Occupying Sudan by a UN decision! Featured

By Wael Ali November 04, 2024 3924


The greatest deception faced by the peoples of the world is believing in the existence of international law, and that through this law, countries and peoples can achieve justice and fairness. Since its inception in 1640 by the Dutch pirate lawyer Hugo Grotius, the law was based on the division of resources and interests among the powerful colonizers, calling this injustice international justice. This principle contradicts human nature, religious laws, especially Islamic law, and it is the cornerstone of the post-World War II international legal security system. The decisions made by the powerful permanent members of the Security Council based on their goals and interests are executed even if they contradict justice. International law texts were only established to interpret and protect the interests of these major countries.

Since April 2023, Sudan has been plagued by a military rebellion by the "Rapid Support Forces" against the Sudanese state. This rebellion, which began with an attempt to seize power, turned into a bloody war in which thousands died. From the first moment of the rebellion, the international community sought to ensure the Sudanese army's failure to defeat the rebels. The United States intervened multiple times in ceasefire agreements that helped the rebellion spread widely and smuggled its leaders to fortified locations unreachable by the army.

From the beginning of the war, the director of the American National Intelligence Agency, April Haines, announced that her estimates were that there would be no victor in this war. In fact, these were not her estimates, but rather what the United States sought after the secular government it supported failed to manage the country. Besides, America did not want Sudan to remain unified and stable.

From the early months of the war, the deployment of UN forces was proposed as a solution to the Sudanese crisis. These forces were to protect the transitional (liberal) government and dissolve the Sudanese National Army, replacing it with the "Rapid Support Forces" and armed movements, due to the claimed bias of the Sudanese army towards the Islamic current.

However, this opinion remained the talk of a secular elite living in the West for years, far from the Sudanese reality. Their maximum wish in their exile was to return to the country at the head of an American tank.

When the revolution against Al-Bashir erupted, they did not rise to the will of the masses in free elections; they disrupted the transitional phase, and asked the United Nations for a UN mission to help them manage the country. The Security Council appointed a German orientalist expert in Gulf and Iranian affairs, who knew nothing about Sudan except that its people speak Arabic.

However, last September witnessed surprises; the Sudanese army achieved great victories against the "Rapid Support Forces", making their leader come out multiple times demanding a ceasefire, which the army refuses, insisting on no ceasefire until the militias withdraw from the citizens' homes and streets back to their camps. Then their situation will be reviewed.

Secondly, a report was issued by the Fact-Finding Committee of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which claimed that the Sudanese army had committed war crimes and that the "Rapid Support Forces" had committed genocide. The proposed solution was to send UN forces to Sudan to rescue civilians, as claimed by the committee.

The strange thing about the committee's report is that it did not investigate the facts on the ground in Sudan but relied on testimonies of Sudanese living in Kenya and Uganda, most of whom are known for their political bias. The committee did not investigate the facts from Sudanese living in Sudan, or in countries like Chad and Egypt, which host a large number of Sudanese refugees from the current war. This indicates that the committee rushed to reach this report, which was rejected by the Sudanese government, while the US envoy Tom Perriello welcomed the committee's report and expressed support for the deployment of African forces in Sudan.

The Fact-Finding Committee undoubtedly exceeded its mandate, issuing complex judgments such as war crimes and genocide, despite its mandate only being to submit evidence to the International Criminal Court. The committee also called for the deployment of UN forces, which falls under the authority of the Security Council and not the committee, indicating a carefully orchestrated conspiracy to reoccupy Sudan under the guise of protecting civilians, even though civilians in Sudan seek refuge in areas controlled by the National Army, not the Rapid Support Forces, indicating that civilians are protected in Sudan.

Believing that the United Nations is a neutral institution is a mere illusion, and the slogan of international intervention is always raised as an alternative to American intervention, despite there being little difference between the two slogans. International intervention means handing over sovereignty and decision-making power in any country to the UN Security Council.

The Security Council's task is to ensure the domination of the five major powers, imposing sanctions and deploying UN peacekeeping forces. If the Security Council does not vote in favor of a certain issue, it is forgotten completely. The UN and its reports have no value if they conflict with the interests of major powers. The UN sends its forces only after reaching a settlement to resolve a conflict or a ceasefire, as long as none of the members of the Security Council object, as it is responsible for the decision to deploy forces.

The United Nations has been and continues to be the weapon and protection utilized by the capitalist West against rival powers.