Book Review… "Strong Personality: A Self-Exploration from Roots to Branches" By: Yasser bin Badr Al- Huzaimi Featured


In a world characterized by rapid changes and increasing challenges, the need to build a strong and stable personality emerges as one of the most important keys to success and happiness. The book "The Strong Personality: A Journey with the Self from Roots to Branches" by Yasser bin Badr Al-Huzaimi serves as a comprehensive and useful guide for anyone seeking to enhance their personality and develop themselves.

The book adopts a holistic approach that includes defining key concepts related to personality and the reasons behind its fragility, moving towards offering practical solutions and boosting self-confidence, ultimately leading to the provision of a practical program and tips for navigating various life situations. The book consists of 5 main chapters covering all aspects of personality building, starting from defining meanings and terms, culminating in providing consultations and enrichments that assist the reader in applying what they have learned practically.

Through this book, the author takes us on a journey with the self, beginning from the roots that form the foundation of personality, leading to the branches that represent the daily situations and challenges individuals face. The author presents effective tools and strategies that help the reader build a strong and balanced personality capable of facing difficulties and adapting to changes.

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide that helps you understand yourself and develop your personality, then "The Strong Personality: A Journey with the Self from Roots to Branches" is the right book for you. Embark on this journey with Yasser bin Badr Al-Huzaimi and discover how to build a strong and stable personality that allows you to achieve your goals and overcome the obstacles you encounter in life.

Sections of the Book

 Chapter One: Meanings, terms and causes of personality disorder

The author begins by defining the fundamental concepts related to a strong personality, explaining the key terms and outlining the reasons for personality fragility and weakness. This chapter aims to pave the way for understanding the challenges individuals face in building a robust and stable personality.

 Chapter Two: Treatment and Solutions:

 This chapter discusses practical solutions for enhancing personality, highlighting the importance of having a positive view of God, self-confidence, and self-acceptance. The author explains how to achieve a balance between self-assertion and self-esteem, emphasizing the necessity of fulfilling duties, adhering to ideal standards, honesty, and credibility. He also offers advice for dealing with criticism, people, and fear, while shedding light on situations where personality may waver and how to handle them.

 Chapter Three: Specific Situations and Practical Challenges:

Chapter three discusses five practical situations that an individual may encounter in their daily life:

  1. Public speaking and addressing an audience.
  2. Fear of leadership.
  3. Social presence.
  4. Job interviews.
  5. Saying "yes" to the word "no."

The author presents practical strategies for overcoming these situations, emphasizing the importance of good preparation and continuous training.

Chapter Four: Simplified Practical Program:

This chapter provides a simplified practical program that can be followed to build a strong personality. It includes advice on dressing, walking with head held high, being present at the forefront, choosing good role models, maintaining eye contact, saying "no" without excuses, acknowledging ignorance, trying new things, defending rights politely, exercising, participating in volunteer work, taking responsibility, and expressing emotions.

 Chapter Five: Enrichments, Consultations, and Vitamins:

The author concludes the book by offering enrichments, consultations, and vitamins that enhance personal strength. He discusses the importance of properly raising children from a young age and offers advice on parenting children and teenagers to help them develop strong personalities. The author emphasizes the necessity of encouraging self-love in children, guiding them wisely, and motivating them to try without comparing themselves to others.


 At the end of the book, the author summarizes the importance of building a strong personality to achieve success in various areas of life. He stresses that improving one's perception of God is the first step to developing a self-confident personality that is not tied to material possessions and is capable of facing all situations. He highlights the significance of proper upbringing from childhood as a fundamental pillar for building a strong character.