s requirements – a thing which they managed to do in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, Al-Damak called on the Kuwaiti government to boost its subsidy to farmers, especially during these circumstances, speaking highly of the recently created food security panel, which he said, would help wipe out all obstacles and hurdles impeding the development of local produce, and draw upon high tech in cementing food security.

Chairman of the Kuwaiti Fishermen Union Thaher Al-Suwayan said the union works with everyone in the country, including the new governmental panel, in order to boost local products which is the key to stable prices. Al-Suwayan urged the government to raise its subsidy to local fishermen amid hiking costs and heavy losses they are facing owing to high fishing equipment prices and periodical maintenance costs.

Chairman of the Federation of Fresh Dairy Producers Abdulhakeem Al-Ahmad said Kuwait’s daily dairy consumption hits around 1,200 tons, while local farms only produce 200 tons – making roughly 18 percent of consumption. He emphasized that Kuwaiti farm owners are working side by side with different bodies nationwide in order to ensure food security, given that the current global food crisis could last longer. Al-Ahmad revealed that the federation has 50 affiliated farms, including 44 dairy ones that abounds with a total 9,505 milking cows. – KUNA

Kuwait is awaiting the appointment of a new prime minister, the fifth in less than two decades, amid high popular expectations to put the rich country back on track. Local media reported that Sheikh Mohammed Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, a senior member of the ruling family who is close to the opposition, has been picked up by the Crown Prince to form the new cabinet.

The announcement was highly expected to be made earlier this week but got delayed amid unconfirmed reports that Sheikh Mohammed has turned down the offer to become the next prime minister over policy issues. The Harvard-educated Sheikh Mohammed is the son of Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, who ruled the country between 1965 and 1976. He served as Kuwait’s envoy to Washington for several years before being appointed in the Cabinet for the first time in 2001 as minister of state for foreign affairs. He was promoted to a full foreign minister two years later.

Social media rejoiced over the reports on Sheikh Mohammed’s appointment and some senior politicians welcomed the appointment. But it appears that the appointment has not gone as smooth as it was expected with local media reporting that Sheikh Mohammed has declined the offer over some policy issues, including the freedom to appoint his Cabinet members.

Former MP Mubarak Al-Duwailah wrote on his Twitter: “Back to Square One” in reference to Sheikh Mohammed’s refusal. Interior Minister in the resigned Cabinet Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah was also nominated to form the new Cabinet if Sheikh Mohammed insisted on his rejection. Sheikh Ahmad is the son of the Amir and has gained huge popularity after his inclusion in the Cabinet just a few months ago.

MP Ahmad Al-Azemi yesterday described the current period as “a decisive phase in the history of Kuwait”, adding that achieving stability in Kuwait requires a new government that avoids the mistakes of the past. MP Khaled Al-Otaibi said the next prime minister will inherit major challenges to reform what the previous government has damaged.

MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji described the political events in Kuwait as “unprecedented”, saying they will impact the form of the next cabinet. Former liberal MP Saleh Al-Mulla warmly welcomed earlier news about the appointment of Sheikh Mohammed, but he warned that the main thing for the new cabinet is to abandon the old-style of appointing ministers.

It’s worth mentioning that Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Sabah, in power for less than three years, submitted his government’s resignation in early April after 26 opposition MPs, two more than the required quorum, said they will back a non-cooperation motion filed by opposition MPs following a grilling over alleged mismanagement.

The resignation had been accepted by the Amir who asked Sheikh Sabah to continue as a care-taker premier to run urgent matters until a new premier is named. Last month, HH the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, in a speech read by HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, said he has decided to dissolve the national assembly, a key demand by the opposition, and call for fresh polls “within months”. The opposition welcomed the speech and called for appointing a new prime minister to introduce fundamental changes and reforms to the way the government has been operating./KT

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has said he wants a general agreement reached between Ukraine, Russia, Türkiye and the United Nations on a UN-led plan to resume Ukrainian Black Sea grain exports to be put in writing this week.

"An agreement emerged from the talks in Istanbul last week on the general outline of the process under the UN plan. Now, we want to tie this agreement to a written document," Erdogan told reporters on Wednesday on a return flight from Tehran, where he met Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"We hope the plan will begin to be implemented in the coming days," Erdogan added.

Ankara on Monday said that a meeting between the four parties would "probably" be held this week. The Ukraine conflict has sent prices soaring for grains, cooking oils, fuel and fertilizer, stoking a global food crisis.

Russia's February 24 attack on Ukraine and blockade of its ports has stalled exports, leaving dozens of ships stranded and some 20 million tonnes of grain stuck in silos at the Black Sea port of Odesa.

