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Renewal Of Online Residence And Visa Validity For Expats Outside Kuwait Featured

The General Administration of Residency Affairs stated that online renewal of residence from MOI website will continue for all kinds of visas even if expats are not in the country. The Government sector article 17, for Private company employees article 18, for domestic workers article 20 and for family/dependents article 22 provided their passport is valid for more than one year ahead and if the companies have no legal obstacles. What is being circulated in social media about expats who are outside Kuwait and their residence will not be renewed is not true at all.

Absence in Kuwait for above 6 months rule was suspended and expats can enter Kuwait as long as their residence is valid hence those outside Kuwait have no pressure to return, reports Al Anba. Most likely as long as there is a ban implemented on expats to enter this will continue until further instructions. Currently there are more than 200,000 expats who are staying illegally in Kuwait without renewing their residence and new decision will be implemented within two months.  Deadline for residence law violators (illegals) is looming and they will need to rectify their residence status as restrictions for the non vaccinated  have been implemented to enter  major complexes, malls, restaurants, event halls./agencies