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Islamic Renaissance on the Tracks of Unity

Nations are competing for the ability to unite and form alliances to secure a distinguished position in a world full of dangers and challenges. A prominent example in our contemporary era is the European Union, with one of its outcomes being the “Eurail” pass—a train travel pass for visiting 28 European countries.

Shouldn't Islamic countries think about competing with the European Union and other alliances worldwide to establish a project of unity that achieves strength and empowerment? Especially considering that they have many elements of unity: a shared religion, one messenger, one holy book, and one direction of prayer?!

Only when unity is achieved among Islamic countries do the results of success become magnified and the outlines of failure and loss fade away; unity is strength.

Islamic unity is a divine command, described as a necessary characteristic for this Ummah by Allah the Almighty: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.” (Aal-Imran: 103) and “Indeed this, your religion, is one religion.” (Al-Anbiya: 92).

The Prophet's Sunnah emphasized the concept of Muslim unity, both in words and deeds. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, “The blood of every Muslim is equal; they are one hand against others. The asylum offered by the lowest of them in status applies to them all, and the return is granted to the farthest of them.” The Prophet practically achieved this unity through the bond between the Muhajireen (migrants) and the Ansar (supporters) in Medina.

These Ayahs from the Quran and Hadiths necessitate Muslims' efforts towards unity and integration, urging them to reject historical animosities and racial divisions. When Muslims historically adhered to this principle, the strength of the Islamic state was achieved. For 500 years, the Islamic state led the world independently, and subsequently, it shared global leadership with other nations for another 500 years. Indeed, it marks 1000 years of Islamic state leadership and pioneering.

This is translation of Arabic poetry on Islamic glory

As the Arab poet said:

Our Islam is a garden of love,

In its shadow, POWs are not insulted.

The tablets of our glories, existence is proud of them,

The hands of time, the artist, have embroidered them.

This religious duty, often neglected, has a profound impact on the conditions of Muslims, influencing their progress or decline. The advancement and strength of the Ummah depend on its commitment to this essential duty of unity, particularly unifying the Islamic Ummah intellectually, legislatively, and politically.

At that moment, the fate of critical issues for the Muslim Ummah, notably Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque cause, will be radically transformed. We will witness the strength of unity and the dignity of the stance.

Muslims will then return to focusing on achieving common interests, rising above racial and class divisions and other trivial matters that cause division rather than unity.

What a magnificent vision it would be to witness the unity of Islamic nations! A visitor could purchase a single ticket and travel through Islamic countries from Jakarta to Nouakchott, experiencing diverse cultures and languages. Yet, they would be bound by one religion, oriented towards one Qibla.

Achieving this vision is not difficult for Muslims, and restoring the glory of Islam to the forefront among nations is very possible. However, significant efforts are required, and the challenges and difficulties are substantial.

The key to success is committing to this great religion. Whenever Muslims return to their faith, the reasons for unity, dignity, and empowerment become available to them. In return, drifting away from it exposes them to various evils and afflictions, as affirmed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “If you sell anything on credit to anyone, on the condition that you will buy it back for a lower price (al-'Einah), take hold of the tails of cattle, become pleased with agriculture, and give up Jihad, Allah will make disgrace prevail over you and will not remove it from you till you return to your religion.”

The Arab poet also said what is translated as:

Sure, the religion of Allah is the truth,

By it, homelands are saved.

Souls live by it,

Darkness is dispelled.

By it, lands should be governed,

Fortresses are disciplined.

By it homelands are restored,

After occupation and loss.

Muslims have the right to dream of Islamic unity, where travelers move among Muslim countries with a single ticket, turning today's dreams into tomorrow's realities.

May Allah unite the words of the Muslims, unify their hearts, and guide them back to His religion!



Read the Article in Arabic


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 March 2024 09:56

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