Admin Mugtama

Admin Mugtama


Qassam Operations

On the 105th day of the war on Gaza, the Al-Qassam Brigades, which is the military wing of Hamas, announced that they carried out operations against Israeli soldiers and destroyed tanks in different areas of the Gaza Strip.

In one operation, they sniped two Israeli soldiers and destroyed three tanks using strobe charges. They also targeted another tank with two soldiers inside and killed them using an Al-Yassin 105 shell.

In Gaza City, the Brigades targeted an Israeli force barricaded in a building, killing and injuring its members. They also attacked a building where occupation soldiers were hiding and shot a soldier directly.

In a separate operation, they lured an Israeli force into a tunnel opening and blew it up, causing direct hits on the soldiers. They also clashed with Israeli special forces, targeted a tank with anti-tank missiles, and bombed crowds of occupation forces.

In the northern Gaza Strip, Hamas targeted an Israeli force and detonated a stun device, resulting in casualties among the soldiers.

Proposals for an Exchange Deal

Regarding the issue of prisoners, there are new proposals being presented to release Israeli detainees held by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza. However, reaching an agreement is still far away as the two sides have different positions.

The latest proposals include releasing prisoners in exchange for stopping the fighting. There is also a proposal to release all Israeli and American prisoners, with reservations about those who served in the Israeli army.

French President Emmanuel Macron stated that France is working with Qatar to release the prisoners detained in Gaza.

Complaints against Herzog

The Swiss Attorney General's Office has received criminal complaints against Israeli President Isaac Herzog during his participation in the World Economic Forum in Davos. The office is currently clarifying its legal position and considering the complaints.

A human rights legal group in Switzerland has also submitted reports against Herzog, stating that immunity can be lifted in certain circumstances, such as crimes against humanity.

On the other hand, the Israeli President's Office confirmed that Herzog participated in the Davos Forum as scheduled.

Israeli Attacks and Palestinian Casualties

According to Israeli media reports, there have been criminal complaints filed against Herzog, which his office believes are an attempt to damage Israel's reputation.

In the West Bank, a Palestinian boy with American citizenship was shot and killed by Israeli forces. Another young Palestinian man was injured in a separate incident. The Israeli occupation forces also conducted raids in several villages, resulting in attacks on Palestinians.

Confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli forces also took place in other areas of the West Bank, including Nablus. The Israeli army has arrested over 6,000 people in the West Bank since the start of the aggression.

The Israeli military operation in Tulkarm has ended after 45 hours, during which they searched buildings and arrested dozens of people.

Hezbollah's Actions and Israeli Strikes in Lebanon

Hezbollah announced that they carried out operations against Israeli forces and sites. In response, Israel launched airstrikes in southern Lebanon and intercepted a drone in Acre's skies.

Hezbollah targeted several locations in the occupied Shebaa Farms and bombed an Israeli gathering. Israeli fighters conducted raids in various towns in southern Lebanon.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant visited the northern front and stated that Israel does not want escalation with Hezbollah but is prepared to use force to protect Israeli citizens.

According to The Washington Post, Israel threatened to escalate its fight with Hezbollah if an agreement was not reached soon.

American Bombing in Yemen

In Yemen, the Houthi group reported that the city of Hodeidah was bombed by the United States and the United Kingdom. The Houthis claimed to have targeted an American ship in the Gulf of Aden, but the US military denied the hit.


Arab Demonstrations against Israeli Aggression

Tens of thousands of people across Arab cities demonstrated against the Israeli war on Gaza, demanding an end to the aggression and the entry of humanitarian aid. They also condemned American collusion with Israel.

In Yemen, thousands of Yemenis gathered in Sabeen Square to denounce the Israeli war on Gaza and show solidarity with the Palestinian people. Similar demonstrations took place in Taiz, Jordan, Baghdad, and several cities in Morocco.

Sources:   Agencies


According to Hebrew media, analysts and former Israeli officials are criticizing the war government for involving the army in the Gaza Strip to achieve special political goals. Additionally, a family member of the prisoners claims that there is systematic incitement against them.

The Government's Role

Eran Etzion, a former Deputy Chairman of the National Security Council, believes that Israel is strategically trapped in Gaza with no way out. He argues that the current government is not capable of leading the army or the state towards victory. Etzion further explains that the government's failure to set strategic political goals from the beginning has harmed Israel's progress in the war.

