How Israeli Armored "Tiger" Vehicle Turned into Coffin Featured

By Gamal Khattab November 05, 2023 2970


Strategic Issues


  Shocking News

  According to reports, seven Israeli soldiers were killed when a Palestinian resistance fighter fired a Russian-made missile at their "Tiger" armored personnel carrier. This news surprised many in Israel because the Tiger was believed to be a highly advanced and safe vehicle for urban warfare.

What Happened to the Tiger?

Israeli journalist Udi Etzion tried to understand what went wrong with the Tiger in Gaza. He mentioned that the Tiger was supposed to be an advanced combat vehicle that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) had been waiting for. So why did it fail to protect the soldiers?

Beginning of the Story

It all started on a difficult day for the Israeli army back in 2004. While searching for the remains of their fallen soldiers, the army was targeted by the Palestinian resistance. They managed to hit an armored personnel carrier called the QM-113, killing five Israeli soldiers. This incident raised questions about the effectiveness of the Israeli presence in Gaza and the need for a better troop carrier.

The Handicaps

Years later, the Israeli Ministry of Defense began a project to manufacture a fortified personnel carrier. They decided to base it on the Merkava Simon-4 model, which became known as the Tiger. The Tiger was designed to provide better protection for soldiers, with equipment similar to that of Chariot tanks. It was supposed to be resistant to anti-tank missiles and equipped with an active defense system. However, the high cost of each vehicle, around $3 million, led to criticism and slowed down the manufacturing process.

The Final Decision

After suffering heavy losses in the 2014 war against Gaza, the Israeli army decided to speed up the equipping of the Tiger armored personnel carriers. They now have hundreds of Tigers in their fleet, with advanced versions being produced. Despite all the improvements, the recent incident in Gaza showed that the Palestinian resistance was still able to penetrate the Tiger and cause casualties.

Source: Israeli press