

They say diamonds are forever, but it's become crystal clear the diamond industry is changing.

Pandora, the world's largest jeweler, sent shockwaves through the diamond industry when it announced earlier this month it would no longer sell mined diamonds, opting instead for lab-grown ones. The Copenhagen-based company citing sustainability and environmental concerns, becoming the latest major industry player to make the switch.

Lab diamonds are entirely man made and have the same physical and chemical properties as mined ones.

At Paris-based Diam Concept, a company that creates diamonds using the chemical vapor deposition method, founder Alix Gervel explained the process begins when a thin sheet of crystal, known as a diamond seed, is inserted into a reactor, where it's exposed to heat and a gas mixture.

As carbon atoms are deposited onto the seed, so grows the diamond. It takes about a month for the rock to fully form; it is by then quite literally a diamond in the rough, surrounded by what's known as polycrystalline. Final steps involve trimming, polishing, and evaluating the stones, which are graded according to the 4Cs-- cut, color, clarity and carat, just like mined diamonds.

"It's exactly the same," said Gervel, who explained one would need very sophisticated tools to be able to tell the difference between a lab diamond and a mined diamond.

"Lab-grown diamonds are the future," she added.

According to the Antwerp World Diamond Center, demand for man-made stones is expected to grow by up to 20% annually.

Price is a big part of the appeal; according to some estimates, lab-grown diamonds with nearly identical grades to a natural one can be up to 30% cheaper.

"With our system, the cost to produce them is actually higher, but because we don't have any intermediaries, we can sell them at a lower price," explained Gervel.

The sparkling stones have even made their way to Paris' iconic Place Vendome, home to some of the world's oldest and finest jewelers. Courbet is the first of its kind in Paris's center of jewelry and luxury -- a store that exclusively sells lab diamonds.

"We wanted to show the way in ecological luxury," said Marie-Ann Wachtmeister, who co-founded Courbet in 2018.

Those in favor of lab-grown diamonds argue the stones are more environmentally friendly. According to a 2014 report from Frost & Suillivan, mined diamonds require twice as much energy per carat than those grown in a lab, and that about 125 pounds of carbon are released into the air for every mined carat.

Gervel estimates about 44 pounds of carbon are produced for every carat she creates.

Wachmeister says many of her clients are environmentally conscious.

"They care about the environment. They want a piece of jewelry they can look at and feel good about," she said.

The mining industry counters that lab-diamonds still take energy to produce.

"When a lab-created diamond is grown in the so-called CVD (chemical vapor deposition) process using 100% renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions are less than 1/10 of emissions from a low-carbon diamond mine -- this includes all upstream emissions in the lab-created diamond value chain," Pandora spokesperson Johan Melchior wrote in a statement.

But beyond the environmental debate, consumers are also growing increasingly mindful of where their stones of coming from, hoping to steer clear of so-called "conflict diamonds."

Progress has been made when it comes to working conditions in the mines, and thanks to initiatives like the Kimberly Process, meant to increase transparency and oversight in the diamond industry, the trade of conflict or "blood" diamonds has been reduced. But advocates say that human rights abuses are still rampant at many diamond mines.

Those in favor of mining, such as the Natural Diamond Council, argue the industry "employs tens of millions of people around the world and their families and communities depend on the income and welfare that the natural diamond industry provides."

"Shifting entirely to lab-grown diamonds essentially robs them of that opportunity for accessing the legal market," said Joanne Lebert, executive director of Impact, a nonprofit organization focused on trying to improve resource management in areas where human rights and security are at risk.

"If you if we shut the door on them, you're essentially condemning them to this vulnerability, human rights violations, poverty, et cetera, rather than being a solution in the sector," she said.

"This new emerging part of the industry is also creating a lot of new work opportunities. I'm not sure that in the long term these communities that are having work in the diamond mines are going to be sustained, because after 20 years the mine closes, and a lot of them are closing now," said Wachtmeister.

Just a few doors down from Courbet, jeweler Lorenz Baumer argues there's something irreplaceable about a natural diamond.

