•        Hundreds of bags of cannabis were dropped from a drone as it flew over Rabin Square in central Tel…
Scientists have calculated how many mammals might be lost this century, based on fossil evidence of past extinctions. Their predictions…
ISTANBUL The tourism services sector in the EU fell by 75% in June on a yearly basis, while the total…
GENEVA  The World Health Organization said Friday it is unlikely that there will be mass vaccination against the novel coronavirus…
Yahoo News WASHINGTON — In a contentious interview on the BBC’s “Newshour” on Friday, the president’s new coronavirus adviser, Dr.…
A report analyzing the flash point of Black Lives Matter protests across the U.S. this summer found more than 90…
If this headline seems very familiar, that's because it is. 2020's Ridiculously Resilient Ridge of heat in the Western U.S.…
Black holes are getting stranger — even to astronomers. They've now detected the signal from a long ago violent collision…
In the face of a pandemic that has hit Black Americans harder than almost any other group, while the nation…
New York City saw another huge increase in gun crimes last month as the NYPD's chief of crime control strategies…