Turkish security forces defused a bomb planted in a truck in Syria’s northern Jerablus region, bordering Türkiye, the Turkish Interior…
US House passed a bipartisan gun control bill on Friday, sending it to President Joe Biden's desk. The bill cleared…
Swedish authorities ended their probe into social media posts showing photos of the YPG/PKK terrorist group's so-called flag and its…
Speaking at a meeting in Malatya province, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said that Turkey will not make concessions when…
Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) eliminated a senior PKK terrorist in an operation in the Sulaymaniyah district in northern Iraq,…
The US Supreme Court struck down a New York state law Thursday that limits the carrying of concealed weapons. It…
The NATO chief on Thursday reiterated the alliance’s support for Türkiye on its “legitimate security concerns” over Finland and Sweden’s…
As Türkiye's ongoing anti-terror operations in northern Iraq progress, the PKK terrorist organization is using local civilians as human "shields."…
Turkey must be convinced that no Swedish weapons will end up in the hands of terrorists, Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin…
The YPG/PKK terror group is using a sophisticated network of tunnels in the Tal Rifat district in northern Syria to…
Security forces arrested 44 suspects and were searching for 20 others in separate operations against the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ)…
A group of supporters of the YPG/PKK terror group held a demonstration at Gotaplatsen square in Gothenburg, calling on Sweden…