

The UN on Monday called on South Sudan to hold those military and political figures accountable who are supporting community-based militias in the Greater Jonglei region, leaving hundreds of people killed and kidnapped and dozens of women raped.

“Organized and heavily-armed community-based militias from the Murle, Dinka, and Nuer communities committed planned and coordinated attacks and targeted villages across Jonglei and the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) during the period between January and August 2020,” a new report jointly issued by the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights revealed Monday.

Holding South Sudan’s government responsible for the attacks, the UN report confirmed that over 738 people were killed and 320 wounded, while at least 686 women and children were kidnapped, and 39 women were raped during the eight-month period.

The attacks also displaced tens of thousands of people. “Civilian property and humanitarian facilities were looted and/or destroyed, and at least 86,000 cattle (worth over $35 million) were stolen,” according to the report.

“Those key figures at both local and national levels, who deliberately fueled and exploited the localized tensions, should be held accountable,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet was quoted as saying in the report.

Bachelet stressed that “the risk that these community-based militias will reignite armed violence is too grave to ignore,” urging the South Sudanese government to “ensure that members of the security forces are prevented from supplying weapons from government stocks to these militias.”

The UN’s report also urged the South Sudanese government to investigate all the attacks and prosecute those responsible.

It stressed immediate steps to facilitate the release of abducted women and children./agencies

Turkey rescued at least 102 asylum seekers stranded in Turkish territorial waters, the Turkish Coast Guard Command said on Monday.

Acting on a tip-off, a coast guard team was dispatched off the coast of Marmaris in southwestern Mugla province after learning that 11 asylum seekers pushed back by the Greek Coast Guard were stranded on a lifeboat.

The asylum seekers were taken to the shore and later referred to the provincial migration office.

Separately, 22 asylum seekers stranded off the coast of Didim district in western Aydin province were rescued by the Turkish Coast Guard. They were referred to the provincial migration office.

Also, the Turkish Coast Guard rescued 20 asylum seekers stranded off the Ayvacik district in northwestern Canakkale province.

The asylum seekers, who wanted to cross to the Greek island of Lesbos, were pushed back to Turkish territorial waters by Greek authorities.

Meanwhile, another 49 asylum seekers stranded on two boats were rescued by Turkish teams off the Dikili and Karaburun coasts of Izmır province. They were later transferred to the provincial migration office. 

Two people who allegedly organized the illegal crossing were also arrested.

Turkey has been a key transit point for asylum seekers who want to cross into Europe to start new lives, especially those fleeing war and persecution./aa

The UK government will launch an independent review of the brutal police response to a vigil that was held in honor of a woman who was murdered by a police officer last week. 

Addressing parliament Monday, Home Secretary Priti Patel confirmed to MPs that she had requested a review from HM Inspectorate Constabulary, which independently assesses police forces in the UK, on their violent response to the vigil on Saturday and offered her condolences to the family of Sarah Everard.

“Many women have shared their stories and concerns online since Sarah’s disappearance last week. These are so powerful because each and every woman can relate. Every woman should feel safe to walk on our streets without fear of harassment or violence,” Patel said.

"Too many of us have walked home from work alone, only to hear footsteps following closely behind us. Too many of us have pretended to be on the phone to a friend to scare someone off. Too many of us have clutched our keys in our fist in case we need to defend ourselves -- and that is not OK," she added.

The home secretary said that the murder of Everard reminded women in the UK, including herself, and across the world of the constant precautions they must take on a daily basis to protect themselves and that the stories of women being harassed on UK streets are deeply concerning and troubling.

Patel also reminded colleagues that the Domestic Abuse Bill, which will give the government greater powers to protect women, is on its way to receive Royal Assent and will become law by the end of April. The bill will include new offences for various forms of physical abuse as well as threats to post damaging information online.

In response to the disappearance and murder of Everard, a vigil was held on Saturday. The gathering, which was attended mainly by women, was violently dispersed by police with attendants being dragged and forcibly handcuffed.

The police response was condemned by many, including London mayor Sadiq Khan, and led to calls for Police Commissioner Cressida Dick to resign. Patel also made a statement on Twitter, describing the scenes as “upsetting.”

“The scenes from Clapham Common are unacceptable. The police have a responsibility to enforce COVID laws, but from images I've seen, it's clear the response was at times neither appropriate nor proportionate. I'm in contact with the Commissioner & urgently seeking an explanation,” Khan said on Saturday.

