Palestine will not be a national home for the Jews…
And there will be no national homeland for the Jews in Palestine…
The issue of Palestine is no longer hidden from anyone; the air is filled with the noise of wireless waves carrying news of Palestine and its updates. Its revolution has become a topic of conversation among people in their communities, clubs, and gatherings. They are impressed by it, surrounding their admiration with compassion and empathy.
People are telling one another: Have you not seen how the Arabs of Palestine have found the path of life and carved it out?
They have performed miracles in their revival, set the highest example in sacrifice, and knocked on the door of freedom with bloodied hands. They have proclaimed their anger against the mandate policy through a comprehensive general strike and unrest, which have lasted nearly six months, during which they have halted their work and interests, rising in the name of a just humanitarian cause—the cause of defending their identity.
They are resentful towards those who wish to humiliate and subjugate them, determined to continue their struggle until God establishes the truth and until Britain retracts its intentions toward their land.
The Palestinian cause has drawn the world's attention, and Muslims have shown their compassion while Arabs have offered their support. Their hearts are filled with pain over what has befallen the Arabs of the Holy Land. They have united, enraged on their behalf, advocating for justice and assistance. They have pledged to safeguard and maintain Palestine, strengthening ties between it and the surrounding countries. The bonds have tightened, and the ties have woven together, as Arab kings, princes, and Muslim leaders have committed to the Palestinian cause, promising to lift the oppression placed upon it and to guarantee its Arab identity while defending it against any aggression toward its sanctities. This commitment has lifted Palestine out of its narrow confines into the Arab world, thus becoming part of the greater Arab cause and a factor in peace in the Arab East.
This is the first fruit that Palestine has reaped from its revolution and its righteous anger. This revolution would not have borne such fruits were it not for two characteristics that distinguished it from other revolutions:
First, it is comprehensive, as all classes participated according to their areas of expertise. The time has not come to provide details, and without this characteristic, the Palestinian movement would not be as powerful, determined, and resolute as it is.
Second, it is elevated, and this characteristic is what gave the revolution its grandeur, dignity, and sanctity, making it a subject of admiration among peoples and a point of wonder. Souls have ascended, moving away from personal desires and goals, embracing the principles of the sacred revolution. An Arab in Palestine elevates himself and rises to the heights; he finds himself in an atmosphere of spirituality, removing hatred from hearts and fostering harmony instead of conflict, spreading the banners of affection, love, and the desire for cooperation among people.
He sees in the sky of his homeland only the spirits of the companions, the truthful, and the martyrs, and on the land of his homeland, he sees only the blood of these [martyrs] scattered among the particles of dust. The Arabs in Palestine today are different from those of yesterday; they are preoccupied with loyalty and love for their homeland, capturing the world's attention with their preoccupations and declaring unequivocally to future generations, with no ambiguity or distortion:
Palestine will not be a national home for the Jews…
And there will be no national homeland for the Jews in Palestine…