Internal Conflicts

Former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman highlights the lack of unity within the war government. He points out the intense disagreements between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and war council member Benny Gantz. Lieberman expresses his astonishment at the level of conflict, stating that he has never witnessed anything like it before. He emphasizes the need to address the situation on the Lebanese border.

Political Campaigns

Rabbi Aryeh, a leader in the "For a Jewish Identity" organization, accuses government members of prioritizing their election campaigns over the war effort. He claims that they are intentionally fueling disputes within Israeli society instead of focusing on finding a solution. Rabbi Aryeh believes that the government should listen to former military leaders who advocate for ending the war.

Incitement Against Prisoners' Families

Danny Elgart, the brother of one of the prisoners, reveals that there is an ongoing incitement campaign against the families. They are being wrongly accused and blamed for the situation. Elgart shares a distressing incident where someone shouted at him in the street, suggesting that the captives should be bombed to resolve the problem.

Source: Al Jazeera



Israeli Aggression Continues

For the 73rd day in a row, Israel has been attacking the Gaza Strip. The Ministry of Health in Gaza reported that 19,453 people have been killed and 52,286 injured as a result of this aggression.

Targeting Hospitals

Unfortunately, the Israeli occupation has been targeting hospitals as well. They have put a siege on Al Awda Hospital and even arrested its director. They also bombed Al Shifa Hospital, causing more casualties.

Resistance Factions Fight Back

The resistance factions, led by the Al-Qassam Brigades, have been fighting back against the Israeli soldiers and vehicles. They have carried out operations that resulted in deaths, injuries, and the destruction of Israeli vehicles.

Al-Qassam Recordings

The Al-Qassam Brigades released several video recordings showcasing their daily operations. In one of the videos, they responded to a video released by the Israeli army about the discovery of a tunnel. In another video, they addressed the issue of Israeli prisoners held by them.

In their video titled "You Arrived Late," the Al-Qassam Brigades commented on the discovery of a giant tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip. They explained that the tunnel was used in a previous operation and its discovery now by the enemy holds no value.

The Al-Qassam Brigades also shared a video message from Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip to the Israeli government and their families. The prisoners pleaded, "Do not leave us to grow old here."

Resistance Operations

The Al-Qassam Brigades announced several military operations they carried out. They targeted a truck loaded with Israeli soldiers, an Israeli military jeep, an Israeli tank, and a Zionist foot force. They also claimed to have taken control of an Israeli reconnaissance plane.

Gaza Martyrs

In the Gaza Strip, more than 100 people, mostly children, have died in Jabalia due to Israeli raids and bombings. The Ministry of Health reported that the Israeli occupation forces committed massacres in the Jabalia camp, resulting in 151 deaths and 313 injuries.

Escalation in the West Bank

In the West Bank, the Israeli occupation forces stormed Al-Faraa camp, resulting in the deaths of four people, including a 17-year-old child. The occupation forces also stormed villages and cities, leading to injuries among Palestinians.

Occupation's Torture of Detainees

The Israeli occupation has been torturing detainees from the Gaza Strip. The Prisoners' Affairs Authority revealed that they have received testimonies of horrific torture carried out by the Israeli occupation against Gaza detainees. The fate of these detainees remains unknown, and the Israeli army is holding them in a camp in the Negev.

Enemy Casualties

The Israeli army announced the deaths of two more soldiers in battles in the Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of deaths on Monday to seven. They also reported that 48 soldiers were wounded during the past 24 hours.

Israeli Soldiers Injured in Gaza

The Israeli Soroka Hospital in Beersheba has reported that 28 Israeli soldiers were injured in the recent fighting in Gaza over the past two days. Since the beginning of the conflict, the hospital has treated a total of 2,215 injured individuals with varying degrees of severity. Currently, 52 war wounded are hospitalized, with 14 in serious condition.

Qatar's Efforts for Ceasefire

Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani has stated that Qatar will continue its mediation efforts for a permanent ceasefire and will support the Palestinian people in achieving their rights.

Protests for Prisoner Exchange Deal

According to the Israeli newspaper Maariv, families of those detained by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza have announced a sit-in protest in front of the government headquarters, starting Monday. They are demanding the completion of a prisoner exchange deal.