Moscow has denied responsibility for worsening the food crisis, blaming instead a chilling effect of Western sanctions for slowing its own food and fertilizer exports and Ukraine for mining its Black Sea ports.

UN is 'optimistic'

While UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is on vacation, "all day he has been working the phones" and speaking with different leaders, deputy UN spokesperson Farhan Haq said on Wednesday. He declined to say who Guterres had spoken with.

"He's trying to make as much progress as we can on this right now," said Haq, without giving further details. Guterres told reporters last week, "I'm optimistic, but it's not yet fully done."

Ukraine and Russia are major global wheat suppliers, and Russia is also a large fertilizer exporter, while Ukraine is a significant producer of corn and sunflower oil.

Before the talks a week ago, diplomats said details of the plan included Ukrainian vessels guiding grain ships in and out through mined port waters; Russia agreeing to a truce while shipments move; and Türkiye — supported by the United Nations — inspecting ships to allay Russian fears of weapons smuggling.

US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on Wednesday that Washington was encouraging the United Nations in its efforts to broker a deal on Ukraine grain exports.

"But we will also be watching the Russians and hold them accountable for any agreement that they should make with the UN," she said. "We thought we might even hear that an announcement would happen today. So far, it hasn't happened."

Source: Reuters

Amnesty International has called for an investigation into a massacre of more than 400 Amhara civilians in Ethiopia's Oromia region last month, citing eyewitnesses who blamed a local rebel group for the killings.

"These horrific killings in Tole, allegedly at the hands of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) reveal its perpetrators' utter disregard for human life," Deprose Muchena, Amnesty's director for East and Southern Africa, said in a statement on Thursday.

"This callous massacre, which also saw women and children lose their lives, must be independently and effectively investigated," he added.

Ethiopian authorities have blamed the OLA for a number of massacres targeting Amharas, the country's second-largest ethnic group after the Oromo.

OLA has denied the accusations, saying government-allied militias were responsible for the June 18 massacre in the west of Ethiopia's most populous region, which has seen an uptick in violence in recent months.

The assault began around 9 am [local time] when armed men allegedly belonging to the OLA surrounded villages in Tole Kebele, according to nine witnesses interviewed by the human rights group.

Although the villagers alerted the authorities after the first bullets were fired, government forces, however; arrived hours after the massacre.

The attackers unleashed a campaign of summary executions of ethnic Amhara, while also looting and burning homes, in claims corroborated by satellite imagery which showed evidence of fires breaking out in the area, Amnesty said.

'Dozens of bodies piled up'

The Amnesty statement follows a call by UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet last month urging the Ethiopian authorities to conduct "prompt, impartial and thorough" investigations into the Tole killings.

Hussein, a 64-year-old man, told Amnesty he lost 22 children and grandchildren in the attack and saw dozens of bodies piled up in the area, including a newborn baby.

"They killed 42 people at one place. There was only one adult male among them, the rest were women and children," he said.

Another man told the rights group the attackers "torched the house of my neighbour while the family with his children and grandchildren and others were inside".

"One of them was seven months pregnant and was with her two children. They were buried in the compound since they were completely charred."

None of the witnesses were identified by their real names due to safety concerns, Amnesty said.

More than 300 massacred

No official toll from the massacre has been published, but Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's spokesperson Billene Seyoum said last month that 338 victims had so far been identified.

A local administrative official told Amnesty that at least 450 people were killed in the attack.

Witnesses said they identified the attackers as OLA militants because of their uniforms, their "distinctive long braided hair", and their use of the Oromiffa language.

The gunmen also set fire to houses and looted cattle, cash and other items belonging to the villagers, Amnesty said.

Officials "said they were unable to respond because the road was closed", the watchdog said.

The OLA, a shadowy group that has been fighting the federal government in Oromia since 2018, gained new prominence last year when it struck up an alliance with Tigrayan rebels who have been at war with pro-Abiy forces in northern Ethiopia since November 2020.

Source: AFP



China is believed to have observed from Ukraine that "you don't achieve quick, decisive victories with underwhelming force," says CIA Director William Burns.

China is "unsettled" when looking at Russia's five-month-old crisis in Ukraine, says CIA boss William Burns. (Reuters)

China appears determined on using force in Taiwan, with Russia's experience in Ukraine affecting Beijing's calculations on how, not whether, to control, the head of the CIA has said.

Appearing at the Aspen Security Forum on Wednesday, Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns played down speculation that Chinese President Xi Jinping could move on Taiwan after a key Communist Party meeting later this year.

"The risks of that become higher, it seems to us, the further into this decade that you get," Burns said.

Burns said that China was "unsettled" when looking at Russia's five-month-old crisis in Ukraine, which he characterised as a "strategic failure" for President Vladimir Putin as he had hoped to topple the Kiev government within a week.

