

At least four people were killed and several others injured in separate landslides at a hilly site in Bangladesh's southern port city of Chattigram late Friday, according to official sources.

"We have been confirmed about four deaths caused by heavy rain since last (Friday) night," Ilias Chowdhury, civil surgeon of the Chattogram district, told Anadolu Agency over telephone on Saturday.

The deceased were identified as members of two families in the city's Akborshah area.

According to official data by the Chattogram district administration, over 1,600 families have been living at different slopes and sites of 18 hills in the city, famous for readymade garment industry, the main exporting sector of the South Asian nation of 170 million people, with life risks during rough weather, especially in the monsoon season.

Over 200 people have been killed in several landslides in the hilly regions of the city over the past 15 years. The most-deadly incident killed 127 people in 2007.

Chowdhury said they are prepared to address any untoward situation as heavy rain is gradually inundating the city and adjacent areas, risking the outbreak of diarrhea and other water-born diseases.

"Medical staff at all government and private hospitals are ready to serve the flood-affected patients," the government's chief medical officer assured.

Meanwhile, the flood situation in the country's northeastern border district of Sylhet is deteriorating as heavy rain is still continuing.

Tens of thousands of residents have taken shelter at different government houses and other concrete settlements, crossing long way on foot as vehicular movement in most of the areas has been completely disrupted.

According to local sources, a huge number of people are still looking for shelters, leaving their houses due to floods.

"Boats are now the only vehicles to move from one place to another as almost whole Sylhet district and adjacent areas are now under flood water," Mohammad Shafaet, a city resident, told Anadolu Agency.

Meanwhile, the Bangladesh army, navy and coast guard, who have joined the local administration in relief works, are working to move the stranded people to safe places as thousands of residents at many low-lying areas are still stranded with kids and aged family members.

Besides, thousands of people have been inundated in northern districts of Rangpur and Kurigram due to onrush from upstream India to Teesta River and heavy seasonal rains./aa

 Bangladeshi Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Abul-Kalam Abdul-Momen urged Kuwait to hire more Bangladeshi medical staff, especially in the fields of nursing and technical jobs, reports Al- Rai daily. According to Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS) – the national news agency, Abdul-Momen made the invitation when he met Kuwaiti Ambassador Adel Muhammad Hayat at the end of the latter’s tenure in Bangladesh.

In addition to expressing his hope that Kuwait will recruit more Bangladeshi specialists in the field of medicine, he asked Ambassador Hayat to convey his gratitude to the Government of Kuwait for providing free vaccines and medicines to Bangladeshi residents during the Covid- 19 pandemic; as well as the humanitarian aid granted to the Rohingya refugees in his country. Meanwhile, the State Audit Bureau (SAB) has forwarded its annual report for fiscal 2021/2022 to the Ministry of Education; highlighting a number of violations related to examination control and audit work, reports Al-Rai daily/AT

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - More than a third of Sudan's population is currently facing acute food insecurity, the World Food Programme said on Thursday, with inadequate funds to cope.

The U.N. agency said that number, 15 million people, was up seven percentage points from last year, or about 3 million people. It stood to increase to 18 million, or 40% of the population, by September if current trends continue.

"The combined effects of conflict, climate shocks, economic and political crises, rising costs and poor harvests are pushing millions of people deeper into hunger and poverty,’ Eddie Rowe, WFP representative in Sudan, said in a statement. "However, funding levels are not matching the humanitarian needs."

Those going hungry were concentrated in conflict zones, particularly among the Darfur states. The highest proportion was in the Kreinik locality, which has seen multiple waves of violence.

In a separate statement, Plan International, Save the Children, UNICEF, and World Vision warned that 3 million Sudanese children under the age of 5 suffer from acute malnutrition and that about 375,000 could die this year without treatment.

Bangladesh’s northeastern border district of Sylhet has been inundated by massive floods in less than one month, marooning more than 1 million people and causing property damage, according to officials. 

All 13 sub-districts of the tourist-hub region, famous for tea gardening, have been flooded from days-long heavy rain and an onrush from the upstream neighboring state of India.

“The whole region, including the surrounding areas, has been affected by the flood. And even except a very few parts, the whole Sylhet City Corporation have been swamped,” Deputy Commissioner of Sylhet, Md. Mojibur Rahman, told Anadolu Agency.

But he said there have been no casualties to date and authorities have taken necessary support to relieve residents.

“We have already allocated 400 metric tons of rice and 1.7 million (Bangladeshi) taka ($19,000) as hand cash to distribute among the affected people,” said Rahman.

The local administrative head also warned that it might take seven to eight days to discharge the water after the rain and upstream onrush stop, meaning that millions in the region have to endure more suffering for weeks to come.

While residents are still fighting to recover from losses experienced last month in the worst floods in 18 years, the new disaster leaves them in serious plights.