"You just happen to work with nature, which is really wonderful because it is full of surprises," Baumer said. "We're used to dealing with all sorts of interesting, different requests and making sure we find some special unusual stones. Sometimes the stone might even have a history."

Baumer currently only sells natural diamonds, yet he's not ruling out a future with lab-grown ones.

"If they're in line with my values, which are about excellence, beauty and authenticity, yes, why not?"

WASHINGTON — It was another week with another horrific mass shooting. In cities across the country, gun homicides were climbing. Democrats and Republicans argued over the causes. President Joe Biden said enough.

However, beneath the timeworn political cycle on guns in the United States, the country’s appetite for firearms has only been increasing, with more being bought by more Americans than ever before.

While gun sales have been climbing for decades — they often spike in election years and after high-profile crimes — Americans have been on an unusual, prolonged buying spree fueled by the coronavirus pandemic, the protests last summer and the fears they both stoked.

In March 2020, federal background checks, a rough proxy for purchases, topped 1 million in a week for the first time since the government began tracking them in 1998. And the buying continued, through the protests in the summer and the election in the fall, until a week this spring broke the record with 1.2 million background checks.

“There was a surge in purchasing unlike anything we’ve ever seen,” said Dr. Garen J. Wintemute, a gun researcher at the University of California, Davis. “Usually it slows down. But this just kept going.”

Not only were people who already had guns buying more, but people who had never owned one were buying them too. New preliminary data from Northeastern University and the Harvard Injury Control Research Center show that about one-fifth of all Americans who bought guns last year were first-time gun owners. And the data, which has not been previously released, showed that new owners were less likely than usual to be male and white. Half were women, one-fifth were Black and one-fifth were Hispanic.

In all, the data found that 39% of U.S. households own guns. That is up from 32% in 2016, according to the General Social Survey, a public opinion poll conducted by a research center at the University of Chicago. Researchers said it was too early to tell whether the uptick represents a reversal from the past 20 years, in which ownership was basically flat.

“Americans are in an arms race with themselves,” said Marqueece Harris-Dawson, who represents South Los Angeles, where the surge in gun violence has been particularly sharp, on the City Council. “There was just as much a run on guns as on toilet paper in the beginning of the pandemic.”

Now the gun debate is once again taking center stage, this time at a moment of hardening political division and deepening distrust. Sales usually spike around elections, but the sheer volume this time is notable. It also gives a worrying glimpse into the way that Americans view one another — as people they want to protect themselves from.

As the country’s major political parties move further apart, so does the legislation that flows from them — and like voting rights and abortion, guns are no exception. This month, Texas became the 20th state to pass legislation that says a permit is not required to carry a concealed handgun, according to Anne S. Teigen, an expert at the National Conference of State Legislatures. Illinois and the city of San Jose, California, where nine people were killed in a mass shooting this past week, are considering bills that would tax things like ammunition and certain types of guns.

There is no single reason for the surge, but social scientists point to many potential drivers.

“There is a breakdown in trust and a breakdown in a shared, common reality,” said Lilliana Mason, a political scientist at the University of Maryland who writes about political violence. “There is also all this social change, and social change is scary.”

Many gun store workers reported that last year set records for sales and also that they noticed different types of buyers walking in the door. Thomas Harris, a former law enforcement officer who works at the gun counter at Sportsman’s Warehouse in Roanoke, Virginia, said that around March 2020, the customers he would speak with began to include more white-collar workers, such as people from insurance firms and software companies. He said many of the buyers were not conservative, and most had never handled a gun.

“Outside of seeing something on TV or in a movie, they knew nothing about them,” he said, adding that they did not know how to load a gun or what a caliber was.

He said many of these apparent first-time buyers purchased more expensive guns, in the range of $400 or more. The purpose, he said, was not to carry the gun around in public but to keep it at home.

“They were saying, ‘We’re going to be locking down. We’re constrained to our homes. We want to keep safe.’”

