Denmark in a Week

By Gamal Khattab September 19, 2023 2406

New Numbers
The Ministry of Foreigners and Integration recently released a new statistic about Syrians in Denmark. In the first eight months of this year, 665 Syrians obtained permanent residency in Denmark. This is a big increase compared to previous years. However, there was a decline in the number of permits for family reunification obtained by Syrians during the same period. The Ministry rejected 154 family reunification applications.

A New Arab Personality is Banned
A Kuwaiti preacher named Othman Al-Khamis has been banned from entering Denmark for two years. The Ministry of Foreigners and Integration announced this decision, stating that Al-Khamis is one of 22 people described as hate preachers on the banned list.

Police Violence
A video of a Danish journalist being arrested by the police in Copenhagen sparked a debate on police violence. The video showed the police officers being very harsh with the journalist, which led to criticism of their methods. The Police Association defended the use of force, stating that it was justified and legal.

Denmark's Nomination to the Security Council
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen is attending the United Nations General Assembly meeting to support Denmark's candidacy for the Security Council. Denmark aims to obtain a seat in the Security Council between 2025 and 2026. The Prime Minister also wants to enhance international cooperation in development and support the Ukrainian people.

Controversy Over a Proposed Law
There is ongoing political and media debate in Denmark about a proposed law that would criminalize the burning of the Qur'an. Some branches of the Radical Fenestre Party have called on the party's leadership to withdraw its support for the proposal, citing concerns about freedom of expression.

Comments and Support for the Proposal
The Danish Islamic Union announced its support for the government's proposal to ban the burning of the Qur'an. However, they also requested a timetable to evaluate the implementation of the law in the first few months after its adoption. The Union emphasized the need for a broad societal discussion about respect for religions. The Ministry of Justice has invited associations to submit their comments on the proposal by September 22nd.

Wage Increase
Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced an increase in wages for certain workers in the public sector. Educators in day care homes, nurses, prison inspectors, and workers in prisons will receive an increase of about 2,500 kroner per month. This wage increase will also benefit around 200,000 people working in elderly care homes.

New Danish Sites on the World Heritage List
UNESCO has added new Danish sites to the World Heritage List. Five "rounded fortresses" from the Viking Age have been included, bringing the total number of Danish sites on the list to 12.
She killed her
Yesterday, Sunday, the South Shelland Police announced that a woman had been imprisoned pending investigation on charges of killing her newborn. The police did not provide further details about the incident or the reasons that prompted the woman to kill her baby, nor did they reveal the baby's age at the time of the incident.

Increased Violence Against Prison Workers
New figures published by the Prisons Directorate showed that physical violence against workers in this sector witnessed an increase of 45% between 2017 and 2022. There is a great controversy surrounding the work environment in Danish prisons during this period, and workers are demanding greater protection and higher wages.

Conference on the Holy Quran
The Islamic Endowment Society on the island of Fillon announced the organization of its annual conference on Islam in Denmark on Sunday, September 24, 2023, in Golden Hall. The association stated that this year's conference will focus on the Holy Quran and will include a number of lectures and discussions. More information can be found on our website.

Copenhagen World Music Festival
Egyptian artist Ramy Essam and Egyptian artist Fatima Zidan will participate on Thursday, September 21, in the activities of the Copenhagen World Music Festival. More details can be found on the website.

Weather Condition
Volatile and cloudy weather is expected in most regions of the country, with temperatures higher than the annual average, ranging between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius. Wind speeds will be moderate, with the possibility of scattered rain falling in the northern and western regions of the country.