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A former Canadian priest slammed the Catholic Church on Saturday because he said it was “responsible” for the residential school’s treatment of Indigenous people.

"We were complicit with the government in the design, the implementation and the management of these schools," Andre Poilievre, 85, told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. "As a Catholic church, we were responsible. We need a collective, corporate response.”

Poilievre is frustrated with the “church's and society's treatment of Indigenous people,” and he said he threw his white clerical collar in a trash can in 1978 after seeing the residential school’s devastating impact on Indigenous families.

He criticized the Church for not paying residential school survivors the $25 million it promised in the 2005 Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement.

"It's scandalous, really shameful," he said. "It was a loophole. It might be legal, but it's not ethical.”

Poilievre said the Church spent more than $290 million in constructing cathedrals and churches across Canada since that time.

“It's pitiful. I think money should be spent on people first, and buildings and cathedrals last," he said.

A total of 215 graves were found in May by the Tk'emlups te Secwepemc First Nation at the site of a former school in Kamloops, British Columbia.

In mid-June, 751 unmarked graves were discovered at the former Marieval residential school by the Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan.

Additionally, 182 shallow unmarked graves were discovered at the former St. Eugene's Mission Residential School near Cranbrook, British Columbia.

About 150,000 Indigenous children were taken from their parents and forced to attend residential schools across Canada, beginning in the 1890s. The last school closed in 1996.

In many cases, the children endured beatings and sexual abuse as they were taught white culture. It is estimated that at least 4,000 died./aa

Twelve people were killed and 20 sustained injuries after a minibus carrying illegal migrants crashed Sunday in the Muradiye district of Van province.

Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), firefighters, gendarmerie and medical teams were sent to the scene after reports of the crush.

The minibus caught fire and the flames were extinguished by firefighters. The injured were transferred to nearby hospitals.

Muradiye District Governor and Deputy Mayor Erkan Savar, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Brig. Gen. Yuksel Yigit and District Gendarmerie Commander Lieut. Col. Evren Kaptan were at the scene receiving information from officials./aa

The coffins of 19 victims killed in a genocide in Srebrenica were moved to the Potocari Memorial Cemetery, where they will be buried Sunday.

The victims, who will be buried on the 26th anniversary of the genocide in 1995, in which at least 8,372 Bosniak civilians were brutally killed by Serbian forces, were brought to the cemetery on shoulders from the old battery factory used as a base by UN soldiers during the war

Azmir Osmanovic, who was only 16 when he was killed, is the youngest victim to be buried this year. Husein Kurbasic, the oldest, was 63.

Other victims to be buried include Vejsil Hamzabegovic, Muhidin Mehmedovic, Ramiz Selimovic, Esnaf Halilovic, Muamer Mujic, Mehmed Beganovic, Hajro Aljic, Jusuf Aljic, Zajim Hasanovic, Asim Nukic, Nezir Dautovic, Ibrahim Avdagic, Jusuf Halilovic, Salih Dzananovic, Meho Karahodzic, Fikret Kiveric and Zilha Delic.

After the funerals, the number of burials at the cemetery will rise to 6,671.

A three-day peace march organized annually on the forest path that was used by civilians fleeing the genocide that started in Srebrenica in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina on July 11, 1995, trying to reach Tuzla, ended with the participants reaching the Potocari Memorial Cemetery.

Participants of the march, which was held for the seventeenth time this year, prayed for victims at the cemetery.

Srebrenica genocide

More than 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed when Bosnian Serb forces attacked Srebrenica in July 1995, despite the presence of Dutch peacekeeping troops.

Serb forces were trying to wrest territory from Bosnian Muslims and Croats to form a state.

The UN Security Council declared Srebrenica a “safe area” in the spring of 1993. But troops led by Gen. Mladic overran the UN zone. Mladic was later found guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide,

Dutch troops failed to act as Serb forces occupied the area, killing 2,000 men and boys on July 11, 1995 alone.

About 15,000 residents of Srebrenica fled to the surrounding mountains but Serb troops hunted down and killed 6,000 more people.

Bodies of victims have been found in 570 different areas across the country.

In 2007, the International Court of Justice at The Hague ruled that genocide had been committed in Srebrenica.

On June 8, UN tribunal judges upheld in a second-instance trial, a verdict sentencing Mladic to life in prison for the genocide, persecution, crimes against humanity, extermination, and other war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina./agencies

The Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) unveiled new documents on Saturday, proving the Assad regime’s involvement in war crimes against civilians in a hospital in the city of Homs.

Speaking at a news conference in Istanbul, Nasr al-Hariri, the president of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, shared documents that prove the regime’s involvement in the mass murder of 5,210 people in Abdul Qader Al-Shaqfa Hospital in the al-Waer district of the central Homs city.

