

At least seven fighters from a Kurdish-led force were killed Sunday in two Islamic State group attacks in eastern Syria, a war monitor said.

"Six fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were killed" in an attack along the road linking Deir Ezzor province with Hasakeh, said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

A seventh was shot dead by gunmen in the west of Deir Ezzor province, the Observatory said.

The attacks were carried out in areas under the control of the SDF, which is a key U.S. partner in fighting IS and is the Syrian Kurds' de facto army.

On Thursday, the SDF said two of their fighters were killed and six arrested following clashes in a volatile Syria camp where a security operation was under way.

Syria's war began in 2011 and has killed nearly half a million people and forced around half of the country's pre-war population from their homes./agencies

Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hani Suweilam said on Sunday that Egypt is one of the world's most affected countries by climate change, Ahram Online news website reported.

The Egyptian minister made the remarks during the opening session of an environmental and development forum on Egypt's preparations to host the 27th session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) that will be held in the Red Sea resort city of Sharm El-Sheikh in November.

Egypt is suffering water scarcity, high temperature, erosion and saltwater intrusion into fresh water, the minister was quoted as saying.

The increases in population, unstable water shares (from rivers such as the Nile) and climate impacts have led to a shortage of water used for drinking, agricultural and industrial purposes in several countries, he added.

The minister also urged all countries to strengthen cooperation on dealing with extreme climate, stressing the need to place the water sector, food and agriculture on the global climate agenda.

Egypt is making great efforts in improving water management, which includes rehabilitating canals to better deliver water to farmers, Suweilam said, adding water is a key element in agriculture and food security.

The minister underlined the necessity of expanding water desalination projects, studying less costly and more efficient ways of reusing wastewater. / Xinhua

The warlord, Khalifa Haftar, has met with the French President's special envoy to Libya, Paul Soler, and the French ambassador to Libya, Beatrice de Helen.

The Information Office of the so-called General Command of Haftar's forces indicated that the meeting was held in the latter's office in the city of Benghazi, without revealing any further details.

The French special envoy to Libya had met with a number of Libyan officials during his recent visit to Tripoli, including the head of the Presidential Council, Mohammed Menfi, the head of the High Council of State, Khaled Al-Mishri, and the chairman of the High National Elections Commission, Imad Al-Sayeh./LO


European energy ministers are meeting on September 9 to discuss new measures proposed by the European Commission to confront the energy crisis that is increasingly bearing on consumers and industry.

The most controversial among the EU proposals - and the least politically feasible - is the introduction of a price cap on Russian gas, which EU leaders say is aimed at starving Russia of funds it needs to finance its war in Ukraine, where Ukrainian forces are currently mounting a counteroffensive. 

But the move has already prompted a harsh response from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who threatened the EU with a complete shutdown of all energy supplies from Russia. 

Some European countries, such as Germany and the Czech Republic, are likely to oppose the gas price cap proposal over fears of further retaliation by Moscow.

 “The price cap would remove the only incentive for Gazprom to keep selling gas to Europe,” Matteo Villa, a senior data analyst at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI), told TRT World. Despite closing Nord Stream 1, Russia still sells gas to Europe, mostly through a pipeline that goes through Ukraine and TurkStream, which crosses the Black Sea to supply southern Europe.

 “Russia would be deprived of about 100bn euros per year right now at current prices and current volumes,” Villa said.

 “But Europe could see prices skyrocket to 500 euros per megawatt hour, which is double what we are paying today, because there really isn’t that amount of gas in the actual market,” he added.

Gas prices in Europe are already more than 10 times higher than they were a year ago.

This unprecedented spike in energy prices, which started as economies reopened post-Covid-19 and worsened after the start of the war in Ukraine, will see families struggle to afford heating their homes this winter, while industries and small businesses are threatened with a total or partial shutdown of their activities over unaffordable energy bills.

In 2021, Russia accounted for about 45 percent of the European Union’s gas imports. European countries aim to eventually replace all of Russia’s gas with other energy sources and have so far replaced about 30 percent of that amount, mostly with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

But for now, Europe remains dependent on Russian gas, and Russia is still reaping huge profits from selling gas to EU countries, due to the higher prices. 

Earlier in September, Russia announced a complete shutoff of gas supply through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany, the EU’s largest economy and one of the European countries most reliant on Russian gas alongside countries in central Europe including Hungary and the Czech Republic. Russia has been blaming the partial and total shutdowns it has been implementing since the summer on sanctions, while EU officials say the Kremlin has turned energy into a war tool.

