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We continue in this article to present the supportive qualities of an outstanding trainer, which help them attract trainees and ensure maximum benefit from the training course.
9. Praise and Encouragement:
Trainees naturally appreciate a trainer who praises their ideas and encourages their participation.
For instance, in one of the training courses for the Kuwait Teachers Association, I posed a question to the trainees about the importance of a trainer ensuring respect or affection from their trainees. I asked, "Which is more important: the trainer ensuring respect from the trainees or their affection?"
One trainee responded, "There can be no respect without affection first." However, this response contradicts many managerial scholars, who assert that a trainer should prioritize respect first, with affection possibly coming later—or not at all.
In this situation, I did not tell the trainee that his answer was wrong. Instead, I said, "Some may agree with you on this view, while others believe that respect comes before affection. What do you think, everyone?"
Trainees Appreciate a Trainer Who Praises Their Ideas and Encourages Their Participation
This approach fosters dialogue among trainees and praises their perspectives.
Trainees love trainers who praise their ideas and encourage participation.
Another example: During a course held at the Petroleum Training Center titled "Bridging the Gap Between Generations in the Workplace," I asked a question about the percentage of mutual trust between trainees and their supervisors in the workplace. To make the discussion engaging, I wrote the global percentage on the back of the flip chart in the training hall without showing it to anyone. The figure was 71%.
I then asked each trainee to write their estimated percentage on a piece of paper and circle it, ensuring they wouldn’t reconsider their answer or be influenced by others.
After collecting the answers, I calculated the average, which turned out to be 71.5%. Everyone was surprised when I revealed the figure on the flip chart, which was very close to their collective estimate. This opened a discussion to explore the reasons behind the higher estimates and the lower ones.
From this, we conclude that such discussions highlight the significance of high mutual trust between individuals and their supervisors and its impact on improving performance levels. Therefore, an outstanding trainer must strive to build a strong sense of mutual trust between themselves and the trainees.
10. Optimism and Positivity:
Trainees also appreciate trainers who are optimistic and possess a positive mindset, using uplifting words that paint bright images in their minds.
For example, if a trainer says a kind word like "tree," the trainee imagines a tree’s image in their mind rather than the letters that make up the word. They don’t see the letters t, r, or e. Thus, an outstanding trainer should choose positive words during their courses to create constructive imagery in the trainees' minds.
In one course, I told the trainees, "I don’t want you to imagine a red rose in your minds." Then I asked them, "What do you see in your imagination?" They all replied, "We see a red rose!" Hence, words inevitably draw images in the trainees’ minds.
The following exercise helps trainers select positive words. Always use these positive phrases instead of their negative counterparts:
...The Optimist Who Uses Positive Words to Paint Vibrant Images in Their Minds
Here’s an example: In one training course for the Health Assurance Hospitals Company (Dhaman) titled "Excellence in Customer Service," I asked the trainees to come up with phrases for addressing patients, whether via the company’s call center, during their reception at the hospital, during nurse and doctor visits, during treatment, upon discharge, or during follow-ups after their recovery.
The responses were as follows:
Based on this, if an outstanding trainer aspires to succeed, they must be optimistic and avoid using negative words.