After the July 15, 2016 defeated coup attempt in Türkiye, neighboring Greece became a top destination for members of the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) fleeing justice.
According to the Greek press estimates, since July 15, 2016, nearly 20,000 Turkish citizens, mostly FETO members, crossed into Greece via the Aegean islands or the Meric (Evros) River. While some of them went on to other European countries, about 9,000 of them sought political asylum in Greece itself.
Greece rejects Ankara’s request for extradition of 8 coup plotters
Notoriously, just one day after the coup bid, eight FETO member soldiers fled to the Greek city of Alexandroupolis in a military helicopter belonging to Türkiye and sought asylum there.
In Greece, the soldiers claimed that they were unaware of the coup plot, and Athens refused to agree to insistent extradition requests from Turkish officials.
This April the Greek media claimed that the FETO member soldiers were sent abroad by Greek authorities out of fear Türkiye’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) might seek to bring them home to face justice.
In March 2021, FETO ringleader Fetullah Gulen sent a video message to a promotional event in Athens for a book written about him.
"Greece is a sister country," Gulen said. “Thanks to this brotherhood, we remember them with gratitude and appreciation. [What Greece did] will be written with gold and silver on the glorious pages of history.”
The book about the terrorist leader, Fethullah Gulen: A Life of Service, was written by US historian Jon Pahl and published in Greek by Papazisis Publishers.
Defeated coup
Türkiye on Friday commemorates those killed during the July 15, 2016 defeated coup.
Since its designation in October 2016, every year, the country marks July 15 as Democracy and National Unity Day, with events held to commemorate those who lost their lives beating back the putschists and remembering the bravery of the nation.
FETO and its US-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup, which left 251 people dead and 2,734 injured.
Ankara also accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary.
The attempt by FETO to overthrow the government began around 10 p.m. local time (1900GMT) on July 15, 2016, and was thwarted by 8 a.m. the next day.
Standing against the threat, the Turkish people courageously showed the world that they would not tolerate any attempt to thwart their will as expressed through their democratically elected government./aa
SpaceX launched its Falcon 9 rocket into orbit Thursday night for an important mission on its 25th flight, known as CRS-25.
The rocket blasted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 8.44 p.m. EDT (0044GMT) with a robotic Dragon resupply craft that will replenish the needs of the International Space Station (ISS).
CRS-25 will deliver more than 5,800 pounds (2,630 kilograms) of science equipment and daily living supplies to the ISS, which will support more than three dozen ongoing research investigations.
The ISS crew will also be receiving a much-welcomed fresh food delivery.
"We're sending up apples, oranges, cherry tomatoes, some onions, baby carrots, garlic, tahini, cheese and dry sausage," said ISS deputy program manager Dana Weigel. "So a really nice mix of fresh fruit for the crew."
The Dragon will spend the next 36 hours catching up to the ISS in orbit. The cargo capsule is scheduled to dock with the space station around 11.20 am EDT (1520GMT) on July 16.
One of the mission's key experiments is the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT). According to NASA, the device will be used to measure the mineral composition of dust in the planet's driest regions.
EMIT will focus on how the dust from some of Earth's arid landscapes is carried on winds across the planet and how it affects the overall climate system in ways scientists do not yet fully understand.
Measuring the minerals in these samples will help researchers get a better grasp of their composition and role in global climate, such as weather pattern predictions, improved crop yields and other climate research.
NASA currently has access to about 5,000 such measurements, a drop in the bucket of what is to come in the near future.
"They are looking to increase our current measurement set…to somewhere close to 1 billion measurements," said NASA associate ISS scientist Heidi Parris.
EMIT “really has the potential to close the gap in our understanding of Earth climate models."
The CRS-25 mission is expected to last 33 days./aa
A mass grave containing the ashes of thousands of people has been discovered near a former Nazi concentration camp in Poland, according to the country’s Institute of National Remembrance (IPN).
The remains were unearthed near the Soldau concentration camp, now known as Dzialdowo, which is located north of the capital Warsaw, the institute said in a statement Wednesday.