Taxing electricity producers and fossil fuel companies

Apart from introducing a price cap on Russian gas, the four other proposals outlined by European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen ahead of the meeting on Friday include a mix of energy-saving measures and price capping. Many European countries have already introduced measures to offset the cost of electricity and gas for consumers, including tax and VAT reductions, subsidies and price caps.

Europe’s energy prices are pegged to the market price of the most expensive fuel, usually gas - which ultimately has reflected on the price of energy for consumers. The EU is looking to address this market distortion by taxing electricity produced with other energy sources, including wind and solar.

“It is now time for the consumers to benefit from the low costs of low-carbon energy sources like, for example, renewables,” said Von der Leyen in a statement, adding the Commission would propose to “re-channel these unexpected profits” - made thanks to artificially inflated wholesale electricity prices - to vulnerable households and companies.

Europe’s producers of non-ferrous metals such as aluminium and zinc warned the industry is at risk of collapse should high energy costs remain unaddressed. At least 50 percent of Europe’s zinc and aluminium production is already offline, and many companies have announced closures.

Small businesses too have been facing high energy costs, with many across the continent reducing working hours, while increasingly, citizens are calling on governments to take action. In Britain, thousands of people have signed up for the Don’t Pay UK campaign, pledging to boycott their energy bills from October, and in Italy a similar initiative was launched this week. The Czech Republic, where 70,000 people took to the streets in early September to ask for an end to EU sanctions against Russia and their government’s resignation, serves as a warning of the political fallout that could result from the economic crisis.

“The retail market is following the wholesale market, and this is where the problem is,” explained Rafaila Grigoriou, data science lead at the energy consultancy VaasaETT.

“In many cases retailers are also in a difficult position,” she told TRT World, “in many markets across Europe a lot of suppliers have stopped operating. There are suppliers that have stopped accepting new customers because they think it is too risky.”

The Commission also wants to impose a “solidarity contribution” to fossil fuel companies, which have been making record profits since the crisis in Ukraine began.

The European Commission will also propose a mandatory target for member states to reduce electricity use at peak hours, which is when prices spike, and introduce measures to address the liquidity crisis of utility companies. 

Source: TRT World

Türkiye has shared damning video evidence of Greece’s illegal pushbacks of irregular migrants.

“On September 9, 2022, a Turkish Navy UAV detected irregular migrants being transferred to an inflatable boat and pushed back towards Turkish territorial waters by a Greek Coast Guard boat off Bodrum,” the National Defence Ministry said on Twitter on Saturday.

“The situation was immediately reported to the Turkish Coast Guard, which rescued the irregular migrants,” the ministry wrote in a post along with a 63-second video of the incident.

Greece violating humanitarian values

Ankara and global rights groups have repeatedly condemned Greece’s illegal practice of pushing asylum seekers back into Turkish waters and denying them entry to Greece, saying it violates humanitarian values and international law.

Last month, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkish forces have saved the lives of 41,000 people left to die by Greece over the past two years.

Source: AA

The Biden administration plans next month to broaden curbs on US shipments to China of semiconductors used for artificial intelligence and chipmaking tools, several people familiar with the matter said.

The Commerce Department intends to publish new regulations based on restrictions communicated in letters earlier this year to three US companies — KLA Corp, Lam Research Corp and Applied Materials Inc, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. The plan for new rules has not been previously reported.

The letters, which the companies publicly acknowledged, forbade them from exporting chipmaking equipment to Chinese factories that produce advanced semiconductors with sub-14 nanometer processes unless the sellers obtain Commerce Department licenses.

The rules would also codify restrictions in Commerce Department letters sent to Nvidia Corp and Advanced Micro Devices last month instructing them to halt shipments of several artificial intelligence computing chips to China unless they obtain licenses.

Some of the sources said the regulations would likely include additional actions against China. The restrictions could also be changed and the rules published later than expected.

So-called "is informed" letters allow the Commerce Department to bypass lengthy rule-writing processes to put controls in place quickly, but the letters only apply to the companies that receive them.

Turning the letters into rules would broaden their reach and could subject other US companies producing similar technology to the restrictions. The regulations could potentially apply to companies trying to challenge Nvidia and AMD's dominance in artificial intelligence chips.

'Choke point'

Intel Corp and startups like Cerebras Systems are targeting the same advanced computing markets. Intel said it is closely monitoring the situation, while Cerebras declined to comment.

One source said the rules could also impose license requirements on shipments to China of products that contain the targeted chips. Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Super Micro Computer make data center servers that contain Nvidia's A100 chip.

Dell and HPE said they were monitoring the situation, while Super Micro Computer did not respond to a request for comment.