The Northeastern and Harvard data come from a survey of 19,000 people conducted in April. Researchers found that about 6.5% of U.S. adults bought guns in 2020, or about 17 million people. That was up from 5.3% in 2019, said Dr. Matthew Miller, a professor of public health research at Northeastern, who conducted the study with Deborah Azrael, a researcher at Harvard. While about one-fifth of gun buyers last year were first-time buyers, the share was about the same in 2019, he said, suggesting that the trend did not start with the pandemic.

As for gun owners overall in 2021, he said, 63% were male, 73% were white, 10% were Black and 12% were Hispanic.

The pandemic accelerated a trend of rising gun sales. According to The Trace, a news outlet that tracks gun sales, purchases have been rising steadily over the past decade, with a jump around the beginning of 2013, after the Sandy Hook shooting. Sales did not change much under former President Donald Trump, but they exploded in 2020, up by 64% from the previous year. The single highest month last year was in June as protests swept across the country after the murder of George Floyd.

The pace has continued this year: Americans bought more than 2.3 million guns in January, the highest since July, according to The Trace. And overall in the first quarter, sales jumped 18%, compared to the first quarter of 2020, according to The Trace.

Daniel Nass, data and graphics editor at the organization, said that the raw numbers from the federal background check database include things like checks for concealed carry permits and that The Trace adjusts the numbers to strip that out.

The government does not track the number of guns sold in the United States. Even the federal background check data do not give a complete picture, as many sales are private. Estimates of the total number of guns in circulation range as high as 400 million.

But while research has shown that higher gun prevalence is associated with a higher rate of gun deaths — including suicide — the question of whether a sudden surge in gun sales prompts a corresponding rise in gun violence does not have a clear answer.

Wintemute, of the University of California, said he recently tried to find out. He analyzed federal background check data from January 2018 through the first months of the pandemic. His research showed that more violence happened in states where gun purchases were up the most — but that many factors were at play, including lockdowns and job loss, and that it was not clear that gun sales in particular were the driver.

Nevertheless, he said, the buying surge was worrying, given just how sharp the rise in homicides was last year, up by one-quarter, according to data from the FBI. An overwhelming majority of homicides in the United States are from guns. The jump has continued this year, up by about 18% in a sample of 37 cities in the first three months, compared to the same period last year. Historically, however, the rate is still far below the ones from the 1990s.

“We have just turned the corner into some really awful territory,” he said.

Homicides in Los Angeles rose 36% last year, and the city is seeing no letup in gun violence. Through mid-May, the number of shooting victims was up 68%, while the number of reported shots fired was up 56%.

Chief Michel Moore of the Los Angeles Police Department said it had recovered more than 3,000 guns through the end of April. He said that on average, officers in Los Angeles are recovering 25 guns per day and that gun arrests are up by 60% this year.

“The number of guns out there is just astonishing,” Moore said.

Gun control advocates argue that more weapons in circulation means more Americans dying from guns and that stronger regulations and gun buybacks would save lives. Gun rights advocates say restrictions end up obstructing law-abiding citizens and argue for more policing instead. Many Americans have expressed a hopelessness that the country will ever get a handle on the violence.

“There’s this fatalism,” said Dr. Mark Rosenberg, a public health researcher who helped establish the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We’re so stuck,” he said, describing the thinking. “We have so many guns.”

But Rosenberg and many public health researchers pushed back on that thinking, saying there are interventions that reduce gun violence while also protecting gun rights. In California, whose gun laws are some of the strongest in the country, the per capita gun death rate has actually gone down over the years. Violent gun death rates in the state dropped by about half from 1989 to 2019, said David Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, compared to a 13% drop for the nation.

Gary Kleck, a professor of criminology at Florida State University, said laws were often less effective than gun control advocates say. He said controls that targeted high-risk individuals, like mentally ill people, seemed to work better than those that sought to prevent young people from buying guns. Mass shootings, he said, were the least likely type of violence that laws would be effective against.

“Mass shooters in many cases are willing to die, working on a plan for weeks and months,” he said. “That’s the last person a law is going to stop. Gun control works with more casually motivated violence.”

Richard Rosenfeld, a criminologist at the University of Missouri in St. Louis, said the focus on the sheer number of guns was misplaced.