The IPN investigates crimes committed during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
The institute noted that Germany targeted Polish state elites at the camp, adding "it’s the evidence of how thoroughly the Germans tried to obliterate the traces of genocide they committed in Eastern Europe."
Other media outlets put the number of victims in the mass grave at 8,000 due to the 15.8 tons of human ashes found.
The camp was built by Nazi Germany during World War II when it occupied Poland. It was used as a transit camp and for the internment and extermination of Jews, political opponents and Polish political elite.
Turkey's bus, minibus and midibus exports increased by 13.98% in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2021.
The sector, which increased its export sales from $509.9 million in January through June last year to $581.2 million in the same period this year, sent buses, minibuses and midibuses to 68 countries, according to data from the Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association.
During the said period, exports of buses, minibuses and midibuses to France, which is the country with the most foreign sales, increased by 18.23%. Exports to France, which were $125.6 million in the January-June period of last year, increased to $148.5 million in the first half of 2022.
The exports to Portugal, which ranks second, reached $62.8 million from $2.2 million. Exports to Germany, which follows Portugal, meanwhile, decreased by 18.61% from $68.2 million to $55.5 million.
Bus, minibus and midibus exports to the Azerbaijan-Nakhchivan market increased from $4.2 million to $41.4 million. Azerbaijan-Nakhchivan became the fourth market in which the sector made exports in the first half of the year.
Bus exports to Italy, which ranks fifth, increased by 3.5% from $35.8 million to $37.1 million.
In the first half of the year, compared to the same period of 2021, the United Kingdom ranked sixth with a 281.18% increase and $30.3 million, Romania ranked seventh with a 65.91% increase and $17.9 million, Czechia ranked eighth with an increase of 123.1% and $17.8 million, Poland ranked ninth with a 345.22% increase and $15.9 million. Spain, on the other hand, was recorded as the 10th country to which buses, minibuses and midibuses were exported the most, with an increase of 105.32% and $14.4 million.
The export sales worth $367,000 to the U.S., which is the 11th country with the most bus exports, in the January-June period last year increased to $14.3 million in the same period of this year.
Bus, minibus and midibus exports to Egypt reached $5.2 million from $73,000./Daily Sabah
Alibaba shares sank on Friday after a report said the tech giant's executives had been called in for meetings with Chinese officials over the theft of a vast police database.
A hacker last month put on sale what they claimed was the personal information of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens – which, if true, would make it one of the biggest data heists in history.
Cybersecurity analysts subsequently confirmed that the data – partly verified by Agence France-Presse (AFP) – was stored on Alibaba's cloud servers, apparently by the Shanghai police.
The company's shares slumped 5.7% at the open in Hong Kong on Friday, hours after The Wall Street Journal reported that Shanghai authorities had called in its executives for talks in connection with the heist.
The Journal cited unnamed people familiar with the matter as saying the executives included Alibaba Cloud Vice President Chen Xuesong, who heads the unit's digital public security work.
The report added that senior managers from Alibaba and its cloud unit held a virtual meeting on July 1 after a seller advertised the stolen database in a cybercrime forum.
As part of an internal investigation, company engineers have cut access to the breached database and have started reviewing related code, the Journal said, citing employees familiar with Alibaba's response to the hack.
The database is believed to have been stored on Alibaba's servers using outdated and insecure technology.
Alibaba did not immediately respond to an AFP request to confirm the information in the report.
China maintains a sprawling nationwide surveillance network that collects huge amounts of data from its citizens, ostensibly for security purposes.
Beijing has passed stronger data protection laws in recent years as public awareness of data security and privacy issues have grown.
There are few ways, however, for ordinary citizens to stop the government from gathering information on them.
The sample of 750,000 entries posted online by the hacker showed citizens' names, mobile phone numbers, national ID numbers, addresses, dates of birth and the police reports they had filed.
The hacker wanted 10 bitcoin – around $200,000 at the time – for the entire database.
Some of the information appeared to have been drawn from express delivery services, while other data included summaries of police incident reports in Shanghai over more than a decade until 2019.
