A true believer's creed is built upon knowledge of Allah's Most Beautiful Names and Supreme Attributes. The believer contemplates these names with a reflective mind and a reverent heart. One of the key foundations of this creed is identifying what is affirmed and what is denied for Allah. This understanding elevates the believer to the highest levels of monotheism, attributing to Allah all attributes of perfection and majesty befitting His greatness while absolving Him of all deficiencies and flaws.
Affirmed Attributions for Allah
Taking a Khalil (Intimate Friend)
Allah, the Most High, took Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) as an intimate friend, which is a distinguished status indicating supreme love and special favor. Allah said, “And Allah took Abraham as an intimate friend.” (An-Nisa: 125) Ibrahim (peace be upon him) achieved this high status, which is the pinnacle of love, due to his abundant acts of obedience, adherence to Allah’s commands, and avoidance of His prohibitions.
This ayah indicates Allah's selection of Ibrahim as His intimate friend and underscores the obligation to follow his creed. Since Ibrahim held this exalted position before Allah as His chosen friend, it is befitting that his creed and path be followed. Allah bestowed upon Ibrahim a pure nature, correct belief, sound reasoning, spiritual purity, perfect knowledge of Allah, resolute determination, and high ambition in opposing idolatry and polytheism. He became one of the messengers of Ulul Azm (with strong heart and patience), the intimate friend of Allah, and the enemy of Shaitan. (1)
Thus, Allah tested Ibrahim with a trial unlike any other, given his elevated status and honor. Ibn Al-Qayyim said: “Since intimate friendship is a rank that does not accept sharing, Allah the Almighty tested Ibrahim with the command to sacrifice his son, as the son had occupied a part of Ibrahim’s heart. Allah intended to purify that part solely for Him. The test was not about physically slaughtering the son but removing him from the heart. When they both submitted to Allah's command, and Ibrahim placed Allah's love above love for his son, the rank of intimacy was fully established, and the son was ransomed with a great sacrifice.” (2)
This distinguished status was not exclusive to Ibrahim, as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) shared it. Jundub ibn Abdullah Al-Bajali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) say: 'Allah has taken me as His friend, as he took Ibrahim as His friend.'” (Sahih Muslim)
2- Taking Martyrs
Martyrdom is a high rank and a great privilege granted by Allah to whomever He chooses among His servants. Allah confirmed its greatness through this ayah: “And so that Allah may make evident those who believe and [may] take to Himself from among you martyrs.” (Aal Imran: 140)
The martyr is one who is killed in the path of Allah from among the believers. It has been said that the martyr is called so because Allah bears witness to his place in Paradise. Due to their immense virtue, Allah takes martyrs, which implies drawing them closer to His side as a mark of distinction and elevation of their rank. (3)
Allah calls upon martyrs for a practical demonstration of the testimony that none is worthy of worship except Allah. They affirm that the revelation they received from Him is the truth, and they believed in it, elevating His word by sacrificing everything for it. Their jihad involves establishing truth, eradicating falsehood from people's lives, and implementing Allah’s guidance on earth. This also entails exclusively following Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and not relying on any other source for guidance.
Denied Attributions for Allah
1- Taking a Wife
“There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” (Ash-Shura: 11) Allah, the Most High, is far from any resemblance to His creation. He has negated taking a wife for Himself. He said, “And [it teaches] that exalted is the nobleness of our Lord; He has not taken a wife or a son.” (Al-Jinn: 3)
At-Tabari said in his commentary of this ayah: “The meaning is that His majesty, dominion, and immense power are so great that He does not need a wife or a son. A wife is only sought by someone weak and needy, driven by desire. A son results from a compelling desire that necessitates procreation.” (4) Allah is far above all of this. Blessed and exalted He beyond all imperfections
2- Taking a Son
Many polytheists, Jews, and Christians have falsely attributed offspring to Allah. They claimed that Christ is the son of Allah, Uzair is the son of Allah, and the angels are the daughters of Allah! Allah is far above their fabrications and false interpretations. “Allah is exalted beyond taking a son, as He is free from need. Taking a son implies dependence, but Allah is self-sufficient and in need of no one. Whatever He wills, He brings into existence merely by willing it, not through a son or any intermediary.” (5)
Allah said, “And it is not appropriate for the Most Merciful that He should take a son.” (Maryam: 92) Al-Qurtubi commented on this ayah: “He is self-sufficient and in need of no one. He is the Sovereign, and everything else is His possession. He is the Ever-Living who does not die. He is the Inheritor who remains. Exalted and glorified is our Lord beyond all that.” (6)
3- Taking a Supporter or Helper
Allah has also negated taking any supporter or helper. He said: “I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth or to the creation of themselves, and I would not have taken the misguiders as assistants.” (Al-Kahf: 51) Allah the Almighty negates seeking assistance from devils or disbelievers in the act of creation. He did not involve them or make them witness the creation of even a part of themselves. Allah created everything independently without need for any helper or supporter. “If they were not partners in creation, why do you then take them as partners in worship? The right to be worshipped follows from the act of creation.” (7)
Allah also said, “And they do not have therein any partnership [with Him], nor is there for Him from among them any assistant.” (Saba: 22)
This means that Allah has no helper in creating anything. Allah is the sole Creator and thus the only One worthy of worship. The “partner” refers to someone who provides assistance and support, but no one assists or supports Allah. They are all His subjugated servants, under His majesty and power. (8)
Whoever attributes to Allah what does not befit His supreme attributes has associated others with Him, affirming for Allah what is unbefitting for His perfect and majestic qualities.
- Tafsir Modoee Encyclopedia.
- Al-Kashaf, Al-Zamakhshari, 1/569.
- Rawdat Al-Muhibbeen, 1/48.
- Al-Jami' li-Ahkam Al-Qur'an, Al-Qurtubi, 4/218.
- Jami' Al-Bayan, 9/330.
- Tafsir Al-Karim Al-Rahman, Al-Sa'di, p. 493.
- Al-Jami' li-Ahkam Al-Qur'an, Al-Qurtubi, 11/158.
- Mahamis Al-Ta'weel, Al-Qasimi, 7/42.
- Al-Jami' li-Ahkam Al-Qur'an, Al-Qurtubi, 14/295.