Incident near Bab al-Mandab

The British Maritime Trade Authority has received a report about an accident near Bab al-Mandab, south of the Yemeni port of Mokha. There is a possibility of an explosion in the waters two miles away from a ship in the Red Sea. A Yemeni shipping source mentioned that the Ansar Allah Houthi group fired a missile near a ship to warn it against sailing to an Israeli port. Recent Houthi attacks have led to a significant decrease in ship arrivals at the Israeli port of Eilat.

US Defense Secretary's Visit to Israel

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's visit to Israel aims to gather a clearer security assessment regarding the ground operation in Gaza. During a press conference in Tel Aviv, Austin stated that the United States will continue to provide Israel with the necessary weapons and ammunition for its war against Hamas. He emphasized that Hamas should not be able to export terrorism from Gaza to Israel again. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant added that they are working to dismantle Hamas to ensure the continued existence of the state, and operations may extend to the northern regions soon.

Sources: Al Jazeera + agencies


About 100 Israeli soldiers got seriously hurt in their eyes because they didn't wear protective glasses during the battles in Gaza. This news was reported by the official media on Wednesday evening.

The Cause of Injuries

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority explained that these injuries happened because of explosions, gunshots, and flying pieces of metal. The soldiers didn't wear protective glasses that could have saved their eyes. Shockingly, 10 to 15% of these injuries caused blindness in one or both eyes.

Neglecting Safety

The Broadcasting Corporation mentioned that these soldiers didn't use protective glasses during their military activities. However, the occupation army denied that there was a shortage of glasses. They claimed to be working on increasing awareness campaigns among soldiers to encourage them to use protective eyewear.

Hospital Cases

Soroka Hospital in the city of Beersheba received 40 soldiers with eye injuries. In just the last three days, the hospital treated 5 soldiers with serious eye injuries who needed difficult surgeries.

Donation Campaign

Due to the high number of eye injuries among Israeli soldiers in Gaza, Soroka Hospital started a donation campaign to buy protective glasses for the soldiers.

Overall Toll

Since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip in October, the occupation army has suffered a total of 411 casualties, including 10 in the past 24 hours.

Source: Anadolu Agency


Human Rights

 The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, recently sent a message to the Security Council about the war happening in Gaza. He wants to warn the world about the dangers of this war and how it could affect everyone.

What Guterres Said

Guterres used a special rule called Article 99 to send this message. It's a rule that lets him tell the Security Council about anything that could be a threat to peace and security around the world. This is the first time he has used this rule since he became Secretary-General in 2017.

In his message, Guterres said that the war in Gaza could make things even worse for peace and security. He also said that the situation in Gaza is getting really bad and could collapse completely. This means that everything could fall apart and it would be really hard to help the people there.

The Dangers in Gaza

Guterres explained that the Israeli forces are bombing Gaza a lot, and the people there don't have enough shelters or basic things they need to survive. He thinks that the public order, which means how things are organized and peaceful, could collapse very soon. This is because the conditions are so desperate and it's really hard to give them the help they need.

He also mentioned that things could get even worse if diseases start spreading and more people try to leave Gaza and go to other countries nearby.

The Numbers

The war in Gaza has been really devastating. So far, there have been 16,248 people who lost their lives, including 7,112 children and 4,885 women. On top of that, 43,616 people have been injured.

The United Nations' Challenges

Guterres also talked about the challenges the United Nations is facing in helping the people in Gaza. He said that the aid that is getting through the Rafah crossing is not enough, and they can't reach everyone who needs help inside Gaza. The United Nations and its partners are facing shortages of supplies, fuel, and even problems with communication. This makes it really hard for them to do their job and help the people in need. 

Source: Agencies



Losses Inflicted on the Occupation Army

On the 61st day of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, the Palestinian resistance fought back and caused more losses to the Israeli army in clashes across the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, Israeli aircraft continued their raids on different locations in Gaza, resulting in numerous casualties. Tragically, 22 members of Al Jazeera correspondent Moamen Al-Sharafi's family were among the martyrs.