At least four people out of more than a dozen contacted by AFP last week confirmed their details were listed in the database./AFP
The latest labor force statistics in Kuwait issued by the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) as of the end of the Q1 2022 indicate that the size of labor force in Kuwait is 1.885 million employees excluding the number of household workers (1.947 million workers as of end of Q1 2021). If we add the household labor (family) sector which is about 613,000 workers, the total will be 2.498 million workers (2.599 million workers as of end of Q1 2021). This means an estimated 100,000-worker drop within one year. Household workers constitute nearly 24.5 percent of total labor force in Kuwait as of the end of Q1 of 2022 (25.1 percent of the total labor force as of end of Q1 2021).
The average monthly wage of Kuwaiti male workers in the public sector is KD 1,888 (KD 1,869 at end of Q1 2021). The Kuwaiti female wage average is KD 1,318 (KD 1,306 in end of Q1 2021), a difference of 43.2 percent in favor of men’s wages. The monthly salary average of non-Kuwaiti males in the public sector scored KD 784 (KD 759 in end of Q1 2021). For non-Kuwaiti females, the average wage is KD 698 (KD 685 in end of Q1 2021) with a 12.3 percent difference in favor of males. The gender gap is more equitable in the case of non-Kuwaitis. The average monthly wage for Kuwaitis of both genders in the public sector is KD 1,548 (KD 1,534 in end of Q1 2021). The same average for non-Kuwaitis is KD 741 (KD 722 in end of Q1 2021), with a 108.9 percent difference in favor of Kuwaitis.
Private sector wages
The monthly average wage of Kuwaiti males in the private sector is KD 1,567 (KD 1,497 in end of Q1 2021), which is 17 percent less than that of males in the public sector. The average for Kuwaiti females in the private sector is KD 994 (KD 946 in end of Q1 2021), which is 24.6 percent less than that of their female colleagues in the public sector. Undoubtedly, the government support leads to reduce the gap between the private and the public sector.
The monthly average wage of non-Kuwaiti males in the private sector is KD 309 (KD 294 in end of Q1 2021). This equals 39.4 percent of the average salaries of their non-Kuwaiti colleagues in the public sector. The average monthly wage for non-Kuwaiti females in the private sector is KD 435 (KD 407 in end of Q1 2021), which is higher than the average salary of non-Kuwaiti males in the private sector by 40.8 percent, but lower than the average rate of non-Kuwaiti females in the public sector by 37.8 percent.
In case of the overall wage average in both the public and private sectors, the monthly average wage of Kuwaiti males is KD 1,823 (KD 1,791 in end of Q1 2021) and KD 1,272 for Kuwaiti females (KD 1,251 in end of Q1 2021), with a 43.3 percent difference in favor of males. The monthly average wage for non-Kuwaiti males is KD 322 (KD 306 in end of Q1 2021) and KD 493 for non-Kuwaiti females (KD 468 in end of Q1 2021), a 53 percent difference in favor of females.
The monthly average wage for male and female Kuwaitis in the two sectors is KD 1,504 (KD 1,479 in end of Q1 2021) and KD 342 for non-Kuwaitis (KD 324 in end of Q1 2021). Note that the figures above do not include household labor that would have a significant downward impact on the non-Kuwaiti wage rates if taken into consideration, nor do they include the governmental support allocations to Kuwaiti workers in the private sector.
The number of Kuwaiti employees in the government sector according to the CSB is 362,100 workers (338,500 workers by end of Q1 2021). The number of Kuwaiti employees in the private sector is 72,700 workers (72,900 workers by end of Q1 2021). This indicates that the Kuwaiti workforce is distributed between 83.3 percent in the public sector and 16.7 percent in the private sector. About 45.1 percent of Kuwaitis working in the public sector are university graduates, 4.5 percent have postgraduate degrees, 13.9 percent have diplomas above high school but below university degrees, and 21 percent are holders of high school certificates or equivalent. This shows that about 84.5 percent of government employees are holders of high school certificates and above. That being said, the ongoing low productivity of the public sector is due to crowded and unorganized work environment, incompatible educational and labor market requirements, poor education quality, or even the spread of fake degrees.
