Kuwait reiterated its unwavering position on preservation of international security and peace and nuclear non-proliferation only out of its outright commitment to respecting international conventions. This came in a speech delivered by Kuwait’s Permanent Representative at the UN Tareq Al-Banai during the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
He said the world has agreed that the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is the keystone of the non-proliferation system, calling for ensuring the credibility of the NPT, especially amid the ongoing developments. While marking the 50th anniversary of the NPT, it is the responsibility of all parties to work hard to maintain this treaty.
He added that there is an opportunity for this conference to make genuine headway should the countries, especially nuclear ones, honor their vow to adopt a relevant ambitious plan with specific goals. The Kuwait diplomat pointed out the swift and serious developments experienced by the world over the last period, with some nuclear countries announcing continuation and upgrading of their nuclear arsenals and insistence on the nuclear deterrence policy.
Al-Banai went on saying that these developments necessitate clear-cut and unequivocal mechanisms within the framework of the NPT. However, he voiced hope that Kuwait and Gulf concerns about this agreement would be taken into account, calling for following up on the implementation of UNSC Resolution 2231 regarding verification and monitoring in Iran.
Al-Banai called on the parties to the Iranian nuclear agreement to return to the negotiating table with a view to arriving at an agreement that could ensure that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful. Kuwait’s new permanent representative at the UN strongly condemned any nuclear tests that could undermine human safety or any provocation or behavior that might jeopardize international security and peace.
He noted that Kuwait had contributed to Arab efforts to press for freeing the Middle East of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction, based on a resolution adopted during the 2010 review conference. He added that the conference had asked the then UN secretary general and the three countries that adopted the resolution to hold a conference on a nuclear-free region.
However, he regretted, the conference was not held due to the absence of the political will and earnestness on the part of all concerned parties. He underlined that all parties have the right to develop research and studies, and possess and use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, but legal commitments and agreements concluded with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) must be observed. In this context, he hailed the IAEA’s role and technical cooperation programs that contribute to building the national capabilities of developing countries and ensuring peaceful nuclear technology.
Proceeding from this fact, Kuwait has always attached special attention to technical cooperation activities, and has backed the IAEA’s initiatives for peaceful nuclear usage and laboratory revamp. The Kuwaiti diplomat concluded by hoping that the review conference would promote conviction that open, constructive and fruitful dialogue should continue to ensure sustainable peace, security and stability, boost confidence and curtail nuclear proliferation hazards. – KUNA