

Elon Musk has tweeted that "I'm not buying any sports teams", calling a viral post about him purchasing Manchester United a joke.

The world's richest man has a habit of posting provocative statements on Twitter for fun and Musk was at it again on Tuesday when he told his more than 103 million followers: "Also, I'm buying Manchester United ur welcome."

The billionaire Tesla and SpaceX CEO made the comment in reply to another of his tweets, about supporting both of the United States' two major political parties.

The 51-year-old, who is embroiled in a lawsuit over his bid to buy Twitter, was subsequently asked on the platform if he was serious about owning Manchester United.

"No, this is a long-running joke on Twitter. I'm not buying any sports teams," Musk replied, after his original tweet garnered nearly 500,000 "likes" in a matter of hours.

"Although, if it were any team, it would be Man U. They were my fav team as a kid."

Manchester United, one of the biggest clubs in world football but suffering a prolonged slump, are owned by the Glazer family. They have been targeted by angry fans.

There was no immediate reaction from United or its owners to Musk's tweets.

Shares of the team listed on the New York Stock Exchange are down year to date, but ended Tuesday flat, with a market capitalisation of $2.1 billion.

Despite calling it a joke, Musk's tweet could land him in trouble with US regulators.

Glazer ownership

The Glazers are the focus of fan fury after the team's dramatic fall from grace. The Americans also own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, an NFL franchise in Florida.

United fans have protested against the team's senior management for poor performances in recent years, as well as their involvement in a plan to start a new "Super League" of Europe's richest teams.

The Red Devils finished last season a lowly sixth in the English Premier League, and fresh protests against the Glazers are planned ahead of United's next game, at home to fierce rivals Liverpool on August 22.

Musk, who recently sold nearly $7 billion worth of Tesla shares, is in a major legal battle in the US state of Delaware over his aborted plan to buy Twitter.

Source: agencies

Thousands of people in Britain infected with HIV and hepatitis C through contaminated blood transfusions will receive a compensation payment decades after the scandal, the UK government has announced.

Survivors welcomed the announcement on Wednesday, which came after years of campaigning, but said it should be expanded to include more people whose lives were blighted by the scandal.

The payment of $121,000 to each victim is an interim one after Brian Langstaff, the chairperson of a public inquiry into the long-running scandal, last month recommended making immediate payouts before waiting for an ongoing inquiry to conclude.

The former High Court judge said the "moral case for compensation is beyond doubt".

The government said on Wednesday that the tax-free payments, to survivors of the scandal and bereaved partners of the thousands estimated to have died from the contaminated blood, would be made by the end of October.

Thousands of people with haemophilia contracted hepatitis C and HIV after receiving blood transfusions, mainly from the United States, through the state National Health Service (NHS) in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

Due to shortage of blood products in Britain, the NHS bought much of its stock from US suppliers whose donors, including prisoners and other groups at high risk of infection, had been paid for their blood.

'Tragic injustice'

An estimated 2,400 patients died after being infected through the contaminated blood products in the 1970s and 1980s.

A previous inquiry concluded in 2009 found that ministers should have acted sooner to make British blood supplies more self-sufficient to lessen reliance on imports.

It also called for compensation for those impacted.

A 2017 High Court ruling permitted victims and their families to seek damages via the British justice system.

In a statement, Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged that "nothing can make up for the pain and suffering endured by those affected by this tragic injustice".

But he added the government was "taking action to do right by victims and those who have tragically lost their partners by making sure they receive these interim payments as quickly as possible".

However, campaigners said the announcement failed to recognise most family members affected by the scandal, who will miss out on this raft of interim payments.

When the public inquiry concludes next year it is expected to make final recommendations on compensation for this wider group of people, including bereaved parents and the children of victims.

Source: AFP

Spain and neighbouring Portugal are fighting large wildfires, while three firefighters have been killed and two others seriously injured in a forest fire in Morocco.

Some 300 firefighters spent a difficult night battling a huge wildfire in southeastern Spain which has burnt through nearly 10,000 hectares in an area notoriously difficult to access, officials said on Tuesday.

"Three people suffered bad burn injuries," the regional health authorities said, adding one had to be evacuated by helicopter to the hospital. More than eight others were lightly injured.

