The Ongoing Challenges in the Islamic World

By Dr. Mohammad Wathiq Al-Nadwi December 09, 2024 203

Whoever follows electronic or print media, local and international magazines, and newspapers will find that Muslims are the nation most subjected to tribulations, crises, and problems, and that their lands are a theater for warfare, political conflicts, sectarian disputes, and ideological schisms. What is the reason for this disgraceful situation faced by Muslims around the world?

Anyone asked this question finds it difficult to answer because they only read what is written by the enemies of Islam or those whose hearts have not opened to Islam. They have not had the opportunity to study Islamic history and the history of Western colonialism, nor have they examined the centuries of darkness, revolutions, and wars that plagued Europe for a long time. Neither have they explored the atrocities, tragedies, and scandals experienced by nations under the rule of contemporary European powers.

Those who have not delved into these facts find themselves confused and stumble in responding to the question posed about the condition of Muslims worldwide and the conflicts present in their societies, as noted by the late Prof. Muhammad Wadhih Rashid Al-Hasani Al-Nadwi.

This question is often raised by Western media and writers, as well as Westernized Muslims, and ambitious or reckless youth. They place the responsibility on the scholars of the Ummah and religious authorities to instill the notion that Muslims are fragmented, divided, and engaged in ideological conflict because they follow regression and fundamentalism. This situation supposedly prevents them from advancing or keeping pace with life, as they are preoccupied with what does not benefit them. Their energies are exhausted by internal disputes over outdated issues, coupled with underdevelopment in science, education, technology, economy, and the prevalence of ignorance and poverty.

The existing conflict and confrontation in the Islamic world are rooted in the colonialist stance towards the issues of the Islamic world and the demands of its peoples. Before colonization, Muslims were the greatest deterrent power globally and at the peak of their glory, while Europe was lost in the depths of darkness. The rulers of France, Britain, and Germany waited for days to have the honor of meeting Muslim sultans. This awe and reverence for the strength of Muslims persisted until the late 19th century. Thus, Muslims became the main target, and enemies exerted every effort to uproot and weaken them.

The current situation in the Islamic world can be attributed to the cunning policies of Western colonial powers. When they withdrew, they left behind political, ethnic, and racial problems. They severed some Islamic regions from their motherlands and annexed them to non-Islamic countries. Through these unjust policies, conflicts persist, leaving Muslim areas in a state of anxiety and turmoil. Western powers continue to maintain ties with warring factions, supplying all sides with weapons to keep these problems inflamed.

This current situation will not change—as stated by Sheikh Abu Al-Hasan Ali Al-Hasani Al-Nadwi—except through a revolution in life, conduct, and morals, not only in the Arab world but throughout the entire Islamic world and its societies.

This goal can only be achieved by forming an Islamic foundation shaped by the tolerant teachings of Islam. It requires a revival of faith in the truth of Islam as an eternal way of life, calling to it, following it in daily life, and igniting enthusiasm and passion for it in hearts. It necessitates adhering to a way of life that Allah promised victory, mercy, and grace upon, while avoiding deeds, habits, and behaviors that incur His displeasure. Allah Almighty said: "And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might." (Al-Hajj: 40).


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