The usurers have no concern except to corrupt morals, weaken the resolve of nations, break their will, create a sense of helplessness in them to surrender to usury, and kill any ability in them to resist. The former German chancellor “Brandt” described the reality of usury by saying, “What is happening is a reverse blood transfusion from the patient to the doctor.” Economist “Arthur Kingston” mentioned that “no great value or religious preacher has not condemned usury,” emphasizing that he is against usury in all its forms.
As to the American “Emery Sheldon,” author of the book “Billions for the Bankers Debts for the People,” he highlights the vicious circle of usurious debts by saying: The only way new money is introduced into circulation in America is when it is obtained from bankers as loans. When the United States and its residents receive huge amounts of debt, it creates the impression that the country is flourishing. However, bankers create only the amount of money corresponding to the principal of each loan, not the additional amount needed to pay the interest. Therefore, the new money can never reach the size of the loans granted, and the amounts necessary to pay the interest on the loans are not simply created because they do not exist in the first place!
The usurers only concern is to corrupt morals, weaken the resolve of nations, break their will, and create a sense of helplessness in them
In the framework of this system, where the volume of new loans constantly exceeds the amount of the given resources, it does not matter whether you receive many or few loans. The growth of public debt surpassing the available or accessible resources for repayment is irrelevant. People will never be able to get out of debt.
Chronic Indebtedness
British economist Michael Rowbotham, in his book “The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery, and Destructive Economics,” published in the late 1990s, reveals that chronic indebtedness is not surprising in nations. Governments lack sufficient resources, social services do not receive adequate funding, and people are burdened with overdrafts.
The reason for this liquidity shortage and inability to repay lies in the fact that financial systems worldwide are essentially debt-based. The creation of modern money and debt go hand in hand, with the money creation process and its circulation almost entirely entrusted to banks and other lending institutions.
Most people believe that when they borrow from a bank, they are borrowing money from other individuals and that the money provided by the bank as a loan does not represent a debt of pre-existing funds. Instead, the funds borrowed from the bank are additional money created out of thin air.
Debt doubles in an exponential sequence when calculating compound interest, much like how cancer cells multiply
The flow of money generated by citizens, businessmen, and governments who constantly borrow from banks and other credit institutions meets the requirements of the entire economy. In this manner, the money supply becomes linked to the people who borrow, and the level of indebtedness within the economy is an indicator of the amount of money previously manufactured.
Contemporary citizens who do not fully grasp the destructive impact of increasing debt are like those people unable to feel the lethal effects of radiation. The current monetary system, based on debt, is the worst for society among all monetary system projects.
Usury Interest is a Virus!
I can provide countless quotations from famous and unknown authors alike, from victorious capitalist countries. They all confirm a long-established truth: bank usury interest rates are a virus that causes a chronic and incurable disease in capitalist economies. This disease has led to inflation, unemployment, greedy and irresponsible use of natural resources, societal stratification, drug proliferation, environmental pollution, a gradual shift from natural to chemically manufactured consumer products, increased rates of mental illness and suicide, sexual revolution, moral and cultural decay, as well as the spread of Satanism, in addition to wars, terrorism, and more.
The cancer in the body of society is due to the virus of usury. It should be noted that what is known as compound interest arises in the field of credit relationships—interest on overdue interest payments. Therefore, debt, when compounded, doubles in an exponential sequence, much like how cancer cells multiply. This is why usury interest rates are often referred to in the economy as “cancer cells,” not just a mere “virus.”
A study by “Citycorp” estimated that the increase in the volume of money in the financial economy compared to the real economy is between 30 to 50 times!
Cash transactions (money for money), represented by speculative funds or hot money, have surpassed all expectations due to the global system based on interest rates. There is a complete disconnection between the financial economy, where financial products are bought and sold for the sole purpose of financial gain, and the real economy, where products are manufactured and goods and services are exchanged. A study by “Citycorp” estimated that the increase in the volume of money in the financial economy compared to the real economy is between 30 to 50 times.
Despite the destructive and cancerous nature of usury, some still insist that it is impossible for the global monetary system to function without it. This is a weak and deceptive claim, reflecting intellectual subservience to a disease without a cure. It originated and flourished in Western traditional banks that do not adhere to our culture, Islamic principles, or ethics. Even Western economic thinkers themselves have disagreed on interest rate theories!
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