"At the moment, we are talking about more than 9,500 hectares burnt with a perimeter of 65 kilometres," regional president Ximo Puig said late on Monday, describing the blaze as "absolutely huge".

"It's a very complicated situation... The fire is creating enormous difficulties that are absolutely impossible to tackle with the speed we would like."

Further north, firefighters in the Aragon region were battling another major blaze that broke out Saturday and has burnt more than 6,000 hectares of land, forcing at least 1,500 people from their homes.

Meanwhile, a huge wildfire in central Portugal that raged for a week in a UNESCO-designated natural park and was finally brought under control on Friday night flared up again on Tuesday, the civil protection authority said.

More than 1,200 firefighters had been drafted in to tackle the blaze, which has already consumed some 15,000 hectares and was "burning fiercely" with the flames whipped up by strong winds, the authority said.

Forest fire in Morocco

In North Africa, three firefighters died and two others were seriously injured in a forest fire in northern Morocco that was suspected to have been started deliberately, authorities said.

The firefighters were in a vehicle that plunged into a ravine while they were battling the blaze in M'diq-Fnideq province late on Monday, the authorities told the AFP news agency.

Four men suspected of starting the fire were arrested, they said.

Firefighting services, including Canadair water bombers, were being used on Tuesday to try to bring the flames under control and prevent them from spreading to populated areas.

The fire has so far destroyed about 120 hectares of forest land, according to the latest estimates.

Spain, Portugal, and Morocco have all been gripped by scorching temperatures, intense drought and stress on water supplies.

Wildfires so far this year have claimed 271,020 hectares of land in Spain, 84,827 hectares in Portugal, and more than 10,000 hectares in northern Morocco.

Source: AFP

UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet has said it remains unsafe for Rohingya refugees to return to their homes in Myanmar, nearly five years after a crackdown there sparked an exodus to neighbouring Bangladesh.

Nearly a million members of the mostly Muslim minority now live in a sprawling and squalid patchwork of refugee settlements near Bangladesh's southern coast.

Bachelet met with Rohingya community members during a tour of the camps on Tuesday and said they had expressed "resounding hope" that they would be able to go back to their homes.

"Unfortunately the current situation across the border means that the conditions are not right for returns," Bachelet told reporters in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka on Wednesday.

"Repatriation must always be conducted in a voluntary and dignified manner, only when safe and sustainable conditions exist in Myanmar."

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina told Bachelet that Rohingya refugees living in overcrowded camps in Bangladesh must return home to Myanmar.

“The Rohingya are nationals of Myanmar and they have to be taken back,” Hasina was quoted as saying by her press secretary, Ihsanul Karim on Wednesday.

Most of the refugees fled their homes after a 2017 Myanmar army offensive that is now subject to a landmark genocide case at the UN's top court.

Five years on, the refugees refuse to go back without guarantees for their safety and rights in Myanmar, which is now ruled by a military junta after the ouster of its civilian government last year.

Human rights concerns 

Bachelet said many refugees were fearful for their safety due to the activity of armed groups and criminal gangs.

She was on a four-day visit to Bangladesh before her term as UN high commissioner for human rights ends later this month.

While touring the camps on Tuesday, she urged the international community to continue to support the Rohingya despite heightened global focus on more recent crises.

She added that the Russian offensive against Ukraine was being keenly felt among the Rohingya, with global food prices soaring and driving up the costs of supporting a population dependent on humanitarian aid.

"I would insist that the international community don't abandon the Rohingyas and continue supporting and even looking at if they can scale up and support, because of the consequences of the war," she said.

Bachelet is the first UN rights chief to visit Bangladesh and her trip included meetings with local activists to discuss accusations of gross abuses by security forces, including extrajudicial killings.

Campaigners say the country's security forces have killed thousands of people in staged shootouts, while hundreds of others have disappeared.

"I raised my deep concern about these serious allegations with government ministers and highlighted the need for an impartial, independent and transparent investigation into these allegations," Bachelet told reporters.


Source: agencies

A top electoral body official in Indian-administered Kashmir has said people from any part of India "living ordinarily" in the region are eligible to vote in the elections for the local assembly likely to be held next year.

The decision, which makes tens of thousands of labourers, workers, employees, students and businessmen from other states of the country eligible to vote, has sparked criticism in some quarters.

