Prayer always comes at the forefront of acts of worship, as it reflects the highest degrees of faith and submission. It is a connection between the servant and Allah, purifying the soul, refining the spirit, and cleansing the heart of worldly distractions. It distinguishes believers from disbelievers and is the first matter a servant will be questioned about on the Day of Resurrection. Allah has placed immense virtues and benefits in every movement and stillness of prayer, both in this world and the Hereafter, for individuals and nations. These benefits even extend to the physical health and strength of a person.
Rukūʿ (bowing) is one of the most important pillars of prayer that distinguishes Muslims’ prayers from others. It is as significant as sujūd (prostration), with both symbolizing submission and humility before Allah the Almighty. In rukūʿ, the servant bows with their stature, feeling their humility and insignificance combined with their love and reverence before their Creator. Allah has specifically praised the act of rukūʿ, commending His servants who perform it and granting them the status of being allies of Allah and His Messenger. Allah says, “Your ally is none but Allah and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed – those who establish prayer and give zakah, and they bow [in worship].” (Al-Ma’idah: 55) Additionally, Allah praised the companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and commanded the Jews to follow them, saying, “And bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].” (Al-Baqarah: 43)
Allah also made rukūʿ a reason for accepting the repentance of the Children of Israel: “And enter the gate bowing humbly and say, ‘Relieve us of our burdens,’ We will [then] forgive your sins for you.” (Al-Baqarah: 58) Ibn Abbas and others interpreted this as entering the gate in a state of rukūʿ, bowing in submission and asking Allah to forgive their sins. (1)
On the other hand, Allah condemned those who refuse to bow and threatened to disgrace them on the Day of Resurrection before all creation. Allah says, “And when it is said to them, ‘Bow [in prayer],’ they do not bow. Woe, that Day, to the deniers. Then in what statement after the Qur'an will they believe?” (Al-Mursalat: 48-50)
Moreover, Allah promised success and prosperity in the Hereafter for those who perform rukūʿ. “You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. ... Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.” (Al-Fath: 29)
From this, it becomes clear that among the spiritual benefits of rukūʿ for a Muslim is fulfilling servitude and submission to Allah alone. A servant bows only to their Lord and Creator, demonstrating servitude exclusively to Him. This distinguishes a Muslim from those who associate partners with Allah. Additionally, perfecting rukūʿ with humility and tranquility expiates sins. As narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar that he heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say: “When the servant stands to pray all his sins are taken and are placed on his head and shoulders. Every time he bows or prostrates the sins fall away from him.” (Sahih al-Jami')
Umm Hani’ said that the Prophet entered her house on the day of the Conquest of Mecca, bathed and prayed eight rak'as, adding, “I never saw a shorter prayer than it, except that he performed the bowing and the prostration completely.” In another version she said, “That was in the forenoon.” (Agreed Upon) Commenting on this, Al-Mulla Ali Al-Qari mentioned in Mirqat Al-Mafatih: It indicates the emphasis on tranquility during rukūʿ (bowing) and sujūd (prostration), as the Prophet (peace be upon him) lightened the other parts of the prayer, such as standing, recitation, and tashahhud, but did not lighten the tranquility in rukūʿ and sujūd.
This highlights the significance of rukūʿ and sujūd in the acceptance of prayer. Allah loves those who bow and prostrate. Therefore, He commanded Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to purify the Sacred House for them: “And purify My House for those who perform tawaf and those who stand [in prayer] and those who bow and prostrate.” (Al-Hajj: 26)
If this is the effect of rukūʿ on an individual, it also bears fruits for the Muslim community when they collectively give rukūʿ its due right, for the frequent command to bow in the Qur’an is often directed at groups: “And bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].” “And prostrate and bow with those who bow [in prayer].” “O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord.”
This encourages Muslims to perform prayers in congregation, fostering unity and solidarity among them, while also urging the flourishing of Allah’s houses through prayer and remembrance. Furthermore, rukūʿ in prayer is a unique act that Allah has specifically granted the Muslim Ummah alone. Some scholars said in the tafsir of this ayah “And bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].” Rukūʿ was specifically mentioned because it was not part of the prayer of the Children of Israel! (2)
Not to mention that Allah also mentioned rukūʿ as one of nine qualities of the believers: “[Such believers are] the repentant, the worshippers, the praisers [of Allah], the travelers [for His cause], those who bow and prostrate [in prayer], those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and those who observe the limits [set by] Allah. And give good tidings to the believers.” (At-Tawbah: 112)
In His divine wisdom, Allah has incorporated tremendous health benefits into rukūʿ, making it a mercy for His servants who diligently perform it. Islam Gamal, in his book “I Missed Prayer,” mentions a specialized study on the movements of Islamic prayer, including standing, rukūʿ, and sujūd, revealing significant positive effects on human health. Specifically, the position of rukūʿ enhances the flexibility of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the back, reducing the likelihood of lower back pain and disc herniation. The movements of prayer have even been adopted by physical therapy and fitness centers in Western countries as part of therapeutic and fitness programs due to their numerous health benefits.
The study also found that repeating rukūʿ and sujūd multiple times a day improves and regulates the body’s biological processes. It benefits various muscles, including those of the face, eyes, stomach, and intestines. Furthermore, prayer serves as a daily exercise that enhances general fitness, supports overall physical health, prevents chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, and improves the body's ability to cope with daily physical stress.
Tafsir Modoee Encyclopedia.
Islam Web.
The Book of “I Missed a Prayer” by Islam Gamal.