Barcelona cuts off its relations with Israel

By Gamal Khattab November 25, 2023 2246


Barcelona's Decision

  Barcelona has decided to cut off all its official ties with Israel because they are really upset about what's happening in Gaza. They want the fighting to stop and for the Palestinian people to be treated fairly.

What the Resolution Says

The City Council of Barcelona made a resolution, which is like a formal decision, on Friday. They said that they condemn any attacks on innocent people and they don't like it when homes and important things like hospitals and schools get destroyed. They also don't want the people in Gaza to suffer without things like electricity, water, food, and medicine.

Why Barcelona is Upset

Barcelona thinks that the main reasons why there is no peace in that area is because Israel is taking over land that belongs to the Palestinians and not treating them fairly. They believe that everyone should have their rights respected and that the Palestinians deserve to live in peace.

Not the First Time

This isn't the first time that Barcelona has decided to cut off its relations with Israel. Even though they have been twinning with the city of Tel Aviv for 25 years, last February, the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, said they were going to stop being twinning buddies. She wrote a letter to the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that they won't be friends until Israel starts treating the Palestinians better and follows the rules of international law.

Source: Anadolu