He noted that the person who leaked the documents from the hospital currently lives in the liberated areas and that the documents are official and were issued by the Assad regime as they carry stamps of the forensic medicine, hospital administration, and regime’s security services.

Al-Hariri stressed that the SOC will work with the UN, EU, US, UK, UN’s Human Rights Council, and other international organizations to establish effective mechanisms for holding the Assad regime accountable for these crimes.

In its 10th report, released in 2013, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic said the Assad regime used Abdul Qader Al-Shaqfa Hospital as a military base to suppress protests.

Syria has been ravaged by a civil war since early 2011, when the Bashar al-Assad regime cracked down on pro-democracy protesters with unexpected ferocity./aa

KUWAIT CITY: The Ministry of Education has developed proposals for the safe resumption of school from the beginning of the year 2021/2022, reports Al-Rai daily. According to an educational source, the ministry’s first master plan “Plan A” focuses on the resumption of schools at full capacity and with all students, teachers, and educational and administrative staff members. It was not implemented due to the health situation and was rejected by the health authorities for some reason.

The ministry’s “Plan B” focuses on dividing the school hours by applying a blended home-and-school education system. As per this plan, the classes will be divided into two – learning in school and e-learning. This will be carried out in a manner to ensure the number of students does not exceed 12 in each class. The source explained that the ministry’s Public Education Sector is working on implementing Plan A from the beginning of the new academic year. It has embarked on preparations with the distribution of tasks to the technical teams and assigned sectors and departments concerned with following up on all requests related to school preparation.

There are no problems in this aspect, especially since most service contracts are valid. Everything depends on the developments in the health situation, the picture of which will crystallize more accurately and clearly in mid-August or early September at the latest. Many foreign schools are demanding a full resumption of their schools at the beginning of the next academic year, as they have been equipped to receive their students, and educational and administrative teams in accordance with the health requirements.

The proposal for the resumption of Arab schools focuses on dividing the shifts into two with a student density of more than 28 students per class. The same applies to the Indian, Pakistani, Filipino and Iranian schools with the number of students in each class exceeding the aforementioned number, as the number of students in each classroom in some of these schools exceeds 40. The source highlighted the crisis of shortage of teachers in private schools, and its impact on the launch of formal education. He revealed that about 700 teachers are stuck in India but will return soon in batches from early August. The source stressed at the same time that all proposals, plans and scenarios circulating in the ministry are subject to the approval of the Ministry of Health and the Council of Ministers depending on the situation prevailing at the time./agencies

KUWAIT CITY, July 8: In the list of the safest countries issued recently by the Global Finance magazine, Kuwait was ranked fourth among the Arab countries after the UAE, Qatar and Bahrain, and 18th globally. The Global Finance index reflects the degree of safety in the listed countries based on three main factors — war and peace, personal security, and natural disaster risks, including the unique risk factors caused by the COVID- 19 pandemic. Global Finance also takes into account factors such as crime and terrorism to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the safest countries in the world.

It took into account the COVID-19 factor,and the death rate relative to the population and other factors such as the vaccination rate as a compensatory or positive factor. The index showed the death rate per capita is a direct measure of the extent by which a particular country responds well or poorly to the spread of COVID- 19, which in turn depends on the country’s healthcare infrastructure, government capabilities, political leadership and its culture in the face of an unexpected major crisis. On the other hand, Iceland, through the implementation of measures that prevent disease outbreaks, topped the list as the safest country, followed by the UAE, Qatar, Singapore and Finland./agencies

Results of a PCR or an antigen test will be obligatory at entrances to indoor spaces of restaurants and cafes as part of new regulations adopted by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) for the coronavirus, officials said Friday. 

A statement by the Health Ministry said a series of new criteria was set by the TRNC and countries will be divided by color in line with a coronavirus status.

Foreigners will be denied entry if they visited any country designated in the red category. Turkish Cypriots will be exempted.

Those coming from red countries, regardless of vaccination status, will be granted permission to enter on condition they can demonstrate a negative CPR test in the previous 72 hours from travel and accept a stay under quarantine for 10 days.

As for those who are vaccinated and recovered, and coming from orange-colored countries, they will be eligible for entry without quarantine if they have a negative test.

Foreigners from orange-colored countries who are not vaccinated will be asked to show a negative test result and will be put under a 10-day quarantine.

No restrictions will be imposed on travelers from green-colored countries if they have been vaccinated or recovered. Those without vaccination must show a negative result.

Those from grey-colored countries, whether vaccinated or not, will be required to show a similar result and remain under quarantine for two weeks.

In line with the criteria, those required to stay under quarantine will have to share their address in the TRNC, download the "Stay Safe Application" and stay in quarantine for seven to 14 days with a wristband.

