A Year Post Al-Aqsa Flood... Organizations and Associations should Reevaluate their Vision

By Hisham Tawfik September 23, 2024 418



Within the battle of "Al-Aqsa Flood", which war experts consider the beginning of a battle with the Zionist and Western Crusader project, one needs a comprehensive reading that rejects the frivolous or scattered readings that are fed by the thinking of normalizers and the Zionist narrative

In addition to the comprehensive reading of events, institutions, associations, and organizations working to support the Palestinian people and Gaza especially need a future outlook on events, to think about how to set their annual program according to the future of the battle, will it be prolonged, or will it stop? Will the marches and protests continue, or will they stop, or will their number be reduced? Will social, associative, medical, and material support increase, or will the support program be reduced according to the future of the battle, which some think is leaning towards a deal that will stop the war?

I think this is the question of most institutions and associations working in the field of supporting and defending Gaza politically, in the field, through associations, materially or medically, asking: How do we set a program for the stage according to the transformations in Gaza, knowing that the course of events changes every day, week or month? The work team in that association or supporting institution may stumble due to the absence of a successful vision of reality to outline a program according to a clear, directed vision.

The function of associations and institutions in this stage

After 10 months, we have observed a huge work by institutions, social and collective associations that worked to defend and support Gaza despite the signs of the siege by the normalizing Arab regimes. We have witnessed bodies, associations and institutions that mobilized people in the street with awareness, creativity, exposing normalization and supporting Gaza, and we have witnessed other associations and institutions working in the field of relief and medicine to save the lives of the residents of Gaza, but we do not want this vitality to decline due to a wrong reading of the situation that refers to:

- That the deal is close and there is optimism.

- That the genocide no longer reaches that intensity in killing and the number is in the dozens.

- The people, associations and volunteers are tired, and their frameworks are exhausted due to their continuous support or due to apathy and boredom from the long days without results.

These are wrong ideas. We must correct our vision toward victory with a successful, organized, directed vision that draws from reality.

How should associations prepare for the coming year?

Associations and institutions working should not be drawn into incomplete readings in analyzing the reality of Gaza, as the matter tends towards an open battle that may last longer or a deal that is delayed more than required, which prompts us as institutions and associations working to support Gaza to write our program according to the horizon of an open battle, meaning another stage of supporting the residents of Gaza from all political, medical, material, economic, financial and social levels.

Ideas on the path

- Renewing awareness:

What is required is to make the people aware of the existence of another ongoing battle with the occupation, which is within the peoples, with normalization and the Zionists who have infiltrated society and the state to destroy the country and the people, and making the people aware of this will push them to another spirit of support and taking to the streets and protesting, even after 10 months of movement and support.

- Diversification and creativity in support:

Associations and institutions working to support Gaza from the field and political sphere should not stop their marches, stands and advocacy work, as Gaza has not reached a deal, the war has not stopped, and the people of Gaza need support.

I tend to diversify in fieldwork between the street and creativity so that souls do not get tired of marches and stands, as creativity and diversification in field support achieve great results. For example, the Moroccans have reached more than 5,000 stands and marches, and yet they have begun to be creative in support through, for example, theatrical artistic panels, student initiatives to raise awareness in the street, expressive meme panels, the mosque stands, supportive gatherings, and group movements for doctors, students, and education teachers.  

The desired goal of this diversification is to continue the movement and support in the street and the political arena without any harmful decline, but rather a diversification in support and balanced work characterized by quality and deliberation.

As for the associations and institutions working in the field of material, medical, and social support in general, they must adjust their program according to the future of the battle that has not stopped yet and in which the people of Gaza need more support from various fields.

The great challenge

Thinking about continuing and steadfastness in the field with a project and a program is the great challenge for institutions, bodies, associations and living forces in this period, as the enemy in Gaza and among the Arab and Islamic peoples and in our region continues its destructive infiltration project despite its defeats in Gaza with the ambushes of the tunnel men and at the level of its global siege and the deterioration of its Zionist narrative. Our institutions and associations should work on the long-term, preparation, support, and support for Gaza and the resistance according to a gradual program, knowing that confronting the resistance and the peoples is the victorious one so far.

What is required is joy, happiness and motivation for what these associations and institutions have been providing since October 7. As for the decline or weakness in field, political, social, and collective work, it is not appropriate for those who are on the front lines of victory and progress. Sadness, despair or decline is closely related to the enemy, not the supportive and victorious friend.

The Successful Institution and Association

The successful institution and association is the one that understands the reality and the field in Gaza, the one that is motivated to work when it sees with a comprehensive vision the superiority of the resistance in Gaza due to the efforts of the tunnel men, who are also motivated by the continued support of those who support them in the street politically or with social, material, legal, medical, scientific, academic or economic aid.

The successful institution and association is the one that understands and knows with realistic knowledge that the resistance is advancing, that the people are also advancing in our confrontation with normalization, and that it has achieved great gains at the level of the street and field support and the decline of normalization and its projects and the collapse of the Zionist normalization narrative in our peoples after we used to witness a normalization agreement every month or week, but there is a huge work from associations and institutions that have collected social aid, or sent their medical or association cadres to serve the residents of Gaza and all from the people to the people of Gaza.

What is still required of these parties is to build on their achievements and work without falling behind in the field or enthusiastic movement for months, then stop work due to the absence of a working vision or due to a severed vision.

What is required is to invest the peoples' gift, strength, energies, and motivation to support and transfer this strength from a period of enthusiastic work to continuous willful work according to a work program that lasts even after a deal is reached and the battle stops, especially since the next stage will be more difficult than it was on October 7, and Zionist extremism will not allow the defeat of the "flood" and may return with great malice, so associations, institutions and bodies must prepare and build their work on the vision of the stage and beyond to provide an answer to the question: What is to be done?

From enthusiasm to will

The great challenge for institutions, bodies, associations, and living forces is a project plan that builds an investment on what was of goodness and blessings in the street and the political, social, associative, medical and material fields. The great challenge is a plan that transfers the masses from emotional work to continuous voluntary work without interruption. Some energies have appeared and been created. There are masters of money, art, science, theater, sports, singing, social communication, technology, crafts and invention.

These energies must be employed through programs and projects to keep this will awake and present, so that it turns into an eternal will, not a lukewarm enthusiasm that is extinguished with the slackening of the field and the length of the battle. The science of will is a prophetic upbringing stemming from the school of revelation and the Qur’an, which taught the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, the creation of patience and steadfastness in the matter with will. God Almighty says: “Keep yourself content with those who call upon their Lord, morning and evening, seeking His pleasure, and do not let your eyes pass beyond them. Do you seek the pomp and glitter of the world? Do not follow him whose heart We have caused to be heedless of Our remembrance, and who follows his desires, and whose attitude is of excess.” (Al-Kahf: 28).

The Required Education

The greatest education is when peoples link their will to support Gaza with the will for the sake of God. The goal of learning is to distance people from the negligence that the destructive Zionist normalizer exploits, turning people’s energy into despair because of his claims and lies. The goal of will is to create a strong generation like the generation of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, combining faith, knowledge, and field action, without an Arab mentality that wants the position of Islam and esotericism, withdrawal, and isolation in religion and worship without a position of faith that motivates work, support, and action. God Almighty said: “The Bedouins say: “We believe.” (O Prophet), say to them: “You do not believe; you should rather say: ‘We have submitted'”; for belief has not yet entered your hearts. If you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not diminish anything from the reward of any of your deeds. Surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.” (Al-Hujurat: 14)