Popular Front National Leaders’ Meet called on the judiciary to play its role as a watch guard of the constitution as the state is drifting towards ‘religious fascism”. They also sought urgent intervention of the Supreme Court to put a full stop to Sangh Parivar’s nefarious attempts to disturb Muslim religious practices and capturing their religious places.
They alleged that ”the sheer misuse of power” by the union and state governments acting upon RSS instructions is leading India to a lawless and chaotic situation.
National Leaders Meet of Popular Front of India held in Malappuram in Kerala was concluded with resolutions on current national situations.
One of the resolutions urged the judiciary to fulfil its constitutional role as the guardian of justice and liberty against growing tendencies of the state being converted to ”autocracy”.
It maintained that the Supreme Court verdict on the Babri Masjid case will remain a blemish on the face of the Indian judiciary. There were sections of people who believed and hoped that this ruling against the Muslim claim on Babri Masjid would lead to peace and harmony all over the country. However recent developments show that sacrificing justice in the name of peace has not worked to bring peace.
They underlined that the same Sangh Parivar that promoted communal polarization for many decades leading to anti-Muslim violence and the destruction of the Babri Masjid in 1992 have not changed their intentions and methods.
On the contrary, they have started new movements and campaigns against other Muslim places of worship replicating the chronology of old steps in the Ayodhya movement, they added.
The litigations seeking the removal of Mathura Shahi Eidgah and Varanasi Gyanvapi Mosque and the PIL in SC challenging the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991 are part of the next round of RSS strategy.
The Popular Front has urged the judiciary to see through the violent divisive agenda behind such litigations and take a firm stand not to further entertain assaults on constitutional rights of religious minorities.
In another resolution, the Popular Front called on the people of the states facing assembly elections to ensure the defeat of the BJP and its allies. People of West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam, and Puducherry are going for Assembly Election in the coming weeks.
“On the one hand, a large majority of the people are suffering due to price hike, unemployment, poverty, while on the other, the RSS controlled BJP government is shrinking people’s democratic space to express their grievances by imposing draconian laws and measures. The democratic and peaceful agitations of the people are being crushed using brutal force”.
The individuals and organizations are being targeted by crime investigating and financial enforcement agencies for openly dissenting central government policies. With its six years in power, the Modi government has succeeded in destroying what India had built up in the last 7 decades. It is now a globally accepted reality. The fact that two major global watchdogs have recently downranked India should be an eye-opener to people. While Freedom House, an American research institute had listed India as “partly free”, the V-Dem, a Swiss institute, in their report, had listed India as an “electoral autocracy.” The Meet called upon people of these states to use their votes to ensure the defeat of BJP in order to send a clear warning to the Bhagwat-Modi-Shah government against their anti-people, anti-poor, and divisive policies”.
Popular Front Leaders Meet has reminded all concerned citizens and groups, organisations, institutions and parties that our Secular Democratic Republic is struggling for its last breath under strangles of RSS ideology and strategy. The sheer misuse of power by the union and state governments acting upon RSS instructions is leading India to a lawless and chaotic situation.
The two- days meet started with the inaugural speech by Chairman O M A Salam. They expressed concerned that The religious minorities are becoming the only casualty of the increasing spread of hate, suspicion, division, insecurity and violence purposefully created by Hindutva forces with state support
“ History has witnessed that religious fascism in war with religious minorities and other declared “internal enemies” could not ultimately save even the lives of majorities they mislead, instigate and militarise under the pretension of protecting them.”
Front leaders also appealed to various Hindu religious sections, communities, seers and leaders to come together for saving India and its people from destructive RSS influence at this crucial and historic juncture.