In a separate statement on Sunday, Khan requested a meeting with the commissioner and her deputy at City Hall to explain the events that transpired on March 13, making it clear that the earlier explanation given by Dick was unsatisfactory and why she was given false assurances by the police that the vigil would be handled appropriately.

Following the vigil and its dispersal, the commissioner said she would not want to see a memorial for a murdered women broken up in a such a way but defended the police by noting the difficulties they face in such circumstances. Dick’s statement was criticized, with many calling on her to resign.

Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive from London, disappeared in early March after leaving her friend’s house. On March 11, police discovered her remains in southeast England and arrested a police officer, Wayne Couzens, who is being held on suspicion of her kidnapping and murder./agencies

Statistics from the Ministry of Justice revealed that in 2020 Kuwait saw an increase in marriages and decrease in divorce rates compared to 2019, local media reported.

Dr. Fahad Al Daen, Director of the Sharia Authentication Department at the Ministry of Justice, described 2020 as a year of “happiness and family bonding” as there were 1,000 more marriages than the previous year.

Of the 12,973 marriages that took place last year, around 82 per cent of them were Kuwaiti men, majority of which married Kuwaiti women. The statistics revealed that 1,044 Kuwaiti men got married to non-Kuwaiti women.

Divorce rates drop

In terms of non-Kuwaitis, the total number of marriages that were registered were 2,025, with 418 of non-Kuwaiti men marrying Kuwaiti women.

Unlike many countries around the world, the divorce rate dropped in 2020 as Kuwait witnessed 1,000 less cases compared to 2019.

Majority of divorce that occurred were between citizens, with around 3,953 divorce cases filed. The total number of divorces for 2020 were 5,932.



High school students in foreign schools are facing a new crisis after the Ministry of Health refused to allow them to take the international written exams on which their enrollment in universities is based. According to Al-Rai, the Ministry of Health first understood the situation and granted them approval in the tests last fall, but it came back and decreased after the increase in the number of new Coronavirus infections recently.

An educational source explained to Al-Rai that failure to take exams for these students may delay their enrollment in universities until the next semester because they are linked to external academic accreditation.

Meanwhile, The President of the Federation of Foreign Schools, the owner of the International American School, Noura Al-Ghanem, confirmed to Al-Rai that there is currently coordination between the Union and the Ministry of Health on the one hand and the General Administration of Private Education on the other hand, regarding the written international exams that include a limited number of students, and the schools are linked to a global system in their conduct.

Al-Ghanim supported the Ministry of Health’s procedures regarding canceling local exams in light of the existing health situation. However, it pointed out that “international examinations have another situation whereby the aforementioned schools are linked to external systems that cannot work without them,” explaining that “the student evaluation mechanism has been approved for the current year of Written exams are accepted by the academic accreditation bodies, and there are no other alternatives, while the evaluation mechanism was during the last academic year by calculating the average scores of students.

In turn, the owner of the English school, Nouf Al-Issa, confirmed to Al-Rai that coordination is currently underway with the competent authorities to find the appropriate solution, adding, “We have not yet coordinated with the academic accreditation bodies that approved written exams in English schools for the 2020-2021 academic year./ KuwaitTimes

Twenty-five Islamic groups from across Europe have written to the European Commission to condemn the French government over “Islamophobia” claims, including a controversial UK-based group.

The letter was addressed to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and asked her to take action against French president Emanuel Macron and his government, condemning Macron’s attempts to counter Islamist separatism in his country.

The signatories of the letter took aim at the values charter the Macron government has attempted to get French Islamic organisations to sign, often unsuccessfully, in recent months, claiming that the charter is a violation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, magazine Marianne reports.

Within the 56 points of the letter, the authors claim that the Macron government took advantage of the public beheading of teacher Samuel Paty, who was killed by a Chechen refugee last October after showing cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed during a class on freedom of expression.

“The Coalition urges attention to the situation in France, where the French government has exploited the killing of Samuel Paty for its own racist, discriminative and Islamophobic agenda,” the letter states.

The OIC’s Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission in a tweet described the move as clear discrimination, disproportionate, and contrary to ideals of pluralism and tolerance”.

It added that the ban also violates international and regional human rights obligations, Anadolu Agency reported.

“Such Islamophobic measures are counterproductive for societal cohesion.”

The OIC called on the Swiss government to accord precedence to its obligations under international human rights law and reject the ban.