Al Jazeera Correspondent's Family Tragedy

The parents and several brothers of Moamen Al-Sharafi, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Gaza, were killed in an Israeli bombing of the Jabalia camp. Al Jazeera Media Network condemned the attack and demanded that the Israeli army be held accountable for its crimes against journalists and innocent civilians. Al Jazeera also pledged to take legal action and called on the international community and journalism defense organizations to put an end to these massacres and seek justice for the victims.

Israeli Army Suffers New Losses

The Israeli army reported the death of an officer in battles in the northern Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of soldiers and officers killed to 10 within 24 hours. The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, targeted around 20 Israeli army vehicles and engaged in battles with the occupation forces in Khan Yunis and Beit Lahia. Al Jazeera obtained footage showing Al-Qassam fighters directly targeting Israeli forces and destroying tanks, troop carriers, and bulldozers.

Hamas' Deception

According to an Israeli security officer, military intelligence had gathered evidence of a large-scale attack that Hamas had been planning for a year. Israel received intelligence last August about an imminent attack, but it turned out to be a deception. The Israeli army held urgent consultations the night before October 7, but they did not evacuate the Nova Music Festival despite warnings about a possible Hamas attack.

Possible Settlement Between Lebanon and Israel

The United States is reportedly exploring the possibility of reaching a settlement between Lebanon and Israel regarding their borders. The American envoy to Lebanon is working on an agreement to reduce the likelihood of escalation and remove Hezbollah from the border. This comes after the killing of a Lebanese army soldier and Lebanon's complaint to the Security Council about Israel's targeting of its army.

American Predictions for the War's Outcome

The White House stated that American officials have been discussing the future governance of the Gaza Strip with their Israeli counterparts. However, they still do not know how the Strip will be governed after the war. CNN quoted officials in the Biden administration who expect the Israeli ground operation in the southern Gaza Strip to continue until January, with a focus on targeting Hamas leaders.

Weapons Shipment to Israel

Israel announced that it has received 10,000 tons of weapons and equipment since the beginning of the war. The 200th plane loaded with American equipment, weapons, and armored vehicles arrived as part of the ongoing air bridge. This highlights the significant military support Israel has received.

Unprecedented Message from the UN Secretary-General

UN Secretary-General António Guterres sent an unprecedented message to the Security Council, warning of the global dangers posed by the Israeli war on Gaza. He expressed concern that public order in Gaza is on the verge of complete collapse. Guterres invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter, which allows him to draw attention to matters that threaten international peace and security. This is the first time he has used this authority since taking office in 2017.

Gaza's Dire Humanitarian Situation

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA) reported another wave of displacement in Gaza, with the situation worsening by the minute. UNRWA stated that the entire Gaza Strip has become one of the most dangerous places in the world, with no safe areas. Approximately 85% of the population has been displaced due to Israel's ongoing attacks. The World Food Program urgently called for a humanitarian ceasefire, as distributing aid has become extremely challenging and puts the lives of humanitarian workers at risk.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies


  • Standing with the people of Palestine is our religious obligation.
  • Muslim scholars and preachers must work earnestly towards the unity of Muslims.
  • Defending and liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque is a religious obligation upon all the Ummah.
  • Palestine is primarily and ultimately an Islamic cause, and countering the aggression of the Jews is an Islamic Jihad.

Top of Form

 “Fight them; Allah will punish them by your hands and will disgrace them and give you victory over them and will heal the hearts of a believing people.” (At-Tawbah: 14)

“Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed Allah is competent to give them victory.” (Al-Hajj: 39)

In this critical stage for the Islamic Ummah, we are fighting and resisting for our survival. Our struggle against the Zionist entity and its allies in the East and West did not begin today but dates back when the world, both in the East and the West, conspired against us, planting the malicious cancer of “Israel” in Palestine, the land of Jerusalem, and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Even though it’s clear for everyone who is the enemy, unfortunately, we find that our people in Palestine are the ones facing this enemy alone. The conflict has turned from an Arab-Zionist struggle to a Palestinian-Zionist one.

We have left the Palestinians all alone to confront the enemy's arsenal, supported by Washington. Instead, we have sought negotiations and compromises with the enemy. The reality confirms that since the “Oslo” Accords on September 13, 1993, Palestinians have not advanced a single step forward. Moreover, the Americans presented the so-called “Road Map” on April 30, 2003, aiming to dismantle the infrastructure of all Palestinian resistance factions and deweaponize them, leaving them powerless so they could have the opportunity to oppress the unarmed civilians.