“The critical issue is not simply the increase in the supply of guns but in the nature of the weaponry that’s being used in violent crime, and that has really changed,” he said.

Police departments across the country are reporting seizures of more powerful automatic or semi-automatic-style guns with larger magazines, he said, weapons that have a much higher probability of killing because of how quickly the rounds can be fired. He said it is not uncommon for dozens of casings to be found at a crime scene./ The New York Times

Kuwait’s parliament enacted a bill on Friday that stipulates jail time and huge fines for anyone who trades with "Israel".

Five Kuwaiti MPs proposed a draft bill in this regard last week.

MPs  Adnan Abdulsamad, Hisham Al Saleh, Ali Al Qattan, Ahmad Al Hamad and Khalil Al Saleh proposed a measure that would prohibit any deals or normalization with "Israel".

The draft bill also attempted to prohibit any direct or indirect interaction with Israel, as well as any visit to Israel by Kuwaitis or expats living in the nation.

The bill also attempted to prohibit anyone from expressing sympathy for Israel.

Hundreds of Kuwaitis rallied in favor of Palestinians last week, burning an Israeli flag in protest of "Israel’s" shelling of Gaza, after officials allowed the gathering to take place despite coronavirus restrictions.

Gulf governments have denounced what they describe as "Israel’s" egregious breaches of Palestinian rights and demanded an end to hostilities./ agencies

A leading Muslim group in Austria said on Saturday it planned to file a lawsuit against the government of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz for unveiling the controversial "Islam map," according to Austrian media reports.

The Muslim Youth of Austria lambasted the government for publishing a “political Islam map,” identifying the location of mosques and associations around the country.

"The publication of all names, functions and addresses of Muslim institutions and institutions that have been read as Muslim represents an unprecedented crossing of borders," the group was quoted as saying.

Earlier, Integration Minister Susanne Raab launched an Internet website called the "National Map of Islam" with the names and locations of more than 620 mosques, associations, and officials and their possible connections abroad.

The group “Islamic Religious Community in Austria” (IGGOE), which represents the interests of Muslims in Austria, warned against stigmatizing all Muslims living in Austria "as a potential danger to society and the democratic legal order in the country."

This campaign is fueling racism and "exposes Muslim citizens to a massive security risk," the IGGOE added.

The Austrian chancellor has repeatedly lashed out at what he calls "political Islam."

According to the integration minister, the map was not aimed at "placing Muslims in general under suspicion."

The objective was "to fight political ideologies, not religion," she said.

Facing mounting racism in the aftermath of a deadly attack by Islamist militants in Vienna last November, Austria’s Muslim community is deeply concerned over government attempts to instrumentalize political Islam for its far-right political objectives.

Over 1.84 billion coronavirus vaccine shots have so far been given worldwide, figures compiled by Our World in Data, an online portal, showed on Saturday.

China leads the global count with 602.99 million jabs, followed by the US with 292.1 million, the data showed.

India has administered 203.17 million shots, Brazil 66.43 million, and the UK 63.35 million.

Germany has given some 49.26 million shots, France 34.94 million, Italy 33.56 million, and Mexico 29.24 million.

Turkey is ranked 10th on the list with more than 28.75 million, followed by Russia, Spain, Indonesia, and Canada.

The country with the most doses administered by population is the East African island nation of Seychelles, with 136.74 doses per 100 people.

Most COVID-19 vaccines are administered in two doses, so the number of shots given is not the same as the number of individuals fully vaccinated.

Since December 2019, the pandemic has claimed over 3.52 million lives in 192 countries and regions, with more than 169.57 million cases reported worldwide, according to figures compiled by the US’ Johns Hopkins University.

The US, India, and Brazil remain the worst-hit countries in terms of the number of infections and deaths./aa

Turkey’s foreign minister on Saturday called for collective efforts against xenophobia, racism, and Islamophobia.

Mevlut Cavusoglu’s remarks came in a message commemorating the victims of the deadly 1993 attack on a Turkish family by far-right extremists in the German city of Solingen.

“I commemorate five of our citizens who were murdered in the racist attack in #Solingen 28 years ago today,” he said on Twitter.

“Xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia are poisons that we must fight together.”

The house of the Turkish immigrant family in Solingen was set ablaze on May 29, 1993, by four far-right extremists aged between 16 and 23.

Three girls and two women were killed and 14 others injured, including several children, in the harrowing attack./aa

"I would spit in the faces of those responsible for the Srebrenica genocide," says Bosnian War survivor Mejra Djogaz.

Djogaz, who lost her husband and three sons in the war which led up to the genocide, is waiting for the final decision on Serb commander Ratko Mladic, also known as "The Butcher of Bosnia."

The final verdict against Mladic is scheduled for June 8 by the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague.

The 78-year-old former general was sentenced by the UN court to life imprisonment in 2017 for genocide in Srebrenica and crimes against humanity between 1992 and 1995.

Mladic was once Europe's most wanted man after his role in the Bosnian War from 1992-95.

Djogaz recalled her traumatic memories from the Bosnian War saying that she buried her husband and eldest son Zuhdija within a week in October 1992.

"I saw my husband at the old battery factory the last time. He had said we would all get out safely. He was right next to me. I wasn't afraid at all. Since my children are gone, since they're dead, I'll die too. Now, if they bring 10 people who did those evil deeds in front of me, I would spit in their faces, but I would not get my hands dirty."

"We didn't have a place to stay. We started staying in a makeshift house that we built on our own land when a strike destroyed the house we had temporarily taken shelter in," said Djogaz.

Djogaz said that Dutch soldiers placed her daughter and herself in the former battery factory used as a base for United Nations in Potocari in 1995.

"My two sons were alive at that time. We said goodbye to my sons by the river, we never saw each other again. My middle son Munib was 21, and the youngest Omer was 19 years old when they were killed," said Djogaz.

She said that they did not find out what happened to her sons until 2009.

"They said that they found the body of my son Omer in 2009. Munib's body was also found within a month. I went to Tuzla and gave the necessary approval for his burial. Munib's body was found in two mass graves, some of his bones were missing. I still wanted them to be buried. I wanted to at least have a grave to pray at," said Djogaz.

Djogaz returned to her village from the U.S in 2002 where she used to live with her family before the bloody war in Bosnia.

She now finds solace by offering prayers at the graves of Omer and Munib.

"I look at the sky, it is high, I look down, the soil is hard. I can neither go up or down," she said.

Srebrenica genocide

More than 8,300 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed after Bosnian Serb forces attacked the UN "safe area" of Srebrenica in July 1995, despite the presence of Dutch troops tasked with acting as international peacekeepers.

Srebrenica was besieged by Serb forces who were trying to wrest territory from Bosnian Muslims and Croats to form a state.

The UN Security Council declared Srebrenica a "safe area" in the spring of 1993. However, Serb troops led by Gen. Ratko Mladic, who was later found guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, overran the UN zone.

Dutch troops failed to act as Serb forces occupied the area, killing 2,000 men and boys on July 11.

About 15,000 Srebrenicans fled to the surrounding mountains, but Serb troops hunted down and killed 6,000 in the forests./aa

Four YPG/PKK terrorists, including one on Turkey’s wanted list, were neutralized by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) in an operation in northern Iraq, a security source said on Saturday.

The wanted terrorist was Selahattin Dede, codenamed Zagros, who was in the gray category of the Turkish Interior Ministry’s wanted list, said the source, requesting anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

Turkey’s wanted list is divided into five color-coded categories, with red as the most wanted, followed by blue, green, orange, and gray.

Dede was neutralized along with Mehmet Emin Alkas, codenamed Dilges, an Iranian national called Babek Ebdilselendeci, codenamed Dara Beritan, and another terrorist who is yet to be identified, according to the source.

The MIT closely monitored the group’s activities and found that the terrorists left Syria on May 19 to carry out an attack on Turkish forces in the Operation Pence-Simsek zone in northern Iraq, the source said.

An operation was launched against the group after it was confirmed that they were carrying a large number of weapons and explosives, the source added.

