Educational Insights: Triumph Emerges Through Patience

By Dr. Alaa Hosni April 18, 2024 2054

Muslims today are going through a state of weakness and severe fatigue everywhere. They are disunited, barely bound by brotherhood or even worldly interests, as others are. However, individually and in groupings, they are adversaries, antagonists who scheme and incite enemies against one another.

Simultaneously, Islam's defenders, who sincerely uphold its commandments, are in a state of suppression and retreat. They are either in prisons, scattered across the earth, or weakened, susceptible to every attack from the enemies of this faith. They cannot respond decisively or equivalently. They have been stripped of their right to speak out and defend themselves by their oppressors, who are encircling them. Were it not for what social media platforms provided as their breathers, they would have been stifled. They resist the armies of falsehood and their propaganda, which have been attacking Muslims, reaching unprecedented levels in both time and place, in a manner no one could have anticipated.

Those who spread rumors have been fighting against the faith intellectually, attempting to undermine its foundations by questioning historical symbols at times and certain Islamic landmarks and facts at others. But today, one is astonished to see the blows directed with great force at our roots, shamelessly, by voices bearing the names of Muslims. The battle today ignites its fires in our very homes, as knights of the field lie beneath the earth, behind prison bars, or in exile. Thus, clearing the air for the enemies of religion to do as they wish!


Past confrontations Weapons and How to Sharpen them

The question that naturally arises is: Is there a way out? What is the optimal solution, and what is the most obligatory duty of the preachers in such barren conditions?

How can we emerge from this shaky phase with minimal losses and some possible victories?

A lot has been said and is still being said about the importance of planning and taking material means to overcome this ordeal and minimize the possible losses in lives and properties. Our most valuable assets are not our wealth or possessions, but rather our religion and faith.

I believe the most effective weapon in the hands of preachers at this stage is what we can call the past spiritual weapons, most notably the sincere du’a to Allah the Almighty to lift the affliction, strengthen us, and grant us patience, which serves as armor in facing trials no matter how severe they are. Then, adhere to true certainty in the victory of Allah, no matter how dark it gets, for through du’a, patience, and certainty, every distress is relieved and every difficulty is alleviated.

It is incumbent upon the sharp preacher to select from the means and causes that prepare these weapons to perform their role and achieve their maximum effectiveness. He should choose the optimal times for du’a, such as the last third of the night, as Abu Umama said that God’s Messenger was asked which supplication is most readily listened to, and replied, “What is offered in the latter part of the depth of the night and after the prescribed prayers.” (Sunan Tirmidhi).

And according to Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saying, said, “Every night there is a special time during which whatever a Muslim asks Allah of any good relating to this life or the Hereafter, it will be granted to him; and this moment comes every night.” (Sahih Muslim).

Furthermore, Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Our Lord, the Blessed and Exalted, descends every night to the heaven of this world when the last third of the night is still to come and says, 'Who will call on Me so that I may answer him? Who will ask Me so that I may give him? Who will ask forgiveness of Me so that I may forgive him?'” (Sahih al-Bukhari).

It is enough that this time is honored by Allah the Almighty, as He said, “Indeed, the hours of the night are more effective for concurrence [of heart and tongue] and more suitable for words.” (Al-Muzzammil: 6).

The preacher should seek the company of the righteous or read the biographies of the early Muslims who were praised by Allah, as mentioned in His saying, “Those who are patient” and “Those who are the successful.”

He should draw inspiration from the command of Allah glorified and Exalted: “And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever [in] neglect.” (Al-Kahf: 28).

He should feel the presence of Allah and draw inspiration from His saying, “Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”

Therefore, he should deepen his faith in the call and in Allah's support for it and for those who uphold it, relying on His promise that never fails, through more reading and diversified, focused study, contemplation, and dhikr.

With the grace of Allah and his good utilization of these spiritual weapons, he can navigate through this stage to continue giving and sacrificing in the path of Allah.


Not a Call to Surrender and Negativity

This call or plan, as referred to in this article, is not a call for negativity and complacency, but rather, as I see it, the optimal positivity in such circumstances as we have described. The steadfastness of a person in their faith during times of trial, when they are confronted by adversities and enemies seeking to shake their faith, is the clearest manifestation of victory. The story of the People of the Ditch, as narrated by the revelation and the words of the trustworthy Prophet, is a clear indication of this. Du’a, patience, and certainty are the most important sources of steadfastness, as Allah says, “[Allah] said, 'Your supplication has been answered.' So remain on a right course and follow not the way of those who do not know.” (Surah Yunus: 89)



Steadfastness as Allah’s Gift

Steadfastness is a divine gift from Allah the Almighty, attainable only through seeking refuge in Him, surrendering oneself before Him, and acknowledging one's utter dependence upon Him. In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) supplicated: “O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion” (Sahih Tirmidhi).