Although this “Road Map” is unjust to the Palestinians, the Zionist entity has achieved nothing from it. Rather than supporting the resistance and enhancing its role in liberating the sacred Land of Palestine, we have been seeking efforts to normalize with this occupying entity!

Supporting the Palestinians is a religious duty on all Muslims. Allah, the Most High, says: “And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy” (Al-Anfal: 60). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Strive against the polytheists with your tongues, your lives, your wealth and your hands” (1). He also said: “The example of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever” (2). Furthermore, he stated: “The Muslim is a brother to a Muslim. He does not wrong him, nor does he forsake him when he is in need. Whoever helps his brother, Allah will help him. Whoever relieves the distress of a Muslim, Allah will relieve his distress on the Day of Judgment, and whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults on the Day of Judgment” (3).

Undoubtedly, the duty of Muslims is to liberate the occupied Al-Aqsa Mosque, along with every inch of Muslim land under occupation, and restore it to its rightful Muslim owners, upholding the word of Allah within. Every Muslim bears this responsibility according to their capability and position.

Governments, scholars, and people must contribute to fulfilling this great obligation through all available means—politically, militarily, and through the media.

Muslim scholars and preachers must work earnestly to unify Muslims, both nations and governments, to achieve this religious obligation. No one is absolved from this duty, whether at the governmental, individual, group, or scholarly level, even if others neglect it.

It is essential to harness the energy and enthusiasm of new Muslim generations and employ their capabilities for the progress of their countries and the liberation of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It is the scholars obligation to expose the Zionist enemy's plans to Judaize Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, reveal the crimes and massacres committed by the Jews against the Palestinian people, and inform the world of the Muslims' rightful claim to Jerusalem.

Additionally, scholars must call on Muslims today to rush to the aid of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the destination of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Al-Israa journey, as they witness the Zionist aggression in Gaza and see the acts of Jewish extremists in Al-Aqsa Mosque. They should defend it by all means possible after it has been desecrated by the occupiers. This is a religious responsibility, as “Al-Aqsa” is part of our religion, our creed, and our Quran. Allah says: “Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” (Al-Isra: 1)

The Jihad on the land of Palestine is the only hope and the correct response of the soldiers of Allah on the land of Jerusalem, which Allah blessed with its surroundings. Zionists will never submit or even listen to any negotiations except through such blessed jihad.

Defending and liberating Al-Aqsa Mosque and sacrificing for its sake is not a choice; rather, it is an obligation upon the entire Muslim Ummah, with all its factions.

Muslims, the people of Palestine today, are in desperate need of your help. It is narrated in a hadith reported by Lady Maimuna bint Al-Harith (may Allah be pleased with her) that she asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about making a visit to Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). The Prophet replied, “The land of the gathering and the resurrection. Visit it and pray there, for a prayer in it is like a thousand prayers elsewhere.” She then asked, “What if someone cannot bear to bring himself to it or cannot reach it?” He said, “Then he should send some oil to be used for its lamps, and his reward will be like the one who prayed in it.” (4)

The late scholar Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Muslims feel a great deal of pain and regret over the deterioration of the Palestinian cause, from bad to worse, becoming more complex with each passing day. This is due to the disunity among neighboring countries and their failure to stand united against their common enemy. It is also due to their failure to adhere to the rule of Islam, only through which Allah has promised victory and empowerment over the land. This poses a great danger and ominous consequences if neighboring countries do not rush to reunite and adhere to the rule of Islam in this crucial matter, which concerns them and the entire Islamic world.

It is important to note that the Palestinian cause is fundamentally an Islamic issue. However, enemies of Islam have exerted immense efforts to detach it from the Islamic framework and convince Muslims, especially non-Arab Muslims, that it is solely an Arab issue with no relevance to them. While they have been somewhat successful in this endeavor, it is essential to realize that a solution to this issue can only be achieved by considering it an Islamic cause. Muslims must unite to save it and fight the Jews in an Islamic jihad. Only then can the land return to its rightful owners, the deviant Jews return to their original homelands, and only the indigenous Jews in the land can live under Islamic rule, not under communism or secularism. In this way, truth will triumph, falsehood will be defeated, and the people of the land will return to their homeland under Islamic rule, not any other form of governance. (5)


(1) Narrated by Abu Dawood (2504), and Ahmad (12268) with the wording for both, and An-Nasa'i (3096) with slight variations.