Chief Electoral Officer Hirdesh Kumar told journalists in the region’s capital Srinagar on Wednesday that after the abrogation of the special political status of Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019, many people who were not enlisted as voters are now eligible to vote.

"Anyone who is living ordinarily can also avail the opportunity to get enlisted as a voter in J&K by the provisions of representation of the Peoples Act,” Kumar said.

After scrapping the autonomy, the Indian government made the acquisition of a domicile certificate a necessity for any person to become eligible for residency or government employment in the region. Before August 5, 2019, only local residents could buy properties or apply for government jobs.

However, Kumar said, there is no need for a person to have a domicile certificate to vote.

"Any employee, student, labourer, or outsider living ordinarily in J&K can enlist his or her name in the voting list. The documents will be scrutinised by the government officials concerned, who will decide whether or not to accept the claim," he said.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and paramilitary soldiers stationed in the region can also be enlisted as voters.

Controversial move

The voter list is currently being revised, and Kumar expects that 2.5 million new voters, including those over the age of 18, will be added this time.

Omar Abdullah, the former chief minister of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state and India's former minister of state for foreign affairs, criticised India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the move.

“Is the BJP so insecure about support from genuine voters of J&K that it needs to import temporary voters to win seats? None of these things will help the BJP when the people of J&K are given a chance to exercise their franchise,” Omar tweeted.

Fears of demographic flooding and political disempowerment in this Muslim-majority region have heightened since the region’s loss of autonomous status.

Mehbooba Mufti, another former chief minister, tweeted that the decision to postpone elections in the region was “preceded by egregious gerrymandering tilting the balance in BJP's favor and now allowing non-locals to vote is obviously to influence election results.”

"The real aim is to continue ruling Jammu and Kashmir with an iron fist to disempower locals," she added.

Kashmir, a Muslim-majority Himalayan region, is administrated by India and Pakistan in part but claimed by both in full. A small sliver of the region is also administrated by China.

Source: AA

A bombing at a mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul during evening prayers has killed at least 10 people, including a prominent cleric, and wounded at least 27, an eyewitness and police said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wednesday's attack, the latest to strike the country in the year since the Taliban seized power. Several children were reported to be among the wounded.

There were fears the casualty numbers could rise further.

Al Jazeera quoted an unidentified official as giving a death toll of 20.

According to the eyewitness, a resident of the city's Khair Khana neighbourhood where the Siddiquiya Mosque was targeted, the explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber. 

The slain cleric was Mullah Amir Mohammad Kabuli, the eyewitness said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to the media. 

He added that more than 30 other people were wounded. The Italian Emergency hospital in Kabul said that at least 27 wounded civilians, including five children, were brought there from the site of the bomb blast. 

Khalid Zadran, the Taliban-appointed spokesperson for the Kabul police chief, confirmed an explosion inside a mosque in northern Kabul but would not provide a casualty toll or a breakdown of the dead and wounded.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid also condemned the explosion and vowed that the "perpetrators of such crimes will soon be brought to justice and will be punished."

Daesh attacks

Daesh terror group's local affiliate has stepped up attacks targeting the Taliban and civilians since the Taliban's takeover last August as US and NATO troops were in the final stages of their withdrawal from the country. 

Last week, Daesh claimed responsibility for killing a prominent Taliban cleric at his religious centre in Kabul.

A US-led invasion toppled the previous Taliban government following September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States. 

Since regaining power, Taliban has faced a crippling economic crisis as the international community, which does not recognise the Taliban government, froze funding to the country. 

Source: AP

El Salvador has arrested some 50,000 suspected gang members since President Nayib Bukele launched a "war on gangs" in March on criminal groups harassing the country, the head of the country's police force announced.

"We can inform the Salvadoran people that we have already reached 50,000 recorded detentions during the period of the emergency regime," said Mauricio Arriaza, director of the National Civil Police on Tuesday.

Arriaza, as well as Justice Minister Gustavo Villatoro and Defence Minister Rene Merino, appeared on Tuesday in front of parliament to request an extension of the emergency powers, which have done away with the need for arrest warrants.

They were first enacted in March and have been prolonged on a month-by-month basis.

The small Central American country has also increased sentences for gang membership five-fold, to up to 45 years.