In the controversial March 7 referendum, the Swiss voted narrowly in favor of banning face coverings in public, including the burqa or niqab worn by Muslim women.

The “burqa ban”, launched in 2016 by a right-leaning initiative committee, was accepted by 51.2% of those who cast ballots, with voter turnout of 51.4%.

Sunday’s referendum was put forward by a group associated with the right-wing Swiss People’s Party, which campaigned with slogans such as “Stop extremism” and in some areas with posters of Muslim women in veils.

Islamophobia in France is being fueled by state-backed efforts to encourage secularism, according to a new book that puts the country at the heart of a growing intolerance toward Muslims in Western societies.

In “Republic of Islamophobia: The Rise of Respectable Racism in France,” Jim Wolfreys, a British academic and author, argues that French politicians have given discrimination and racism a veneer of respectability in their response to a wave of Daesh attacks that hit French towns and cities in the last three years.

The bloodshed has left innocent Muslims facing unprecedented scrutiny of what they wear, eat and say in a society polarized by inequality, he claims.

Wolfreys, a senior lecturer in French and European Politics at King’s College London, told Arab News there is a “danger of confusing understandable fear of terrorism with fear of Muslims.”

France is home to Europe’s largest Muslim community, with estimates of its size ranging from 2.1 million to about 6 million, out of a total population of 66.9 million. Many of these Muslims can trace their roots back to the country’s colonial rule in North and sub-saharan Africa during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Secularism is one of the guiding principles of the French political and legal systems and questions around immigration and integration have long been a subject of debate in the country. But rhetoric once considered taboo has entered mainstream political discourse in recent years, according to Wolfreys.

In 2011, even before the recent wave of militant attacks, France became the first European nation to ban women from wearing full-face veils in public.

Then, as gun battles and suicide bombings rocked the country in a series of attacks claimed by Daesh, local authorities in several towns outlawed women from wearing burkini swimwear. Officials said the clothing, which covers the female head and body in keeping with conservative Islamic custom, was a security threat and flouted the nation’s secular principles.

France’s highest administrative court subsequently overturned the restriction imposed by one resort, with three judges ruling that it was “clearly illegal” and in violation of “fundamental liberties,” but the ban heightened concerns among many Muslims that they were being made scapegoats for the Daesh-inspired violence.

Islam and immigration went on to become two of the central issues in the 2017 presidential election, when Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front party, won almost 11 million votes in the second round of polling.

Le Pen campaigned on an openly Islamophobic ticket, denouncing mosques for allowing worshippers to pray in the streets and warning of the danger of living “under the yoke of the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.”

She lost convincingly to her liberal rival, Emmanuel Macron, but mainstream political concerns about Islam have not gone away.

On Sunday, President Macron told the French weekly newspaper “Le Journal du Dimanche” that he planned to reorganize the structure of Islam in France to help “preserve national cohesion.” He provided no details about how he hoped to do this.

Wolfreys’ book, “Republic of Islamophobia: The Rise of Respectable Racism in France,” looks in detail at the causes and consequences of state-fueled discrimination.

He reports the results of an opinion poll conducted by a French human rights institute that found 45 percent of National Front supporters do not consider “dirty Arab” a reprehensible phrase. In the same survey, nearly three-quarters of respondents said they do not regard Muslims as fully French.

However, Wolfreys accuses mainstream parties from both the right and left of the political spectrum of adopting increasingly intolerant interpretations of secularism.

He writes that the problem became particularly acute after two masked gunmen attacked the Paris offices of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” on Jan. 7, 2015, in retaliation for a series of cartoons defaming the Prophet Muhammad. Twelve people were killed, with Al-Qaeda in Yemen and Daesh issuing contrasting claims of responsibility for the carnage.

On Nov. 13 that year, Daesh militants also carried out a coordinated assault across the French capital, with three suicide bombers blowing themselves up outside the Stade de France and gunmen killing 89 people attending a rock concert at the Bataclan theatre.

This was followed in July 2016 by an attack in the southern city of Nice, in which a cargo truck was driven into a crowd of revelers celebrating Bastille Day, killing more than 80 people.

Wolfreys’ book warns that the French government’s response to the bloodshed has been disproportionate and risks further marginalizing innocent Muslims, pushing them into the arms of extremists.

“The renewed emphasis since the 2015 Paris attacks on inculcating respect for ‘republican values’ in schools, punishing those alleged to defy them, fast-tracking those accused of ‘apology for terrorism’ through the courts, and increasing surveillance and ‘vigilance’ is unlikely to prevent such atrocities from happening again,” he writes.