(2) Narrated by Al-Bukhari (6011) and Muslim (2586), and the wording is from Muslim.

(3) Narrated by Al-Bukhari (2442) and Muslim (2580) with slight variations.

(4) Al-Majmu' by An-Nawawi (8/278), Summary of the Ruling by the Hadith Scholar: Its chain is acceptable.

(5) A Collection Of Various Fatwas And Articles by Ibn Baz (1/277)


The Battle in Gaza City

 Major General Mahmoud Erdisat, a retired military expert, has shared some insights into the current situation in Gaza. He explains that the Israeli occupation army has suffered significant losses in terms of equipment and soldiers. The battle between the Israeli forces and the Palestinian resistance has become a back-and-forth struggle, with both sides facing difficulties. Israel is not revealing the true extent of its losses.

Erdisat also mentions that Israel will face consequences for the massacres it has committed in Gaza. Western political support for Israel is waning due to popular pressure and demonstrations in European cities. Some European governments are also changing their political positions.

The "Northern Front" with Hezbollah

Erdisat provides some insights into the situation between Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation army on the "northern front." He explains that neither party wants a full-scale war at the moment. There may be some escalation, but a comprehensive war is unlikely.

Where Did the Israeli Forces Reach in Gaza?

The Israeli forces have attempted to enter Gaza from three different directions: the northwestern axis, the northeastern axis, and the final axis from east to west. They have completed a siege around Gaza City, with forces reaching Al-Rashid Street and moving towards various areas within the city.

Whenever the Israeli forces enter densely populated areas, the Palestinian resistance takes advantage of tunnels and buildings to hide and attack vehicles and soldiers. This has resulted in greater losses for the Israeli army.

Losses and Statistics

According to Abu Ubaida, the spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades (the military wing of Hamas), the Israeli occupation army has lost around 160 vehicles, including armored vehicles, tanks, and bulldozers. The Israeli army has announced 45 human losses.


However, Erdisat believes that the true losses for Israel are higher and that they are hiding the actual numbers. He expects the losses to be revealed once the war is over. On the resistance side, they focus on the results rather than the losses of fighters. The more fighters they have, the better their ability to combat the occupation.

Displacement of Residents

The Israeli army has not succeeded in displacing the residents of the northern Gaza Strip as they had hoped. They wanted to create a scorched earth and a buffer zone. While some people have left due to the bombings, many have stayed and are still in Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip.

Number of People Remaining

It is difficult to provide an exact number, but there are still a large number of people in the northern Gaza Strip. It is estimated that more than half of the original population is still there, and this number is constantly changing as some people leave and others return.

Political Consequences

Israel will face political consequences as a result of this war. The international community is increasingly critical of Israel's actions, and there is growing pressure for change. The cost of this war for Israel goes beyond military losses.

Israel's Justification

At the beginning of this attack, Israel tried to justify its bombing and destruction by saying it was defending itself. They claimed it was in response to something that happened on October 7th. They even said they wanted to wipe Gaza off the map! But guess what? They won't be able to do it this time.

Political Support Declining

Israel used to have a lot of support from Western colonial countries, like the United States. They would even provide Israel with money and weapons. But now, things are changing. People all over the world, from Europe to America, are standing up against Israel's actions. They're saying this war needs to stop and the killings must end.

Reasons Israel Will Pay a Price

So, why will Israel face consequences? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Crimes Against Humanity

The occupation has committed terrible crimes in Gaza. They've destroyed buildings, killed children, and targeted schools, hospitals, and shelters. These actions are against international law and are considered war crimes.

  1. Cutting Off Basic Needs

Israel has also cut off essential things like food, medicine, electricity, and water from the people in Gaza. This is not only cruel but also a crime against humanity.

  1. The Power of Communication

Thanks to social media and improved communication, more and more people are learning about the situation in Palestine. This means that the occupation can no longer hide its actions. People all around the world are becoming aware and demanding justice.

Will There Be a War with Hezbollah?