To house some of the detainees, Bukele ordered the construction of a gigantic prison for 40,000 gang members in a rural area of the city of Tecoluca, in the centre of the country, which should be ready before the end of the year.

"The results of the emergency regime have been overwhelming, we have had a strong impact on these terrorist structures," Villatoro said on Tuesday in his report on the gang crackdowns.

Surge in detentions

Almost 69 percent of the detainees are accused of belonging to the notorious Mara Salvatrucha gang –– also known as MS-13 –– followed by the Surenos faction of the Barrio 18 gang (17.7 percent) and the Revolucionarios faction of the same group (12.7 percent).

Rights groups have denounced the arbitrary arrest of many people, including minors, with no gang links.

In different operations, the police and the army have seized more than a million dollars, in addition to 1,283 weapons.

More than 1,500 vehicles, as well as drugs and cell phones, have also been seized.

The wave of detentions is unprecedented in the country of 6.5 million people, who have suffered decades of violent crime driven by powerful gangs such as MS-13 and Barrio 18.

These gangs count some 70,000 members, most of them now behind bars, according to the authorities.

Source: AFP

Attacks on Brazil's Indigenous people and invasions of their lands by illegal miners and loggers – mainly in the Amazon – increased dramatically in 2021, escalating an already "terrifying" situation, the Catholic Church's Indigenous Missionary Council (Cimi) has said.

In its annual report released on Wednesday, Cimi detailed a dramatic intensification of abuses in the third year of President Jair Bolsonaro's government, which has dismantled inspection and indigenous protection bodies. 

Bolsonaro, a far-right nationalist, has encouraged the economic exploitation of Indigenous reservations with new legislation and proposals to allow mining on Indigenous lands, Cimi said.

"The invaders intensified their presence and brutality of their actions," and increasingly used heavy weapons to attack villages that resisted their advance, the report said.

With more than 20,000 illegal gold miners on the Yanomami reservation on the border with Venezuela, invaders have begun armed attacks against Indigenous communities, causing a climate of terror and deaths, including of children, Cimi said.

In Para state, where surging wildcat gold mining has destroyed forests and polluted rivers, invaders have attacked Munduruku community organisations and tried to prevent their leaders from travelling to demonstrations in the country's capital Brasilia, it said.

Bolsonaro's office did not respond to a request for comment.

Invasions, murders and abductions 

There were 305 invasions into Indigenous lands in 2021, compared to 263 cases the previous year, almost three times more than the cases reported by Cimi in 2018, when Bolsonaro was elected president.

There were 176 murders of Indigenous people, six fewer than in 2020, which had the highest number of homicides on record.

Suicides of Indigenous people rose to 148 last year, the highest ever recorded.

Cimi also reported cases of murders carried out with extreme cruelty and brutality, such as those of Raissa Cabreira Guarani Kaiowa, aged 11, and Daiane Gria Sales, 14, from the Kaingang people. Both Indigenous girls were raped and killed.

The government's Indigenous affairs agency Funai declined to comment, saying it had not seen the Cimi report.

Funai, created in 1967 to protect Brazil's 300 tribes, half of which live in the Amazon rainforest, said in a statement that it acts with environmental and law enforcement agencies to combat illegal activities on Indigenous lands.

To run Funai, Bolsonaro appointed a police officer known for helping farmers in land conflicts with Indigenous people. 

Source: Reuters

The Ministry of Health has introduced a number of aspects and control procedures when it comes to receiving medicines in batches distributed over the validity periods of contracts, in addition to the presence of part of them under the “quantities as needed” item to ensure the up-to-date validity date and dispensing them, storing on priority basis with regards to expiry dates within the framework of its role to protect public money and prevent waste.

A local Arabic daily noted among the effective measures that contributed to reducing waste was the inclusion of clauses in tender contracts that obligate suppliers to replace expired materials, as well as with some local suppliers, especially since most of those medicines are replaced with the same quantity and quality while those which cannot be replaced are credited to the account of suppliers.

The sources pointed to another aspect that contributed to reducing the rate of expired medicines, which is the estimation of annual needs according to the actual annual consumption rates received from hospitals, health centers and specialized medical departments, in addition to taking into account the strategic stock of some essential medicines, and the need to provide coverage for a period of time estimated between six months and a year for the need for strategic drug security for the state.