Tens of thousands have left their homes and taken shelter at government-run shelters and other concrete structures amid an acute crisis of food, drinking water and sanitation.

Cattle and domestic animals have been kept on the highways with a high risk of being washed away.

Agriculture, communication, fisheries and other economic activities in the region have been seriously affected.

Meanwhile, members of the army, Naval Force and Coast Guard have been deployed to assist the local administration.

The Secondary School Certificate and equivalent examinations scheduled to begin Sunday have been indefinitely postponed as hundreds of educational institutions have been inundated.

Flight operations, including take-offs and landings, have been suspended at the region’s international airport as the flood water has entered the runway.

Sylhet Osmani International Airport Manager, Hafiz Ahmed, told the media that all flights have been suspended until midnight June 20.

Residents demanded a proper dredging of the main two rivers so that the onrush upstream and rainwater can be absorbed.

“There are frequent reports in the media about the necessity of deep dredging in the Surma and Kushiyara rivers. But we don’t see much action and even there are reports of irregularities in the limited steps of dredging,” Mohammad Jahidur Rahman, a university student and resident of Sylhet City Corporation told Anadolu Agency./aa

Droughts may affect more than three-quarters of the world’s population by 2050, the UN said Friday as World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed. 

The day that is annually observed June 17 since 1995, focuses on changing public attitudes toward the leading driver of desertification and land degradation.

This year's theme, "Rising up from drought together," highlights the need for early action to avoid disastrous results for humanity and the environment.

Drought is a rising trend globally due to global warming and vanishing water resources, according to data compiled by Anadolu Agency from scientific findings and reports by international institutions.

Since 2000, the number and duration of droughts have risen 29%, according to a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) report in 2021.

Additionally, one in four children are expected to live in drought-hit regions by 2040, according to UNICEF.  

Africa suffers most

A total of 11.7 million people were killed because of drought-related reasons between 1900 and 2019, while Africa suffers more than any other continent with 134 droughts in the last two decades.

Europe has seen 45 droughts in the last decade. The cost for Europe has exceeded $27 billion, with 15% of the continental land and 17% of the population affected.

In the US, damage caused by drought only to agricultural products has reached $250 billion in the last century. 

The most deaths occurred in Asia.

Drought, which is the most frequent natural disaster affecting humans worldwide, after floods, has reduced the gross domestic product in India by 2% to 5%. It has reduced agricultural production by 18% in Australia since 2000.

Meanwhile, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Mauritania and South Africa are among the countries with the highest drought risk./aa

The Serb member of the Bosnia Herzegovina's tripartite Presidency announced Friday that he would block all projects if Russia's Gazprom pipeline project is stopped. 

Republika Srpska is working on the “New Eastern Interconnection, -- the gas connection between the Serb-majority entity and Serbia, and the representatives of the Srbijagas and Gas Res companies signed an agreement on gasification in 2021.

''It is unjustified that this is being blocked by institutions in Sarajevo. If they continue to block our request, then we will also block other projects that are important for Bosnia and Herzegovina. We will take a number of measures to force them to do so,” Milorad Dodik said in St. Petersburg during an International Economic Forum.

Dodik's remarks came after he met Gazprom's Chairman of the Management Board, Alexey Miller.

Dodik said Republika Srpska, one of the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been waiting 10 years for the state to give its consent for the construction of a gas pipeline under the Drina River.

He said the Serb side is not opposing Bosnia's gas connection with Croatia through a southern gas interconnection.

Gazprom would deliver natural gas to Republika Srpska at the same price until the end of the year and it was agreed that the road map for the new gas pipeline under the Drina would be completed in two months, according to Dodik.

Energoinvest, the gas supplier for the Bosnia, Croat Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity, has extended its natural gas supply contract with Gazprom, which will be valid until Jan. 1.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is completely dependent on imported gas from Russia which comes through the "Turkish Stream." Gas is delivered to Bosnia and Herzegovina via a gas pipeline that enters the country in Sepak near Zvornik, on the border between Bosnia and Serbia.

Regarding the plan of gas diversification in the Federation Entity, the Southern Interconnection has long been mentioned, which would connect Bosnia with the gas pipeline system in the south of Croatia -- but also the LNG terminal on the island of Krk, in the north of the Adriatic Sea.

Dodik also met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday at the International Economic Forum, in which statesmen from 70 countries are participating.

He is due to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin later Friday./aa

Sweden has taken steps for posts on social media that picture the YPG/PKK terror organization’s so-called flag and its convicted ringleader, Abdullah Ocalan, that were projected onto buildings in Stockholm, according to the Foreign Ministry. 

“Messages and images that we have reason to believe are manipulated have been circulating on social media, asserting that Sweden supports PKK. Relevant measures have been taken,” the ministry said in a statement.

