4 Ways to Give Yourself a Dose of Positivity

A person can overcome feelings of frustration, depression, and sadness, and give themselves a dose of positivity, energy, and improvement in their mood and mental state. This can serve as a lifeline to help them break free from the negative thought patterns that some people tend to follow.

Here, you assume the role of a psychiatrist and therapist for your condition, starting from recognizing that you are experiencing a bad mood and that your mental state is affected, to diagnosing the causes. Whether it's due to the influence of negative people around you, excessive focus on the negative aspects of your life, or a result of going through a crisis.

You'll also prescribe your own treatment and recover quickly from that state. For some, one step may be enough to gain positive energy, for others, two or three steps might be necessary. Some may need to continuously engage in actions that grant them what they seek in terms of doses of energy and hope. In essence, each of us is our own doctor, and prevention is better than cure.

To get a quick dose of positivity, here are four simple things to consider:

First: Stay away from negative people and avoid being influenced by them. Do not spend much time with them, even if there are ties like work or kinship between you, because being around such personalities has a significantly negative impact. They may spread the contagion of sadness, so don't hesitate to distance yourself from them and take the time you need to free yourself from such atmospheres, according to the Spanish magazine La Vida Lucida.

It is wise to recognize the nature of such personalities, who view everything pessimistically, tend to exaggerate problems, and spread frustration, misery, and despair. Remember that Allah's mercy is vast, and that He manages the affairs of the heavens and the earth, and relief is near. Your Lord is near. Allah says: "And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided." (Al-Baqarah: 186).

Second: Don’t take things personally. Don’t waste your time interpreting what others say or do to you, whether it’s someone speaking ill of you, insulting you, ignoring you, rejecting your invitation, or canceling a meeting with you, or any other form of mistreatment. Don’t let these things affect your feelings. Put them in their proper perspective, and don’t blow them out of proportion, so they don’t negatively affect you. Also, don’t keep dwelling on past sorrows and recalling sad memories.

Third: Invest your time better. It’s an ideal way to help you relieve tension and process negative emotions. Engage in a hobby, exercise, go out for a walk, write in your journal, enjoy a meal, meet with a favorite friend, take a trip, watch a meaningful comedy, take a bath, and other activities that can provide you with a dose of positivity, hope, and optimism.

Fourth: Focus on yourself, develop your thoughts and goals, and give yourself a good amount of appreciation and attention. For example, restore your beautiful emotions, focus on the things you love, and don’t waste your energy trying to please others. Work on becoming a better person, talk about something positive that makes you happy, or do good deeds, increase acts of kindness, and you’ll find yourself filled with high levels of energy, positivity, and happiness. Allah Almighty says: "Those who spend their wealth [in Allah's way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly – they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve" (Al-Baqarah: 274), meaning they will not grieve over what they have spent for Allah’s sake or over what they missed out on from worldly things. Nor will they grieve for what they leave behind after their death, because these things are insignificant in their eyes, and they trust that what is with Allah is better and more lasting. As Allah says: "Indeed, those who have said, 'Our Lord is Allah' and then remained on a right course – there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve" (Al-Ahqaf: 13).


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