The ban on entry of foreign nationals into Kuwait remains valid until further notice, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) confirmed on Thursday.
“We would like to emphasise the continuation of the Cabinet Resolution No. (77)… which prohibits non-Kuwaiti passengers from entering Kuwait International Airport until further notice,” it said on Twitter.
The ban was imposed by the country on February 7 as part of measures to curb the spike in the number of coronavirus cases.
However, Kuwait also allowed for certain exemptions.
Those include foreign diplomats and medical personnel, along with their accompanied family members, and minors below the age of 18. The first-degree relatives and accompanied domestic workers of Kuwaiti nationals are also allowed to enter the country.
Arrivals in Kuwait currently have to undergo mandatory institutional quarantine for seven days at a hotel and seven days at home. Upon arrival in Kuwait, they will be subject to a PCR test at the airport, and another one on the sixth day of institutional quarantine. The passengers must bear the costs of their tests.
The DGCA has also introduced the MUNA (Medical Utility Network Accreditor) programme to guarantee the authenticity of PCR coronavirus tests for arriving passengers.
Travellers from the countries on the list must undertake their pre-departure Covid-19 PCR tests only from MUNA approved laboratories.
Last week, it was announced that the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman will be added to the list./agencies