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Relying on Allah in Times of Crisis

By Dr. Muhammad As-Saba July 28, 2024 508


One of the most important and prominent traits of a believer is their trust in their Lord, the Almighty, in all circumstances. This trait becomes particularly evident during times of hardship and distress, as the believer turns to their Master to alleviate their troubles and ease their affairs.

While the term “thiqah (trust)” does not explicitly appear in the Qur'an, it is conveyed through other terms such as reliance on Allah, certainty in Allah, and the presence of Allah. These concepts are illustrated in numerous instances involving the prophets and righteous servants, who serve as examples for believers to follow: “Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so from their guidance take an example.” (Al-An'am: 90)

Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) trusted and relied on his Lord, as mentioned by Allah: “And [of] Abraham, who fulfilled [his obligations].” (An-Najm: 37) Allah was with him in the peak of his trials: “Allah said, 'O fire, be coolness and safety upon Abraham.'” (Al-Anbiya: 69) Similarly, Prophet Noah relied on Allah: “Then I have relied upon Allah. So resolve upon your plan and [call upon] your associates. Then let not your plan be obscure to you. Then carry it out upon me and do not give me respite.” (Yunus: 71) He had immense certainty in his Lord's promise and warning: “And you are going to know who will get a punishment that will disgrace him [on earth] and upon whom will descend an enduring punishment [in the Hereafter].” (Hud: 39) Ultimately, the outcome was: “'O earth, swallow your water, and O sky, withhold [your rain].' And the water subsided, and the matter was accomplished, and the ship came to rest on the [mountain of] Judiyy. And it was said, 'Away with the wrongdoing people.'” (Hud: 44)

This is also true for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), of whom Allah said to his people and companions: “If you do not aid him, Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved had driven him out [of Makkah] as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, 'Do not grieve; indeed, Allah is with us.' And Allah sent down his tranquility upon him and supported him with soldiers [angels] you did not see and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the word of Allah - that is the highest. And Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.” (At-Tawbah: 40)

Reliance on Allah, His presence, trust in His promise and warning, and His wisdom and decree cannot be wrapped in mere words or articles. However, it is essential to highlight this significant matter, especially in these challenging times, so that those who have not yet realized may understand that Allah is the most truthful in speech, the most wise in judgment, and the swiftest in planning.

Do you not realize that He can make salvation come from the most unlikely places? “And We inspired to the mother of Moses, 'Suckle him; but when you fear for him, cast him into the river and do not fear and do not grieve. Indeed, We will return him to you and will make him [one] of the messengers.'” (Al-Qasas: 7) Do you not see the profound wisdom and decree of Allah, as He allowed Moses to grow up in Pharaoh's house without knowing the consequences: “And the family of Pharaoh picked him up [out of the river] so that he would become to them an enemy and a [cause of] grief.” (Al-Qasas: 8)

Indeed, Allah may deceive His enemies into actions they believe benefit and strengthen them while they actually lead them to their demise. They may think their actions make them more powerful and capable, but in reality, they lead to their downfall and destruction. Reflect on what Allah said to His Prophet (peace be upon him) about the hypocrites and those aligned with them, threatening them with retribution from places they might not perceive: “If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease and those who spread rumors in al-Madinah do not cease, We will surely incite you against them; then they will not remain your neighbors therein except for a little.” (Al-Ahzab: 60)

This is what led Abu Jahl in Badr to say, despite the caravan being safe: “By God, we will not return until we go to Badr, spend three days there, slaughter camels, feed people, drink wine, and have songstresses entertain us. The Arabs will hear about us and will continue to fear us forever.” They arrived at Badr and drank the cups of death instead, and mourners lamented over them instead of songstresses. Allah said about them, warning the believers: “And do not be like those who came forth from their homes insolently and to be seen by people and avert [them] from the way of Allah. And Allah is encompassing of what they do.” (Al-Anfal: 47)

This deception is also what led Pharaoh to pursue Moses and his followers with all his might and arrogance, resulting in his destruction and the everlasting lesson of his death and that of his troops.

Praise be to Allah, who has provided believers with good examples and leaders who guide them to Jannah: “And We made them leaders guiding by Our command.” (Al-Anbiya: 73) He has also made for His enemies examples of wickedness and leaders who call to Hell Fire: “And We made them leaders inviting to the Fire.” (Al-Qasas: 41)

Based on all what’s mentioned, trust in Allah, His promise, His warning, His wisdom, and His decree in times of ease and hardship. Do not feel secure from the plan of Allah, and be more believing in Him and what He has. Trust that: “But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.” (Al-Baqarah: 216) The final outcome is for Allah and His believing servants, as He has decreed: “Allah has written, 'I will surely overcome, I and My messengers.' Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (Al-Mujadilah: 21)



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Last modified on Sunday, 28 July 2024 16:46

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