Relying on faith-based means in the lives of preachers and in the lives of all Muslims should outweigh reliance on material means. While the importance of material means cannot be denied, voices reminding preachers to adopt faith-based means should be equally strong and clear. Experience has shown that these means, often overlooked amid the chaos of emotions, enthusiasm, planning, and confronting successive changes, are frequently lost or at least neglected.

Indeed, remaining steadfast on the right path without excess or negligence is one of the most targeted victories. This alone ensures the necessary balance and integration for the growth of a sound Islamic personality deserving the victory and steadfastness from Allah: “Allah keeps firm those who believe, with the firm word, in worldly life and in the Hereafter. And Allah sends astray the wrongdoers. And Allah does what He wills.” (Ibrahim: 27).

Tribulations exert immense pressure on people's nerves. Some may withstand this pressure, while others may be crushed by it, leading to negative effects on souls. Therefore, individuals must adhere to the means that strengthen their determination, increase their resilience, and fortify their resolve in facing trials and their destructive effects.

We have seen how the trial of imprisonment affects the souls: some emerge strong and eager to continue, with prison only increasing their insight and certainty in their path. Others, however, emerge with fear, preoccupied only with themselves, distancing themselves from everything, abandoning the call and all reminders of it. And yet, some may become extreme in their ideas that attack society or resort to violence against their own people under various pretexts. On the other hand, they may become agents of oppressors, betraying those they once shared brotherhood with.

Therefore, emerging from trials with a balanced, clear-sighted, pure-faithful personality, free from contamination or delusions prevalent in times of tribulation, is crucial. I assert that faith-based weapons, as mentioned, are among the most important shields against such dangers. Hence, this article serves as a reminder of these weapons to safeguard against the evils and fragments of trials scattered here and there.

However, the mind of the preacher never stops seeking new ground. Therefore, it is essential to note that preachers, while using these weapons, should not cease to look for new ones or probe for vulnerabilities to penetrate the enemies’ lines.

The true preacher moves in the field of preaching with the spirit of a mujahid, employing the logic of battles. A mujahid never lays down their arms, even if wounded, but continues to work with their mind, perhaps finding a sound idea or wise opinion that can change the course of the battle and alter the face of history. In our glorious heritage, we have unique examples from battles like Uhud, Hunayn, Mu'tah, and others. The logic of battle dictates that we never neglect our weapons, our enemies, or our frontlines. If we fail to uncover a gap through which we can achieve victory or at least gain a win, we should not give any opportunity for defeat on our side due to negligence.


Fortifying Frontiers as the Greatest Forms of Jihad

As I mentioned earlier, we should not give the enemy the opportunity to exploit vulnerabilities in our ranks, which seems more vital than uncovering vulnerabilities in the enemy's ranks. It always appears to me that the most dangerous vulnerabilities threatening our existence and lives are those highlighted by the Prophet's famous hadith, which almost serves as a headline for this period in Muslim history: “The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish.”

It is the weakness of loving the world and fearing death—the disease that, when diffusing a nation's veins, renders it barren into the depths of humiliation and dragging it to the brink of annihilation.

It is the affliction that cripples willpower, incapacitates individuals, causes submission and surrender, and blinds insight, preventing them from distinguishing truth from falsehood, let alone engaging in an ongoing war for truth against falsehood anywhere it is found.

It is the vulnerability through which the Mongols, Crusaders, Communists, Jews, and others who harbored enmity toward our Ummah infiltrated throughout its long history.

This reality manifests through a brief perusal, for example, of what Ibn Kathir wrote in “Al-Bidaya wal-Nihaya” and Ibn al-Athir in “The Complete History,” describing the Muslims' situation during the onslaught of the Mongols on the Abbasid Caliphate. It was only through the concerted efforts of scholars like Izz al-Din ibn 'Abd al-Salam and leaders like Saif al-Din Qutuz that decisive victory was achieved and calamity was averted.


The Most Challenging Mission

The greatest and most challenging task is not merely searching for vulnerabilities in the enemy's ranks to infiltrate them. It is having among us courageous individuals with high resolve and noble aspirations who can create vulnerabilities in the enemy's ranks through their bravery, thus securing glorious victories in daring maneuvers.

We must not overlook the remarkable deeds of Al-Aswad al-Ansi and ibn Ma'adi Yakrib in the immortal Battle of Al-Qadisiyyah. They created a breach in the enemy's ranks through their bold initiative, which undoubtedly played a decisive role in securing victory for the Muslims.

To those with strong determination and insight, we say: The greatest task is not merely searching for vulnerabilities; it is having among us courageous individuals with high resolve, noble aspirations, and farsightedness. They are the ones who create vulnerabilities in the enemy's ranks, causing them to suffer successive defeats that weaken them, tossing them to their ultimate defeat.


An Opportunity, Not a Setback

The adversity, in any form it may take, presents a precious opportunity for contemplation, sincere repentance, seeking forgiveness, and reflection. It's a moment for us to review our actions, address our mistakes, close our vulnerabilities, sharpen our resolve, renew our faith, and strengthen our conviction, preparing ourselves for a fresh start towards a new victory.


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