A senior Commerce official declined to comment on the upcoming action, but said: "As a general rule, we look to codify any restrictions that are in is-informed letters with a regulatory change."

"The strategy is to choke off China and they have discovered that chips are a choke point. They can't make this stuff, they can't make the manufacturing equipment," said Jim Lewis a technology expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "That will change."

In an update on China-related measures last week, the Chamber of Commerce, a US business lobbying group, warned members of imminent restrictions on AI chips and chipmaking tools.

"We are now hearing that members should expect a series of rules or perhaps an overarching rule prior to the mid-term election to codify the guidance in recently issued (Commerce Department) 'is-informed' letters to chip equipment and chip design companies," the chamber said.

Source: Reuters

Türkiye will send grain and other relevant products to African countries in need if Russian exports are allowed through the Black Sea, the Turkish president said on Friday.

Speaking to reporters on the plane after his three-day Balkan tour, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan echoed his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin's view, saying the Ukrainian grain is exported to wealthy countries, not to those in need.

Türkiye, the UN, Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement in Istanbul on July 22 to resume grain exports from three Ukrainian Black Sea ports, which were paused after the Russia-Ukraine war began in February. A joint coordination center with officials from the three countries and the UN was set up in Istanbul to oversee the shipments.

Although not officially part of the deal, it was negotiated that once Russia allows the movement of ships through Ukrainian ports, sanctions on Russian exports will be lifted.

Assisting poor countries through grain corridor

Erdogan said he expects to have a "broad and in-depth" meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the annual leaders' summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Uzbekistan's Samarkand on Sept. 15-16.

"In this meeting, we will mainly discuss the grain corridor matter. To be honest, I find Putin's remarks of 'grain going to the rich countries, not the poor' as correct. This shouldn't be the case," he said.

The "actual" aim should have been helping poor countries via the grain corridor but "that doesn't appear to be the case at the moment," the Turkish president added.

"In Samarkand, Türkiye will ask Putin "to send Russian products on ships passing through the corridor. We will especially ask him to start this," Erdogan said.

Putin claimed earlier Wednesday that "almost all" of the grain being exported from Ukraine's Black Sea ports "is sent not to the developing poorest countries, but to the EU countries."

"Under the UN World Food Program, which implies assistance to countries in need, only two ships were loaded, I emphasize, only two out of 87, and 60,000 tons of food were exported on them of the 2 million tons, this is only 3% that is sent to developing countries," Putin said.

Since the first vessel sailed under the deal on Aug. 1, at least 100 ships have carried over 2.5 million tons of agricultural products from Ukraine.​​​​​​​

Europe's energy crisis

Erdogan also said he had discussed natural gas prices with Putin and said he aims to secure a positive outcome for the well-being of the Turkish public.

On Europe's energy crisis, Erdogan said the Russian president has not made "an arbitrary" decision on gas exports to Europe.

He said countries like Germany have begun to use its Ruhr basin, an important thermal power plant.

"Europe is not as comfortable and peaceful as one might think. It is going somewhere very different... Thankfully, we do not have such a problem for now. Russia does not impose any sanctions on us," he said.

This winter will not be easy for Europe, Erdogan said.


In response to a question on his recent remarks "we may come suddenly one night" on Greece, Erdogan said: "I think the message I want to convey was very clear. The latest attitude of Greece towards Türkiye is inexplicable."

Emphasizing that Greece continues to militarize "the islands right under our noses despite agreements on the non-military status agreements," Erdogan said he will also discuss the matter with US President Joe Biden during his visit to New York for the UN General Assembly meeting on Sept. 21-23.

Türkiye, a NATO member for over 70 years, has complained of repeated provocative actions and rhetoric by Greece in the region in recent months, saying such moves frustrate its good faith efforts for peace.

Tensions between the two neighboring countries rose after Greece lodged a complaint with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to delete a tweet by the NATO Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) to mark Türkiye's 100th Victory Day, which commemorates the resounding defeat of occupying Greek armies at the hands of Turks in the 1922 Battle of Dumlupinar.

LANDCOM on Tuesday tweeted a post to mark the 100th Victory Day. However, it tweeted a new post on Thursday congratulating Ankara, saying: "We are thankful to have Türkiye as our host nation."

Türkiye criticized NATO for deleting the tweet, calling it "unacceptable," and saying that the alliance "has greatly discredited its corporate identity and prestige" by deleting the tweet upon a "baseless request" by Greece.


