Ummah's Enduring Unity

By Zahra Suleiman Oshen December 11, 2024 2767

Uniting is essential in human nature; life cannot be sustained without it, as humans are inherently social beings.

People are united by many factors, including race, kinship and lineage, thought, belief, homeland, neighborhood, work, and interests.

Undoubtedly, all these unifying factors relate to the concept of belonging and its various dimensions, whether racial, spatial, temporal, religious, intellectual, or practical.

Islam considers the human reality and does not reject multiple and diverse affiliations, except when they lead to injustice and transgression of Allah's limits or turn into vile fanaticism or arrogant racism.

Given the importance of the community in the life of the individual and the Ummah, this religion sets higher standards and a broader, more trustworthy umbrella among its members.

It brings them together in their connection to Allah and their adherence to His straight path. Islam becomes the unifying factor that they should rally around, away from racial fanaticism, material ties, and self-serving interests.

All those relationships that belong to earthly matters end with the disappearance of the temporary goals that their holders seek to achieve. In the end, they turn the individual into a mere number or object within those circles, which can sacrifice him if their interests conflict with his. The racial, regional, or tribal dimension may also overflow, becoming a destructive factor for society.

For all these reasons, Islam has made religion the basis for the unity of the Ummah and the gathering of its members. It is the true spirit of belonging to Allah's method and His messengers.

This deep and broad affiliation simultaneously transcends time and extends into spatial dimensions. Believers in all corners of the earth become brothers in Allah, surpassing geography and borders, politics and economy, language and race, environment and circumstances.

This affiliation also transcends the boundaries of time, deeply connected to the messages of all prophets, the standard-bearers of the one divine method. All of them drank from the same source and quenched their thirst from the same light. Their call is based on monotheism and unity, noble morals, and just legislation. From Adam to the final Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them), they followed one another on the great path of Islam. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) spoke the truth when he said, “We, the prophets, our faith is one; the prophets are paternal brothers,” and their followers, no matter how far apart their times, are united by the religion of Allah and the method of Allah and His messengers.

The noble ayah that provides profound insights with a brief statement and few words on this expansive meaning of the unity of the Ummah is Allah's saying: “Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me.” (Al-Anbiya: 92), and He said, “And indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so fear Me.” (Al-Muminun: 52)

Here is a brief reflection on these two ayahs:

  • Both ayahs begin with “indeed” and the nominal sentence, indicating permanence and stability. This holds clear implications for those with understanding, pointing to the depth, continuity, and connection of the meaning.
  • The address is directed to the messengers and their followers, implying both honor and responsibility. They are honored by Allah's direct address and tasked with understanding the implications of this divine, honorable address and striving to fulfill Allah's intent in adhering to His religion and uniting under His method.
  • When tracing the meanings of the word “Ummah” (nation) in the context of these two ayahs through the books of tafsir, we find it revolves around meanings of religion, method, and Shariah. The intended meaning of “Ummah” here is the Shariah and religion revealed by Allah to His prophets and messengers. Allah addresses His messengers and their followers, affirming that their Shariah is one, not differing in its foundational aspects related to beliefs, acts of worship, and dealings, even if the minor rulings vary. This indicates that the religion of the prophets is one, that they all drank from the same source, and walked on the path of Allah and His straight way.
  • At the conclusion of the two ayahs, we can infer three profound meanings: first, that the reason for adhering to this straight religion is our Lord, the Sustainer, who has meanings of nurturing, purification, and care, providing us with shadows of compassion, comfort, and closeness; second, that this straight method is based on monotheism, keeping the Muslim away from all forms of associating partners with Allah and slavery to others that bind him with the chains of illusion, incapacity, and humiliation; third, that Muslims, followers of the messengers in every time and place, are expected to understand these great meanings, realize true servitude, and pursue the paths of piety to attain great success in this world and the Hereafter.

The two noble ayahs came in the Surahs “Al-Anbiya” (The Prophets) and “Al-Muminun” (The Believers) after discussions of the prophets and aspects of their journeys in the field of da’wah (calling to Allah) and their striving in it. This beautifully aligns the two ayahs within their Surahs, reflecting harmony with the context and emphasizing the deep continuity and remarkable coherence among the prophets, the bearers of the straight method that calls for monotheism, noble morals, unity, and the rejection of division.

In conclusion, some practical applications must be emphasized to translate their meanings from theory to practice, from words to deeds, which I will summarize as follows:

  • Demonstrating pride in this religion in all aspects of our lives.
  • Avoiding all forms of pre-Islamic fanaticism and its various types.
  • Islam is the unifying factor for this Ummah, encompassing its linguistic, racial, and national diversity.
  • Striving to create intellectual and emotional closeness among the Ummah's members, starting with fostering cooperation between its elites, institutions, and states.
  • As individuals and groups, we must play a role in supporting and assisting our oppressed and weak Muslim brothers and sisters around the world, as this embodies our being members of one Ummah and realizes the meanings of faith-based brotherhood.
  • Strengthening the sense of belonging to the one Ummah by implementing Allah’s Shariah, following His method, embodying His morals, and spreading His values worldwide. All of this achieves the true meaning of belonging to this united Ummah and restores its position in the human scene, achieving revival and presence, giving and radiance.



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