Household workers
Approximately a quarter of total expatriate workers in Kuwait are household workers, totaling at 613,000 (according to the Central Statistical Bureau) at the end of Q1 2022 (651,000 workers in end of Q1 2021). The figure is divided almost equally between males 306,000 and females 307,000. Indian male workers take the lead with 205,000 workers (215,000 at end of Q1 2021), while Filipinos represent the largest female non-national workers of 140,000 (139,000 workers in end of Q1 2021).
India has the highest share of non-national household workers of both genders constituting 47.5 percent of the total household workers, followed by the Philippines by 23 percent. Four nationalities namely India, Philippines, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka capture 95.2 percent of total household workers out of 10 nationalities. The six other nationalities form the rest, 1.9 percent for the highest and 0.2 percent as the lowest contributions. Three African countries are among the countries exporting household labor, led by Ethiopia at 1.7 percent then Benin and Sudan at 0.3 percent and 0.2 percent respectively.
If we merge the numbers of household workers with other expats categories, according to nationalities, Indians make up 726,000 workers (787,000 workers in the end of Q1 2021) or 29.1 percent of total labor force including Kuwaiti employees and 35.2 percent of total foreign labor force, taking the lead in both cases. The Egyptian labor force follows by a total of 450,000 workers (471,000 workers in the end of Q1 2021), forming 18 percent of total labor force and 21.8 percent of total expat labor force.
The Kuwaiti workforce comes third at 435,000 (411,000 workers in the end of Q1 2021) forming 17.4 percent of the total labor force. That percentage might rise if the numbers include the military. Bangladesh comes fourth with a total of 235,000 workers (246,000 workers in the end of Q1 2021). Making up 9.4 percent of total labor force and 11.4 percent of total expat workers. The Philippines occupies the fifth position in total employment by 204,000 workers (209,000 workers at the end of the year 2020), about 8.2 percent of total labor force and 9.9 percent of total expat work force. – Al-Shall Report/KT
Climate change has affected global food security as rising temperatures, water scarcity, extreme events such as droughts and floods, and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are affecting staple crops around the world. Global maize and wheat production declined in recent years due to extreme weather events and a general increase in water scarcity. Kuwait Times spoke with Jamal Ibrahim, Kuwaiti meteorologist and environmental expert, to explain the reasons for climate change and its effect on food security. “Climate change and hot temperatures have affected the world at all levels,” he said. “As for us in Kuwait, we notice it in the winter that is not cold today as it was 20 years ago, and in the summer with the extremely hot temperature.”
“The main reason for the climate change is the global warming resulting from the environmental destruction that is caused by humans, like using energy sources that are not environmentally friendly and building huge electricity generators which produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and ammonia,” Ibrahim explained. “This creates a layer of radiation that cannot penetrate the atmosphere, leading to trapping the heat of the sun inside the globe’s atmosphere, which leads to the rise in temperatures.”
Ibrahim pointed out that hundreds of years ago, the Earth’s atmosphere was clean because there were no external and harmful influences on it, such as electricity, cars, planes, and electricity generators, which are the main means of human environmental destruction. “Therefore, we in Kuwait must shift towards using more environmentally friendly energy,” he said. “Climate change has led Kuwait’s weather to be hot in the fall and spring, extremely hot in summer, and moderate in the short winter,” he mentioned.
Food security
Regarding the effect of climate change on food security, Ibrahim said, “Climate change and food security are strongly related. Global warming leads to the destruction of crops. For example, some agricultural crops need a certain period and temperature to grow during the winter, and with the rise in temperatures and the shortness of the winter season, many crops have been destroyed.”
“Food security today is not only affected by climate change,” he added. “The increase in global population numbers is also one of the most important causes of food shortages and concerns. The Earth has less than three percent of potable water, and this is also an important factor in global food security.”
“Global warming is a serious issue that is speeding up with the increased emissions of harmful gases, and for that the whole world began to work on the transition towards the production of environmentally friendly energy such as solar, wood and recently the magnetic energy,” he pointed out.
