Military Expert Reveals Joint Western Operations Room Supporting Israel Featured

By Gamal Khattab December 06, 2023 4126


The military expert Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi has revealed some secret information about a joint operations room that is helping Israel in its aggression against the Gaza Strip. 

What is the Joint Operations Room?

According to Major General Al-Duwairi, this joint operations room is made up of five Western countries: the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Italy. Representatives from their intelligence services have been sent to Israel to support them in their fight against Gaza. These representatives are located in two places: the General Command in Tel Aviv and a spy base in the Gaza envelope area.

Why is it Important?

The main mission of this joint operations room is to help Israel cover up its intelligence failures. You see, sometimes intelligence systems can have weak points or gaps in their information. By working together, these Western countries can combine their strengths and close those weak points, making Israel's intelligence system stronger.

Reconnaissance Flights and Drones

Now, let's talk about some cool stuff! The British government has announced that they will be conducting reconnaissance flights over the Gaza Strip. These flights will help them search for and locate hostages (prisoners). They will be using special aircraft called Shadow R1, which have tools to defend themselves and collect intelligence information. These aircraft can even download and remove information during their missions using satellite communications links.

On the other hand, the military wing of Hamas, called the Al-Qassam Brigades, uses what they call "passive defense." This means they don't rely on technology like the Western countries do. They have their own ways of defending themselves.

There is also an American mission called "MQ9" that has both reconnaissance and combat roles. They have a history of tracking and hunting down important leaders, like Anwar Al-Awlaki from Al-Qaeda and Qassem Soleimani from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Gaza Tunnels

One important thing to note is that the "Gaza tunnels" are a big reason why there are so many Israeli and Western reconnaissance aircraft flying around. Some of the equipment and radars that arrived in Tel Aviv are specifically designed to detect these tunnels. The British even conducted experiments in Wales to help Israel deal with and detect these tunnels.

 A joint Western operations room is secretly supporting Israel in its war against the Gaza Strip. They are working together to strengthen Israel's intelligence system and help them in their aggression. 

Source: Al Jazeera