  His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Saturday addressed a cable to King Charles III, the Monarch of Great Britain and North Ireland, expressing deep congratulations on his crowning as the Monarch. His Highness the Amir wished King Charles III all success in pursuing the process of development witnessed in the friendly United Kingdom, hoping his leadership will bolster further the UK eminent status and guide the nation to pursue its leading role at the international level, noting that bases of this process had been laid by the late Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen of Great Britain and North Ireland.

Moreover, His Highness the Amir expressed profound pride of the deep-rooted, solid and historic relations bonding the two gracious families, friendly people within the framework of mutual understanding and cooperation, joint keenness on elevating these ties and broadening the cooperation in various spheres in a fashion that would bolster the strategic partnership between the two friendly countries.

His Highness the Amir also wished His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Family all wellbeing, the United Kingdom and the friendly people more progress and prosperity under the sagacious leadership.

His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah also on Saturday sent a cable to King Charles III, congratulating him on being crowned as the Monarch. His Highness the Deputy Amir wished King Charles III all success in continuing development and progress witnessed in the friendly United Kingdom.

His Highness the Deputy Amir commended the historic deep-rooted relations between the two ruling families, countries and friendly nations, wishing well being to the ruling family, and further progress and prosperity to the UK under the wise leadership of King Charles III.

His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on Saturday sent a cable of congratalations to King Charles III, the Monarch of Great Britain and North Ireland. His Highness the Prime Minister wished success to King Charles III in his reign.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Acting Interior Minister Sheikh Talal Khaled Al-Sabah Saturday sent a cable of congratulations to British Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace on the proclamation of King Charles III as monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

His Highness the Amir earlier offered condolences to His Majesty King Charles III, the British Royal Family and the friendly British people after the passing away of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday. In his cable, His Highness the Amir expressed his and Kuwaiti government and people’s deep sorrow and sympathy over Queen Elizabeth’s death. He recalled with pride Her Majesty’s efforts over the past decades that boosted the high status of the UK on the international stage as well as her effective contribution to world issues.

His Highness Sheikh Nawaf noted that the whole world had lost with her death a great leader who was wise, experienced and far-sighted. His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a cable of condolences on Thursday to King Charles III of Britain and Northern Ireland expressing his deep sorrow over the demise of Queen Elizabeth II.

His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince also extended his condolences to the British royal family and to the people of Great Britain during this difficult time. His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah sent on Thursday a cable of condolences to King Charles III expressing his deep sorrow and sincere sentiments over the demise of Queen Elizabeth II. (KUNA)

The State of Kuwait Embassy in Cairo Saturday appealed to nationals travelling to Egypt to stick to laws and instructions regarding cash money when arriving in, and/or leaving, the country.

In a statement, the embassy stressed travelers should disclose the amount of money exceeding EGP 5,000 (USD 261), and not more than USD 10,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency.

It also urged Kuwaitis coming to Egypt not to bring, have or use any kind of drones inside Egyptian territories to avoid legal and judicial accountability, according to the statement./KT

As schools open this month and beginning of October, health officials assured that the general indicators of the Covid-19 virus in the country are witnessing unprecedented stability, and there is no cause for concern about students returning to schools, especially after excluding distance education that was implemented last year during the height of the pandemic.

A daily Arab paper reported that health officials have confirmed the daily infection rate of the number of swabs reached 3.6%, indicating the improving epidemiological situation in the country, after the rates were much higher in varying periods of the pandemic, while stressing to maintain physical distancing measures. According to the Ministry of Health, the number of daily infections reached 39 on the 3rd of this month, while there are only two cases in the wards designated for Covid-19 patients in public hospitals, and 8 cases in intensive care units, and the cure rate of the disease reached 99.6%, and there was no recorded deaths due to complications from the virus since last August 13.

Moreover, a noticeable decrease in the rates of vaccination in the recent period have been reported for various reasons, including the improvement of the epidemiological situation in the country, the decrease in the rate of recorded infection to the number of daily swabs, in addition to the departure of a large number of families abroad to spend the summer vacation from the beginning of last June until the beginning of this month.

Health sources also added that the number of those who received the first dose of anti-virus vaccines from early last April to early September reached about 26,000 citizens and residents, and the number of those who received the second dose exceeded 43,000. Meanwhile, the percentage increased from 83.9 percent of the total number of people eligible to receive the vaccinations to 85 percent for the mentioned period, pointing out that approximately 187,000 people received the third and fourth booster doses during that period.

On the other hand, the sources confirmed that the noticeable demand for receiving antiviral doses during the past five months, especially the booster dose, is evidence of an increase in health awareness among large segments of society, especially since the turnout took place in light of the decrease in infections and rates of clinical work in wards and intensive care in hospitals./agencies

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