In the TRNC, those who had contact with a COVID-19 patient are required to stay under quarantine for 10 days.

While restaurants and taverns will continue to operate at one-third capacity, customers at indoor areas, if they have been vaccinated, will have to show results PCR or antigen tests administered in the past seven days. The period for customers without vaccination will be the last 72 hours./aa

India registered more than 1,200 coronavirus deaths in the last 24 hours, according to official figures on Saturday. 

With a total of 1,206 news deaths, virus-related fatalities have reached 407,145, according to the Health Ministry.

The country has registered less than 1,000 daily deaths in the past few days.

A statement by the ministry said 42,766 new cases were registered during the last 24 hours.

"India's active caseload currently stands at 455,033. Active cases constitute 1.4 8% of total cases," it said.

The total infection mark stands at 30.7 million as of Saturday morning.

The country is witnessing an overall decline in cases and deaths after a record surge in May.

Health officials, however, expressed concern on Friday about reports that a large number of tourists thronging to hill stations in northern India are not following COVID-19 appropriate behavior.

"Is it not an open invitation for [COVID-19] virus to infect us?," Lav Agarwal, a senior Health Ministry official said during a news conference Friday.

He was referring to video footage from northern Uttarakhand state, where a group of tourists was seen at a waterfall without masks.

Health Ministry figures show more than 370 million vaccine doses have been administered in an ongoing vaccination drive./aa

Successful efforts by Turkish security forces to reunite a mother from Van province and her daughter who was abducted by the PKK terror group gave hope to other families waiting for their children's return.

Atiye Dayan was protesting outside the office of opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), which the government accuses of having links to the PKK.

The surrender of her daughter, S.D., 17, who was abducted in 2009, delighted not only her mother but the families of other children.

Although she received is not reunited with her daughter, Dayan continues to protest outside the HDP building every Thursday to support other families.  

'Mothers will win'

Dayan told Anadolu Agency that she is "the biggest of proof" that "mothers will win," and the number of families protesting increases in all provinces day by day, including Van.

The protests in Van started with seven families and currently stands at 32, she said.

"Our protest will continue until we take all of our children and we will not give up on our decision," said Dayan.

"Mothers will win, I am the biggest proof of this. I have been reunited with my daughter, whom I have not heard from for years, and who has been held captive in dungeons for years," she said, expressing how grateful she is for her daughter’s return.

"The children of other families are like my children," she said. "The pain is one."

Dayan called on families going through the same situation to join the protest and urged children who have been abducted or forcibly recruited by the PKK to surrender.

"The PKK is over and is looking for a cure. Don't let it use you," she said. 

'We want our children from HDP, PKK'

Vehbi Tan, who joined the protest for his abducted brother, Ergin, and said his family has not heard from him for seven years.

He said mothers reuniting with their children raise the morale of protesters.

"A mother who has reunited with her daughter continues to protest with us. This is great support for us," he said.

"We will continue to protest even if we reunite with our children," said Tan. "We want our children from HDP and PKK."

Gulbahar Teker from Mus province said she was happy as if it was like she was reunited with her son during the reunion.

"These developments increase our hope," she said and demanded her son’s return.

Families in the Diyarbakir province have protested outside the HDP building since Sept. 3, 2019, encouraging their children to give up their weapons and surrender to authorities./aa

The Dutch government announced Friday that coronavirus measures were again tightened to curb a surge. 

At a news conference along with Health Minister Hugo de Jonge, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said new restrictions will be implemented at 6 a.m. Saturday.

The measures will remain in effect until Aug. 13.

Cafes and restaurants will be closed from midnight to 6 a.m. and businesses will be able to receive customers according to social distancing measures.

Discos and bars will not be allowed to open and live performances, including concerts, will not be allowed.

Events lasting more than one day will be reduced to 24 hours.

The period of negative test results will be reduced from 40 hours to 24 hours.

Businesses operating in the service sector will accept customers, according to the distance rule.

Rutte said the number of daily cases has risen much faster than anticipated. "Even if we don't want it, it is necessary," he said.

The prime minister said officials are worried other countries will add the Netherlands to a red list of countries with travel restrictions.

De Jonge said if the increase continues, the health sector may face difficulties, especially in big cities. 

While measures were largely lifted June 26, the use of masks was compulsory on public transport and high schools.

The country’s opposition contends that the government relaxed restrictions too quickly in June.  

Coronavirus cases surge

A total of 6,986 people were diagnosed with the virus in the last 24 hours, according to figures by the Netherland’s National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

The figure is the highest seen since May 8, while the number has tripled compared to the previous week.

Daily cases have been below 1,000 since mid-June but that number reached 3,000 last week and approached 7,000 on Friday.

The mutated and more contagious Delta variant of the virus is thought to account for at least one-third of new cases in the Netherlands./aa