In his book "Happy Childhood," author Stephen Grazer points out that parenting devoid of boundaries and firmness deprives children of having clear guidelines about the limits that should restrict their behavior and the responsibilities they should adhere to. The more support children are given without limits, the more they depend on their parents, which may weaken their self-confidence and, consequently, their ability to face various life situations.
Similarly, Marianne Radmacher, in her book "Raising Children in the Modern World," emphasizes that a child's independence is built through responsible feelings. She states, "When children feel capable of making decisions and dealing with the consequences, they develop self-confidence that enables them to be independent in the next stage of their lives. If we do not allow them to impose limits on themselves, we may find them hesitant in the future."
The role of parents in upbringing is based on the values of giving and withholding, resulting in a strong entity capable of facing life's hardships. Whatever is planted with care yields fruit, and proper parenting is the key to shaping generations capable of bearing responsibilities and achieving a balance between life's obligations and its rewards.
In a world that oscillates between the winds of openness to various cultures and the steadfastness of values, we realize that raising children is an art that requires touches of tenderness blended with a sense of firmness. Children are like tender trees—if we do not properly direct their roots, they may bend before life's storms. Responsibility takes them on a journey of discovery, lighting their paths in life and teaching them how to have the courage to face challenges. Every mistake they make becomes a lesson engraved in their minds, and the parents' role is to provide opportunities for their children to confront these challenges rather than seeking to shield them. Just as waves shape the rocks of the shores, challenges shape children's personalities, preparing them to face the world with determination and willpower.
I still view the parent who vehemently defends their child's failures or tries to justify them as someone who destroys the chances of building a righteous individual who can benefit themselves and others. I also continue to believe that raising children to understand that giving comes only through their deserving it, and that every action has its price and consequences, is one of the pillars of building strong and stable personalities. This nurtures them to take responsibility, making them independent individuals capable of enduring life's hardships.
Our children are the seedlings we hope to harvest in the future. They are our greatest investment, and through their preparation, our societies can ride the trains of progress. They will be the imprints we leave behind when we depart this world, bearing fruits of goodness we aspire to achieve.