Now, let's talk about another important topic. Hezbollah is a group in Lebanon that has had conflicts with Israel in the past. Some people are wondering if there will be a war between Israel and Hezbollah. Here's what I think:

Unlikely War

I don't think Hezbollah and Israel want a full-blown war right now. There might be some small escalations, but nothing major. Iran, which supports Hezbollah, also doesn't have a direct interest in this war. Israel, on the other hand, wants to focus on destroying Gaza and doesn't want to open another front.

Israel's Provocation

However, there's another theory that Israel is trying to provoke Hezbollah. They have American support and military presence in the region. Israel might want to take down both Gaza and Hezbollah at the same time. Some experts in Israel even suggest this strategy.

Source: Al Jazeera


Human Rights

South Africa's Protest

South Africa is urging the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli leaders for committing war crimes and genocide in the Gaza Strip. The ongoing bombing in Gaza has resulted in the tragic deaths of over 11,000 Palestinians, many of whom are children and women. The South African Foreign Ministry has expressed its disappointment by summoning the Israeli ambassador and recalling all its diplomats from Israel.

Call for Protection

South Africa is also calling on the United Nations to send a rapid force to protect civilians in Gaza. It believes that international humanitarian law must be upheld, and humanitarian workers should be allowed to enter Gaza to provide assistance.

Investigation Request

Three Palestinian human rights organizations have submitted a request to the International Criminal Court to investigate war crimes committed by Israel against civilians in Gaza. These organizations are urging the court to focus on Israeli air strikes on densely populated civilian areas, the siege of Gaza, and the displacement of its residents. They argue that these actions amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and even genocide.

International Criminal Court's Response

The International Criminal Court has confirmed that it has received the letter from the Palestinian organizations and will examine the information provided. It is important to note that Israel is not a member of the International Criminal Court and does not recognize its jurisdiction.


Protection of Civilians

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Sture has condemned the Israeli bombing of Gaza, stating that it violates international law. He emphasizes that civilians have the right to protection, and any violations of international law must be condemned. Sture believes that it is up to the courts to determine whether these violations constitute war crimes. While he acknowledges Israel's right to self-defense, he questions whether their actions in Gaza will truly provide long-term security. Sture also expresses concern for the children who have survived this devastating situation, stating that they will not easily recover. He believes that the only solution is a two-state solution, but acknowledges that achieving this will not be easy.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies


Strategic Issues

Avi Shlaim, an Israeli historian who opposes Zionism, believes that the current war on Gaza cannot be understood without considering its historical context. In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, Shlaim explains why he thinks this war is "meaningless" and discusses the biased support that the West provides to Israel.

The Historical Background

Shlaim argues that the conflict did not start on October 7th. To understand why Hamas carried out the attack, we need to look back to 1967 when Israel occupied Palestinian territories. The Israelis claim that they offered the Palestinians the chance to turn Gaza into a prosperous place like Singapore, but instead, they turned it into an open prison.

The Disproportionate Response

While media attention focused on the Hamas attack, Shlaim condemns both the attack and the Israeli reaction. He believes that the Israeli response was cruel, brutal, and completely disproportionate. Revenge is not a solution, and what Israel is doing can be considered state-sponsored terrorism.

Netanyahu and the West's Handling of the War

Shlaim predicts that Netanyahu will not survive politically, and he criticizes the Western response to the crisis for its hypocrisy and double standards. He points out that when Hamas won the elections in 2006, Israel, the European Union, and the United States refused to recognize the Hamas government and imposed economic sanctions. The Western powers have been biased towards Israel and have given it the green light to carry out horrific acts instead of calling for a ceasefire.

Potential Consequences

Shlaim notes that over the past 20 years, Jewish hostility towards Arabs in Israel has increased significantly. The current right-wing government, influenced by religious Zionism, is the most extreme, chauvinistic, and racist government in Israel's history. Because of the war in Gaza, public sentiment may shift further to the right and become more hostile towards Arabs.

Anti-Semitism vs. Anti-Zionism

Shlaim clarifies the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Anti-Semitism is hatred towards Jews solely because of their Jewish identity and has nothing to do with Israel. Anti-Zionism, on the other hand, is criticism and opposition to the Zionist ideology, particularly regarding Israel's policies towards Palestinians, such as occupation, apartheid, and the use of force.


Source: Al Jazeera

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