"Our sense is that it probably affects less the question of whether the Chinese leadership might choose some years down the road to use force to control Taiwan, but how and when they would do it," Burns said.

He said that China is believed to have observed from Ukraine that "you don't achieve quick, decisive victories with underwhelming force."

"I suspect the lesson that the Chinese leadership and military are drawing is that you've got to amass overwhelming force if you're going to contemplate that in the future," he said.

China also has likely learned that it has to "control the information space" and "do everything you can to shore up your economy against the potential for sanctions," he added.

China not incurring Western sanctions

Burns, in line with previous US assessments, said that the United States does not believe that Beijing is offering military support to Russia despite rhetorical backing.

He said China has stepped up purchases of Russian energy but appears careful about not incurring Western sanctions.

Beijing views self-ruled Taiwan as its territory and has vowed to one day take the island, by force if necessary, and US-China tensions over the issue have soared in recent months.

Under the "One China" policy, the US recognises Beijing as the government of China. It doesn't have diplomatic ties with Taiwan and neither supports Taiwan’s independence.

China's defeated nationalists fled to Taiwan in 1949 after losing the mainland's civil war, but the island has since developed into a vibrant democracy and leading technological power.

Source: AFP

President Biden announces executive actions including $2.3 billion in investments to help build US infrastructure to withstand climate disasters.

"The health of our citizens and our communities is literally at stake... Our national security is at stake as well," Biden says. (AFP)

President Joe Biden, thwarted by lawmakers and the Supreme Court, has sought to revive his ambitions to tackle the climate crisis as heat waves batter the United States and Europe.

"Climate change... is literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger," Biden said on Wednesday, announcing executive actions including $2.3 billion in investments to help build US infrastructure to withstand climate disasters.

"The health of our citizens and our communities is literally at stake... Our national security is at stake as well... And our economy is at risk. So we have to act."

Biden, delivering a speech at a former coal-fired electricity plant in Massachusetts, said his administration would do whatever was necessary, with or without lawmakers on board.

"Congress is not acting as it should... This is an emergency and I will look at it that way. As president, I'll use my executive powers to combat the climate crisis," he said.

But he stopped short of declaring a formal emergency, which would grant him additional policy powers.

Rocketing summer temperatures have highlighted the growing threat, with 100 million people in the United States currently under excessive heat alerts and devastatingly hot conditions causing misery across Europe.

Repeated setbacks

Biden began his term last year promising to fulfill campaign pledges to tackle the global climate crisis, but his agenda has faced blow after blow.

His first day in office, Biden signed an executive order to bring the United States back into the Paris climate agreement, followed later by an ambitious announcement that he was targeting a 50-52 percent reduction from 2005 levels in US net greenhouse gas pollution by 2030.

But his signature Build Back Better legislation, which would have included $550 billion for clean energy and other climate initiatives, is all but dead after failing to receive the necessary backing in Congress as fellow Democrat Joe Manchin said he would not support the bill in an evenly divided Senate.

And last month, the conservative-leaning Supreme Court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot issue broad greenhouse gas regulations without congressional approval.

"When it comes to fighting climate change, I will not take 'no' for an answer," Biden said.

"I will do everything in my power to clean our air and water, protect our people's health, to win the clean energy future... Our children and grandchildren are counting on us. Not a joke."

Among the new executive orders was funding to promote efficient air conditioning, and an order to advance wind energy development off the Atlantic Coast and Florida’s Gulf Coast.

Job creation project

The Biden administration has framed climate policies as a job creation project –– and as a national security issue, made more urgent by soaring fuel prices in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The White House said in a statement that Biden was seeking "to turn the climate crisis into an opportunity, by creating good-paying jobs in clean energy and lowering costs for families."

His speech on Wednesday was at a shuttered coal-fired power plant that will be used for a cable manufacturing factory to supply offshore wind facilities.

State Department spokesperson Ned Price this week pointed to the extreme heat wave tormenting Europe this week –– with Britain recording a temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) –– as more proof that climate action cannot wait.

"We are committed to taking advantage of this moment and doing everything we can, including on the world stage," Price told reporters, "to ensure that this decisive decade does not go by without us taking appropriate action."

Source: AFP

The United States hopes to see a global price cap on Russian oil introduced by December, US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo has said.

"We are following on what the Europeans have done," he told the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado. "They introduced the idea of looking to do a price cap but they also said by December, they plan to put in place their insurance ban.

Russia has said it will not export oil to the world market if the price is capped below the cost of production. 

Brazil, China, India and some African and Middle Eastern countries have increased energy imports from Russia, which sells at deep discounts to global benchmarks because many European refiners have stopped buying Russian oil./TRT

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