Why Are Muslims In Bad Shape, Time To Introspect: Maulana Mujaddidi
Maulana Fazlur Raheem Mujaddidi, Rector of Jamea Tul Hidaya, Jaipur, and Chairman, Abdul Rahim Educational Trust, while pointing out to decline of Muslims in all walks of life said: “We need to know why we are in such a bad situation.”
Maulana Mujaddidi said this while addressing the annual function of English Medium Imam Rabbani Public School here recently.
Citing an example, he said that our education and culture was so prominent that King George II of England had sent his family’s daughters to the caliph of Turkey so that they could learn the culture that was prevalent there at that time. He said that the nation which was so high at that time and its standards were so high why did it fall so low in every field. He said that we have created high quality experts in all fields and yet this community has become backward.
Sachar Committee Report
Maulana Mujaddidi, citing figures from the government and the Planning Commission (now known as Niti Ayog), said that the government’s figures show that Muslims are lagging behind their compatriots in every field of human development. He said that according to the Planning Commission, the Sikh community was in the best position among the minorities. In the current situation, he said that those who have money would prosper. As the economic condition of Muslims is very bad they cannot get higher education. Therefore, the Sachar Committee Report had made several recommendations to improve its educational and economic conditions.
He said that this is why our forefathers dreamed of modern education along with religious education and our father Shah Abdul Rahim Mujaddidi laid the foundation of Jamea Tul Hidaya in Jaipur wherein computer education is imparted along with modern religious education.
He said that the dream of our forefathers was to establish a system of religious education which would provide employment. Therefore, he arranged modern education along with religious education, which provided an opportunity for the students of ‘madrassas’ to benefit from it.
He said that Imam Rabbani English Medium School was established in 1996 which has become an effective means of harmonizing the youth of today with the pace of learning. Children’s memory also needs to be sharpened. At the same time, he said that besides Imam Rabbani Public School, there are four schools.
Maulana Mujaddidi said that along with this came the idea that Muslims could not be made a part of all-round national development unless they were adequately represented in government offices and civil services. With this in mind, Crescent Academy was established at Delhi where 175 children have so far successfully competed and are doing their duties in various senior government positions of the country.
Dr. Samra Sultana, Vice Chairman, Abdul Rahim Educational Trust, said that if women have enthusiasm and determination, they can leave their mark in every sector. Referring to the Sachar Committee Report, she said that there is a dearth of education among Muslims and its dropout rate is also very high. He said that this is the condition of the community whose religious book started from the word “Iqra” (Read).
Maulana Habib-ur-Rahim introduced Maulana Mujaddidi to the guests. Leading participants in the program included Chief Secretary of Government of Rajasthan, Chairman Rajasthan Minority Commission, former Health Minister Nawab Sahib Durru Mian, Dr. Bushra IPS, school principals and city elders./ indiatomorrow