There is still a strong need to combat Islamophobia in Australia, with the increasing presence of far-right white supremacist movements across the world, the vice-president of the Islamic Council of Victoria says.

The group’s Mohamed Mohideen said in 2017 he had started an annual mosque open day to “break down myths and negative publicity” about the Muslim community.

The motto of “open doors, open hearts and open minds” rang true on Sunday, as Victorian mosques opened their doors to the masses to break down stereotypes and mistruths about Islam.

With barbecues on and henna at the ready, 15 mosques from across Melbourne and regional Victoria took part, welcoming hundreds of people for tours and talks about the religion.

“We wanted people to come in, visit a mosque, meet people and realise Muslims are no different to any other Australians,” he said, noting that the places of worship are open to people from different religious or cultural backgrounds year-round.

“You’re most welcome to go to any mosque, any time and ... ask any questions. No one is going to get offended - it’s better to get your concerns answered than just keeping it inside.”

Australian Bosnian Islamic Centre secretary Alen Havic said attendees enthusiastically took the opportunity to “see what the mosque was all about”.

“It was about building bridges, it’s about combating those negative stereotypes,” Mr Havic said. “It was interesting for them to see.”

The second anniversary of the Christchurch terror attack, where 51 people were killed by an Australian gunman at the Linwood Islamic Centre and Al Noor mosque, falls on Monday. Victorian mosques on Sunday held prayers for the people of Christchurch.

Earlier this month, a 27-year-old man was charged in New Zealand with making a threat to kill after allegedly posting a online threat against the Al Noor Mosque.

“Unfortunately Islamophobia is still here, there are still people who are not willing to accept a faith that is different to theirs or person with a different skin colour,” Mr Mohideen said.

“But there is lots of change and positives: people who come to our mosque say, ‘we always used to pass the mosque and had this fear to enter, but once we came in and saw it, we’re now regulars and know the community.’

“We hope and pray that by educating people, we can remove this hatred that could be there, and we hope and pray that nothing like (the Christchurch attack) will happen in Australia.”

Two political parties mainly formed by Turks and migrants are seeking to run in general elections this month in the Netherlands to boost their role in politics amid rising Islamophobia and discrimination in the country.

The DENK Party and NIDA Party were formed as an alternative to political parties that exploit Turkey, Turks, Muslims and Islam before each election just to gain more votes.

Around 52 candidates, 14 of whom are of Turkish origin, as well as Dutch candidates will compete in the country's general elections which will be held from March 15-17 from the two parties established to replace parties that do not meet the wishes of immigrants.

The DENK Party, which has had three deputies in parliament since 2017, with most of its members Turks and immigrants, aims to increase the number of its deputies to as many as six in the elections.

The party, which has three municipal councilors in the capital Amsterdam and four in Rotterdam, has a total of 25 councilors in 13 municipalities.

The NIDA Party, which will participate in the general elections for the first time and describes itself as an "Islam-inspired party," also wants to enter parliament.

It has a total of four municipal councilors in the cities of Rotterdam, The Hague and Almere.

‘We need to make our voices heard’

DENK Party MP Tunahan Kuzu told Anadolu Agency that Islamophobic, xenophobic, racist and marginalizing policies have increased in European countries over the past 20 years and therefore forces must be united against this.

"The Netherlands is no longer the country of 30-50 years ago. The level of education of young people of immigrant origin living here and the commercial volume of entrepreneurs are increasing.

“The stronger we are, the better we can fight against the rise of the far right. That's why we have to make our voices heard," he said.

Recalling Geert Wilders, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party (PVV), who wants to take away the right to elect and be elected from those who live in the country and have dual citizenship, in addition to his struggle against Islam, Kuzu said “to prevent this, we must go to the ballot box and vote.”

"We aim to increase the number of our deputies in parliament from three to four, five and even six in the general elections."

‘We have to go to the polls and cast our vote’

NIDA Party parliamentary candidate Nurullah Gerdan said it is necessary to be concerned about not only far-right parties but other political parties that are affected by them.

Traditional parties are trying to attract the far-right vote with extreme rhetoric and sometimes actions, he said, adding the media and politicians put Muslims under suspicion by carrying out perception operations.

"We need to make our voice heard differently by fighting populism with populism, not hatred with hatred, but with love, respect, justice, peace and morality.”/aa

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