“This is a deliberate and malicious influence campaign with the clear aim of obstructing Sweden’s accession to NATO,” it said.

Sweden has denounced the PKK terror group and condemns terrorism in all its forms, it noted.

Foreign Minister Ann Linde has never expressed any support for the terror group and strongly rejects the manipulated video and the PKK, it added.

YPG/PKK-linked social media accounts shared images showing the organization's so-called flag and its leader’s picture projected onto the historic City Hall in Stockholm.

The accounts also posted the images on the wall of the Globen Avicii Arena Sports Hall.

Türkiye’s Ambassador to Stockholm, Hakki Emre Yunt, told Anadolu Agency that he confirmed the incident during his morning meeting with the diplomatic police.

“Police confirmed the image on the Globen Avicii Arena Sports Hall in Stockholm. Police also stated that the image projected on the historic city hall in Stockholm is most likely correct,” said Yunt.

Sweden and Finland formally applied to join NATO last month -- a decision spurred by Russia's war on Ukraine, which began Feb. 24.

But Türkiye, a longstanding member of the alliance, has voiced objections to the membership bids, criticizing the countries for tolerating and even supporting terrorist groups.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkiye, the US, and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people. The YPG/PKK is PKK’s Syrian offshoot./aa

US Federal Reserve vowed on Friday its "unconditional" commitment to restore price stability against record-high inflation in its Monetary Policy Report⁠ that is submitted semiannually to the Congress.

"Sustainably achieving maximum employment and price stability depends on a stable financial system. Therefore, the Committee’s policy decisions reflect its longer-run goals, its medium-term outlook, and its assessments of the balance of risks," the report said.

Noting that the three-month measures of core inflation have softened since December, the report said core inflation remains far above levels consistent with price stability, while measures of near-term inflation expectations continued to rise markedly.

The Fed emphasized that supply chain issues, hiring difficulties and capacity constraints have prevented supply to satisfy strong demand, which resulted in large price increases for many goods and services over last year.

The central bank said Russia's war on Ukraine and related sanctions caused a disruption in commodities, and led to increasing prices and high volatility, especially in agriculture, energy, and metals markets.

In order to fight against 40-year high inflation, the Fed on Wednesday made its steepest rate hike in 28 years by raising interest rates 75 basis points, after a 50 basis point hike in May and a 25 basis point hike in March./aa

Billionaire Elon Musk said he wants Twitter to reach 1 billion users but hinted at layoffs in his first meeting with company employees ahead of his $44 billion purchase deal. 

Musk said Twitter should ensure users are "entertained and informed" while using the platform when he was asked about how the company can grow during a 45-minute meeting Thursday.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO said he wants Twitter to become more like WeChat -- the Chinese super app that includes instant messaging, social media, mobile payment, games and ride-hailing with more than 1 billion users.

He complimented Chinese short-video hosting service TikTok’s algorithm, calling it "not boring" and said Twitter could be interesting in the same way.

On the financial side, Musk reiterated his demand for paid subscriptions, arguing that users should be charged to keep informed and be verified.

Noting that he is very involved in every process of Tesla as a CEO, Musk said he would undertake a similar role with Twitter.

The billionaire also stressed the importance of cracking down on bots and spam on the platform -- an issue he raised in May that almost derailed the deal when he said he estimates at least 20% of all Twitter accounts could be fake or spam accounts, which is four times what Twitter claims of being less than 5%.

If the deal is approved, Musk said there could be major changes to the company, from financial discipline to cost-cutting, and he hinted job cuts are on the table.

Current CEO Parag Agrawal told staff earlier that layoffs were not planned for the company that has more than 7,000 employees, of which around a quarter work remotely.

Musk said the staff it is better if they are physically in the office but noted that employees with special exceptions may work from home./agencies

The US stock market closed mixed on Friday, while the S&P 500 recorded its worst week since 2020 with investors' fears of recession.

The index added 8 points, or 0.22%, to finish at 3,674 points, but recorded a 6% weekly decline, having its worst weekly performance since March 2020.

S&P 500 is still in a bear market territory as investors are worried that the Federal Reserve's aggressive monetary tightening could cause recession in the world's biggest economy.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq rose 152 points, or 1.43%, to close at 10,798.

The Dow Jones, on the other hand, fell 38 points, or 0.13%, to end the day at 29,888.

The VIX volatility index, also known as the fear index, was down 5.5% to 31.13.

The dollar index rose almost 1% to 104.63, but the 10-year US Treasury yield fell 2.2% to 3.232%.

Precious metals were down, with gold falling 0.8% to $1,841 and silver losing 1.2% to $21.69.

Crude oil prices plummeted by around 6%.

Global oil benchmark Brent crude was trading at $113.16 for a 5.5% loss, while US benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was at $109.94 -- a 6.5% decrease./aa

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