Dede was part of the YPG/PKK terror group for more than 10 years and was involved in various nefarious activities in the rural areas of Yuksekova district in Turkey’s southeastern Hakkari province between 2012 and 2015, according to the source.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US, and the EU – has been responsible for the deaths of at least 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants./aa


More than 120,000 people are currently displaced in Myanmar amid growing conflict between the Myanmar military and ethnic armed groups, according to a UN report released on Friday.

Fighting has particularly intensified in Kachin, Kayin, northern Shan, Chin, and Kayah states, resulting in the internal displacement of a total of 120,900 people since February, when the military ousted the elected civilian government and seized power, read the UNHCR report.

At least 85,900 people have been displaced in Myanmar’s southeast, 15,000 in the northern Shan state, and 20,000 more in Kachin and Chin states, the report said.

Thousands of people need humanitarian aid and “supplies urgently required by affected populations include essential medicines, first-aid kits, shelters, non-food items, foods, and hygiene and sanitation items,” it added.

‘75 people missing in Myanmar’

At least 75 people have gone missing in Myanmar since the Feb. 1 coup, according to a local monitoring group.

“These disappearances have occurred since the beginning of the coup … [as] the military … has consistently been perpetrating brutal crimes against civilians, including killings and torture, and disappearing dead bodies,” the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) said in a statement issued late on Friday.

“Of the 75 missing, AAPP can verify 23 are disappeared, a further 52 are believed disappeared with precise status to be confirmed.”

Some of the individuals went missing after raids on residences and hideouts, while others “are now missing after having been initially confirmed detained” by junta forces, read the statement.

The group said the military junta has “has done nothing to account for these missing persons” and has been “threatening civil society and oppressing civilians who raise the issue.”

As of Friday, Myanmar’s military junta has killed 833 people since grabbing power in February, with some 4,350 currently under detention, the AAPP said.

Pro-democracy protests erupted in Myanmar when the military overthrew civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government./aa

Protesters continue to defy the junta despite its lethal crackdown and use of brutal methods against civilians throughout the Southeast Asian country.

“Israel” should no longer be able to “get away with murder” and must be held accountable for the crimes it has committed over the past 75 years, not just the last two weeks, according to Irish parliamentarian Gino Kenny.

“(Israel) needs to be answerable for the crimes that they committed, and not only in the last two weeks, for the last 75 years. They have to face accountability because “Israelis” literally get away with murder,” the Irish politician known for his pro-Palestine views said in an interview with Anadolu Agency.

He hailed Ireland’s stance on the Palestine issue, which recently passed a resolution making it the first EU country to define “Israel’s” actions in the occupied Palestinian territories as “de facto annexation.”

“Now, we all know that this has gone on for decades, annexation and occupation. So, it’s welcomed that the government has stated that this is a policy of “Israel”,” Kenny said.

He stressed that there is immense support for Palestinians and their right to self-determination in Ireland.

“Obviously, the Palestinian issue has always been very close to the heart of most our people; we understand what they’re going through when we, on a daily and a weekly basis, we see kind of the brutality,” the lawmaker said.

“Palestinians have every right to resist the occupation. This is nothing new.”

Calling for more European countries to follow Ireland’s example, he slammed the EU for its silence over “Israel’s” brutality against Palestinians, in contrast to the furor raised by the bloc over the Ryanair incident involving Belarus.

“[...] The European Union is literally [a group of] toothless and spineless cowards,” he said.

Kenny also outlined the steps he believes the international community should take over the aggression carried out by the “apartheid state” of “Israel”, pointing to the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement as a particularly effective tool.

He emphasized the need for immediate action against Israel, saying that the time for words has passed and “those who do not act will be complicit in the occupation.”

At least 288 Palestinians were killed in “Israel’s” recent attacks on the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, including 69 children and 40 women, with more than 8,900 others injured, according to official Palestinian figures.

An Egyptian-brokered truce that took effect in the early hours of May 21 ended “Israel’s” 11-day aerial onslaught on the Gaza Strip, which has left behind a trail of death and destruction in the besieged Palestinian territory.

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