“Despite that, Kuwait is facing a serious challenge in implementing alternative energy resources, while the world is moving towards reducing the production of carbon dioxide by relying on alternatives and more environmentally friendly energy sources,” he went on. “It is hard for Kuwait to apply some alternative energy sources such as diesel energy because it requires large areas of land, in addition to the nature of the atmosphere in Kuwait which is full of dust, which means that the state will need a large budget to clean it on an ongoing basis.”
Ibrahim said that European countries are shifting towards using electric cars that do not lead to harmful emissions to the environment, unlike cars that depend on gasoline “This is one of the reasons that may force Kuwait to find alternative energy sources to use,” he noted. /KT
Kuwait authorities have received an economic report about the issue of expat labor and its effect on public services and the state’s infrastructure. It contained a brief report on what the country spends on expats and what it gets from them. The state must not go ahead with the current situation as it is solely bearing the financial cost. Foreigners do not bear the actual costs of their medical services and medications, residences, and general services even though they form the majority of the population.
Sources said that “recommendations include solutions to population structure; current drawbacks in bringing in foreign workers; increase of marginal labor in specialized workforce; review of the current fees on expats’ residency permits; health assurance and more.”
Officials debated how to regulate subsidized products and services such as fuel, hospital fees, power, general cleanliness, beaches and parks, and so on. The state, for example, spends millions of Kuwaiti dinars on the beaches and parks without charging any fees. This brings back ideas and proposals to impose fees, which will be used for maintenance.
Meanwhile, sources said the Health Ministry is waiting for the completion of health assurance hospitals for expats. Also, there is a proposal to impose additional health insurance fees similar to that of the expats who are over 60 years old and without a university degree. The report asked the government to force employers to provide adequate medical insurance for the expats and urged the state not to bear expats’ medical costs./KT
The European Commission on Thursday has lowered its 2023 gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for both euro area and the EU due to uncertainty created by Russia’s war on Ukraine.
The real GDP is forecast to rise by 1.5% next year in the EU27 and 1.4% in 2023 the euro area, the commission said in its report -- the Summer 2022 Economic Forecast.
It kept the EU growth projection for this year at 2.7% while lowering the euro area's to 2.6%.
The previous real GDP forecast for both the EU and the euro area was 2.7% in 2022 and 2.3% in 2023.
The annual average inflation is projected to peak at historical highs this year, at 7.6% in the euro area and 8.3% in the EU, before easing in 2023 to 4.0% and 4.6%, respectively.
The upward revision was stemmed from war-driven rapid increase in energy and food commodity prices./agencies
The Council of Europe’s Human Rights Commission has called on Spain to ensure that humane border control measures are conducted which do not lead to rights violations after dozens of migrants died last month while trying to scale a border fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla.
In the aftermath of the mass crossing attempt at the land border on June 24, the council’s commissioner of human rights, Dunja Mijatovic, addressed a letter to Spain’s Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska Gomez in which she appealed for an investigation into the deaths of the 37 people -- one of the worst tragedies of its kind. More than 2,000 migrants and refugees from Africa tried to breach the high metal fence at the Melilla enclave.
In the letter, which was made public Wednesday, she noted that the council’s member states must not contribute to human rights violations while implementing measures taken to enforce their migration cooperation with third countries.
Spain and Morocco have an agreement on migration control and the two countries coordinate actions to prevent illegal crossings.
Mijatovic asked Spain to enhance transparency and accountability on border control practices in cases of expulsion by making human rights impact assessments, developing risk mitigation strategies, and ensuring independent monitoring of the rights impact.
Gomez assured the council that the Office of the State Attorney General and the ombudsman were carrying out investigations into the violence at Melilla. He affirmed his country’s commitment to defending the rights and lives of migrants.
Between 2018 and now, Gomez said an estimated 177,091 irregular migrants had entered Spain by sea, the majority of whom were brought to the shore in rescue operations.
He added that all procedures for expulsion, refoulement and denial of entry into Spain are carried out in accordance with the law./agencies