The Outstanding Trainer (8) Qualifications for a Successful Course: Prior Preparation

By Dr. Musa Mansour Al-Mazeedi February 01, 2025 132

One of the key qualifications for a successful trainer in any training course is thorough and well-planned preparation. In one of my courses, I asked this question: "Has anyone here ever been to the North or South Pole?" Certainly, it's an unusual question!

However, one participant responded that they had traveled to a location near the Antarctic. I then asked, "What did you see there?"

Undoubtedly, there are many fascinating phenomena, but the most remarkable of them is the iceberg phenomenon. It is a stunning and breathtaking sight!

If any of you ever get the chance to visit the North or South Pole, don’t miss the opportunity to witness an iceberg. You will see that only a small portion of it is visible above the water, while the majority remains hidden beneath the surface.

Do any of you know what percentage of the iceberg is visible above water compared to its total size? Scientists have estimated that it is only 10%. In other words, the visible portion is merely one-tenth of the entire iceberg.

An Outstanding Trainer Must Prepare Well Before Delivering a Course and Stay Updated on the Latest Developments in the Subject

But what does this have to do with the preparation phase for a training course?

An outstanding trainer understands that what participants see during the course represents only 10% of the effort invested in preparation, while 90% of the work happens behind the scenes—at home or in the trainer’s office.

When assigned to prepare for a training course, a trainer follows these steps:

Step 1: Understanding the General Objective of the Course

It is essential for a trainer to recognize that understanding the general objective of the course serves as a compass guiding it in the right direction. The trainer should start by ensuring that all participants clearly understand this objective.

A great way to introduce this concept is through symbolic exercises, such as the "Compass Exercise." In this activity:

1. The trainer asks participants to use a compass to find true north and announces it to them.

2. Then, the trainer instructs them to:

  • Raise their index finger toward the sky.
  • Close their eyes.
  • Point their finger toward the geographical south.
  • Open their eyes and check how many pointed in the right direction.

The trainer then explains:

"We are all moving toward achieving the general goal of this course. Just as knowing north helps us determine south, understanding our objective ensures we all move in the right direction. I don’t want to see anyone pointing in a different direction!"

This exercise reinforces that an outstanding trainer ensures participants grasp the importance of the general course objective.

And Clarifies to Trainees the General and Detailed Objectives of the Training Course at the Beginning of the Presentation

Step 2: Defining the Detailed Objectives of the Course

Just like the general objective, a trainer should clearly outline the detailed objectives of the course for participants.

The main benefit of this is that it helps participants understand the timeline and structure of the course, as well as the importance of each objective. However, the trainer does not have to cover every single objective.

For instance, in a training course I conducted at Kuwait University on "The Art of Decision-Making and Problem-Solving", there was one remaining objective at the end—"Different Models for Problem-Solving"—which I chose not to cover. This was because I was confident that participants had already gained sufficient knowledge throughout the course.

From over 37 years of experience in training, I’ve learned that:

  • Participants rarely object if a minor objective is not covered.
  • Their satisfaction is determined by the energy, engagement, and interactive elements of the course, rather than simply completing every topic.

Thus, an outstanding trainer must focus on keeping the course lively and engaging through high energy and enthusiasm, humor and entertainment, encouraging competition and challenges, and helping participants develop practical skills.

Step 3: Staying Updated on the Latest Developments

An outstanding trainer must stay informed about the latest updates in their field. This can be done by:

- Reading New Books – Visiting online libraries and purchasing one or two recent books on the course topic.

- Using Global Search Engines – Searching for and reading the latest articles and research related to the subject.

- Enrolling in Online Courses – Attending short, paid online courses to gain fresh insights and asking experts questions.

- Consulting Industry Experts – Spending at least 30 minutes discussing recent developments with a specialist.

- Using Personal Experiences – Sharing real-life scenarios that the trainer has encountered.

For example, in a training session for the Scientific Center (Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences) titled "Building a Successful Team", I incorporated a popular American management model called "The Bulletproof Manager", and showcased insights from global trainer Patricia Fripp on team-building.

And Ensures His Vitality, Energy, and Incorporates Fun, Entertainment, Competition, and Challenge into the Course

Step 4: Designing Effective Training Slides

Creating high-quality slides is an art, and here are the golden rules for designing them:

- Slide Title – The first slide should feature the course title in a large font (size 66–72).

- Trainer’s Information – Below the title, include the trainer's name, organization, and course date (size 40).

- One Clear Title per Slide – The title should be size 40–60 for clarity.

- One Image per Slide – Choose a single relevant image for each slide.

- Minimal Text – Avoid overcrowding slides with text. Stick to these guidelines:

  • Max 36 words per slide (recommended font size 28–36)
  • Max 6 lines per slide
  • Max 6 words per line

- Font Consistency – Use only two font types (e.g., Naskh and Ruqa).

- Clear Formatting – Ensure a clean, well-organized layout that balances text and visuals.

- Use High-Quality Images – Preferably original images, rather than random ones from the internet.

- Proper Projection – Slides should be clearly visible from a 3-6 meter distance using a high-lumen projector. Ideal screen size: 2x2 meters.


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