The sources touched on the mechanism of dealing with expired medicines, and explained that dealing with these medicines is done in two ways, the first is to replace the expired medicines of the same type with valid medicines or replace them with modern, more effective medicines registered with the ministry, and within the same financial cost as the contracts concluded, and the second is to destroy a percentage of those medicines inside the Ministry of Health incinerators without any financial costs.

Regarding the value of expired medicines, the sources provided the daily with some statistics that show a decline in the value of expired medicines, according to the following:

— During the year 2016-2017: it amounted 1.783 million dinars.

— During the year 2017-2018: it amounted 1,700,259 dinars.

— During the year 2018-2019: it amounted 1,174,088 dinars.

The sources explained that the stock in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment sector is divided into a stock that is periodically disbursed to all hospitals and health centers and is sufficient for six months, and a strategic stockpile to confront emergencies is sufficient for another six months, except that during the “Corona” pandemic and according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health needs team in the Council of Ministers.

Manner of dealing with expired medicines

1 – Replace it with medicines of the same type or more effective

2 – Destroying a percentage of it in the ministry’s incinerators

Three reasons for expiry of medicines

1 – Actual consumption is less than annual rates

2 – Inconsistency in requests received by the warehouse management

3 – Changing some treatment methods by specialists

Thousands of Kuwaitis are demanding basic rights for the country’s stateless bedoon community. Under the hashtag #Kuwaitis_demand_solution_for_ bedoon, more than 5,000 tweets have started to trend on Twitter. People are alarmed due to the rise of unjust actions toward bedoons in Kuwait.

Activist Khaled Al-Awadi affirmed that Kuwaiti citizens are demanding a solution for their bedoon brethren. “It is unreasonable that a humanitarian country does not have a solution for people living with us in solidarity. They do not have another place to live in other than this country. Kuwait must find a radical approach to this humanitarian issue,” he said.

Sheikh Fahad Duaij Al-Sabah said bedoons are Kuwaiti citizens. “We must be fair to them. I do not like this label, but they are citizens who have not yet obtained citizenship due to arbitrary procedures. This situation must come to an end. Most of them are highly qualified and experienced and wish to serve the country,” he noted.

Sanam Al-Majed tweeted: “Kuwait is always studying and researching the case of bedoons. Millions of dinars have been spent on authorities and departments in charge of these studies, and government has decided on more than one occasion that a number of them are entitled to naturalization. And yet no outcome. What is next?!”

For Waleed Al-Muhaini, the bedoon case seems like an endless issue. “We hope this issue will be resolved as soon as possible. Our families, brothers, cousins and neighbors understand that many of the bedoon contributed to the liberation of Kuwait, including bedoon martyrs, families and missing persons. I am fully confident that the new era will do them justice, hopefully,” he said.

Falah Al-Shammari tweeted: “Kuwaitis demand a solution to the bedoon case for the millionth time. I say all bedoons have the right to citizenship for a long time. They have the right to be compensated for all the years they have been wronged, and have the right to sue those who wronged them.” Sawsan said: “The case of the bedoons has been ongoing before I was born. Now I am old, and still the issue has not been resolved after so many generations. How many more generations have to suffer?”

Noorain tweeted: “We cannot depend on racists to resolve this 70-year-old catastrophe, because the racists are the ones who caused this crisis since the early sixties. They suspended naturalization in 1960 for five years that has continued until today, from which the catastrophe began and is still continuing today.”

Jazaa Al-Qahs demanded the Kuwaiti government should abolish the Central Agency for the Remedy of the Situation of Illegal Residents. He also called for accountability against all those who forged an official report against the bedoons, and to be fair to every woman who forfeits her right to marry because of the arbitrariness of this agency. Ahmad advised Kuwait in a tweet to be just towards bedoons and their grievances for Kuwait’s national security and reputation, saying this issue must be resolved.

Ali Al-Ali tweeted: “I congratulate the voice of truth of those who seek well for Kuwait, because they know that the bedoon are our brothers. I don’t agree with the voice of racists that many Kuwaitis are against. The more honorable Kuwaiti citizens stand by their partners in the homeland and call to make the bedoon issue a priority. They constantly demand a just and comprehensive solution to their issue. This will effectively contribute to putting pressure on the government and resolving their issue.”

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